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Annual State of the Company of Racism Meeting Anonymous 07/16/2024 (Tue) 19:26:28 Id: 702d33 No. 20979
The CEO of Racism wants an update on our progress, so I'm calling a meeting. First up for discussion is our outreach program. I generally minister to conservatives but conservatives have a few psychological problems that make them very poor dissidents. The worst being their knee jerk anti-activism response. Should we be expanding our outreach program to leftists as well? Is it possible to not only get White leftists to stop being anti-White but to evolve into White advocates? They are certainly better cut out to, you know, actually doing things beyond typing online. But they also come with a lot of baggage. Up next, we need to go over the quarterly report. Has the state of Racism improved? The recent election in France and the expansion of AFD shows that at least Racism-lite has great potential. President Trump may win the election in America as well. Is this good for our company? I believe that he is a net benefit because he helped create black race riots and these are our best advertisements. Lastly, we need to talk about the elephant in the room, our competitors; The Jews. Is a Trump win good or bad for the jews? Are the jews going to withdraw their support from the left due to the recent non-khosher attitudes towards Palestine? And if this happens, will this open up the market for Racism-tech to gain new members from the left? Should we discuss Palestinian issues more or is this a dead end? If Trump doesn't win, will this be bad for Racism? Joe Biden is also polarizing. And we have seen a rise in White organizations that far exceeds what happened under Trump. Whoever wins, we need to get ahead of our competitors . I'll open the floor. Anon, you look like you have something to say?
The fact that you're here while the White-leftists are out there means you've already lost. You come here to scream into an echo chamber with other faggots like me while the leftists' dream materialize day after day whilst you are pushed further down. Without action, your dumb post is useless
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>>20982 Actually, this is something I mentioned in OP. Leftists are organized, active, and involved. We need to beat them at this game. I was watching Jared Taylor's video on this subject and he presents some suggestions. https://www.bitchute(Please use archive.today)/video/Biy7SotFfJPB Namely that we form White communities like the jews. Now, this isn't exactly a groundbreaking suggestion. We have heard this one for years. Sadly, most White people are unwilling to become Amish for our cause. Nor is it a particularly great idea to seclude ourselves in isolated Jonestowns. What I suggest is that instead we get involved in IRL activism. I have been attending local civic meetings and I will join Patriot Front when I can fix my relationship problem. I am sick of being a cowardly piece of shit, which I admit I have been for most of my life. We need to get involved and do something to back up our beliefs. Other ideas; get elected to the school board and use your influence to push back against DIE and CRT. Push back against transgender shit too. Make videos on TikTok? I don't frequent TikTok but I am told that there is a pro-White community and creators. I just cannot find them. Put up pro-White posters in your neighborhood. I wrote a lot of threads on how to do this cheaply and safely back in OG 8chan days. Just do SOMETHING for your race. Don't just sit there and watch us die.
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>>20979 Uh yes, I'm worried about our progress on total nigger death.
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>>20979 Also i personally believe that we could make use of the leftists they are so emotional, it would be easy to manipulate them
>>20982 >no fun allowed!!! Party pooper.
>>20986 We are behind schedule. We need to bump up our numbers. >>20987 NPC leftists are just tools of the regime, or whoever presses their buttons. However, I am talking about thinking leftists. In many ways, they are a natural fit. Immigration destroys unions and undercuts labor. Anyone shilling for more immigrants is shilling for lower wages and more violence against the working class. Globalism = no barriers to trade = massive corporate profiteering. Outsourcing destroys labor unions and reduces the working class to an irrelevancy. Besides, anything the rich do is bad. They're greedy exploiters. Indeed, globalism harms third world shitholes too. If you like slave labor shoe factories in Indonesia, you'll love globalism. >>ALL<< major communist insurgent groups in Europe in the 20th century were nationalistic with the exception of the German red brigade. But their leader eventually became a fascist, so so should you. Palestine. Do you like how Jews get to slaughter Palestinians with US tax dollars? No? Why is it that US media and politicians support this genocide? Is it because Jews control American media? You bet! Do you really like diversity? What happens when the entire world is mixed together and all cultures are blended together? You will not have diversity. You will have nothing but a cultureless, rootless slave society. Global warming will not be averted by inviting the third world into White nations. In fact, this will only exacerbate the problem. I could go on and on. Real leftists should be less like George Bush and more like Karl Marx. Yes, Karl Marx opposed immigration and open borders.
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>>20991 I believe we would benefit from outreach to the leftists. I second the plan for outreach to leftists they are far better than conservatives.
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>>20995 I have made a few memes which explain why immigration is negative from a leftist perspective, using Porkey rather than Moshie.
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>>20995 This one explains White genocide by first comparing it to Palestinian genocide.
>>20984 How you can contribute, some more ideas >>21005 >>20997 >>20998 These are good. You should replace 'non-Whites' with 'immigrants' or something like that, if you're trying to appeal to leftists.
>>20997 >>20998 It's good, it's real good.
>>21011 I will do that.
>>20979 Hi yes I'd like to make a complains about the based department. it seems they arent doing their job properly. Some are even calling niggers based.
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>>20979 Yes I was wondering about the status of our idol hitler? Most still seem to think that he was the bad guy and that were the bad guys.
>>21506 Can't respond. The mods banned me.
That's odd. I received a ban after posting a thread critical of boomer conservatism. Which is pretty fucking weird considering literal anti-Whites are allowed to post here while I have been trying to drive discussion on this deserted board.

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