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Covid General 2 09/28/2023 (Thu) 06:36:16 Id: 025494 No. 19365
Previous thread >>89 Archived: https://archive.ph/uxzYm The scam rumbles on.
Dr Ana Mihalcea: Evidence of Crimes Against Humanity www.bitchute()com/video/cL3JH7j2ftVO/ www.bitchute()com/video/tziwXv4QWWWM/ Visit her substack: anamihalceamdphd()substack()com/
Remember when the WHO got caught putting conjugated tetanus toxoids with hCG in vaccines to make Kenyan women infertile? This is smoking gun evidence that world governments and health organizations are willing to secretly add compounds or other substances to vaccines to make you infertile and incapable of having children for the rest of your life. The same WHO has also been studying how immunologically castrate people since the 70s/80s. Another interesting coincidence is that the Pfizer CEO, who is a veterinarian, spearheaded a brand new vaccine called Improvac that immunologically castrated male and female pigs. As some of you know, human and pigs have very similar immune systems, hence why they are now trying to use pigs for organ transplants and other immunological research pertaining humans. With all this in mind, now go look at fertility rates for 3rd world countries, and then lookup when they had vaccination programs forced upon them. In nearly every single case, fertility rates tank immediately after vaccination. They never removed mercury from the vaccines going to these third world countries either, and mercury is well known to cause spontaneous abortions, fetal demise, and infertility. I'm sure it's all just one big monumental series of coincidences or mistakes and there is no malicious intent behind it all. One big happy accident that works perfectly in concert with their broader depopulation agendas that they openly admit to. This is real history that you should keep in mind, especially when you are seeing further reports about the COVID vaccine having an impact on menstrual bleeding and fertility, like @naomirwolf has been reporting on since 2021 and wrongfully ridiculed and dismissed for. 1 in 6 globally are infertile as of April 2023, so they've been very successful already. nitter()unixfox()eu/Inversionism/status/1706835366429315153#m
Scientists ‘Shocked’ and ‘Alarmed’ at What’s in the Covid Shots spectator()com()au/2023/09/scientists-shocked-and-alarmed-at-whats-in-the-mrna-shots/ https://archive.ph/s9OVP Early in 2023, genomics scientist Kevin McKernan made an accidental discovery. While running an experiment, McKernan used some vials of mRNA Pfizer and Moderna covid vaccines as controls. He was ‘shocked’ to find that they were contaminated with tiny fragments of plasmid DNA. McKernan, who has 25 years’ experience in his field, ran the experiment again, confirming that the vials contained up to 18-70 times more DNA contamination than the legal limits allowed by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). McKernan was alarmed to find the presence of an SV40 promoter in the Pfizer vaccine vials. This is a sequence that is, ‘…used to drive DNA into the nucleus, especially in gene therapies,’ McKernan explains. This is something that regulatory agencies around the world have specifically said is not possible with the mRNA vaccines. Other scientists soon confirmed McKernan’s findings, though the amount of DNA contamination was variable, suggesting inconsistency of vial contents depending on batch lots. One of these scientists was cancer genomics expert Dr Phillip Buckhaults, who is a proponent of the mRNA platform and has received the Pfizer covid vaccine himself. In September of this year, Dr Buckhaults shared his findings in South Carolina Senate hearing. ‘I’m kind of alarmed about this DNA being in the vaccine – it’s different from RNA, because it can be permanent,’ he told those present. piped()video/watch?v=IEWHhrHiiTY ‘There is a very real hazard that the contaminant DNA fragments will integrate with a person’s genome and become a permanent fixture of the cell’ leading to autoimmune problems and cancers in some people who have had the vaccinations. He also noted that these genome changes can ‘last for generations’. Dr Buckhaults alleges that the presence of high levels of contaminant DNA in the mRNA vaccines ‘may be causing some of the rare but serious side effects, like death from cardiac arrest’. He added, ‘I think this is a real serious regulatory oversight that happened at the federal level.’ Dr Buckhaults’ concerns are shared by McKernan, who presented his findings to the FDA in June. At the time of writing, McKernan had not received any response from the FDA on the matter. Dr Buckhaults said in the Senate hearing that he had emailed his findings to the FDA, but he had not received a response either.
One of the most important threads on covid, the vaccine and their origins as a jewish bio-weapon https://nitter()unixfox()eu/onetallorfour/status/1595635925702385664#m If that doesn't work, try another instance of Nitter: https://github()com/zedeus/nitter/wiki/Instances >It is my hypothesis that we can derive who is responsible for the creation of the pathogen by applying the old Roman "cui bono" or "to whom is it a benefit" and taking a cursory dive into what racial groups primarily carry these genes. >We have been infiltrated by communists for a long time as Whittaker Chambers famously said. They have hijacked our infrastructure and are using it against the population; be it CRT, weaponized immigration, or subversion of US intelligence. >Apparently the NIH opened research with communists from the USSR and China with full passkeys--higher clearance than even Americans. They openly worked together on "cancer research." >"Even the Army's infectious disease unit is loaded with foreign workers not always friendly.." >Let this serve as a basis to understand why I posit this theory. The first known country to develop ethnic weaponry was Israel, reported in 1998 in Wired Magazine https://archive.md/lUA0b Highly recommend you read the rest of the thread.
>>19413 Further threads of interest, of the covid vaccine targetting Whites and sparing Ashkenazi jews: https://nitter()unixfox()eu/onetallorfour/status/1595624676415492097#m
Covid is an Ethnic Bioweapon https://hillmd()substack()com/p/covid-is-an-ethnic-bioweapon https://archive.ph/SMR2F Looks at several papers showing that Whites are most susceptible to the covid vaccine, and Ashkenazi jews least susceptible.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Hides Truth in Covid Ethnic Bioweapon Backpedal https://hillmd()substack()com/p/robert-f-kennedy-jr-hides-truth-in https://archive.li/fBbaB
Are COVID-19 injections the “ethno-bomb” Israel began developing in the late 1990s? https://thecovidblog()com/2022/01/17/are-covid-19-injections-the-ethno-bomb-israel-began-developing-in-the-late-1990s/ https://archive.ph/FXnli Israel was the first country to start administering fourth (second booster) shots at the beginning of 2022. Turkey started administering fifth booster shots at that same time. But there is growing evidence that the people of those nations may be less susceptible or even immune to adverse effects from the shots. Albert Bourla has been with Pfizer since 1993. He was promoted to COO in January 2018, before being appointed CEO later that year. Thus he has been in charge of Pfizer since the so-called pandemic commenced. Bourla frequently speaks about his love of Israel and how his parents survived World War II. In fact he accepted the Theodor Herzl award on November 9, 2021. The award was created by Herzl’s World Zionist Organization, and is given to the most influential and important Zionist in the world. In his acceptance speech, Bourla compared November 9, 1938 (Kristallnacht) to November 9, 2020 when Pfizer announced that their mRNA injections were effective against COVID-19. Take that for what you will. Bourla did not develop the Pfizer mRNA injections. But he hand-picked the guys who did. Dr. Mace Rothenberg was promoted to Chief Medical Officer by the new CEO Bourla in January 2019. Rothenberg led the entire development effort for Pfizer’s mRNA injections. He quit his job at Pfizer in January 2021, as soon as the mRNA shots he developed were deployed on the human race. Rothenberg is a Zionist. Mikael Dohlsten is the company’s Chief Scientific Officer and head of research and development. He is a Zionist as well. Dr. Tal Zaks was appointed Chief Medical Officer of Moderna in March 2015. He was the man in charge of developing the Moderna mRNA injections. Zaks was born in Israel and served in the Israel military as a medic and ambulance driver. He frequently talks about his Israeli heritage, making no bones about where his loyalty lies. Coincidentally or otherwise, Zaks stepped down from his Moderna CMO position last February, around the same time Rothenberg left Pfizer. Zaks is now a board member for Israeli pharmaceutical company Teva. There’s also Facebook, YouTube and Google. The three platforms are the primary COVID-19 and “vaccine” propaganda machines. They are owned by Mark Zuckerberg, Sergey Brin and Larry Page. All of them are Zionists. But why would Israel poison their own people with the injections? Note, again, that Ashkenazis comprise only 32% of Israel’s population. Mizrahi Jews are 44% of the population. Arabs/Muslims are about 18% of Israel’s population. White Europeans and Americans (except the Finnish) have 54% up-regulation of the ACE2 receptors, the highest of all humans. Thus they are the most susceptible to post-injection adverse reactions and deaths. Black Americans and Black Africans have 39% up-regulation. The Finnish, along with East and South Asians, and Latinos, range from 2 to 10% up-regulation. But the most surprising part of the study – the Amish and Ashkenazis have ZERO percent up-regulation. [see links in original] There’s also the December 2020 study published in the journal Biochemistry and Biophysics Report. It concluded that ACE2-K26R decrease electrostatic attraction of spike proteins. These receptors are most frequently found in Ashkenazi populations. All other ACE2 variants increase electrostatic attraction of spike proteins, with South Asians and Europeans having the strongest attraction.
