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the ten commandments of the internet post-2016 Anonymous 05/17/2020 (Sun) 04:30:18 Id: 87a6fb No. 215
1. Mental illness begets mental illness. 2. The "incels" know more about your behaviour and nature than even you do 3. Calling someone an incel is forfeiting the argument. The person calling someone an incel are now to be considered a retard. 4. Referring to dissidents as trolls imply you're a bitch 5. Any man with explicit liberal views on the internet is known as a bitch, and will be always known as a bitch. 6. Those who seem like Chads on the internet are actually fucking losers in real life. Those who seem like whiney losers on the internet are actually Chads in real life. 7. Until proven otherwise, anyone who shittalks one's physique is known as 5'2 and is a lanklet/lardass. 8. There are no women on the internet. If they show off their body, they are a whore and should be called such. If they refuse to show themselves, they are a tranny. 9. It was da jooz no matter how much you joke about it. 10. Jannies can suck my balls.
>>215 ahmen brother
The intent is nice but you're posting on a version of /pol where "lolis are free speech" and "ponies scare the feds". This is relevant but misplaced. Also, no mention of autists. Could throw a reference to the kybalion in there as well. Probably on the 'Lost 10', the tablet moses dropped on his way down from the mountain. Associated connotation intentional. A shattered and lost 10 commandments, 11 - 20, by simple error and a steep journey down from up high, knowledge lost in transport.
>>215 There should be one more: There isnt thing as too stupid in internet. Or no mater how idotic act, there will be somebody who would do it.
>>219 lmao if you want it so bad make it yourself. I ain't stopping you.
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Number 3 sounds like a version of Godwin's Law
>>235 Interesting. I mean incels is something only used in certain groups, so it more or less castrates the ability of certain groups to win arguments. godwin's law is just observation, the intent of that rule is - if the commandments spread - to basically kill off the trend that "muh incels r ebil"
>>215 >>219 11. the flag is a lie, I could be anywhere I could be in this country
>>237 >>237 or I could be in this country and you wouldn't even know
>>238 fuck wrong one
>>239 Why does My flag say Japan? I thought I t closed my VPN
I am a faggot, apparently I was hiding under different Proxies. Sorry for fagging this thread.
>>241 you fucking nigger faggot
there are no rules bitch
you failed rule #10 you colossal newfag: op is always a faggot.
>>420 Well, of course OP is a faggot, the OP is a leaf.
Quit yer bellyaching and #MAGA you fucker
>>219 >/pol
>6. Those who seem like Chads on the internet are actually fucking losers in real life. Those who seem like whiney losers on the internet are actually Chads in real life. You didn't think this through at all.
>>237 >>238 >>240 Because you'll always be a lightbulb of chinese angler fish together with your korean brothers.

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