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Anonymous 06/20/2024 (Thu) 01:10:22 Id: 49699d No. 20543
The number of libertarians among (Hello, I just arrived from Discord, please bully me)s/young people has dropped significantly it seems. There aren't that many libertarians on /pol/ or other imageboard spaces as of 3 years ago maybe. They were most popular in the early 2000s and 2010s. 2020 was perhaps their climax because a lot of them were still active on altchans (see /liberty/), but today it seems they're nowhere to be found, even on (Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan, please bully me) platforms like tiktok or instagram. The political right has largely shifted in a more authoritarian direction in the past few years. Right wing (Hello, I just arrived from Discord, please bully me)s tend to be more attracted to various strands of fascism/NS, monarchy, or national conservatism as opposed to something more anti-statist. What happened?
>>20543 >(Hello, I just arrived from Discord, please bully me)s Fuck. I didn't know this board censored the word "z00mer."
OP. two things. First, realize that you're not on cuckchan. Second, part of the problem is that many of the so-called "Libertarians" were never such in the first place. In fact, it's become very apparent over the past several years that you had groups using such labels as nothing more than fronts or honeypots towards advancing the Socialist revolution. Even the so called "Authoritarian Right" you see recently from the Christian Nationalists and Project 2025 is nothing more than a psy-op designed to cause more trouble. So as far as why people are so silent lately outside of the extremists, it's because people don't know who to trust.
>>20543 >2020 was perhaps their climax because a lot of them were still active on altchans Climaxes happen in public spaces. The height on online libertarianism was in the 2010s. GG, BLM, gay marriage, and other culture war topics shifted the focus of online discourse from economic to social issues. Occupy and the Tea Party were the first and last attempts at manifesting online libertarianism into the public sphere. It was always a given that 4um and Ron Paul's libertarians were culturally rightists (in the grand scheme, not in the micro where they masturbate to hentai). Unfortunately, the Libertarian Party, who people turned their eyes to instead of Ron Paul, and the subversives among Occupy were leftists, and the Tea Party filled itself with baby boomers and grifters. With Trump, things swung faster into authoritarianism. The 2000s and 2010s had drilled into the minds of many youths that capitalism and socialism were ultimately unideal prospects which lent themselves to cultural decay. Ron Paul got old, and his son had neither the staying power nor the energy of his father. The Libertarian Party continued to be the party of degenerates. Natsocs, who had always held a significant sway on imageboards alongside libertarians, had their time to shine and are still having it. Rather than living through the change from pre-Bush Junior to post-Bush Junior surveillance and conspiracy, the new generations have grown up with the fallout of pre-Obama and post-Obama. This could be seen as the triumph of the skinhead and rehabilitative Fascist movements of the 90s, who largely appealed to the uneducated masses while forming think tanks and academics of their own like AmRen. Libertarians had constant chances from the 80s to the new millennium, but they failed at almost every turn because of their own incompetence (the Libertarian and Reform Parties) or adverse media attention (Paleocons). The best thing that could have happened to libertarians was the maintenance of the status quo after 2000 (say Gore 2000 and 2004 and Hillary 2008), but change came. The best thing for libertarians to do now is to hitch themselves onto Republicans, to form a kind of coalition.
>>20543 >>20544 This is a bad censor. Z00mers are the future.
>>20543 I can't speak for 8chan since I haven't been using it that much nowadays, but the ancap movement is growing in Brazil and in brazilian imageboards, especially due to the current government with its insane taxation and corruption. Also a fuckload of youtube influencers that have been teaching people to invest in crypto to escape taxes and introducing them to anarcho-capitalism. Some highlights: >100% tax on imported goods over 50 dollars >44% tax on imported goods below 50 dollars >20-50% more tax on all firearms, which are already impossible to get a permit for >20-35% more tax on hybrid/electric cars >taxes on offshore accounts >taxes on gasoline, cooking gas, ethanol, diesel >proposals to tax uber drivers to the point where they will only be able to get 15% of what they actually earn (most of our uber drivers are STEM college graduates since there's no industry here) >proposals to tax any kind of stock action, including losses We're also under a supreme court dictatorship that basically controls the whole country to the point of writing laws and doing the executive branch's work. Elon Musk had a quarrel with the de facto brazilian king, Alexandre de Moraes over twitter censoring. A handful of comedians/journalists and youtubers that spoke against the supreme court have fled to the USA. A lot of brazilians are fleeing the country. The brazilian "right" is a very recent thing, it has existed for less than two decades, and although it is already the strongest force in politics right now thanks to Bolsonaro, it suffers from a lack of knowledge. Brazil has been under communist influence for almost a century now, every single person in this country has gone through the Paulo Freire's leftist brainwashing project known as the brazilian school and university systems. This means that most brazilian conservatives actually agree with every marxist point of view regarding the economy. So every right-leaning politician and voter thinks the following: >all we need is a strong leader that will take the economy by it's reins and save the country by imposing a strong economic plan that will finally industrialize the country! Which is the same train of thought that every leftist has, excluding woke shit. Also, we're full of monarchists, elitists and christian nationalists. And every single one of them can't answer how they'll be able to find the Chosen One to be their fair ruler.