>>19418 In announcing Albert Bourla’s selection,(for the winner of the 1mill dollar Genesis Prize) The foundation noted the wide-ranging contribution of numerous Jewish scientists, doctors and healthcare officials in helping to save lives during the COVID-19 pandemic. It specifically highlighted the contributions of the following individuals: --Dr. Drew Weissman, Professor of Vaccine Research at the University of Pennsylvania, whose discovery of a novel nucleoside-modified mRNA platform enabled the creation of pioneering mRNA vaccines, --Dr. Mikael Dolsten, Chief Scientific Officer, Pfizer, who guided the development of the Pfizer vaccine in record time, --Dr. Tal Zaks, Chief Medical Officer of Moderna during the development of the successful mRNA 1273 vaccine; --Dr. Joanne Waldstreicher, Chief Medical Officer of Johnson & Johnson, which delivered a successful COVID-19 vector vaccine, --Academician Alexander Gintsburg, director of the Gamaleya Institute for Epidemiology and Microbiology, which developed the Russian Sputnik vaccine, --Dr. Anatoly Altstein, Chief Scientist at Gamaleya, who led Russian Sputnik’s development, --Dr. Rochelle Walensky, Director, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which coordinates the US public health response to the pandemic, and --Jeffrey Zients, the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, who oversees the US federal government response to the pandemic, including vaccine distribution. https://www.jpost()com/health-and-wellness/coronavirus/article-693932 https://archive.ph/yKXAg
>The baseline miscarriage rate in studies of a normal cohort of women is about 5%. >For years, papers have been misreporting much higher rates of around 15% to conflate this number so that it becomes nearly impossible to demonstrate that a drug treatment is causing an increase in miscarriages. >The 15% rate is based on inappropriate use of a cancer survival model applied to miscarriage data. >When the data is analysed in the same way, we show that the miscarriage rate in the V-safe cohort is double the background rate. [V-Safe is a CDC app, through which vaccine reactions can be reported, among other things] >The v-safe pregnancy registry has a rate of miscarriage which is at least double what it should be. https://arkmedic()substack()com/p/a-miscarriage-of-statistics https://archive.li/NUJjg Read the rest of the article to see how some Chink came up with a method of fiddling the numbers
Nurse is vaccine injured, and has her blood analysed https://nitter.net/houselyndsey/status/1705310913308369136 "I just tested Lyndsey’s blood and there’s tons of hydrogel in it. This woman is a nurse and put her life on the line by being around sick people daily, and even took the vaccine to be able to continue to do so. Her red blood cells are very inflamed and also have spikes on them. This is not healthy blood." 2023 Children dying suddenly in the news: https://www.bitchute(Please use archive.today)/video/3y1FfUcSsinV/ Norwegian statistician Anders Brunstad discussing all-cause mortality https://rumble(Please use archive.today)/v3cqfyq-anders-brunstad.html
Prenatal Nurse Talks about Post-Vax Fetal Deaths Short: https://www.bitchute)(com/video/rgxTuM1GWwa6/ Full: https://www.bitchute)(com/video/NdbNm1wHeHKd/ Longer (different interview): https://www.bitchute)(com/video/872IMjcMcI1X/
Mark Crispin Miller has been tracking “died suddenly” deaths since 2022. He estimates that he has documented over 10,000 such deaths since he started. In one of those deaths, he was notified that the deceased was not vaccinated with the COVID vaccine But let’s be conservative and say that there were 10x as many of these and that 1 in 1,000 sudden deaths were unvaccinated. In the US, 25% of us are not vaccinated with the COVID vaccine. So in 10,000 deaths, we’d expect to see 2,500 deaths, but we only saw 10 deaths. That could happen by chance. The probability is really small though. It’s less than 1e-330 which is the limit of Python’s floating point. It’s so small that even if Mark Crispin was off by three orders of magnitude, and there were 1,000 people who were unvaccinated and died suddenly, it’s still 6.6e-256. So if the discrepancy of expected vs. observed didn’t happen by chance (which it didn’t), there must be a cause. What is it? Based on [the] statistics, the COVID vaccines are likely causing more than a thousand-fold rise in the number of sudden deaths. If you hear of someone who died suddenly, they more than likely died from the COVID vaccine. That’s what the numbers say. https://archive.ph/QoYBd https://kirschsubstack)(com/p/the-died-suddenly-vax-vs-unvaxxed
Why You Shouldn't Take Stew Peter's Died Suddenly Seriously https://researchrebel)(substack)(com/p/died-suddenly-is-typical-trash-from https://archive.ph/qQlMK Peters is the guy who brought us the totally discredited film that tried to make the case that covid was deadly because it had similarities to snake venom and was spread through tainted water. He and his team are either terrible at vetting reliable information or they are engaged in a deliberate campaign to discredit the health freedom movement. The movie would have been far more effective if it had just focused mainly on [the clotting] and dug deeper. E.g., there is still a question as to whether the clots are what are causing people to die, or if they form post mortem. It would have been valuable to show what they’re made of and to prove that they are distinct from another type of post mortem clotting. But unfortunately the film taints the material on the clots and other important information by covering it with a lot of garbage. And it is truly a shame in this case because there is much valuable, true information in the film that is now tainted by being mixed together with so much false information. You want to do everything you can to make sure that you’ve done careful due diligence on all the information and facts in the movie. If you leave low-hanging false fruit to be plucked by naysayers and fact-checkers to debunk, then it becomes very easy to ignore and dismiss the rest of the content. We cannot adopt an ends-justifies-the-means mentality. That is the mentality of those we are fighting against. If we aren’t better than that, then we’ve already lost. Igor Chudov recently covered a paper that was actually published in a scientific journal advocating for “Inoculating against COVID-19 Mis-information” by exposing them to deliberately absurd information about. That’s why it’s so important for us to get things right. The team behind this movie made really simple mistakes, like including footage of a young basketball player who collapsed on court in Dec. 2020 before the covid vaccine rollout and didn’t even die. With so much footage to choose from, why choose that one? And that’s not the only one. There are other basic errors discussed in this post by Steve Kirsch. https://archive.ph/mzYSp Here are four more errors that stuck out like a sore thumb. There may be more: 'The coverage of the DMED data (the military’s medical database). Mathew Crawford looked into the DMED data and discovered that the original whistleblowers had made a simple mistake in comparing 2021 with previous years: what they essentially did is to count every office visit instead of every diagnosis. So if you were newly diagnosed with, say, myocarditis, every visit you and everyone else diagnosed with myocarditis had with the military health system (more or less) was added up and compared to the total number of individuals who had been diagnosed with myocarditis in previous years. This means that, although there WAS an increase in many health diagnoses, it was not nearly as large as those whistleblowers thought and which appears in the movie. None of the people involved in bringing the DMED scandal to light have shown the slightest interest in correcting their mistakes and did not do so for this film despite having been notified of their errors, and so these falsehoods continue to be repeated and now amplified by Stew Peters Declining birth rates in Australia. Yes, birthrates in most parts of the world have declined significantly in late 2021 and especially 2022, and in many cases this can be tied to the rollout of COVID jabs, as I discuss here: https://archive.ph/FpkpL However, one graph shown in the movie displays statistics for several countries, including a MASSIVE decline in birth rates for Australia. Turns out that huge decline is simply due to a reporting problem where the numbers of births from December, 2021 are hugely undercounted when the official statistics are released, and then generally not updated until much later. So that huge decrease shown in the movie is wrong: The incredibly high miscarriage rate in the Pfizer report to FDA. The discussion of the high rate of miscarriage reported by Pfizer to the FDA (over 80%) completely misrepresents the data. I have seen this error repeated many times. On April 30, 2021, Pfizer prepared a post-marketing experience document to submit to the FDA summarizing all of the adverse events (AEs) reports that had been submitted to Pfizer related to their COVID vaccine through Feb. 28, 2021. Somehow, the information in the report has been interpreted as if Pfizer followed these pregnant women, and of those whose birth outcomes are known, a huge percentage had miscarriages. In some cases I have even seen people refer to this as ‘pregnant women from the Pfizer clinical trial.’ No! That’s not what this is. The data is generated in a way that is similar to VAERS except here we cannot even use the total number of people (or women) vaccinated — we would need to know the total number of pregnant women, and we don’t, and neither did Pfizer. So the bottom line is that the information on miscarriages in the Pfizer report has been misinterpreted, that misinterpretation has been repeated and amplified ad nauseum (including in “Died Suddenly”), and in fact the report provides absolutely no indication of what the miscarriage rate is following COVID vaccination. The depopulation agenda. In the film, they show a talk by Bill Gates where he says: “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.” Then they cut to Chad Whisnat, a plain-spoken, down-to-Earth Funeral Director saying something to the effect of: “Bill Gates said he’s going to reduce the population with vaccines. I can’t think of any other explanation than that taking those vaccines is going to kill people. It’s common sense. I wasn’t an anti-vaxxer but I am one now.” I agree that is the common sense interpretation of that statement. And I agree that people in power, including Bill Gates, talk publicly about the need to reduce the world’s population — there is an elite agenda. And that agenda has nothing to do with Chad’s common sense interpretation of what Bill Gates said. The point is this: there is another way to understand what Bill Gates said in his Ted Talk and another way to understand the goals and means of those who talk about the need to reduce the world’s population — one that does not include mass murder and forced sterilization. And even if that is true, it is a terrible way to package the factual evidence of increased deaths and reduced fertility as a result of the COVID-19 jabs. You will never convince anyone who is on the fence about those facts when it is packaged in the notion that the elites are trying to kill and sterilize the population, for the simple reason that the public statements of those who push the population reduction agenda allow for a different, more benevolent interpretation of their actions. That doesn’t mean we need to or should believe them or take their public statements at face value—it just means that we are shooting ourselves in the foot by framing the evidence in that way if we want the facts presented in the film to reach a wider audience.
>>19468 Cont. I completely washed my hands of Stew Peters after his “Watch the Water” snake venom fiasco, and “Died Suddenly” offers no redemption. This is not somebody we can trust. As far as I’m concerned, Stew Peters makes the rest of us look bad, and whether that is on purpose or not is sort of beside the point, because either way, he’s bad for the movement because in the end he discredits us even if he gets some things right. Going forward, he deserves 100% of our derision and 0% of our attention. People have said: everybody makes mistakes and no documentary nails the facts 100% of the time. Of course that’s true, and I myself have made more than one honest mistake. But even if all the errors in this documentary can be chalked up to “everybody makes mistakes,” it doesn’t explain the attempt to blackwash the movie by associating it with a bunch of conspiracy theories like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster. So my conclusion is that the mistakes were not honest. And by the way, it’s not just me who feels disappointed, angered and betrayed by Stew Peters. Some of the vaccine injured do as well: nitter)(net/oneadds/status/1595943715935248384 [See article for full details. I cut out quite a bit but it's still long]
Liz Gunn talks about tens of thousands of deaths from the covid vaccines in just one data-base in New Zealand: https://www.bitchute)(com/video/OscEB3hUfyOa/ 30 people were jabbed on one day at the same location...they all died at nearly the same time. Statistically it's impossible they died of natural causes. The government knew every side-effect before the vaccines were ever administered.
