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Anonymous 10/31/2020 (Sat) 14:20:50 Id: bfd8b9 No. 1941
Solution: Government functions will be stripped down to law enforcement and national defense, all departments or agencies that provide any other functions of the government shall be purged. Political representatives will be prohibited from making any changes to the laws, but will instead merely act as overseers and enforcers of the law as they are written. Laws are likewise stripped down, for the most part, they will be restricted to the NAP, and the exceptions will be detailed below. Laws only apply to living white gentile male humans, as do rights, freedoms, etc. Anything else is not protected by law, except as an indirect consequence of them being owned by living white gentile male human being. The age of consent, maturity, and adulthood will be 5 years of age, and, of course, thos only applies to live white male gentile humans. Not to anyone or anything else. Every living human is required to take a genetic test to determine whether they are Jewish, Jews shall be considered non-Whites under the law. Those Identified as Jews must be marked at the earliest opportunity, the markings must be permanent, located somewhere upon their heads, and must be prominently visible. Jews must also be sterilized or killed (and the bodies destroyed) at the earliest opportunity as well. The central bank shall be nationalized, and usury shall be abolished. This means that charging interest, lending money, fractional reserve banking, and issuing fiat currencies shall be illegal. Instead, banks will take a percentage of holdings as banking fees, buy shares in enterprises, practice full reserve banking, and all currencies will be representative (I will allow the use of cryptocurrencies as a special exception). All workers unions will be nationalized, the concept of incorporation shall be abolished (meaning that the people within a corporate entity are held legally accountable for their actions, not the corporate "person" they are a part of). Intellectual property will also be completely abolished (no copyright, patent, trademark, etc.). The borders closed to all immigration and a toll (in the form of a flat lump sum) charged on every crossing of the border (both into and out of the country), due to be paid before the crossing is allowed to be made. Tarrifs (in the form of a flat percentage) will be levied on every import and export, in addition to the sales tax. General taxes will be collected regularly in the form of a flat lump sum, sales taxes in the form of a flat percentage. Accepting tips will be a prohibited business practice. Leftist political beliefs, and Islamic religious beliefs will be prohibited by law. Otherwise, there will be absolute freedom of expression and association, meaning that anything one can create, say, see, or hear will be legal, businesses can have full discretion over how they do business and with whom they do it with. Public nudity and lewdness will be legal, and hopefully the resultant shame will motivate people to focus on shaping up their bodies. It will be legal to buy, sell, and consume human flesh and human milk, in fact, a move will be made to make human milk replace the milk of other animals as the standard source of dairy products for the country's population. I'd also switch the primary source of big power to thorium powered nuclear reactors, and replace fossil fuels with ethyl alcohol derived from hemp. Another move will be to make it standard to have our washrooms/bathrooms modelled after the best of those found in Japan as a minimum standard of quality (for example, it is better that we wash our asses with water and use the paper to dry them rather than use paper to wipe our feaces off, and better to shower before a bath rather than to potentially bathe in our own dirt, but I would also like air dryers and sink-mounted soap dispensers to be standard as well).
>>1941 Government functions will be stripped down to law enforcement and national defense, all departments or agencies that provide any other functions of the government shall be purged. Political representatives will be prohibited from making any changes to the laws, but will instead merely act as overseers and enforcers of the law as they are written. Laws are likewise stripped down, for the most part, they will be restricted to the NAP, and the exceptions will be detailed below. Laws only apply to Living Gentile White Male Humans, as do rights, freedoms, etc. Anything else is not protected by law, except as an indirect consequence of them being owned by Living Gentile White Male Humans. The age of consent, maturity, and adulthood will be 5 years of age, and, of course, this only applies to Living Gentile White Male Humans. Not to anyone or anything else. All Romantic and/or Sexual activity between two or more Living Gentile White Male Humans shall be prohibited, and harshly punished as the worst of crimes, however, the first of any who report such activity will not be punished, even if they had been one of the participants in such activity, nor shall those who can provide evidence that they have had such activity directed towards them and/or forced upon them, without their consent (in case of conflicting accounts equally weighted with evidence, the first to report will be assumed innocent). Every living human is required to take a genetic test to determine whether they are Jewish, Jews shall be considered non-Whites under the law. Those Identified as Jews must be marked at the earliest opportunity, the markings must be permanent, located somewhere upon their heads, and must be prominently visible. Jews