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10 years ago, it was 2014. Where did you expect the movement would be in 10 years? Anonymous 07/11/2024 (Thu) 22:12:39 Id: 4a9e65 No. 20774
10 years ago, we had nigger race riots, Obama was the president, Tea Party cuckservatism had died, and we were all just beginning to coalesce into the modern "alt-right." I foolishly believed that we were on the course for a pro-White mass movement. In retrospect, that was naive. We were totally inexperienced in politics and the potential for a mass movement was crushed in 2017. Since then, we have kind of just coasted along. I don't know how we can motivate people. Z00mers are among the biggest disappointments. I had hoped that they would carry the torch for us, but the based ones were too few in number. The degenerates are running the show and TikTok is nothing but niggers, it's easy to believe that niggers are 80% of the population based on TikTok. There are plenty of pro-Whites out there but we're disconnected, disorganized, and weak compared with the enemy. I figured that maybe the country might have collapsed if we did not rise up and become a political force. But this too never materialized. Apparently, the inertia of the past 200 years is enough to keep the regime going even though this degree of dysfunction would cave capsized any normal country.
i wonder what i wouldve thought in 2014 if i were older back then, i couldnt think for myself in 2014 just repeated what my parents said, now that i can think for myself its unbelievable to me how my parents and i are the same species, they fell for the propaganda eventhough its so brain dead, like my parents have to be retarded to fall for that shit
>>20775 Technically, I also was a young teen back in 2014. But I evolved into a White nationalist within 3 years. My prediction that we could evolve into a mass movement was technically made in 2016-2017. I was swept up in the great renaissance of pro-White thinking and saw us going from strength to strength. Easy to do when we were starting from nothing. Golden Dawn had taken 10% of the seats in Greece's government, people seemed to be waking up. Now, it's a blend of people who are awake to the negative consequences of immigration, but are still locked inside the cuckservative pasture.
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>>20775 >>20777 I think people realized that trying to "wake people up" will never work. People will never wake up, they don't want to, so the people that aren't npcs abandoned politics. The best you can do is to work on yourself and be your best version so that you can help the people that are close to you. That's what I've been trying to do the last few years at least. I miss pol everyday
>>20785 You know who didn't abandon politics? The anti-Whites.

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