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The serious problems of Korean women. Anonymous 08/22/2024 (Thu) 14:03:03 Id: c4fadd No. 21645
- initial pregnancy age -> 32.3 - first marriage age->31.3 - birthrate -> the least in the world 0.77 per a Korean bitch - whores rate -> the 2nd largest , at least 20 percent per korean women , the 1st largest : Venezuela <= the nation's system collapsed - not working women: the largest among OECD countries - divorce rate : the 1st largest in Asia - abortion rate: over 3000 case, approximately 2 million annually - STD : 1st in the world , 81% women experienced. the only country that women excel to men's STD rate - plastic surgery: the 1st in the world - unmarried women rate over 30 : 1st in the world 42.5% - hysterectomy : 1st in the world due to uterine myoma - paternal discrepancy : 1st in the world <overwhelming!> 40.05% - false accusations in regards to sexual abusement 1st in the world ministry which give advantages to female and male persecution - censorship parallel to China to suppress Male existence - sole compulsory military service (male only) - even the disabled male can't exempt the military services
>>21645 >run by secret cabal of power women >women destroy their society by giving themselves all rights and privileges without any responsibility Anon most men aren't fit too rule, almost no women is. Jewish men have extremely feminine outlooks on life. Civilization is masculine. It cannot be maintained by women it shouldn't be a surprise.

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