must also be sterilized or killed (and the bodies destroyed) at the earliest opportunity as well. The central bank shall be nationalized, and usury shall be abolished. This means that charging interest, lending money, fractional reserve banking, and issuing fiat currencies shall be illegal. Instead, banks will take a percentage of holdings as banking fees, buy shares in enterprises, practice full reserve banking, and all currencies will be representative (I will allow the use of cryptocurrencies as a special exception). All workers unions will be nationalized, the concept of incorporation shall be abolished (meaning that the people within a corporate entity are held legally accountable for their actions, not the corporate "person" they are a part of). Intellectual property will also be completely abolished (no copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, etc). The borders closed to immigration and visitation for all except Living Gentile White Male Humans who do not subscribe to (and are willing to formally disavow and swear an oath of hostility to) any leftist political ideology or Islamic religious ideology, and anyone/anything they bring with them. They (Living Gentile White Male Humans who fit the above criteria), shall be completely unrestricted from immigration and visitation, and will have no additional requirements placed upon them to qualify for immigration, visitation, or citizenship (they will be given citizenship immediately should they formally request it). Furthermore, anyone/anything they bring with them who/which is not a Living Gentile White Male Human will also be accepted into the country, but ONLY as the property of the one who had brought them in with them. However, a toll (in the form of a flat lump sum) will be charged on every crossing of the border (both into and out of the country), the toll is due to be paid before each crossing is allowed to be made. Tariffs (in the form of a flat percentage) will be levied on every import and export, in addition to the sales tax. General taxes will be collected regularly in the form of a flat lump sum, sales taxes in the form of a flat percentage. Accepting tips will be a prohibited business practice. Leftist political beliefs and Islamic religious beliefs will be prohibited by law as Heresy, the belief in giving any rights, freedoms, or protections to anyone/anything other than Living Gentile White Male Humans will also be considered Heresy under the law, as would any belief in offering any sympathy or tolerance towards those who hold or express Heretical beliefs. Heresy will be considered among the worst possible crimes one can commit, however, those willing to recant their beliefs and name other Heretics (or who/what had inspired them to Heresy) will be granted leniency (freed of punishment, but bearing the mark of the former Heretic upon their heads). Note that Heresy must be openly expressed to be considered a crime, and there must be a record of their expression of Heretical beliefs to serve as evidence, no Heretic may be convicted on mere hearsay, no matter who the witnesses are or how many witnesses there were, those who had been branded as former Heretics will be able to serve as penitents, aiding the inquisition in finding and punishing Heresy.
[Expand Post] Other than the restrictions on Heresy, there will be absolute freedom of expression and association, meaning that anything one can create, say, see, or hear will be legal, businesses can have full discretion over how they do business and with whom they do it with. Public nudity and lewdness will be legal, and hopefully the resultant shame will motivate people to focus on shaping up their bodies. It will be legal to buy, sell, and consume human flesh and human milk, in fact, a move will be made to make human milk replace the milk of other animals as the standard source of dairy products for the country's population. I'd possibly also take measures to switch the primary source of big power to thorium powered nuclear reactors, and replace the use of fossil fuels with ethyl alcohol derived from hemp. Another move will be to make it standard to have our washrooms/bathrooms modeled after the best of those found in Japan as a minimum standard of quality (for example, it is better that we wash our asses with water and use the paper to dry them rather than use paper to wipe our feces off, and better to shower before a bath rather than to potentially bathe in our own dirt, but I would also like air dryers and sink-mounted soap dispensers to be standard as well). Note: "Male" is defined by the presence of at least one Male-Exclusive Chromosome, the Y-Chromosome in the case of humans. "Female" is defined by the complete absence of such a trait. Also, I believe I don't have to say it, but just in case: National Socialism is obviously NOT Leftist.
>>1941 >>2034 >lolberg retardation >hurr hurr don't make a system where laws can adapt to the people's needs >double spacing waste of fucking space Fuck off retard.
>>2846 >lolberg retardation Not an argument >hurr hurr don't make a system where laws can adapt to the people's needs Giving politicians the ability to make laws has never worked out. Also, if your system of laws is good enough, you never need to adopt them further. Most of what happens in society is underpinned by very few laws. >double spacing waste of fucking space It makes everything easier to read, by breaking them into clear paragraphs, and it lets people clearly see when one point finishes and another begins. >Fuck off retard. . Maybe take your own advice.
>>1941 The only realistic and fastest solution is the genocide of all non-whites. Anything else is LARP.