All vaccines are bioweapons. The current paradigms of modern vaccinology with the use of toxic adjuvants, preservatives, and metals was birthed by Jonas Salk [jew], a card carrying eugenicist [jews promote dysgenics for the goyim, not eugenics] trans-humanist who was funded by the Rockefellers [jews], who are also eugenicists [see above]. If their well iterated goal is to reduce the world population, why would they be funding and building infrastructure to create and mandate vaccines to reduce death and illness? Wouldn't this increase the world population in the end? Obviously yes. It's inherently contradictory and would not work towards that agenda, assuming vaccines are just doing what they are claimed to do in preventing disease and death, which they clearly don't. Vaccines are not intended to kill upon injection either. If that happened, it would become too obvious and people would stop participating in their vaccination programs, like we're seeing now from the COVID vaccine fallout. Vaccines are intended to subtly maim and set up for future health issues that are not associated with the vaccines you got as a child or even recently, so they can not only profit off those illnesses by attributing to other causes and take more of your resources and wealth from you to "treat" it, but also ensure you don't reproduce as much. They're very well designed ticking time bombs, with the primary target being fertility, which you can see in the data ever since the polio vaccine was released. Fertility rates are collapsing rapidly, and the mRNA vaccines are basically the final solution to end women's fertility. The fertility and birth rate data that's released in the coming years will make this abundantly clear, but by then it will already be too late and the damage will be done. SOURCE: https://nitter)(net/Inversionism/status/1716578094520132060#m
Steve Kirsch [jew]: "Breaking: You can now sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers for damages and the FDA is required to take the COVID vaccines off the market. Why? Adulteration. The plasmid bioactive contaminant sequences were NOT pointed out to the regulatory authorities. It's considered adulteration. I just got off the phone with Professor Byram Bridle and Dr. Robert Malone on this." >This DNA plasmid contamination story is worrying me. I think it might just be the free pass they're looking for, providing for retreat with: >- few legal issues, because the consequences of this contamination are likely to be scant >- "warm base" manufacturing established >- a scape goat available for politicians to blame >- promises to clean up manufacturing before the next pandemic. >?mRNA then survives. I think @GirardotMarc is right that injections broadly and the LNP tech narrowly are a problem, and that @jjcouey is right that immunity enhancement against RVs is implausible using injectable products, as there is no mechanism for generating mucosal immunity from the blood. Source: https://nitter)(net/NickHudsonCT/status/1716289202353021367#m Further: >This is how the script would read if the mRNA technology were to be saved in the end to be used another time. Do you buy it? >Much of this year was a blur, but privately @jjcouey and I were suggesting a general set of scenarios that includes this event specifically [as a way to save mRNA vaccines]. >Also, Kirsch [jew] had vaccine vials in 2021. I kept asking him about testing, and he kept saying the lab was busy. Detect any bullshit? >?Now, some interested party (Thiel? Musk?) can buy up the manufacturing facilities on the cheap from these collapsing corps and usher in the era of "personalized medicine". Maybe Kirsch will invest Sasha Latypova: "I told Steve [Kirsch] the product was adulterated in 2021, he dismissed me and my analysis as "conspiracy", he actually used that word. "He called me in January this year and now in a longer conversation I laid out all the data, regulatory paperwork from EMA that clearly stated Pfizer was non-cGMP, and results from hundreds of vial tests all showing product adulteration. "He also dismissed all that saying his "experts" (whoever) disagreed. Now he is Mr. "product adulteration!" OMG everyone can sue Pfizer because Steve said so! What a grift" >Steve [Kirsch] did this with me multiple times, even though he would say I was his go-to guy for "hard problems". >In late 2021, Bret Weinstein [jew] oddly declared, "We are ahead of schedule." >Was all this about ignoring those of us making the connections so that a few powerful figures could steer the messaging and take credit for it all? That's what I've thought for a while at this point. >After my (correct) work sorting out DMED, I found that my observations were farmed out for credit. Nobody references me as having found positive international correlation between vaccine uptake and cases/deaths, much less my two early June 2021 analyses estimating vaccine mortality that stood the test of time. SOURCE: https://nitter)(net/EduEngineer/status/1715857609545187382#m TLDR: people like Steve Kirsch, Dr Robert Malone, Bret Weinstein seem to have been controlled opposition the whole time.
Report from Morning Paper in Iceland 40% increase in multiple myeloma in 2022!! https://nitter)(net/_aussie17/status/1716675968369308070#m Newspaper article in Icelandic: https://archive.ph/003O5 “…in 2022 reflects a similar development in this country. Deaths caused by malignant tumors increased by 9% during the year. "Malignant tumors in the cystic tonsil led to 21% more deaths than in the previous year, lymphoma 17%, multiple myeloma 40%, tumors in the pancreas 23% and deaths from leukemia increased by 33% from the previous year. "Furthermore, it can be seen in the death register that deaths caused by nephritis and nephrotic syndrome increased by 29% during the year. There is evidence that the above-mentioned growth of cancer can be attributed to some extent to the contamination of the mRNA by billions of DNA particles that flowed deaths in 2022 when 213 deaths, or 8% of the total, are classified under covid-19. "In comparison, according to the death registry, there were only six deaths caused by covid in 2021. Could it be that one of the 213 deaths in 2022 attributed to the mRNA vaccines was included in the covid field in the file? Someone may ask: What was the point of vaccinating 719,000 people against covid in 2021 if the number of deaths caused by covid increases from six to 213 between years?”
'Long Covid' Misdiagnosis Leads to Woman's Death https://archive.ph/R1btJ https://www_telegraph_co_uk/news/2023/11/04/jessicas-cancer-was-missed-20-times-by-gps/ >For five months, Jessica Brady had been getting progressively more sick. >Jessica’s symptoms ranged from stomach pains to persistent post-nasal drip and a cough so bad it made her vomit. >By November, she could barely keep food down and was rapidly losing weight. She was constantly breathless and physically exhausted. No amount of rest could bring relief to a body that seemed, "inexplicably", to be failing her. >By then, Jessica’s symptoms had been repeatedly dismissed by the GP surgery, where a roster of doctors (she rarely spoke to the same one twice) diagnosed her with everything from a urinary infection to "long covid." >Jessica battled to be taken seriously, receiving what the Bradys describe as “fragmented” care. Most appointments were conducted remotely [because of the fraudulent 'pandemic'], and Jessica accrued a series of increasingly debilitating symptoms. >A pattern emerged: she’d call the surgery, speak to a dismissive receptionist, and eventually be granted a phone call with a GP. The doctor would listen to the latest symptoms, prescribe medication and send her away. >Jessica had 20 GP appointments and two trips to A&E in total. Not once did anyone mention the word “cancer”. >A final desperate attempt to get help via a private consultation gave Jessica the diagnosis of stage four adenocarcinoma (a cancer of the glands) with an unknown primary >It was too late. The cancer had spread to her liver, lungs, lymph nodes and spine. “She was told that it was terminal and there was no hope, that she mustn’t hope,” says Andrea. >Jessica was admitted to hospital straight away; she died three weeks later on December 20, 2020. >Through those torturous months, Jessica did an extraordinary job of advocating for herself. And yet, her case still managed to slip through the net – a casualty not just of Covid but of a primary care system in crisis. Just three of Jessica’s GP appointments were conducted in person. Face-to-face consultations plummeted in the pandemic, of course. Yet, even now, nearly 30 per cent of appointments are still conducted remotely in England. >Results from tests – which she had to beg for – should have raised alarm bells. One blood test showed that a D-dimer (a protein fragment indicative of a clot) was raised. It was never followed up; the Bradys now know a raised D-dimer can also be a sign of cancer. Kill doctors, behead doctors, roundhouse kick doctors into the concrete, slam dunk a doctor baby into the trash can, crucify filthy doctors, defecate into a doctors food, launch doctors into the sun, stir fry doctors in a wok, toss doctors into active volcanoes, urinate into a doctor's gas tank, Judo throw doctors into a wood chipper, twist doctors heads off, report doctors to the IRS, karate chop doctors in half, curb stomp pregnant doctors, trap doctors in quicksand, Crush doctors in the trash compactor, liquify doctors in a vat of acid, eat doctors, dissect doctors, exterminate doctors in the gas chamber, stomp doctor skulls with steel-toed boots, cremate doctors in the oven, lobotomized doctors, mandatory abortions for doctors, grind doctor fetuses in the garbage disposal, drown doctors in fried chicken grease, vaporize doctors with a ray-gun, kick old doctors down the stairs, feed doctors to alligators, slice doctors with a katana.
