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The Republican party is embracing labor unions, one of the last steps to becoming the White party Anonymous 07/18/2024 (Thu) 14:17:41 Id: 86cba8 No. 21020
According to retard-politics, if you like the working class, you vote left. If you like big business, you vote right. But this is changing. White people, who still make up a majority of the electorate, are the only race that splits the vote almost 50-50 between parties. The primary reasons why some White people vote for the Democrats is because many 20th century people still believe that somehow the Democrats are better for labor unions. But this is changing. It is now just accepted that union members vote for Trump because immigration is killing them. And now, the leader of one of the major unions, Teamsters, spoke at the RNC. In the early 20th century, all American labor unions opposed immigration. Denis Kearney, the leader of the Workingmen's party, advocated driving both capitalists and Chinese out of the country. The American Federation of Labor fought hard to exclude Mexicans from the country and close the borders. Once labor unions officially switch to the party now associated with anti-globalism and anti-immigration, which is the only logical thing for them to do, then the only faction of White people left on the left will be the deraigned lunatics of antifa and the degenerate faggots and trannies. Why does this matter? The Republican party is not pro-White. They are zionists. This is true. However, detangling White people from the confusion of splitting our vote and loyalties is a first baby step on the path to a true White party. It is conceivable that in the future, ~80% of White people will vote for the Republicans as ~80% of non-Whites vote for the Democrats today. It is conceivable that in the future, a true pro-White party or faction within the GOP will play the key role in determining if they win elections. And if we hold the key to Republican victory or defeat, even if it is only in local elections, they will be forced to stand up for some White interests or lose electorally. This is a very good thing. We need the labor union block to join us. They are the final piece of sane White people needed to form a more perfect union.
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>>21020 >immigration is killing labor unions And nothing of value will be lost! Labor unions have caused nothing but problems for the past century, from kicking out and preventing the employment of non-union workers (To the point entire fields of industry cannot be entered unless you pay the tax to the unions) to controlling elections (Which is how FDR got relected despite his policies being the reason for the Great Depression lasting as long as it did). Fuck the unions, and fuck anyone who supports them.
>>21022 This is just neo-conservatism. White people should unionize.
>>21025 >White people should unionize. Why? Since the beginning, unions haven't actually done anything for the people they claim to "represent". Doesn't matter if you do or don't want to work, you work when the union says you work and don't work when the unions says that you don't work. That's to not mention that how they first gained so much power wasn't even through natural causes. It's because they harassed companies left and right giving the option of either "Recognizing" the union or face frivelous lawsuit after frivelous lawsuit that's going to bleed their coffers dry. The most infamous cases of this was when the unions went after Henry Ford and Walt Disney, two individuals who were paying their employees well above the compentition, treating their employees better than the competition, and managing to attain higher profits than their competition. So when they didn't pay the protection money, the unions sued because it was NEVER actually about protecting the workers. And the result was the Disney company winning at the cost of becoming bitter about the market and the people in it, meanwhile Ford lost and become the first automotive company that required an entirely union work force. And this corruption was so widespread that Congress even had to get involved and passed a law requiring unions to actually show that workers at a company actually want to unionize before a company would be required to recognize a union. So fuck off about it being "For the white man". The only people who like unions are Socialists because that's exactly what a union is, and there's yet to be a union/Socialist State that actually improved people's lives.
>>21026 >Why? Because "Power comes though organization" ~Dr. William Pierce. > unions haven't actually done anything for the people they claim to "represent" That's fascism. You sacrifice some autonomy for the good of your race & nation as a whole. This selfish mentality of yours is just neo-conservatism. >They gained power because they harassed companies Sounds great. Harass those who try to exploit you. White people should all do this. >Recognizing" the union or face frivelous lawsuit after frivelous lawsuit that's going to bleed their coffers dry. Unfathomably based. Yes. White people should do this. Especially to globalist corporations. > The most infamous cases of this was when the unions went after Henry Ford and Walt Disney True, mistakes were made by mortals & possibly corrupt men. Hitler sometimes bombed people who were nationalists too. The world isn't picture perfect sometimes. You're just a cuckservative. You don't care about White interests.
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>>21027 >Dr. William Pierce Why are you quoting a political activist who's only claim to fame was writing The Turner Diaries? >That's fascism. The political ideology that Italy implemented from 1922 to 1943, and proved to be an absolute failure? >Harass those who try to exploit you. Following the same line of logic, I get to harass you however much I want, and in whatever particular fashion I want, because of you trying to exploit me for your own interests.
>>21031 You're ignorant of Dr. Pierce, hate fascism, and prioritize your (Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan, please bully me) war against "socialism" over White people. You don't belong here. Reddit would unironically be fine for you. They don't ban cuckservatives for cucking.
>>21032 that is a very C r i n g e filter.