Here is my simple idea: https://powping(Please use archive.today)/posts/ecc05e2171f2b0122d2e86c86d310d2f1232f5a7f72097693cce88d2a3c4faa0
>>3043 https://bin.privacytools.io/?728f335c1bb013f7#RhC+wQeMdnkUf5Flu0V1jMCCd4fX+Ru1nQE15hfS4qE= Here's mine, please read it carefully, you don't have to read the whole thing all at once, you don't even have to read the whole thing at all, really, just a quick scan of the most important issues to you is enough (use Ctrl+F to find the most relevant words to you): >>3039 The issue is that even the most perfect political system out there is absolutely worthless if it never comes to power, they are just words with no effect. We have t think about how socially acceptable it would be for someone to advocate for my party in any crowd, if we don't think of that, we are depriving ourselves of all chance of victory. The food that no one is willing to eat, may be the most delicious and perfect food in the world, but it still fails as food because no one eats it. It might as well be just some random junk at that point. the most perfect political system that no one supports, is just a scrap of paper, or some bits and bytes in a text document. Even in a situation of complete and sudden collapse, people might still not be willing to entertain your political ideas. If they are ever to be made real and effective, you must be willing to play the long game, and to use gradual and incremental pressure to move things in your direction. The overton window is pushed from the inside. That''s how the left seized the control they have today, it started long ago, and arrived to where it is now through slow and gradual change. So yeah, in practical terms, we need to adjust our political system so that it moves in the right direction, but not so far that the normies (whose support we so desperately require) will withhold their support from us. We need to get into power, we need signatures, we need votes, one thing I thought of, was to offer up a referendum that would allow me to reap some support from the far left in addition to the far right (where there are two positions on the same area of policy, that is where my referendum choice to the people will lie). By running as the party of the political ideas that goes unacknowledged in mainstream politics ("the party that gives a voice to the voiceless"), I can gain some extra support off of the marxists lack of self-awareness that they aren't as popular as they think they are. Even if the leftists win the referendums, I've modified the proposals so that Whites can still benefit.
Nice LARP faggot, the pedophile shit outed you as a communist shill immediately.
>>3054 I don't know if any of my policies could be characterized as "communist", I mean, closing the borders to immigration and heavily penalizing foreign trade, a universally consistent tax system, ending the practices of usury, an emphasis on private property, nationalizing worker's unions, killing corporations and their oligopolies, none of that would ever find marxist support. Also, that "pedophile shit" isn't in the privatebin post, and that is what I am actually running on. Lastly, the "pedophile shit", it's geared towards female disempowerment (through ultimate dependency), early male self-dependency, and other purposes that serve a very clear social benefit to any White society. This is a bit of a weasel, but there is also nothing in the "pedophile shit" that the Bible wouldn't endorse. Or did I miss the part in the Good Book that covers age of consent? The last thing is for you to think about how this system would work in practice, it;s not about the female's consent, but the consent of the man who owns her, which in most cases would be her father, and while parent-child incest does occasionally occur, it's very rare, and the westermarck effect has a lot to do with it. So most likely, the father is going to raise her to hand over to the husband of his choosing (thus cutting through the issue of hypergamy). Just because something is allowed, doesn't mean it's going to be commonplace, after all, there may be a short-lived rise, but I play the long game, and in the long term (over generations), I expect things to level out, especially as the natural qualities of the Aryan man return to the surface. In specific, Degenerates die off because degeneracy is by definition self-destructive behavior, so degenerates need external support to sustain themselves, but here they don't get that, so, they die off, taking their behavior-producing genes with them, and this is thus improving the quality of the Aryan man, and society as a whole.
>>3064 Note that this is how a long or detailed post looks without spacing between paragraphs.
>>3064 Last point, so you get where I am coming from with this: Do you think it's practical to give legal protections to young girls, only to remove them as they become women? at what age should this change take place? Because the policy towards girls is largely a by-product of the policy towards women. Maybe you'd have a better idea of what stance to adopt towards them? no, you just want to return to the policies of the past, the ones that eventually led us to where we are right now. We can't afford half-measures like our ancestors took. We must cut off all corruption at the source, and be sure to prevent it from rising again as best we can.The stance our ancestors took were obviously not complete enough, so I simply took them a step further. I don't play games based around what side I'm on, or what ideology I fit into. I simply have a goal, that is all that guides me, and I've developed each policy carefully to optimally achieve that goal, and to preserve it once it is attained.
>>2846 I want to come back to you, because I am curious: Why the hell do you think some set of policies needs to be able to change? What circumstances do you think would render some set of policies to require changing? Is it not better that one set of policies stands strong equally under all circumstances? If the policies are to be changed, is it not admitting that the policies were so gravely flawed that they needed to be altered? I am genuinely curious as to what you answer would be here. It may give me something to consider. Please, I implore you, speak your hypothetical scenario where my policies would fail.
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>>1941 >>2034 >>3053 >>3064 (((trying to govern with a bunch of autistic rules))) sage for slide thread
>>7007 >every little policy we fail to describe is going to be filled in by our enemies Hence why killing all enemies comes first. any system can be built, remodeled or rebuilt at any time. No system can survive while our enemies (jews, leftards and shitskins) are alive.
The USA is a bankrupt warmongering police state, but nothing will change because Americans think everything is just fine.
>>1941 only solution is another civil war
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>>7222 FBI? I'm CIA
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>>7223 Orly?
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>>1941 We can argue about solutions once the people get off their fucking ass and win back the country. None of that shit matters till AFTER the deep state is defeated. Not one fucking line or letter.
