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4chan bans speech Anonymous 10/03/2024 (Thu) 13:58:47 Id: 8e3bd0 No. 21868
So 4chan did the unthinkable and banned people for saying "nigger" and "faggot" (and "tranny" but who cares about them amirite, they're irrelevant trash now). Just on the eve of the election and Israeli strikes in Lebanon/Gaza? Hmm. I guess they need a scapegoat to crack down on protests and speech in real life while they rig the election and commit actual genocide (of arabs and white people).
wtf it's real
>>21868 wew lad
>>21868 4chan is kill I lost several mumtiparagraph effort posts because of the gay cuckchan mods new filter First post on this site, idfk where I'm even at! This surely isn't doublechan, who runs this shit? Is this /pol/ ran by the site admins or just some guy that created the oil name first?
Yes. 4 is under legal threats because of the buffalo shooter. They anchor threads, let shills spam the site, and the jannies aren't trustworthy or probably glowae. What broke the camels back was covid, where it was one of the driving hubs of narrative shifts that went across the world and local governments began to take notice. I know pol-is-dead is a millhouse meme spammed by these people, but it has certainly changed since past iterations and it not a comfy circle of people just to dick around with and immerse yourself in anymore
>>21880 4 is also 90% bots that have 4chan passes, and pointing out that the bots and shills are the ones with passes will get you banned
>>21868 wanna raid 4chan?
They just added email verification to /pol/
>>21907 Yeah that was the point it's really "dead" in my view, there's no way anyone is waiting 15 minutes to post, I imagine they want it down to prevent riots in the event they rig the vote again, I expect it will cause people to be actually violent instead
>>21910 There's no reason why any legitimate user would be posting on /pol/ with a completely new IP.
>>21868 4chan hid the unique poster count back in early March due to GamerGate 2.0 astroturfing
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Hey, I got kicked out of my last place and I'm tired of going back just to get kicked out again. They dont get me anymore. Can I crash here for a little bit?
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I had chudpol in summer but for now it is closed. I am sorry, you can come in there later when it is back running. also, 4chan has always banned for racism even back that era.
>>22178 No, it did not. Fuck off newfag. Hell even snacks used to say nigger.
they've also put a 900 second delay for anons without a 4chan pass.

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