This year's flu vax has formaldehyde and mercury in it https://nitter_net/RickArmstrong11/status/1721123940830003366#m See tweet for pic. According to the American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute, Leukaemia is the most common type of cancer in children. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, formaldehyde is known to cause Leukaemia and other cancers. According to the vaccine manufacturers, the FDA and the CDC, formaldehyde is an ingredient in vaccines. https://nitter_net/RickArmstrong11/status/1721123940830003366#m
“I gathered all vaccine ingredients into a list and contacted Poison Control. After intros and such, and asking to speak with someone tenured and knowledgeable, this is the gist of that conversation. Me: My question to you is how are these ingredients categorized? As benign or poison? (I ran a few ingredients, formaldehyde, Tween 80, mercury, aluminum, phenoxyethanol, potassium phosphate, sodium phosphate, sorbitol, etc.) He: Well, that's quite a list... But I'd have to easily say that they're all toxic to humans... Used in fertilizers... Pesticides... To stop the heart... To preserve a dead body... They're registered with us in different categories, but pretty much poisons. Why? Me: If I were deliberately to feed or inject my child with these ingredients often, as a schedule, obviously I'd put my daughter in harm's way... But what would legally happen to me? He: Odd question... But you'd likely be charged with criminal negligence... perhaps with intent to kill... and of course child abuse... Your child would be taken away from you... Do you know of someone's who's doing this to their child? This is criminal... Me: An industry... These are the ingredients used in vaccines... With binding agents to make sure the body won't flush these out... To keep the antibody levels up indefinitely... The man was beside himself. He asked if I would email him all this information. He wanted to share it with his adult kids who are parents. He was horrified and felt awful he didn't know... his kids are vaccinated and they have health issues...” ~ By Iris Figueroa Here are just SOME vaccine ingredients present in routine vaccines: ◾️Formaldehyde/Formalin - Highly toxic systematic poison and carcinogen. ◾️Betapropiolactone - Toxic chemical and carcinogen. May cause death/permanant injury after very short exposure to small quantities. Corrosive chemical. ◾️Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide - May cause damage to the liver, cardiovascular system, and central nervous system. May cause reproductive effects and birth defects. ◾️Aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, and aluminum salts - Neurotoxin. Carries risk for long term brain inflammation/swelling, neurological disorders, autoimmune disease, Alzheimer's, dementia, and autism. It penetrates the brain where it persists indefinitely. ◾️Thimerosal (mercury) - Neurotoxin. Induces cellular damage, reduces oxidation-reduction activity, cellular degeneration, and cell death. Linked to neurological disorders, Alzheimer's, dementia, and autism. ◾️Polysorbate 80 & 20 - Trespasses the Blood-Brain Barrier and carries with it aluminum, thimerosal, and viruses; allowing it to enter the brain. ◾️Glutaraldehyde - Toxic chemical used as a disinfectant for heat sensitive medical equipment. ◾️Fetal Bovine Serum - Harvested from bovine (cow) fetuses taken from pregnant cows before slaughter. ◾️Human Diploid Fibroblast Cells - aborted fetal cells. Foreign DNA has the ability to interact with our own. ◾️African Green Monkey Kidney Cells - Can carry the SV-40 cancer-causing virus that has already tainted about 30 million Americans. ◾️Acetone - Can cause kidney, liver, and nerve damage. ◾️E.Coli - Yes, you read that right. ◾️DNA from porcine (pig) Circovirus type-1 ◾️Human embryonic lung cell cultures (from aborted fetuses) You can view all of these ingredients on the CDCs website:
[Expand Post]https://www_cdc_gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/b/excipient-table-2.pdf t_me/LauraAbolichannel SOURCE: https://nitter_net/CartlandDavid/status/1712751623695425764#m
Swedish Boy died after covid vaccination – doctor reported to prosecutor’s office https://archive.ph/UThXV https://childrenshealthdefense_eu/public-health/boy-died-after-covid-vaccination-doctor-reported-to-the-prosecutors-office/ >The parents of a 13-year-old boy, who died a few months after receiving the covid-19 vaccine, have reported the doctor for failing to provide information about the risk of heart inflammation and for causing death. >The report went directly to the Public Prosecution Service, which has now taken up the case. >At the beginning of September, Helena Treiberg Claeson of the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Gothenburg initiated a preliminary investigation into Causing the Negligent Homicide Death of Another Person. >The case concerns Nicholas Sundgren who, four months after vaccination with Moderna’s Spikevax, died in the aftermath of blood poisoning due to endocarditis, a form of heart infection. He was 13 years old. >The complaint states that the doctor responsible for the boy’s covid-19 vaccination failed to warn him of the risk of heart inflammation, which is potentially fatal. >"Importantly, Nicholas had a good immune system and was clinically healthy, as stated in his medical records from October." - Bobbo Sundgren, father of the deceased boy >The report, initially rejected in the spring, was approved after the prosecutor took note of additional information, including studies and reports that show a link between covid-19 vaccines and deaths. >Nicholas Sundgren was born with a heart defect and had a biological heart valve prosthesis implanted when he was three days old. At six months, he received a liver transplant. >Despite this, he was completely drug-free from the age of one, and throughout his life had been healthy, strong and happy. >“So when the nurse called in August 2021 and offered the covid vaccine to Nicholas, I just said ‘sure, we think it sounds good,'” says Bobbo Sundgren. >Nicholas received his first dose of Spikevax in September and the second in October. >The night after the second dose, he developed a 40 degree fever, but recovered fairly quickly. >Two months later he became ill with fever and vomiting, which his father interpreted as winter vomiting. But on the third day, he couldn’t move his legs. >At the hospital, it turned out that Nicholas had contracted blood poisoning and bacteria in his prosthetic heart valve that had spread to his lungs. >However, doctors could not find a wound where the bacteria could have entered to cause the sepsis, as is usually the case. >Despite extensive treatment and surgery, his life could not be saved. After two months in hospital, Nicholas died with his father by his side. >It was only when Nicholas was hospitalised that his parents learned that the mRNA vaccines can cause heart infections such as myo- and peri-carditis. >Neither the doctor nor the nurse had informed them of this before the vaccination. >After the death of his son, Bobbo Sundgren started to look for information on how Spikevax could cause myo- and pericarditis. >He found a wealth of research and reports showing that the mRNA vaccine, which turns cells into little ‘spike protein factories,’ can trigger the immune system to attack healthy organs and blood vessels in the body, causing inflammation, clots and other damage. >“Studies have also shown that non-bacterial endocarditis can be virtually symptom-free for more than a month. And a new study from Switzerland shows that vaccine damage to the heart can occur more than 30 days after the second injection of the Moderna covid vaccine,” he says. >Björn Hammarskjöld, a former senior consultant in paediatrics and a trained biochemist and molecular biologist, supports this view. >He is a witness in the parents’ complaint and says that in Nicholas’s case, modified mRNA and spike proteins probably caused the immune system to damage cells in the heart valve, creating an inflammation where bacteria could attach and grow. >He further explains that modified mRNA and the spike protein have been shown to reduce the immune system in several ways. >“When the immune system is reduced, the risk of viruses and bacteria growing rapidly increases. Eventually, the immune system fails and the bacteria take over, leading to sepsis,” he says. >The Patient Act requires so-called informed consent when healthcare providers offer medical treatment, which also applies to most vaccines. It states that the patient or guardian should receive clear information about risks and side effects. >According to Bobbo Sundgren, this is not what happened in their case. The family did not receive any information about side effects or that they should be aware of the symptoms of heart inflammation. >The nurse who called did not say a single word about myocarditis from the vaccine, and neither did anyone else in the health care system. “If we had known that, we would have said no,” he says, adding that they were not worried about covid because Nicholas had travelled on public transport throughout 2020 and half of 2021 without getting sick and probably already had antibodies.
Dr Kimberly Biss talks about the covid vaccine and the increase in miscarriages, including shedding from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed: https://www_bitchute(Please use archive.today)/video/uL1WgqVIaD8O/ She says the miscarriage rate in her practice doubled. Article referenced in video: https://jessicar_substack_com/p/real-time-obstetriciangynecologists https://archive.ph/d302W See more videos: https://www.bitchute_com/search/?query=kimberly%20biss&kind=video&sort=new
mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Caused More Deaths Than Saved https://www.zerohedge-com/medical/mrna-covid-19-vaccines-caused-more-deaths-saved-study https://archive.fo/COG7O >According to a new study, mRNA covid-19 vaccines cause more deaths than save lives. >The researchers called for a “global moratorium” on the shots and “immediate removal” from childhood immunization schedule. >The peer-reviewed study, published in the Cureus journal on Jan. 24, analyzed reports from the initial phase 3 trials of Pfizer and Moderna covid-19 mRNA vaccines. Study link: https://www.cureus-com/articles/203052-covid-19-mrna-vaccines-lessons-learned-from-the-registrational-trials-and-global-vaccination-campaign#!/ https://archive.fo/8TC3t >These trials led to the shots being approved under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) in the United States. The study also looked into several other research and reviews of the trials. >It found that the vaccines had “dramatically lower” efficacy rates than the vaccine companies claimed. >Moreover, based on “conservative assumptions, the estimated harms of the covid-19 mRNA vaccines greatly outweigh the rewards: for every life saved, there were nearly 14 times more deaths caused by the modified mRNA injections.” >“Given the well-documented SAEs (serious adverse events) and unacceptable harm-to-reward ratio, we urge governments to endorse and enforce a global moratorium on these modified mRNA products until all relevant questions pertaining to causality, residual DNA, and aberrant protein production are answered.” >“It is unethical and unconscionable to administer an experimental vaccine to a child who has a near-zero risk of dying from covid-19 but a well-established 2.2% risk of permanent heart damage based on the best prospective data available.” A lot more details in the original article
https://beckernews-com/crime-of-the-century-new-research-paper-raises-horrifying-possibility-covid-patients-were-euthanized/ https://archive.is/rYLC7 >A new research paper in pre-print circulation raises the possibility that certain covid-19 patients were euthanized with Midazolam. >The paper is authored by Dr Wilson Sy, Director of Investment Analytics Research, Australia. >The paper has not been peer-reviewed, but does provide data and documentation that strongly suggests that the National Heath Service (NHS) in the UK pursued a deliberate policy of euthanizing certain covid-19 patients with Midazolam, particularly those struggling with pulmonary-respiratory issues. The paper: https://www.researchgate-net/publication/377266988_Excess_Deaths_in_the_United_Kingdom_Midazolam_and_Euthanasia_in_the_COVID-19_Pandemic https://archive.is/4OGDT >The most striking data-set compares the monthly U.K. England excess deaths with monthly Midazolam injections. Reported excess deaths closely follow upon injections by one month. In the graph in the paper you can see the very close match between the two. >“Clearly, Midazolam injections and excess deaths in England are highly correlated, but not synchronously, because medication generally does not have instantaneous impact, and also reporting of dosages used and registration of deaths may lag. Shifting the time series for Midazolam injections one-month forward, very high correlation is seen in Figure 10.” >“The very high correlation (coefficient 91%) between excess deaths lagged one month and Midazolam injections is largely due to the first two enormous spikes up to early 2021. >“From April 2021 onwards to May 2023, the same correlation dropped to 59%, but still statistically significant with p-value at 0.0007. The misclassification of covid deaths, possibly deliberate, also led to their high correlation with Midazolam injections.” >“New guidelines were rapidly developed in early 2020 by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) for managing covid-19 symptoms, including those at the end-of-life. Jews love to come up with acronyms that are such childish propaganda, like calling a culling program NICE. In America you had the CARE act, you gave monetary incentives to doctors and hospitals to misdiagnose patients as having 'covid' and put them on ventilators and god-knows-what. >“The rapidly developed new guidelines opened the door to implementing a policy of euthanasia in UK: 'NICE has developed these recommendations in direct response to the rapidly evolving situation and so could not follow the standard process for guidance development. The guideline has been developed using the interim process and methods for developing rapid guidelines on COVID-19.'” Because of the 'extraordinary' circumstances, the normal regulatory procedures in public health were not followed. Sound familiar? Like throwing out all evidentiary and judicial standards at Nuremberg? >The pharmacological measures for managing breathlessness during the covid-19 outbreak included the administration of morphine and midazolam. >Morphine and Midazolam as a tandem drug therapy is controversial due to reports that it has been used for euthanasia of felons. >For example, in 2005, Dr. Anna Maria Pou, a cancer surgeon on the faculty of Louisiana State University School of Medicine, was accused of using morphine and midazolam to euthanize patients. At least 34 patients died at Memorial Medical Center under suspect conditions; however, a grand jury refused to indict Dr. Pou and four of her medical colleagues, the New England Journal of Medicine reported. The report: https://www.nejm-org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp0707917 >In 2022, the New York Times reported on the use of midazolam for lethal injections of prisoners: >"This week was the first full trial on Oklahoma’s use of midazolam, in a state where a prisoner vomited and shook for several minutes after he was injected with the sedative during an October execution. >"a group of prisoners on death row argued that the mix of drugs that awaits them in that state has the potential to cause so much pain as to be 'constitutionally intolerable.'" >Dr Sy uses statistical regional analysis of the United Kingdom to further elucidate the correlations: >“Note that all regional subpopulations have consistently positive correlations, avoiding Simpson’s Paradox, and suggesting the absence of significant confounding factors in the statistical relationships. >“That is, even though the mathematical details of the regressions may differ quantitatively (due to other minor confounding factors), the firm conclusion prevails that Midazolam injections have significant causal impact on excess deaths in England.” >Dr Sy then addresses whether the patients put on Midazolam would have died anyway regardless. >“About 28,000 care home residents died in April 2020 across England, which represented 33.5% of all deaths in England. As there were about 375,000 care home residents (three quarters elderly, some with dementia, and the rest disabled) in an English population of 65 million, the mortality rates for that month were 7.5% and 0.128% respectively, implying an April 2020 death rate in care homes about sixty times that of the national average.” >“Many of the UK elderly with comorbidities or terminal illnesses have died with euthanasia in care homes, and not from covid-19 due to few cases of infections early in 2020.” >This claim is a challenge to the widespread conclusion that covid-19 was particularly lethal to the elderly. >Sy, however, accuses medical malpractice and unethical guidelines, such as the abuse of palliative care and Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders as factors that made up "covid" deaths. >The paper then makes comparison between U.K. England and Australia to distinguish whether vaccination or euthanasia are major contributing factors to high excess mortality rates, particularly since the 'pandemic' has become endemic: the majority of people have acquired immunity. >"Vaccination had no significant statistical correlation with UK deaths with a five-month time lag or with any other time lag. Unlike in Australia, this lack of consistent correlation, suggests that covid vaccination has no statistically provable impact on UK deaths: covid deaths, non-covid deaths or excess deaths. >"This lack of statistical evidence does not mean that vaccination may not be a primary cause which was likely masked by the causal proximity of euthanasia with Midazolam. Given the Australian research which proved “vaccination kills”, it is highly probable that the sustained elevation of the levels of UK excess deaths was not due to natural causes, but due to vaccination. The other Australian research referenced: https://www.researchgate-net/publication/374261986_Early_Indication_of_Long-Term_Impact_of_COVID_Injections/stats >"However, for the epidemiology of the confounded situation in the UK, other approaches and methods are needed to establish the relationship between vaccination and excess deaths." What this suggests to me, is the UK numbers have been fiddled. See for instance John O'Looney's interviews (Bitchute, Rumble, etc).