>>7337 You don't understand, showing people that we have an endgame plan is going to get more people to fight with us NOW. It shows we have a positive vision for the future, which means a standard for judgment of membership (helps with combating infiltration), a value system beyond just "tear everything down and replace it with ???" Which means less to fear from infighting and it also helps us hold territory once we take it, which we will be doing in a civil war, be it cold (as it is now), or hot (as it may be in the future), it provides a source of hope, which is a powerful tool of recruiting allies and maintaining their loyalty and obedience. People don't just need something to fight against, they also need something to fight for as well, giving people a clear idea of what they are getting from us if we win means people are less scared to join up with us for fear that we turn out to be worse than the last guys. A lot are turned off from us because they are scared of what we might turn out to be, we can get a lot of people by showing what we stand for because it puts that hesitant even to rest.
>>2034 Bro, Jewishness is not a genetic trait. You can't test for it. They are not a "race", no matter how much they or you want it to be the case. Proof that one is a Jew is determined via matrilineality stretching back to Israel, preferably the original 12 Tribes. It's basically how good was your family at keeping genealogical records. Judaism is more a bureaucracy than it is a religion. Everything else you proposed is at a similar level of ignorance of reality.
>>7394 >Jewishness is not a genetic trait. That's where you're wrong, motherfucker: https://archive.vn/X2l80 <There are several autosomal recessive genetic disorders that are more common in ethnically Jewish populations https://archive.vn/6Zw9y <The medical genetics of Jews is the study, screening, and treatment of genetic disorders more common in particular Jewish populations than in the population as a whole.
>>7395 >There are some disorders more common in Jewish populations That doesn't prove anything. If it were something that were ALWAYS present in Jews, and NEVER present in non-Jews, you might have a viable strategy. But since neither of those is true, you'll have a huge problem with both false positives (detecting those disorders in non-Jews) and false negatives (not detecting them in Jews). It's almost like you WANT to miss finding all of them, doing half-measure shit like this.
>>7398 Plenty of evidence behind psychological traits being just as inheritable as physiological ones.
>>7394 Jewish ethnicity absolutely is genetically distinct from Non-jew whites. To the point that jews need bone marrow transplants from other jews since they reject them from whites.
>>7405 Sure thing. What psychological traits do you have in mind? Because greed and sociopathy is baked into hominid DNA long before humans even split off other apes, so you can't rely on that as they occur in every race and group evenly. >>7406 Are you sure that's not because of some bullshit rule like bone marrow from gentiles not being kosher? Either way, saying there is a distinction is not really the issue; it's determining it reliably and consistently. Same way that there is likely a major genetic component for homosexuality, but there is still no "gay gene" one could theoretically test for.
>>7409 No, jews are permitted to take donations from gentiles for the sake of their lives, they are permitted to do anything that breaks their rules if it is a matter of life or death, they can eat bacon to save themselves, it's the one case where its ok with god. but are restricted to other jews because the marrow and plasma from gentiles get's rejected at a much higher rate if it comes from a gentile. mixed jew/gentile ancestry are double fucked, neither parent can help them, so they need another jew/gentile mix. Check the red cross for confirmation. jews aren't white, they aren't genetically compatible with whites.
>>7549 Hopefully, the momment we got an open civil war in America, white people win. And in civil war, the extremes eat the moderates and centrists. So we will have it be nazis vs commies.
>>7569 https://www.minds(Please use archive.today)/newsfeed/1200250574518001664 Listen to the words of a real gamer
>>7571 Original gamer right here
>>7569 There won't be an open civil war. Most Americans are too comfortable to risk their lives and their families doing anything, no matter how fervent their beliefs. The vast majority of guns are locked up and will never be used, the people who own them doing so for their symbolic rather than actual value. If there is a civil war of any kind, it will never be about race or politics, but class. Rich, mostly white men burning the poor whites and blacks to feed themselves. But really, that's already been happening for the last 70 years if you'd been paying attention. There haven't been any commies in any level of power since the 50's. It's just an alt-right boogyman used to scare the rednecks into voting for their own demise by handing over all their power to the rich businessmen who are TOTALLY going to use that power to protect them from the monsters in the closet.
>>7573 >Most Americans are too comfortable to risk their lives and their families doing anything, no matter how fervent their beliefs Yes, so far at least. >it will never be about race or politics, but class. EVERYTHING IS ABOUT RACE, RELIGION, AND CLASS (MONEY & POWER) BAKA BAKA.
>>7573 >Most Americans are too comfortable to risk their lives and their families doing anything, no matter how fervent their beliefs. And, how do you think people are going to react to their retirement and savings going bust because of the GameStock fiasco?
>>7510 There are four major races (human subspecies) on Earth: Aryans Semites Asiatics Negroes Of these four, only Aryans require (female) purity to survive due to the receive nature of Aryan genetics.
>>7578 Fucking autocorrect. RECESSIVE.