>>20759 What even is "Christian nationalism?" I thought this was just another slur the media invented for White conservatives.
>>20766 I would explain, but the BO banned my last time I did. So. Sorry but you asked on the wrong board.
>>20767 >I would explain, but the BO banned my last time I did. <Image >>20766 >What even is "Christian nationalism?" https://archive.md/DxPLU
>>20766 I don't remember exactly what James Lindsay >>20770 said about American Christian Nationalists, but here in Brazil it's basically Christians who think that the best course of action is to impose a top-down monarchical (or not) government without the separation of church and state, punishing anyone that does not adhere to christian laws. They do not care about the economic side of the argument, only about the degeneration of culture and conservative moral values. Their main argument is that God chooses the king of a nation, and if that king is Christian, the country will automatically usher in a new golden age of traditional values and "volksgemeinschaft". They ignore or don't know about 1 Samuel 8.
>>20783 >it's basically Christians who think that the best course of action is to impose a top-down monarchical (or not) government without the separation of church and state, punishing anyone that does not adhere to christian laws. That's the gist of what the CNs are saying here in the states. However you also have some sly ones trying dupe people into the ideology by simple going: <Are you a Christian? Do you love your nation? Congratulation, you're a "Christian Nationalist". The irony is that they're trying to sell it as a "return" to American fundamentals when (1) the ENTIRE point of the American experiment was to escape the unjust rules imposed by lords, bishops, and kings and (2) the majority of the Founding Fathers were not Christian. By most accounts, only a third of them Christians in the traditional sense, like Samuel Adams and Patrick Henry. The rest either believed in a concept called "Deism" (Generally, the belief of A singular god existing but not necessarily believing it to be the Christian god) like Washington and Franklin, or were Agnostic (Believing that the existence of God can neither be proven nor denied) like Thomas Paine. HOWEVER, they did understand the importance of religion in people's lives, which is the reason behind the First.
>>20543 Libertarian here, you are right that the movement lost a lot of steam after Ron Paul. I think the biggest failure has been Covid, I mean think about it, we were living under extreme authoritarian conditions(there was a time I had to carry a document to justify why I left my house, and cops were placed in strategic points to make sure nobody was going outside), basically everything bad a government could do, they did it during Covid. This was the chance for the Libertarians and AnCaps to say "Hey we have been warning you about this, you now see why the governemnt is bad?", but they failed into convincing more people to go into black and grey markets(Agorism) or reduce government reach or anything, instead people went with the program. To be fair there was a lot of censorship and media manipulation so it was an uphill battle, but still a massive failure. The Libertarian Party, which is considered to be a joke by plenry of hardocre libertarians, endorsed mask wearing, vaccination and all that shit. Right now their best strategy is the Free State Project, in which a ton of libertarians move into New Hampshire, raise libertarian families, and vote for libertarian candidates so that, hopefully in two or three more generations(that is if they don't get invaded by illegals) can turn the state Yellow. Another thing is to replace the Libertarian Party with the Mises Caucus, which in spite of it's jewish name is much better than the LP as they are more Rothbardian libertarians than the "I am a liberal who wants to legalize weed" libertarian that make up the majority of the LP. He might have been a kike, but in 1992 Rothbard more or less wrote a winning strategy for the Republican party that Donald Trump more or less emulated and looking at the list of proposals, it's something you would have heard from 2016 /pol/. This is taken from the same article in which he lamented that David Duke lost the election in Louisiana and berated the lying media for their smear campaign against David Duke. >>20783 >I don't remember exactly what James Lindsay said about American Christian Nationalists Basically they are a reactionary movement destined to fail in order to empower the left, either intentionally or not. They are supposed to gain some amount of relevance and influence, so that the media can run a 24/7 psy-op on how dangerous they are, and why people need to vote even more liberals and democrats into power to pass more LGBTQ laws (an example of this is Agenda 2025 which the media keeps saying that Trump will implement to scare moderates into voting Democrat, even though Trump disavowed it, but the media will keep using it as a boogieman). In the case the CN actually do get into power and go full fascism by getting supreme power to do whatever they want, so they dismantle the first and second amendment to impose the CN rhetoric to "BTFO the left", but once they inevitably get replaced by a left-leaning government, all the barriers and hurdles they previously had to go over to push the pozz, have now been destroyed by the CN, so the go full pozz and any moderate who thinks that giving 3 year old babies hormone blockers is too much, will be lumped with the CN, censored and arrested. It's why James Lindsay says that "the Right is the Left's right hand".
