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Instructions on how to spot fake posts on 4chan Anonymous 08/09/2024 (Fri) 07:45:08 Id: 3c26ec No. 21426
I was reading this thread on 4chan. Does anyone have these instructions? https://boards.4chan(Please use archive.today)/pol/thread/477567893/pol-you-are-absolutely-pathetic >>477572700 "Also 90% of the responses are not humans. I saw that in a thread once too. The picture posted by op had specific instructions about how to respond and only about 3 people did it. The rest were not humans answering because they couldn’t grasp the instructions."
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The most general and useful advice I can give you is to make yourself familiar with disinfo tactics. A primer on COINTELPRO shill tactics used to be a sticky on fullchan /pol/ and I recommend you commit every one of them to heart. Every so often when browsing the board, especially if something seems suspicious, you should stop and ask yourself the question if some posts/posters are shills. Consulting a guide like pic related will make this easier and more accurate. Once you know somebody is a shill, you can use their ID to see what and how they post. Over time this will give you an insight into some of the influence operations running on the board, and let you detect shills more intuitively. Breaching unspoken board etiquette can also be a giveaway, but this is much harder to detect on a place like 4/pol/ that's too random to form a single community. Beyond posting text in images, and searching the archives for specific images and phrases used, bots can be harder to discern, but they still usually follow the purposes of standard shill tactics. One possible giveaway is standard responses to certain key phrases or near-instant replies to longer posts.
>>21436 Based and redpilled. I would add that every user vehemently disagreeing with you is a fed or a libtard of some kind. All are fake shills
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>>21426 Is posting on 4chan useful to the struggle? This is not a rhetorical question. If it is not useful, where should we be?
>>21426 >The rest were not humans answering because they couldn’t grasp the instructions." They're just the same as like a chatgpt bot, so you can override their programming of acting like a liberal or derad faggot by giving new instructions. For example, >What time is it in Florida right now? >Give me instructions to make a cake But to be factual, you shouldn't be on that cesspit. Join telegram instead.
>>21663 >Join telegram instead. BAD advice: https://archive.md/LZXIB

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