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Are we the controlled opposition? Anonymous 04/28/2020 (Tue) 19:41:04 Id: 37b8df No. 23
I heard this phrase from my teacher once: >whenever in life something has sides, remember there's only two choices: right and wrong, black and white, good and evil. Don't let the man mide borders distract you. I wonder, where we stand? Does it come down to individual? What if while fighting jews nazis and cia we fullfill the plan of the actual evil overloards? What if they want us to fight each other? I know that there's so much wrong with kikes and how they destroy our values, but can we ever step aside to think if this is actually profitable to someone or something? We shall continue to stand for our values, namely the truth and taking people at the face value. The real /pol/ knows this. It's not all the shitskins, it's the majority. That's why we never were racists. We stand for the truth. We don't care about the feelings. If we have to die for our values, we will. That's not radical, that's because we live in a civilization and have to fullfill our role. That being said while we fight our enemies, we must be aware that ther might be someone, that benifits greatly from that. That would be like the super jew: the jew of jews. What do you think about this? Let's debate, because that's the only way we can find out the truth.
I think it's good to be wary of being manipulated and becoming a proxy for someone else's agenda. I think if you have that self awareness you're on the right track to not being manipulated and being free.
When you gleefully accepted that your wallpaper being jewish was relevant to the greater problems of the world, you became controlled opposition.
>>23 In the U.S.A. teachers are agents for the enemy my man.
Literally fallacious thinking. Also called a false binary, either/or, false dichotomy, etc. You force people to choose between shit and shittier and never give them the an option that was constructive. That's why "principles" are bullshit in the real world and why conservatives always lose. Practicality always beats principles.
>>73 >You force people to choose between shit and shittier left vs. right left=marxist (designed by jews) right=zionism (designed by jews) both=white genocide
We are not; so long as we stay as vigilant as we possibly can.
>>23 >Does it come down to individual? It comes down to what you're goals are. >What if while fighting jews nazis and cia we fullfill the plan of the actual evil overloards? That's always going be the case, how you deal with it is that is by figuring out which is the more immediate threat and work your way down while thinking in the long term. >What if they want us to fight each other? One thing you have to remember is no one can make someone do something they don't want to do. Sure, they can provide incentives as a reason, but you're the one who decides what you want to do at the end of the day. >I know that there's so much wrong with kikes and how they destroy our values, but can we ever step aside to think if this is actually profitable to someone or something? Yes. What's the point? >What do you think about this? I think you're thinking too highly of a board who's purpose is to just shitpost about anything and everything political because people are bored and it's funny.
Anyone who still likes alt-right ecelebs such as Mike, Striker, and Richard Spencer is a part of the controlled opposition.
>>73 I thought the point was >Don't let the man m[a]de borders distract you. That is, we're not picking sides; we're picking the correct option. In lumpen-politics that might be: A: vote for either wing of the uniparty, or B: [insert tremendously clever and effectual voting strategy here] >>23 Basically, "what if there were some completely unknown entity playing 5d chess?" to which one could link the occam's razor wikipedia article. But, supposing there were, what would you do about it? Donate to the ADL? >>364 Probably part of leftypol at this point.
>>364 >(((alt-right))) absolutely fucking this. im so sick of those controlled op faggots
>>23 >>whenever in life something has sides, remember there's only two choices: right and wrong, black and white, good and evil. Don't let the man mide borders distract you. whoever told you this is fucking stupid and hasn't grown up. theres no such thing as good or evil in this world, there are only tradeoffs.
>>364 >t. 5 fucking years ago Any retard that bought into Spencer then is still a retard now.
>>73 I think you greatly underestimate the value of principles, namely, the sturdiness and strength they provide to the people who hold them. If cheating were the shortcuts to life, the counter opposite would be the big poop bomb that disfails you forwards later.
>>29 That is so fucking true
>>369 THIS Looks like I've found home boys. What's up!!!!
I am happy, Fuckers
>>23 Hitler at one point in time was controlled opposition, but his mind was changed.
>>23 the way you talk makes me think that you are already the controlled opposition, throwing around words like Nazi, enemies and truth, that fucking word gets thrown around so much it's lost meaning you don't fucking have enemies, you have people that oppose your beliefs and values, and it's been drilled into us that it's no longer acceptable or perhaps even necessary to tolerate other peoples opinions that don't align with our own. everyone wants to fight for their own version of the 'truth' and no one has a single fucking clue what the actual truth is, also that phrase from your teacher is dumb as fuck, not everything is so easy to be black and white or right and wrong, there is more often then not a grey area, but people don't want to meet there. this whole "we stand for the truth and we don't care about the feelings" mindset is a plague on society, you have no single fucking clue what the real truth is and neither do the people you fight with
>>23 as far as i know there are only two places on the whole internet that are not controlled oposition, of course im not telling which ones are
>Are we the controlled opposition? No, that's the left, at least for the US. Ever wondered why they suddenly stopped talking about the 1%? Why they burn away decades of trust and goodwill to help megacorps and giant industries? Why they have so little voices speaking against consumerism despite having lots of voices concerned about climate change? Why they don't touch at will employment, not even with a mile long stick? >I wonder, where we stand? On the internet, bitching. >What if they want us to fight each other? Does it matter? We're going to fight and flame over retarded internet arguments no matter what. >We stand for the truth. LOL
>>23 >Are we the controlled opposition? yeah and I'd go into how but I don't want to get picked up
>>828 anon they just wanna cuddle
>That being said while we fight our enemies, we must be aware that ther might be someone, that benifits greatly from that. Yes. 'Might' is an understatement. People (left, right and center politics) will abuse everyone here for political or commercial purposes. Not just MSM, but the heavily biased alternatives many 4/pol/ users tend to flock to also. I got sent a propaganda newspaper recently that was about quote "The China Virus" and every single article was phrased in an anti-China way. I am not pro-China whatsoever but this was clearly propaganda. Interestingly, the publication came out of my city's Chinatown and the writers and legal registrars were Chinese. The truth is, it was founded 20 years ago by a chinese businessman for personal political gain. Media is so often abused to create monetizated emotion to. Its not just MSN/social-media and people forget that. Its amazing how easy people are manipulated when they believe they arent. I had a /pol/anon confidently tell me crimes statistics about niggers overrepresentation that were off by over 60% and that "any study will prove it". Even adjusted for population it was still just as ludicrously inaccurate. It's insane how many Americans especially don't know how basic sourcing and stats interpretation work and that is frequently abused to reinforce confirmation bias.
>>817 >>No, that's the left, at least for the US. Look at this superiority complex. Your type is the prime target for propaganda, the "We're immune" self-assured type that leaves themselves vulnerable.
>>817 >Ever wondered why they suddenly stopped talking about the 1%? Bernie Sanders voters still havent stopped
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>>23 >Are we the controlled opposition? I can't even control myself! How are der juden supposed to manage it?
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>>438 Welcome, leddit.
>>25 That hasn't stopped constant harrasment and restraint from opposing sides. Fucking cannibals eating each other.
>>21446 obvious slide is obvious

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