>>20543 I remain libertarian. I'm just more caught up in racism™
>>20543 There are a couple of things at work. 1. Lolbertarianism is an ideology that only appeals to rich White boys, and only appeals to them in times of relative peace, plenty, prosperity, and safety. 2. Go look at Ameri-Kwan demographics over the past three decades. Also look at the US economy. Look at the real one. Shadowstats has some good information. Pay particular attention to trends in income and education by race and sex. What I am saying here is that White women have been aspiring to be bitter childless cat ladies--excuse me, I mean "stronk career womyn who don't need on man"--and refusing to marry or have White children to perpetuate the White race. Without young White men from comfortable backgrounds, who have never had to run for their lives from a pack of niggers, there is no one to read Rand or Rothbard. Additionally White men since the Boomers have been getting raw-dogged by the System (see also, (((globalization)))) since before they could walk. White men born since 1965 work longer and longer hours for less and less and less, because the people who said "Diversity and multiculturalism isn't a zero-sum game, the economy isn't a zero-sum game" were lying through their teeth and laughing at the rubes for believing it. White men born since 1965 will never see one thin dime of Social Security unless you get the neetbux as SSDI. Lolbertarianism has an appeal to a certain sort of high-functioning autistic principled idealist who wants very badly to believe the world is, can be, ever was, or ever could have been a meritocracy. They lack the (Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan, please bully me)s' instinctive neural hard-wiring for race preference and kin preference, which is why they doesn't understand that in this world the only truths that matter are Blood and Soil, Borders, Language, and Culture. It's all very well to see the big picture and grasp the abstractions, but no, really, the reason you were told to "learn to code" all your life then got your Master's in Electrical Engineering and work at Starbucks as a barista isn't because Pajeet works harder than you or is more competent than you, it's because Pajeet lives in a mud hut and works for two cents a month and your rulers hate you so much that they let the (((banksters))) force you into cutthroat wage competition with him. As such, given the sudden radical demographic changes of the last generation or two, there is nobody being born who finds enough appeal in high-minded Constitutional principles, that can only apply and can only work in an affluent, high-trust, ethnically homogeneous society that no longer exists, to read The Fountainhead and write bad fanfiction of it to post on their Geocities pages. That America is as dead and gone as Nineveh and Tyre. The young White guys you're looking for mostly never got born in the first place. The ones who did manage to make it into existence are more interested in not starving to death and not getting dragged out of their cars and stomped to death by a mob of wetbacks when they stop at a traffic light on the way home from work. A slightly different sort of young White guy, one less autistic and more jock-ish, who used to be the backbone of the kind of movement you seem to want, used to join the military, but that's now all DEI all the time, all Affirmative Action all the time, all trannies all the time, and it's all so fake and gay that it fills them with disgust. I've told all the young guys in my family, and every young guy who's ever asked me for advice, don't enlist, don't serve ZOG, it will wipe its ass on you and throw you away, and you'll be taking orders from four-hundred-pound Shaneequa the whole time while you're in Asscrackistan getting shot at, guarding Drag Queen Story Time performances for the enraged locals' kids. And if you get crippled, Shaneequa's sister Keywanda at the VA will devote herself to making sure you never get any rehabilitation, treatment, or assistance. So they're all working at Starbucks too, watching their wages and hours get cut year over year as the owners hire more and more wetbacks to work for $4 an hour under the table. If you want to appeal to these guys, you need to offer them a vision of a better world, one that's more appealing than "the guys who shipped all the high-paying unionized heavy-industry jobs you were supposed to get to China and impoverished your families forever shouldn't have to pay taxes," my dude. Really. Think harder.