>>7578 Slavs (Mongol rape babies), may be 'white' but the paternal line is Asiatic. Spain is also a half-semetic country due to the Arab conquest. Greece as well due to the Turkish (Asiatic-Semitic) conquest. Iran was the first homeland of the Aryans, but was subverted (Mordecai) and conquered by Semities (Islamic conquest of 600~AD
>>7578 Wrong. - Aryans/Gentiles (Whites) - Semites (Jews/Arabs/Indians) - Asianoids (East of India) - Negroids (South of Sahara, and Indian Islanders) - Australoids (Melanesians and Aboriginees) - Americoids (Redskins, Spics, and Island-niggers)
>>7573 >Rich, mostly white men burning the poor whites and blacks to feed themselves Rich, mostly (((white))) men burning the poor whites and blacks to feed themselves Fixed it, it's the jews, it's always the jews.
>>7582 Wrong. I was talking about major races in terms of numbers and power. Not mixtures.
>>7582 >Indians >Semites They're Aryan/ Dravidian(Australoid) hybrids, you fucking retard.
>>7395 There is less genetic distinction between German Gentiles and German Jews than there is between Southern Chinese and Northern Chinese. So if the Ashkenaz are a separate race than Germans, then the Asianoids are at least 2 dozen different races.
>>7576 If you don't understand what's going on with the Gamestop stocks, keep your mouth shut. You just make yourself look like a retard. >>7583 Most people can't tell the difference. Aside from that, does it matter. It's not YOU; it's never going to be YOU. Either your born with a silver spoon, or you get nothing.
>>7596 >Either your born with a silver spoon, or you get nothing. Take a look at our idols and you'll realize how stupid you sound. It has to be you, that's the point of National Socialism. Most people can't tell the difference between kikes and whites because they're conditioned from birth to think there is no difference. But whether they care to make the distinction just now is unimportant, I can draw them a picture they would recognize as a jew without even thinking. >>2961 Libertarianism is retarded and gay. The state is the primary tool of the nation, why the fuck would you intentionally cripple it? We have the guns and even the men to overthrow the US government tomorrow, but as GLR lamented, we just can't find a way to get the millions who already hate what's going on to stand up and fight for it. It's not because they don't want to risk comfort, because most of them aren't very comfortable in the Pax Judaica either. The ones who want to fight are worried they won't be able to feed themselves and their families. Most just lack any kind of will to resist, it's been slowly smothered since WWII. Such a nation will either give up and die or rediscover its will. But if it does assert itself again, it won't be behind a man who thinks he should give up power because his enemies ask him to. If we're going to set things right again the first step has to be educating the youth before the enemy can indoctrinate them. Propaganda is a fine tool, even without state support. We can reach literally anyone who totally loses faith in the jewish system, and it's easier now than ever. Even the kikes have been nudging people apart, albeit as a means to keep the infighting going on longer. Each generation has been more polarized than the last. It looks like things will come to a head with gen Z, but maybe it will be the generation after. Either way we aren't getting an "everyone get behind your lines and start shooting" style civil war. Look into Russia's Time of Troubles if you want a better example of what we'll have to go through. Whether it's this generation or the next, people won't always be willing to support the status quo, especially with blatant kikery running things. That they are in control is an unfortunate reality. That they are shitty rulers is easy enough to see from their history. No matter how much control they have, they abuse it too thoroughly, they get comfortable, and like any successful parasite, they get found out and purged. The era of Communist indoctrination broadcast from the cradle to the grave is over. They can try to control what people see and hear all they want, but the game has gotten away from them. I almost can't believe they fetishized counter-culture to try and keep their two party scam going a bit longer, not even stopping to consider the only true counter culture in a two party system is a third position. That they would do such a bad job as to get the whole country against them was something they always understood, thus the heavy emphasis on race. They like to keep the hated goyim thinking jews are a pitifully powerless religious minority so they'll focus on one another instead, meanwhile jewry slithers off to shed its skin again. I don't think I even need to explain how jew media uses race relations as a diversion. Don't bother thinking up ways to solve other racial questions, just cut them off from our innovations and they'll either drift back to their own path of die out. Not that you can do it without power anyways. Ultimately, you can type up all the policies you want, but you're not serious enough that they need to be considered. You're still operating on a jew taught principle, that power should be given up for the sake of an idea. Take a look at the first chapter of the protocols; You've been turned into a pawn.