[Expand Post] >a former Member of the Australian parliament, Craig Kelly: "If the data is correct, the only conclusion is that tens of thousands of elderly English were murdered with an injection of the end of life drug Midazolam. >"These deaths were then falsely blamed on covid, which was the basis of the public fear campaigns used to justify the lockdowns and mass mandated injections of the public (including children) with an experimental medical intervention that had zero long term safety data. And along the way, a small group pushing the need for mass mandated injections made billions." A 'small group' pushing lethal drugs on the world: who could that be?
https://petermcculloughmd-substack-com/p/breaking-springer-nature-cureus-journal https://archive.is/h38wx By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH >In a stunning act of scientific censorship, a little known publication integrity staffer Tim Kersjes has retracted a manuscript authored by epidemiologist M. Nathaniel Mead et.al., after the paper drew global attention to the Springer Nature Cureus platform with record views,reads and downloads. According to a screenshot in the article, this Kersjes studied philosophy and not any scientific subject, then worked for some unnamed NGOs, and then for Springer. >The paper called for a halt in covid-19 mass-vaccination based on an evaluation of the evidence. It had over 330,000 views, reads and downloads in a month, compared to an average Cureus-promoted paper which has only ~2700 in a year. The paper had an SIQ rating of 9.2 on the Cureus website, according to a screenshot in the article. >A rating of 9.2 is considered “excellent” and “groundbreaking”, appropriately characterizing this extensively cited paper with 293 references (average paper has 30). >The authors’ rebuttal to this unethical action taken by the publisher is posted below so you can see the points raised and responses. >Please see the publication link and download your PDF version before it is censored off the platform. Link: https://pubmed-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov/38274635/ https://archive.is/CTGuM Here's the abstract from the paper <Our understanding of covid-19 vaccinations and their impact on health and mortality has evolved substantially since the first vaccine rollouts. <Published reports from the original randomized phase-3 trials concluded that the covid-19 mRNA vaccines could greatly reduce covid-19 symptoms. <In the interim, problems with the methods, execution, and reporting of these pivotal trials have emerged. Re-analysis of the Pfizer trial data identified statistically significant increases in serious adverse events (SAEs) in the vaccine group. <Numerous SAEs were identified following the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), including death, cancer, cardiac events, and various autoimmune, hematological, reproductive, and neurological disorders. <Furthermore, these products never underwent adequate safety and toxicological testing in accordance with previously established scientific standards. <Among the other major topics addressed in this narrative review are the published analyses of serious harms to humans, quality control issues and process-related impurities, mechanisms underlying adverse events (AEs), the immunologic basis for vaccine inefficacy, and concerning mortality trends based on the registrational trial data. <The risk-benefit imbalance substantiated by the evidence to date contraindicates further booster injections and suggests that, at a minimum, the mRNA injections should be removed from the childhood immunization program until proper safety and toxicological studies are conducted. <Federal agency approval of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines on a blanket-coverage population-wide basis had no support from an honest assessment of all relevant registrational data and commensurate consideration of risks versus benefits. <Given the extensive, well-documented SAEs and unacceptably high harm-to-reward ratio, we urge governments to endorse a global moratorium on the modified mRNA products until all relevant questions pertaining to causality, residual DNA, and aberrant protein production are answered. Back to the article. >Kersjes raised eight points previously handled in an exhaustive peer-review process. The journal and its editors had the right to reject the paper any time during the review process. Once published, it is a violation of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Guidelines to retract paper without adequate justification. Then in the article there's a long and detailed response given by the author's to the reasons given for the retraction, I won't repost it, read the original if you're interested. Ten minute video on the paper: https://rumble-com/v4bfybq-peer-reviewed-study-covid-19-vaccines-caused-14x-more-deaths-than-lives-sav.html Interview with the lead author Nathaniel Mead on the retraction, 1h 17m: https://rumble-com/v4gdz7r-mrna-paper-retraction-nathaniel-mead-tpc-1425.html
https://expose-news-com/2024/03/14/correlation-covid-vaccines-and-rising-cancer-cases-in-children/ https://archive.is/jFase >A report quietly published by the UK Government department known as the Office for National Statistics (ONS) shockingly reveals people aged 18 to 49 who have received four doses of the covid-19 vaccine are up to 318% more likely to die of any cause than unvaccinated people aged 18 to 49. >This means we have found the cause of excess deaths being so high across the West and young people dying of cancer across the UK at an explosive rate. >Since the roll-out of covid-19 vaccines, there has been an unprecedented rise in the deaths of young people between 2021 and 2022 from rapidly metastasizing and terminal cancers, according to data from the ONS. >The data provided by the ONS on the rate of cancer deaths above the historic norm in 2022 for ages 15-44 in the U.K. include: >-A 28% rise in fatal breast cancer rates in women. >-An 80% increase in pancreatic cancer deaths among women and a 60% increase among men. >-A 55% increase among men in colon cancer deaths and a 41% increase in women. >-A 120% increase in fatal melanomas among men and a 35% increase in women. >-A 35% increase in brain cancer deaths among men and a 12% rise in women. >-A 60% increase in cancer death rates among men in cancers “without site specification” and a 55% increase among women. >The ONS dataset details deaths by vaccination status from April 1, 2021, to May 31, 2023. Our analysis focused on mortality rates per 100,000 person-years from January to May 2023 among residents in England aged 18 to 39 and 40 to 49, and what we found is truly shocking. ONS link: https://www.ons-gov-uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/datasets/deathsbyvaccinationstatusengland >Initial observations of the data prove that individuals aged 18 to 39 who had received four doses of a covid-19 vaccine exhibited higher mortality rates compared to their unvaccinated counterparts. >In every single month, four-dose vaccinated teenagers and young adults were significantly more likely to die than unvaccinated teenagers and young adults. >On average, the four-dose vaccinated were 256% more likely to die than the unvaccinated based on mortality rates per 100,000. >Because these figures are mortality rate per 100,000 it cannot be argued that this is because more people have had the covid-19 vaccine. According to the graphs in the article, the age-standardized all-deaths mortality rates per 100k for those aged 18 to 39, averaged from January to May inclusive, were: Unvaccinated: 26.6 One vaccine: 38.4 Four vaccines: 94.6 From other graphs it appears the first shot killed a number of people, and then the death rate from further vaccines declines, either because the most susceptible have died already or because the lethality of the shots was reduced in order to avoid suspicion. Then the fourth shot was the big killer. >A similar pattern was also discovered among people aged 40 to 49. >The figures reveal that both one-dose and four-dose vaccinated adults aged 40-49 were significantly more likely to die than unvaccinated adults of the same age in every single month since the beginning of 2023. >On average, the one-dose vaccinated were 100% more likely to die than the unvaccinated, and the four-dose vaccinated were 71% more likely to die. Reminder that JEWS are behind the covid vaccines, and that the vaccines are designed to harm Whites the most, and are harmless to Ashkenazi jews.: https://threadreaderapp-com/thread/1595636958709030912.html https://hillmd-substack-com/p/covid-is-an-ethnic-bioweapon (paywall) https://hillmd-substack-com/p/in-a-covid-bioweapon-operation-strange (39th point) https://thecovidblog-com/2022/01/17/are-covid-19-injections-the-ethno-bomb-israel-began-developing-in-the-late-1990s/
https://www.aussie17-com/p/a-message-from-japan-to-the-world https://archive.ph/ELapQ Video in link. Edited for length and clarity. >My name is Masayasu Inoue, Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School. My specialty is Molecular Pathology and Medicine. >The pandemic was used as a false pretext by the WHO to drive vaccinations of all peoples in the world. >A plan was set up to shorten the time to develop vaccines, which usually takes longer than ten years, to less than one year. >This ...was used to cover up the misconceptions of the genetic vaccines. Under the pretext of saving time, an extremely dangerous method was selected. >That is, intramuscular injection of viral genes to produce toxic spike proteins directly in human tissues to stimulate immune system. >Because this is a completely new and misconceived method that has never applied before in human history, it is impossible, therefore, for most of doctors to give proper informed consent. >However, due to irresponsible government and media campaigns to promote vaccines, 80% of the Japanese has been vaccinated. >the result was the [introduction] of the terrible drug-induced injury that has never been seen in human history. >And without learning from the current situation of injured patients, they plan to construct a new vaccine production system in preparation for the next pandemic. >The Japanese government is first in the world to approve a new type of vaccine called self replication replicon vaccine, and plans to start to supply it in this fall and winter. >factories to produce new vaccines are being built one after another in Japan. I visited these factories directly. >Furthermore, the Japanese government is currently soliciting large scale clinical trials worth $900 million from pharmaceutical companies that are developing vaccines to prepare for the next pandemic "Disease X" proposed during the Davos conference this year. >It is speculated that the movement by the Japanese government is part of CEPI Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation's 100 days mission, which aims to shorten the time to one third of Operation Warp Speed. Namely, 'they are trying to shorten the vaccine business cycle by developing a vaccine in one hundred days. >This is possible only by ignoring the human rights perspective. Amendments to the WHO, International Health Regulation (IHR), and the so called Pandemic Treaty, which are about to be adopted at the 77th World Health assembly this year, are attempting to give rationality and legal binding force to such unscientific and dangerous crazy plans. >Although it has already been three years since I started to give lectures to educate Japanese people about the dangers of vaccines, it is still difficult to penetrate through the sound barriers of mainstream media. >If we tell the truth about vaccines on YouTube, it is deleted within a day. The reality is that we are facing censorship and speech suppression almost every day. >Therefore, I put my hope in the publication of a book with the last version of speech and published a book with a title "Withdraw From WHO" >It is difficult to stop this movement because it is now politically hopeless to change the situation of the Japanese government. >The message I would like to cover convey to the world is that when Disease X occurs in the future, you should never trust the Japan-made vaccine that was developed in a short period of time.