>>21032 He raped you with arguments and you gave up lol
So the Ukrainian jew is back. Dr William Pierce educated many people, and his shows are still listened to today, educating more people. What have you done to change anything, besides taking shekels to talk shit online? How did fascism fail? Removing jews from power in your nation was a failure? Educating the world about jews was a failure? Sterilizing mongrels was a failure? Stopping Bolshevik terrorism from spreading all over Europe and stopping the jews from continuing their mass slaughter of Whites was a failure? Showing the world how much progress you can make when you remove jews from power was a failure? Increasing White birth rates was a failure? Raising the standard of living of all Germans was a failure? Putting an end to the Weimar period was a failure? Returning Germany to a healthy state was a failure? If Hitler had never can to power, the Eurasian mongrel hordes of the Soviet Union would have conquered all of Europe, and White niggers like you people wouldn't be sitting on the internet talking shit, you'd either be dead or in a gulag. National Socialism didn't fail, White people failed National Socialism by listening to jewish lies. https://odysee()com/@EuropaTheLastBattle:c?view=home
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>>21037 >Dr William Pierce educated many people Okay, but what did he do? >How did fascism fail? Removing jews from power in your nation was a failure? Looking at all the South American countries that adopted Fascism, it actually allowed all the problems to come back with a vengeance once whoever was in power was kicked out. So, no, it doesn't. >Educating the world about jews was a failure? You do realize that focusing exclusively upon the Kikes has allowed "Gentiles" like Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos to push through their totalitarian interests, right? >Sterilizing mongrels was a failure? Eugenics is a failure and has never worked in a single country that attempted it, so yes. >Bolshevik terrorism from spreading all over Europe and stopping the jews from continuing their mass slaughter of Whites was a failure? Do you not remember that half of Europe suffered for almost 50 years of USSR control? >Showing the world how much progress you can make when you remove jews from power was a failure? But the "progress" wasn't sustainable, which is why, like every Socialist regime before it and since, they need to keep invading countries and stealing the wealth of others. >Raising the standard of living of all Germans was a failure? Only if your supported the party. And even, the "well off" Germans were still trying to remove Hitler and his government, such as with Operation Valkyrie. >Putting an end to the Weimar period was a failure? By replacing it with something worse, yes. >Returning Germany to a healthy state was a failure? By ruining the country even further with your religious cult that retards call an economic system? Germany hasn't had a "healthy" economy since the 1870's when Otto Von Bismark first allowed Socialism to fester. >If Hitler had never can to power, the Eurasian mongrel hordes of the Soviet Union would have conquered all of Europe No they wouldn't have. In fact, had the U.S. remained out of WWII, both the USSR and Nazi Germany would have suffered mutually assured destruction as they conquered everything there was to conquer and their countries were running on fumes. Then their governments would have collapsed and Socialism wouldn't have been the problem that it now is over the past 80 years. >National Socialism didn't fail, White people failed National Socialism That's right, NEVER blame the system, ALWAYS blame the people. That's showing responsibility.
>>21035 There is no point in discussing things with a jewish cuckservative.
>>21040 >what did he do? Virtually every aspect of the modern pro-White movement was pioneered by Dr Pierce. His speeches galvanize men of action to this day and he created the most effective pro-White organization, arguably until today.
>>21043 So the guy was a political activists, and that's all there is to his name. Why should I waste my time listening to someone who never actually built anything?
>>21048 > that's all there is to his name. Why should I waste my time listening to someone who never actually built anything? He built more than you did. In fact, someone says that you're a kike, which I believe considering you actually attack pro-White groups who are now building something. Furthermore, you attempted to do the very jewish thing of making me define race so you could deconstruct Whiteness. You clearly are anti-White. You act like a kike.
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>>21050 >someone says that you're a kike "Someone" or just you? >you attempted to do the very jewish thing of making me define race If you're the same person from the other thread, you did the same exact thing right over here by asking me to "desconstruct" niggers, beaners, and Kikes: >>>/pol/20909 >so you could deconstruct Whiteness How? All I keep asking is "Who's 'white'?", and you absolutely lose your mind at trying to answer the question. Even going so far as to declare that "All Europeans" are "white", which wraps around to mean no one (Not even a genetically pure European) is actually "white" and rather ironcially proving the Critical Race Theorists to be correct that the identity of "Whiteness" is a social construct. Which only further shows that you're no different than them, it's just that you people have your "Oppressed" and "Oppressor" classes reversed in your narratives. And that you're only using such vague concepts as "Whiteness" to bring about your Socialist revolution.
>>21054 >All I keep asking is "Who's 'white'? Jewish tactic. I should not have chosen to play that game. No matter what I say, you have your little faggoty deconstruction agenda. The fact remains that you ONLY attack White people. You ONLY import niggers into White nations. You ONLY target White communities. You are a kike.
>>21037 >"Magnus Hirschfeld" >literally who? >go to Wikipedia >huh >"Early Life" /pol/ is always right.

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