>>7598 >I can draw them a picture they would recognize as a jew without even thinking Yeah, sure, but it will be a caricature. Big nose, rubbing hands together, props like a suit and stacks of cash to signal being a greedy fuckwit. My point is that it doesn't matter whether they're a Jew or not. You think replacing all the rich old Jews with rich old whites is going to take the boot off your skull? That's complete fucking delusion. Meet the old boss, same as the new boss. You give humans power, and they'll abuse it. Every. Single. Time. This applies regardless of race or religion or whatever else. When you start thinking you can single out the "evil" people, and in turn grant too much power to others, you end up with the same shit happening and you scratch you head "Durr, how?" That's how we ended up with Trump who out-Jewed actual Jews (or maybe he was just a Transformer: Jewbot in disguise, same result). That's how we end up with ordinary white dudes shooting up concerts and schools. You give someone power over others, they abuse it. And then you think you can give power to someone else and they'll stop it; but either they team up and BOTH fuck you, or one just replaces the other. The USA armed the Taliban to remove the commie Soviets from the Middle East, and they turned into terrorists. So we armed the Iraqis, and then they turned into terrorists. Then we armed ISIS, and they turned into terrorists. Now we're arming the Syrians, and I guarantee in 5 years they'll be the terrorists. Did you ever think, just maybe, DON'T FUCKING ARM ANYONE? The problem with ALL you fuckers is you think you can replace one oppressive government with another oppressive government and it'll all be candy and rainbows. Do you REALLY THINK that after putting a bunch of Nazis in power to overthrow the USA, they'll just hand over the power to the dumbfucks like you at the bottom of the pyramid rather than holding onto it for themselves? How retarded are you. All you're doing is taking the boot that's kicking you in the dick over and over, and letting someone else put it on. And stop worshipping Hitler. I don't care if his ideology lines up with yours. He was a complete idiot who wouldn't listen to his generals and advisors and therefore deftly snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. Don't you recognize propaganda over the masses when you see it? EVERY POLITICIAN EVER made speeches about how what they were doing was for the good of the people. Tell me again how, exactly, the German people benefited from the war, compared to the Party leaders who were living in luxury sending soldiers to their deaths by the millions from their bunkers and headquarters. Why the fuck would you believe it this time? Having any idols whatsoever is the surest sign of a weak mind. The only possibility for human salvation is complete annihilation of government at all levels, reduction of population to a few hundred million at most, and splintering of societies into communities of a hundred or so. Then every decision can be made by consensus and everyone will know and care for everyone else and nobody will be in charge. Because you can't avoid greed and corruption; it's natural and normal for humans. There is no preventing it, only avoiding it.
>>7598 >The state is the primary tool of the nation, why the fuck would you intentionally cripple it? At the same time it is clearly apparent that the state has today become the tool of those opposing the nation, i.e. the people.
>>7622 The USA is a lot like North Korea. It's government is just more subtle about it. Most people don't realize until they try how irrationally difficult it is to actually leave the country. Like how unless you "renounce your citizenship" you still have to pay taxes on your income for the rest of your life, even if you don't live or work in the USA anymore. And renouncing your citizenship ALSO takes thousands of dollars of payment. The reason why nobody cared about Al Capone until he dodged his taxes is because criminal rackets will typically not bother each other until they infringe on "territory". The USA is a criminal racket, always has been.
>>7623 At least when you pay to renounce your citizenship you're getting something for your money.
>>7624 >>7623 It's a spambot, morons. Stop replying to it!
>>7625 Shut the fuck up janny niggerbitch, I'll respond to whatever I please.
>>7600 The rich old gentile is the one who sold us to the kikes in the first place, there's no way in hell I'd want to give him power. If we give power to 'nazis' they won't be kicking us, otherwise they won't be 'nazis' at all. Just more traitors running yet another state which has outlived its usefulness and therefore has to be overthrown. >Eliminate government completely >Reduce ~10 billion to ~200 million >Split communities into a hundred or so Are you trolling me? You would need a world government to even try and eliminate government or implement pop. reduction, then you'd fuck yourself up the ass splitting it into groups of 100? Are you fucking stupid? We're social, we're territorial, that can only mean we'll organize into bigger and bigger groups to outdo our neighbors and absorb or destroy them, how can you pretend these new communities wouldn't immediately, by being tied together, not create their own states? And how could 2 million tribes of 100 killing each other and consolidating power over their respective regions be any more of a desirable situation than a few major powers throwing their weight around trying to increase their own spheres of influence? Why do you say greed and corruption are natural, and can't be avoided, but states aren't and must be destroyed? Are you sure you've thought this through? How do you think states came about in the first place, and what makes you think they won't do it again in your little fantasy scenario? >You can't avoid greed and corruption, it's natural and normal In a sick society, sure. Ask any of your older relatives though, people weren't always shit. >Still thinks Hitler wanted a global war I have no idea how you found this board, but clearly you're not even on the same page as almost everyone here. >Stop idolizing Hitler pic related
>>7638 You're delusional. You actually really think it's possible to make a government that has absolutely power that won't be absolutely corrupt? What a joke. One has never existed in the entire history of the world. And no, the Third Reich doesn't count because we never got to see what their ruling system would have been like after the war was over, because they lost. But any country that is a-okay with blanket murdering their own citizens, regardless of what crimes those citizens may or may not have done or how subhuman they might have been, will not stop after doing it a little. It wasn't just Jews, after all. They killed fags and gypsies and whatever else. >You would need a world government to even try and eliminate government or implement pop. reduction We don't need anything but time. Resource exhaustion, climate change, soil degradation, aquifer loss, collapsing EROI of fossil fuels. There are all bills that have been passed down from one generation to the next for hundreds of years, that will be come to be collected in the next few decades. There won't be anything resembling a human civilization once the chips have fallen by 2100 or so. Denying that is denying basic physics. Did you really think the oil would simply never run out...? What a joke.