https://gregreese-substack-com/p/self-replicating-nanobots-found-in https://archive.ph/ABaJT >For decades, Ray Kurzweil [jew] has been an unofficial spokesman for the trans-humanist movement. >In 2008 he said that humans would become infused with nano-robots which would vastly improve the human body: [Quoting Kurzweil] <“If you go out even to 2045, that's only, you know, four decades from now, most of our intelligence,... of our human civilization will be non-biological. We're going to put this inside our bodies and brains. So we're going to become machines, but not... and if you say that people go, well I'm going to become a machine, because they're thinking of machines as we knew them from the 19th century, which were much lesser than humans. And machines today are still lesser than humans. I'm talking about a new type of machine that's actually greater, more subtle, more supple, more intelligent, more creative, more beautiful than humans.” >In 2010 he interviewed Robert Freitas on the Future of Nanotechnology, who said that nano-robots could cure aging and death. <“Death is something that is an end. It's an end of life...It's something to be cured. Aging is a disease. It's a curable disease. Nanomedicine is the cure for that disease.” - Robert Freitas <“I expect that by the time nano-robots are deployed, which will be sometime, perhaps in the 2020s to the 2030s, we will have a whole set of laws in place. Regulations. There will be things you can and cannot do.” - Robert Freitas >The laws were never put in place. But the technology was patented and deployed to billions of people without their knowledge in 2020. >We know this because several independent labs have confirmed the presence of this nanotechnology in the covid vaccines. And Bill Gates recently admitted to this as well. <“Making the mRNA is really easy and really cheap. And that's the magic of this thing. But there's no doubt in the next five years we can... you know, we just need to mess around. There's a lot of lipid nanoparticles, and some are very self-assembling.” - Bill Gates Read more: https://gregreese-substack-com/p/bill-gates-admits-the-shots-contain Also in this article, Chris Cuomo is claiming he's vax-injured, and he want's the vaccines to be investigated by a 9/11-type commission to investigate the covid vaccines, i.e. he's calling for the jews to get the government to cover-up another one of their major crimes. If anyone is unaware, just watch one of Christopher (Chris) Bollyn's presentations on 9/11. >Self-Assembly and Self-Replication seem to be the same technology when it comes to nano-robots. And this was considered to be the greatest danger involved with the use of this technology. <“Self-replication causes disease. Nano-robots are inherently much stronger than biological systems, being built of Diamondoid, so if they self replicate, that ‘disease,’ quote unquote, could be even a tougher problem than biological disease. So first of all, what's the feasibility of self-replication in the nanotechnology world?” - Ray Kurzweil <“As a general principle, you do not want to put self-replicating nanobots inside the human body. I suppose not everybody agrees with me on that. But that is the way I think that we can best guarantee safety. If the robots... nano-robots, are able to replicate inside the human body, that means they are using some component of the human body as food. And we don't want them to be doing that.” - Robert Freitas >In his 1986 book, Engines of Creation, Kim Eric Drexler wrote about what he termed the “Gray Goo Scenario.” A hypothetical catastrophic event caused by out-of-control self-replicating nanotechnology which consumes the biomass of the host. >And this is exactly what independent researchers are finding. It explains the large so-called blood clots being found in the dead. And its spreading. >Evidence shows that the vaxxed are shedding this to the unvaxxed. Unfortunately he doesn't source the evidence that the unvaxxed have these nanobots too. >But the event is worldwide, and there is no agency setup to put this fire out. Our governments are not even discussing the problem. And the perpetrators are planning a second round of nano-bot deployment with another fake pandemic. >If we the people can not unite and stand together now, then what exactly are we?
>>20366 From a comment below the article. Some kosher kvetching removed. >Here is NASA director admitting 200k w/brain chips. He says these people had messed up brains but I can assure you not before being chipped and having their brain bludgeoned by drones. They are CHIPPING SMART PEOPLE TO STEAL COGNITION FOR AI FOR GOOGLE, TESLA, MICROSOFT, AMAZON, ETC. MIT/Harvard/Upenn/UT/Stanford and many others involved. https://twitter-com/ed_rugebregt/status/1755703536195616849 https://twitter-com/ed_rugebregt/status/1755703536195616849 >This is why Eric Schmidt doesn’t want open sourcing for AI https://x-com/brianroemmele/status/1784403269638619440 https://x-com/headlinejuice/status/1785945101782421968 >The Darpa Brain Initiative is covering grave crimes of state masquerading as science. >The Parkinson’s, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer’s and stroke they pretend to be studying are in fact being inorganically CREATED by the use of drones, bioweapons, nanoswarms, 5g, lasers and Neuralink. >The real intent and experiment occurring is for trans-humanism and bio-convergence and mind control. >No law has been put in place to protect citizens — it’s the exact opposite. https://twitter-com/ed_rugebregt/status/1755703536195616849 >In 2016 after Trump won but before leaving office, Obama and Pelosi passed the National Neurological Conditions Cares Act to cover their crimes. >It LEGALIZED NONCONSENSUAL CHIPPING OSTENSIBLY FOR NEUROLOGICAL STUDY BUT IN FACT IT’s for COLLECTION OF BRAIN WAVES FOR CORPORATE AI. >All the victims are falsely accused of being mentally ill to cover truly evil crimes. >When I went to Illinois Advocate Masonic Hospital in 2020 and said I had implants — they did not look for implants but deliberately locked me up for about a week where I was subjected to harassment in govt. skits for brain data. >The day before I left they brought in an electrician to add an alternating current and in middle of night they turned it on. I have more than 20 nonconsensual implants — they are nano materials and injectable electronics — And I was shocked all night long. >Prior to this visit an entire hospital visit was falsified against me. Someone inside must have been alarmed because they triggered release of documents to me for a visit I never had. >So when I received and inquired what I was seen for I was told ‘psychosis unrelated to drugs.’ This is criminal stuff and the DOJ/FBI/CIA/DOD/DHS are ALL directly involved in these crimes. Havana Syndrome is not a mystery; it’s attack by drones. https://t-co/y7F7vGGxpt >How many times did Google visit Obama’s White House? 427 times. >I am followed all day every day by people collecting my brain waves. https://x-com/nazivogue/status/1785700621921738947 >The torture is unimaginable. It is unimaginable that humans would do this to another proving that the perpetrators are devoid of humanity. Kurzweil, Gates and others are literal madmen who need to be caged or put down for the safety of humanity. (((Humans))) https://petrieflom-law-harvard-edu/resources/article/when-and-why-is-research-without-consent-permissible
>>20366 Ok, so this post from Dr Ana Mihalcea shows what she says are pictures and videos of an unvaccinated person's blood which show "nanobots self assembly of polymer networks". https://anamihalceamdphd-substack-com/p/c19-uninjected-blood-darkfield-live https://archive.ph/uDeEn >In the above image of 400x magnification many coalescing construction sites are seen that are building the polymer network using the blood as an energy source. >In the below image you can see many micellar construction sites creating a mesh network. >This is a 4000x magnification image of the contents of one construction site. You can see massive self replication of nano and microbots. >Different individual, same method of self replication. Nano bots seen in all the spheres moving. >I urge people to consider that NOBODY has a cure for uncontrolled self replication of nanotechnology, not even the experts who developed this. >I personally think we need an EMP that knocks out our Grid and their pulsed microwave and 5 G weapons. >The technology is the antenna for their mind control and their plans to fuse humanity with machines. >In my mind, the wars, the political horse and pony show with the upcoming elections and everything else going on in this insane world is a distraction from the most important issue of our times. That people have a ticking time bomb in their bodies and blood. >We only have mitigation strategies, doing the best we can to get the building blocks of the technology out while it is exponentially self replicating, building polymer clots and infesting our organs. >Anybody that tells you they have the mitigation strategy that clears the blood, does not understand the technology. Uncontrolled self replication means just that - UNCONTROLLED exponential growth. >We need a worldwide uprising of humanity, tired of being poisoned and murdered by a psychopathic elite. >People need to demand that poisoning our biosphere via geoengineering, poisoning us via food, water, vaccines, medications and the air we breathe has to stop. >People need to understand this is war, and humanity is being depopulated. The weapons are already in everyone's body. >You either get in the fight, overthrow these insane monsters or you choose to be slow killed by a technology that everyone has in their bodies and they control via your smart devices and 5 G grid. >And they told you way ahead of time that they would roll this out. Deagle Report estimates 200 million Americans dead by 2025. >According to military whistle-blower Celeste Solumn and NASA files say no natural human will be alive by 2025. Try telling people that has always been the jew's plan. Just read the Old Testament, which is the jewish Torah. We are merely cattle to the jews. They think non-jews were born simply to serve the jews as slaves. See for yourself: https://www.bitchute-com/video/iemaEJ36ZMWl/ https://www.bitchute-com/video/5Frr749Ac0cD/ https://www.bitchute-com/video/oETm3mE9gPpp/ https://www.bitchute-com/video/Us12YdXYJBB8/ And who's running the covid scam? It's all right before your eyes: https://www.bitchute-com/video/2BAEQag7dUVu/ https://www.bitchute-com/video/fW8HMda6hdai/ https://www.bitchute-com/video/6VyYDlVyG6n7/ https://www.bitchute-com/video/GuLc6eVG0H4z/ People would rather be genocided and turned into half-human half-robot slaves before they admit it's the jews and Hitler was right.