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>>21203 >White men born since 1965 will never see one thin dime of Social Security unless you get the neetbux as SSDI. NO ONE was suppose to see their Social Security, that's how the Ponzi Scheme works. Welfare was invented as a system in 1880's Prussia, and put into law by Otto von Bismarck in order to placate the Marxists causing trouble in the country. The way the system worked was the the government basically guaranteed the public an unlimited pension the moment you turn 70, however the catch for the system was that your average Prussian didn't live beyond 45 (Let alone 65, the current retirement age). So the system "worked" because your average citizen was never going to ever actually see that money that they were paying in, but there was also the string attached that making such a system made a populace who was dependent upon the government and answered to their every whim. Japan was the first country to realize this "loop hole" and implement a nationwide welfare system for anyone and everyone who entered civil service (IOW the military). The result of this action was Japan's transformation from being a still relatively developing society to the military power house that destroyed Russia in 1905 and expanding to the point of controlling half of the Asian continent by WWII. In fact, Japan actually still has those laws in place to this day as they never actually rewrote their constitution (Just amended it with new laws), but have expanded them to also include the public sector. And the result has been that, after Japan's economic boom in the 70's and 80's, the country's economy began to crash during the 90's. This is where much of the memes about Japanese "population crisis" comes from, because the result of these welfare policies is that the older Japanese generation is entering retirement and beginning to take their money out of the system, but there isn't enough new people being born in the country to pay into the system to keep it functioning (Let alone growing). This is also ignoring factors such as how there's an entire "Lost" generation in Japan who have just resigned to being NEETs and not even paying into the system, and how the Japanese live unnaturally long lives in the first place. But what about America and Social Security? Well, this is actually Japan's fault too, but in a roundabout way. Thanks in no small part to the experiments conducted by Unit 731 (With the West buying the results of those experiments from Japan in exchange for them never having to face their own equivalent of the Nuremberg trials), the medical knowledge people had access to exploded and resulted in doctors performing "miracles" over the next few decades. To where you once had high infant mortality and the average person dying by the age of 50, infant mortality dropped to a quart of what it once was and people are living into their 80's and 90's. So more people are taking out of Social Security than putting in due to them living longer. Then there's the problem that the government expanded Social Security to include things like disabilities, and even began using it as a "temporary" funding account for their special programs (That were beyond just welfare). And the result is that you have a system that was going to fail anyway (IIRC, the original estimate were somewhere around 2050-2080), but it's failing a lot sooner than they would like it to. TL;DR, welfare is a Ponzi scheme, by the very definition of it, and it never works >the reason you were told to "learn to code" all your life then got your Master's in Electrical Engineering and work at Starbucks as a barista isn't because Pajeet works harder than you or is more competent than you, it's because Pajeet lives in a mud hut and works for two cents a month and your rulers hate you so much that they let the (((banksters))) force you into cutthroat wage competition with him. You know what, I agree. That is a problem. And it's why I don't fully believe in Libertarian policies when it comes to international markets. It creates too much instability such as what we have right now, where African and Asian countries are crucial to supplies for even domestic markets (Despite there being ZERO reason preventing us from making those supplies domestically in the first place) and it resulting in us having to placate literal dictators with a slave populace in order to have a functioning economy in our home nation. And it's circumstances like that where the government should be stepping in, with imposing tariffs on international goods and deporting illegals and aliens who overstay their Visas. Even "fellow white" nations shouldn't be trusting each other with this shit, because what's stopping Microsoft, Apple, or Elon Musk from telling the EU to go fuck themselves and denying them access to Twatter, iCloud, and/or Windows because they imposed a fine that was more than a simple slap on the wrist? They're American companies, so they're only required to follow European laws so long as they exist as a formality. >As such, given the sudden radical demographic changes of the last generation or two, there is nobody being born who finds enough appeal in high-minded Constitutional principles You sure about that? Because it seems like more and more people are digging into Classical Liberal beliefs. And to the point that even the legitimately racist Anglophiles of a century ago (Like Wilson) would have called it "Right Wing Extremism". >that can only apply and can only work in an affluent, high-trust, ethnically homogeneous society [Citation fucking needed] You forget that the Founding Father were so protective of America and what it stood for that there were arguments of even outright rejecting ANY AND ALL immigration from the European continent. Because America wasn't about "race", it was about ideals like liberty and individuality. And like I just said, even a "ethnically homogeneous society" like Japan still managed to fuck thing up. >That America is as dead and gone No, it's not.
>>20553 Actually i'd argue it's even simpler than that. You don't see them because they either by force or because of retards seizing control are all on other platforms now. (Faggit, Telegram, private Discord servers, pedodon, etc). I would bet my bottom dollar that if we ran a campaign about how bad those platforms are, they'd slowly start coming back here.
>>21208 >They don't do this to Christian Africans. They don't go attack Christian mexicans. They don't go slander Christian Arabs. Yes, they do. It's why the biggest joke going around now is that the "modern" White Supremacist in America are the Catholic spics illegally crossing the border. And why they tell niggers to STFU unless they're promoting the current political establishment.

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