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>>7645 The third Reich had six years of peace, we did get to see what their system looked like. >I have no space in which to give a catalogue of the schemes which are being carried through to develop the resources of Germany and to improve the conditions of life for her people. They are immense and they are successful. You talk like an 18 year old who thinks he has the world figured out. We did fine before oil, we'll do fine without. The state is inevitable, make it work for you or someone else will make you work for theirs. >muh holocaust Quit wasting my time.
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>>7668 >The third Reich had six years of peace, we did get to see what their system looked like Sure sure. So go ahead and list here for everyone how things were for the German people so we can see how they benefited from that. I'll wait. >We did fine before oil, we'll do fine without For someone who loves insulting people, you sure are complete retard. Why don't you go through your house (well, probably your mommy's house) and count everything made of plastic. By the way, that includes any food grown "non organically", as chemical fertilizers are ammoniate based, which also comes from petroleum. Now try to imagine a modern society where none of that exists. Good luck!
>>7670 > So go ahead and list here for everyone how things were for the German people so we can see how they benefited from that. You do have to admit, Anon, peace is peace. Whether that peace is brought about thanks to freedom of tyranny doesn't matter.
>>7675 If the people are starving at home, I doubt they much care whether or not their country is making war or peace outside their borders.
>>7678 I'm convinced you're baiting now, nice job faggot
>>2034 I agree.
I can't, everything disgusts me, and it's really hard to hide.
If you spent months indoors trying to warn Americans about the dangers of tyranny, you might be horrified to find out that reality is worse than what you thought. You can't even travel to another city now without going to the doctor and getting a physical. You must wear a mask, carry canvas bags around because plastic bags are illegal, your mobile phone is wiretapped, and you can't smoke. Maybe the worst part of living in a police state is that everyone thinks that the USA has never had this much freedom before and everything is wonderful. Insanity.
>>1941 >Government functions will be stripped down to law enforcement and national defense, all departments or agencies that provide any other functions of the government shall be purged. what about the irs? police and military cost money, the only means of making money available to a government is taxation, wouldn't they need a department to actually collect taxes and harrass those who refuse to/are unable to pay their taxes?
>>8152 None of this is true and literally everyone here, unless they are actual hermits who never leave their basement, will know that. Who are you trying to convince with this blatant bullshit? >wiretapping a wireless device I chuckled.
>>1941 >>8153 You forgot to include government accountability and general services!
Why is this garbage not deleted? Is the "poison the well" pedophile shit not warning enough or is the BO waiting for the op to come out and say "I am a jew and I am here to subvert you"? Fucks sake.
>>7016 All of them? in the whole world? the ones who outnumber us? the ones who currently rule over us in every meaningful way? Why not just focus on taking one or two countries first, then building the power we need to under good governance in order to take on the rest of them? I am thinking about fighting the enemy, he things is, people will be more likely to join a cause if they know exactly what it stands for, they will be more committed to fighting for the cause as well. By doing this I am helping the fight. I'm posting my ideas here so you lazy fucks would write down your own political policies, actually show us the kind of society that you think is ideal, and discuss the merits and flaws in them. Nothing matters except writing out good policy, some people looked at what I wrote and concluded I was too libertarian, others looked at it and concluded that I was too marxist, anyone from mainstream community would say I am too "nazi", I don't know what category I fit into, nor do I care. I care about what works. We spent enough time trying to tear things down, let's build something up. Can someone give me a full list of the policies of National Socialist Germany? I'd like to read through a source that isn't (((enhanced))). My primary goal is creating a system that does not get corrupted, I want to bring the cycle to an end. I seek to do this by removing the power of politicans to make laws and policies, right now we are in the best position to think up a system of laws that is open enough and flexible enough to never need to be altered, but a politican, they are not to be trusted with such a responsibility, these are powerful people, who get surrounded by other powerful people, and these people have a corrupting force on the politician, even one who is incorruptible and genuinely virtuous can be misled into passing measures that harm his people. Domestically, the laws should be such that the majority of things are handled by the citizens, with only the few essential functions that must be somewhat objective and consistent be handled by the state. Second, I'd like to minimize all sources of threat, domestic and abroad, I do the external threats by passing measures that encourage the country to be entirely self-dependent, or at the very least as self-reliant as possible, for internal threats, I want to make the one specific group with the least issues among their number sovereign, and make all the other groups to live at their mercy, . To answer your questions, I would classify tax collection as "law enforcement", and as for those who cannot pay? I'd make them indentured servants to the state ad have the work it off, there's no interest, so they just have to work off the amount they are deficient for, plus the expenses of whatever is being provided to them (that they cannot provide for themselves), and from then on, they can say in their positions and continue earning wages that are now a positive source of revenue for them, no matter who they are, I'm sure we can find some work for them, and if they absolutely cannot do anything at all, and there is no private charity to take care of them, at that point I am willing to make an allowance in the system for them to have their needs provided, so long as they agree to be sterilized, otherwise,, we send them into exile and let the other place take care of them. Besides, I'm not planning on ever letting the taxes get so high that no one could pay, I'm okay for letting the elected representatives decide what the tax rates should be. As for general services, like welfare and the like, there are no general services, politicians will use these to bribe people with, it's a good idea to not allow the state to be able to buy things for people with other peoples tax money, especially in a world where a significant percentage of the population can be fooled into calling these types of things "free". Emergency services is about as far as I'm willing to go, and those fall under "law enforcement", is they are a localized domestic matter, or "national defense" if they are a widespread domestic matter, other countries can handle their own damn emergencies.