The Vast Pharmaceutical Conspiracy to Silence Online Dissent https://archive.ph/R2nLA https://www.midwesterndoctor-com/p/the-vast-pharmaceutical-conspiracy [Edited for length. See original for videos and images.] >Summary: >•There has been a coordinated campaign to attack and defame anyone who has spoken out against the covid-19 response. This has primarily been restricted to social media (e.g., getting people deplatformed) but it has also been weaponized in real life (e.g., getting medical licenses revoked). >•This coordinated campaign was the result of a “non-profit” known as "The Public Good Project" (PGP), which was directly linked to the pharmaceutical industry. The PGP used the industry funding it received to defend industry interests. >•Vaccine safety advocates were able to get into the group where these campaigns were coordinated. There they discovered numerous public figures working hand in hand with healthcare workers to silence anyone “promoting misinformation.” >•Some of the influencers advancing PGP’s message through “Shots Heard” and its sister UN initiative “Team Halo” faked their credentials. >Almost any viewpoint can be “proven” using the “correct” evidence and logic. I’ve successfully done this in the past with beliefs I consider to be abhorrent and completely disagree with. Once you become familiar with the process, you begin to gain an appreciation for how ephemeral the truth is and how problematic it is that most people have filters they see through reality through that lead to them doing this even if it’s not deliberate I bet this guy believes everything he's been taught about Hitler and der nutsees. >This realization directly conflicted with my deepest values, so my own way of seeing the world re-oriented around trying to discern what was actually true rather than proving I was right in the hopes the truth could become something tangible rather than this ephemeral fiction our hands and minds constantly passed through. >In turn, a major reason why I approach most topics I present here by fairly presenting both sides is because I found it was one of the things necessary for me to pass through that ephemeral layer of truth that clouds almost everything. >Despite this publication being about medicine, I’ve repeatedly focused on highlighting the work of public relations (PR), a massive invisible industry (e.g., 20 billion was spent on it in America last year) that continually shapes our perceptions of reality for its corporate and government clients. >PR is the incredibly refined science of manipulating the public, and essentially is what lies [at the intersection of] propaganda and marketing. >As the years have gone by, I’ve come to appreciate how much of what happens in medicine is actually a product of how the consciousness and collective beliefs about our society are altered so that pharmaceutical products can be sold and that it’s often a lost cause to try to debate the science behind a recommendation unless you understand the PR at play. Just don't ask why one tiny tribe runs all the pharmaceutical companies and the government which pretends to regulate them, because we're not natzees over here. >The “miracle” of PR is how effective it is, and I’ve now lost count of how many times an abhorrent policy that few Americans wanted was pushed through by a well financed PR campaign. >For reference, some of the common PR tactics include: >1. Organizing a massive amount of coverage of an event which supports someone’s narrative and was crafted to go viral. For example: >•The founder of PR [a jew Edward Bernays] was infamous for convincing women across America to take up smoking by staging a women’s suffrage (right to vote) protest and having them all smoke their “liberation torches” as part of the protest). >•The Gulf War was sold to America by a fake testimony from a Kuwaiti girl (who was the daughter of the ambassador) who was coaxed to say the rampaging Iraqi army was invading hospitals and “taking babies out of incubators and leaving them to die on the cold floor,” a line which was then repeated again and again by politicians (e.g., Bush) around the world. >•In 2022, one actor made a joke about Will Smith’s wife having hair loss due to alopecia (a known side effect of the mRNA vaccines) which quickly went viral on every network. >This was very usual. However, it just so happened that Pfizer was sponsoring the Oscars, and had just announced a positive result in their pivotal phase 2b/3 trial clinical trial for their new alopecia drug, and had recently begun the marketing push in anticipation of its FDA approval (which happened exactly a year later, with an annual course of the drug being priced at $49,000.00). >While it’s impossible to know what actually happened behind the scenes, individuals did come forward alleging the whole thing was scripted. >2. Hiring focus groups to determine what language is the most effective in persuading people to support your position and then blasting it on every public announcement and news station simultaneously. This often goes hand in hand with producing news programs for the stations (which are effectively PR productions for their sponsors). >3. Creating an endless number of “non-profit” organizations with nice names that actually advance the interests of the sponsoring industry. For example, the “non-profit” Foundation for Clean Air Progress is an industry front group that has aggressively lobbied both the public and the government to reduce the existing air quality standards mandated by the Clean Air Act. Likewise, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society took in 172 million dollars last year and is notorious for blocking many proven treatments for MS from seeing the light of day, while continuously supporting lucrative new drugs to “manage” the disease. >4. Paying off an endless number of experts to promote your message and having them be hosted on networks that are already in your pocket. Oh and doesn't ask why one tribe owns the central banks and all other banks, and thus are the only tribe that can afford all this bribery. You some kinda nazi, buddy? >Note: two things allowed me to accurately predict most of what happened during covid-19. One was being familiar with the same script having been followed during the HIV epidemic, and the other was seeing the PR campaigns for it be enacted in real time and recognizing the implications of each stage I observed (as the campaigns are typically structured in a sequential series of steps which eventually arrive at their sponsor’s desired outcome). Interesting how the nazis were able to predict that muh Holo-Hamas attack would be used to pass anti-semitism laws around the world. >The primary thing which has allowed the PR model to work is the (ever increasing) monopoly over the mass media. Because of this, a chosen PR campaign can be rapidly disseminated across the country while simultaneously, no dissenting narratives are allowed to air that challenge it. Getting tired of this: who owns the media? Another question you can't ask. >Recognizing that the internet was the fatal weakness of the existing system, I suspect (but can’t prove) that a decision was made to have large internet companies become gatekeepers of information online, and in turn, as these large platforms attracted a large enough audience to become the “trusted sources” of information, they slowly transitioned to censoring things. Coincidentally Elon Musk is an ashkenazi jew as well. When he bought twitter he started promoting a lot of jewish and pro-jewish accounts, and "de-boosting" and shadow-banning White nationalist accounts.
>>20378 Cont. >In turn, we saw a tug of war occur between the increasing pushes for censorship and the increasing ability of the internet community to bypass the attempts that were made to censor them. This eventually hit a tipping point, when in October 2016, Obama gave a speech at Carnegie Mellon where he declared: <“We’re going to have to rebuild, within this Wild, Wild West of information flow, some sort of curating function that people agree to,” “[T]here has to be, I think, some sort of way in which we can sort through information that passes some basic truthiness tests and those that we have to discard because they just don’t have any basis in anything that’s actually happening in the world.” >Parallel to this declaration, various campaigns were launched. This began with “Fake News” being blared everywhere [Trump nonsense deleted]. We saw an endless number of media messages about the dangers of “misinformation” >Public officials like Obama or Biden throughout the covid vaccine push are frequently involved in PR campaigns. Ok so this guy's a Trumptard. Trump hasn't stopped promoting the vaccines and the pharma companies, he's even been booed at his own rallies for it. >E.g., in the 1980s, the struggling profession of dermatology spent 2 million dollars hiring a public relations firm to inflate their status and were suggested to rebrand themselves as cancer doctors. This in turn was accomplished by: >1. Campaigns beginning in 1985 to provide skin examinations to bring awareness to “skin cancer” and having widespread media coverage of those campaigns. >2. Convincing Ronald Reagan to sign proclamations for “National Skin Cancer Prevention and Detection Week,” and “Older Americans Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Week. >3. Creating a mortal fear of the sun despite the fact people that who avoid the sun are 60-130% more likely to die than those who get moderate or high amounts of it (e.g., smokers who get regular sunlight have the same risk of dying as non-smokers who avoid the sun). See his other article on this topic: https://www.midwesterndoctor-com/p/dermatologys-disastrous-war-against >4. Equivocate melanomas (which are rare, dangerous, and caused by a lack of sun exposure) to basal cell carcinomas (which are common, never fatal, and caused by sunlight) since both are “skin cancers” so people can be corralled into regular skin examinations where those skin cancers are identified and quickly surgically removed. >5. Dermatology became one of the highest paying specialties in medicine, and the number of diagnosed skin cancers greatly increased, but there have been minimal changes in the actual death rates of skin cancers. Simultaneously, since those surgeries pay a lot, the profession lost all motivation to determine the actual causes of skin cancer, safe and effective non-surgical treatments for skin cancer, or how to make the sun heal rather than damage the skin. >What I find particularly interesting about Obama’s announcement [above] was that it happened at the same time a campaign was being conducted to push vaccine mandates across the nation, which were part of a push by Bill Gates, the WHO, and the WEF (amongst others) to launch a “decade of vaccines” as much of what we saw later throughout covid-19 was laid out in their documents. Since they knew the public, through the internet would likely oppose this, a lot of investments were made to pre-empt that. >In this 2020 talk, PGP’s CEO explains how they monitor all anti-vaccine messages online 24/7 and their plans to pay off local influencers around the country to promote vaccines and to use counter-terrorism tactics to turn everyone on the internet against the anti-vaxxers. https://twitter-com/Jikkyleaks/status/1702638874424639993 https://brokentruth-com/joe-smyser/ https://www.fastcompany-com/90520997/this-provax-campaign-encourages-vaccine-supporting-americans-to-do-more-to-fight-anti-vaxxers Finally, in a later 2023 webinar about inoculating the public against misinformation, the CEO also mentions they regularly use PR techniques. https://www.youtube-com/watch?v=oc0nU5pNg_k >What I find amazing about his numerous talks is that he characterizes things being said online (e.g., that monkeypox was a non-issue) as “dangerous misinformation” which has since been proven true. Likewise, I suspect this project was inspired by past pharmaceutical initiatives like this infamous one: https://www.cbsnews-com/news/merck-created-hit-list-to-destroy-neutralize-or-discredit-dissenting-doctors/ >One branch of the misinformation campaign was Peter Hotez going on a national media tour in 2019 about the dangers the country was facing from online vaccine misinformation, which in turn laid the foundation for rapidly censoring any voices online that dissented against the covid narrative. https://www.midwesterndoctor-com/p/the-deadly-rise-of-scientism You don't need to early-life Hotez, you already know. >Because