>>8167 The political leadership are restricted to enforcing laws that exist, not making new ones. They are defanged and depowered from ever being able to oppress their people by passing unfair laws, that's accountability.
Those who praise tyranny are mentally ill.
>>8491 Heil fikken Hitler bitch! Welcome to /pol/!
>>8221 There is no such thing as a system that is not corrupt, for it is made out of humans that are naturally selfish greedy murder-monkeys. Given power, everyone will abuse it for their own interests. The "philosopher king" doesn't exist unless he is not human and is completely divorced from humanity. A superintelligent AI would work for this. The largest problem with a pure democracy is that it's completely impossible to hold a vote on every decision that needs to be made in ever level of government. Imagine trying to hold a public vote every time a road somewhere needs to be paved. That's the idea behind a representative government: you put people in a position to make those decisions, and trust they will make the decisions you want. The only way that is actually possible is communities of less than a couple hundred individuals. But a city or a country? Impossible. So what you're proposing only works if humanity is splintered into tiny communities. But to do that would require a reduction of global population to a few million at most, because the current population can only be sustained through the current global economy and supply chains which require that bureaucracy and hierarchy.
>>1941 nice blog faggot
>>8529 No. Athenian democracy will be our starting point.
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>>8735 the problem is that no such thing as a "jews DNA". There are about 20-50 ethnic groups that are related to ‏כזר (Khazars). They are in Caucasus, central Russia, Ukraine sure, Belarus, East Europe (a lot of), etc. But there are another "jews" that have totally different haplogroup: Spanish Jews, Portugal, etc. And this population in general is very big, at least 80% of East Europe I think. Don't forget about British, for me they all (their phenotype, faces) look like "bird" or "fish" face, from my POV they mostly are 100% Jews. So, your idea is to discriminate about 90%-95% of East Europe, 90%-95% of UK, 50% of Europe, 50% of Russia, and 50% of the world, LOL. Just China will be OK. BTW, are you Chinese?
>>11095 >your idea is to discriminate about 90%-95% of East Europe, 90%-95% of UK, 50% of Europe, 50% of Russia, and 50% of the world Yeah, that sounds about right. Except we probably need a much higher number than 50% of the world.
>>1941 >solution To what? You won't ever actually do a goddamn thing in the first place.
First thing we do is determine how we judge "success" or "failure", we must ask "what do we want to achieve?" before we ask "how can we best achieve it?". Comprende? good. Now, I'll set down what I think we need to have as our goal, which is this: "Maximizing the utilitarian ratio for White Males" In case you don't know, the utilitarian ratio looks like this: Births + Health + Pleasure + Happiness + Scientifically/Logically Justified Beliefs / Deaths + Sickness + Suffering + Sorrow + Scientifically/Logically Unjustified Beliefs "White" can be defined genetically, and excludes ethnic/racial groups that evolved aggressive mimicry, like Jews. "Male" can be defined genetically as well by the presence or absence of the Y-Chromosome, if you have at least one, you are Male, if you have none, you are Female. Now we can evaluate the degree of success or failure of a political system or of it's policies, only now that we have goals can we have a meaningful discussion about political design.
>>11111 Stop wasting digits you LARPing nigger.
>>11143 The post said discriminate, not anything particularly extreme.
>>11124 Talking does nothing. We already know what we want. There is no action to cause it, anywhere.
>>11200 (nice doubles dubs m8) After all is said and done, we should combine Canada and the USA into one country. My autism just can't deal with Alaska.

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