of this, we saw an escalating level of censorship from all the major internet platforms after Obama’s 2016 speech which then kicked into overdrive during covid-19. >When this began in 2016, it became clear that major online censorship was occurring, some of which was happening behind the scenes (e.g., shadow banning) and some of which was happening overtly towards easy to target groups (e.g., the alt-right) which I took as a sign more and more aggressive censorship was going to happen, much of which we would not see. >I assumed it had to be some type of collaboration between the government and the pharmaceutical sector. This was confirmed by: >•Discovering numerous major investments being made by Big Tech into the pharmaceutical industry. >•Elon Musk buying Twitter (𝕏) and making the choice to publicly release Twitter’s correspondences with the Federal Government, which in turn showed a consistent pattern of Twitter complying with (illegal) requests from the Federal government to censor anything that threatened its narratives. A Musk-tard as well. Since Musk bought Twitter, he has massively increased government censorship: https://www.forbes-com/sites/katherinehamilton/2023/04/27/twitter-has-complied-with-almost-every-government-request-for-censorship-since-musk-took-over-report-finds/ I removed some pro-Musk nonsense that follows. >I previously joined private online groups with anonymous accounts so I can get a sense of the sociology of different demographics and get a much larger pool of data to work with, e.g., I find what’s in support groups for people with pharmaceutical injuries to often be much better than what I can find in papers. >One of the demographics I often sample are groups for healthcare workers (especially physicians) and I was struck by how their discourse always got taken over by left-wing physicians who vehemently hated anything which challenged the pharmaceutical narrative, even when the members made it very clear the pharmaceuticals they were using were clearly failing them or their children. >By the time covid started, I joined what later became the largest online covid-19 group and noticed within it:
>>20379 Cont. >•Everyone was panicking over the "fact" they couldn’t treat covid-19. >•Everyone was desperate for some type of guideline from an authority they could pass around so they could know what to do. >•No one had any interest in considering treatments for covid-19 (e.g., hydroxychloroquine), and whenever someone suggested some the group attacked them. >•The group was very willing to go after dissident physicians. For example, after the ER doctors in Bakersfield gave a statement to the media that the lockdowns were causing more harm than benefit (which is now generally accepted to be true), the group became absolutely incensed about (e.g., they claimed it was being done because the doctors had a conflict of interest since they owned an urgent care which lost business from lockdowns). >In turn, the covid group activists discussed filing complaints against the doctors with California’s medical board, left fake negative reviews on Yelp pages for their Urgent Care business, and joined together to write a statement they submitted to the ER doctor's specialty college which resulted in those organizations publicly disavowing the doctors. As far as I could tell during the year I spent in the group, it was their largest “accomplishment”. >Once I started spending time on Twitter, I noticed there was a group of doctors with moderate sized followings who would consistently attack things people tweeted. What was noteworthy was: >•They were very fast to respond to these posts. >•They typically said the same things, which would then be copied by other people who weren’t doctors. They also tended to continually share articles from sciencebasedmedicine-org, a site that is well known for belligerently and illogically attacking anything unconventional. >•They felt and thought very similar to the difficult physicians I’d seen in the previous groups >•Initially I tried to engage with them, but I found they were completely unreasonable or willing to consider anything I mentioned. After a while, I got the sense they were fairly similar to many of the other trolls I’d engaged with online in the past and despite being MDs, weren’t actually very intelligent, so I heeded the advice Ed Dowd gave me “never engage a troll—all you accomplish is give them a platform and elevating them.” >I lost patience with the physicians in the covid groups, so I left them long before the covid vaccines hit the market. Once they did and I began to see an immediate deluge of severe injuries and deaths, I noticed most of my (fairly conservative) colleagues would make up remarkable rationalizations in their minds to keep on pushing the vaccines so I could only imagine what was happening in these left-wing groups. >Fortunately, doctors and nurses did start speaking out publicly, and I noticed each time they did, it was like they stirred up a beehive, with their posts rapidly getting removed from Twitter and many of them facing real life professional repercussions, e.g., being fired from their job, losing hospital privileges, or having a lot of medical board complaints filed against them. E.g., this is what happened to Dr [Mary Talley] Bowden: https://rumble-com/v26qzvw-dr.-mary-bowden-targeted-intellectual.html >Medical board complaints are a major issue for a doctor because they are extremely time consuming and costly to deal with, the board is obligated to investigate any complaints they receive (especially those from doctors), and once you lose your license in one jurisdiction the other state medical boards will typically rescind it too. Furthermore, every physician does things that are not in accordance with the existing practice requirements, so if a medical board wants to find something to nail a doctor on, they typically can, so it’s very much a selective prosecution issue, e.g., there are numerous cases of surgeons making their hospitals lots of money that have killed lots of patients and had repeated complaints from their peers about how reckless their practices are let off completely by the boards, whereas I know numerous people who have lost their licenses for trivial issues that no one was harmed by and no patient complained about. The worst part is that since having a medical license is seen as a privilege, the normal legal protections offered in a court of law do not apply to medical board inquiries, so you often have to have a really good lawyer and luck to defend against this process. >I have multiple friends who either lost their license or had a serious sanction for the actions they took to save lives during covid-19, which to be very clear, did not harm anyone, so this tactic works. The thing I find remarkable about this is that the people who filed those complaints would never under any circumstances want it done to them and would loudly proclaim it was the most unfair and cruel thing imaginable—yet they gleefully did it to other people. >As it turns out, the group I suspected was operating did indeed exist, and as I later learned they were much more organized than I’d initially suspected. Much of what follows comes from Jikkileaks on Twitter, investigative journalist John Davidson who recently released an excellent COVID-19 documentary called 'Epidemic of Fraud,’ and Lee Fang of the Intercept. https://twitter-com/Jikkyleaks https://brokentruth-com/epidemic-of-fraud/ https://theintercept-com/2023/01/16/twitter-covid-vaccine-pharma/ >Whenever a physician aggressively defends pharmaceutical interests, they will repeatedly insist they are not taking money from the industry. In many cases when you look into it, you will consistently find many of those doctors actually are. For example, Peter Hotez has claimed that, yet his career was begun with a $100,000.00 grant from Pfizer, and during his career, he has overseen more than 100 million in grants, most of which went to a (still unsuccessful) hookworm vaccine. >There are many academics who make a living off grants which support industry interests and eat up public health funding but yield nothing of public benefit. >One of the most common ways pharmaceutical payments are concealed is by using “trustable third parties” which effectively function as shell companies to hide the pharmaceutical money. >Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) is “the largest trade organization to serve and represent the emerging biotechnology industry in the United States and around the globe,” with many pharmaceutical clients (e.g., you can find Moderna, J&J and remdesivir’s manufacturer Gilead listed as core companies in their membership directory), and interlocking relationships with the leadership of many of these companies (e.g., BIO shares a VP with Pfizer). https://web()archive()org/web/20171013065003/http://www.biospace()com/company_profile.aspx?CompanyId=1311 https://www.bio()org/bio-member-directory https://littlesis()org/org/39301-Biotechnology_Industry_Organization https://littlesis()org/person/19690-Joseph_Damond >After being given access to the Twitter files, Lee Fang made an interesting discovery while looking at the pharmaceutical industry’s repeated attempts to kill campaigns to make the covid-19 vaccines not be proprietary intellectual property (and hence possible for other countries to produce at an affordable price) This is a good example of controlled opposition. The "Twitter files" Musk released showed the censorship of people asking for the vaccines to be made available cheaply for poor countries, that was the left-wing covid psy-op, that greedy "White-supremacist" pharma companies didn't want to save the lives of brown people with their wonderful vaccines, in reality many African countries had very low vaccination rates because Africans didn't see covid as a problem and didn't want "Western poison". Musk, The Intercept and all of the left-wing were playing their role as controlled opposition.
>>20380 Cont. Quoting The Intercept: <Stronger, a campaign run by Public Good Projects [...] regularly communicated with Twitter on regulating content related to the pandemic. The firm worked closely with Twitter to develop bots to censor vaccine misinformation and sent direct requests to Twitter with lists of accounts to censor and verify. <Internal Twitter emails show regular correspondence between an account manager at PGP and various Twitter officials, including Todd O’Boyle, [a] lobbyist with the company who served as a point of contact with the Biden administration. The content moderation requests were sent throughout 2021 and early 2022. <The entire campaign, tax documents and other disclosures show, was entirely funded by the Biotechnology Innovation Organization, a vaccine industry lobbying group. BIO, which is financed by companies such as Moderna and Pfizer, provided Stronger with $1,275,000 in funding for the effort, which included tools for the public to flag content on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook for moderation. >PGP in turn aggressively orchestrated widespread censorship campaigns against anything that challenged pharmaceutical interests online. Additionally, many of the people in the PGP previously had high level positions in the Federal Government and within the pharmaceutical industry (along with the Bill Gates Foundation and many prestigious medical centers). https://brokentruth-com/pharma-lobbyist-bio-paid-dem-linked-public-good-projects-who-attacked-doctors-and-nurses/ >PGP also spearheaded the Shots Heard initiative https://archive.ph/fxdiz >Shots Heard was a Facebook group which was originally developed by two physicians to defend themselves against anti-vaxxers saying bad things about them online after they publicly promoted pro-vaccine talking points. As best as I can gather, once PGP took it over, although they claimed it still primarily served that role, it transformed into an attack machine that had all its members one by one go after any dissident healthcare worker and get them both de-licensed and banned from the internet. >PGP’s CEO, in a 2023 talk at the Aspen Institute titled “The War on Misinformation,” stated that the greatest problem with the anti-vaccine movement was dissident healthcare workers abusing their credentials to trick the public into thinking there was a credible reason to have doubts about vaccine safety. https://www.youtube-com/watch?v=_FDd8zsQSlM&t=2600s >In his words: <I do think you should have your license revoked if you're spreading disinformation. I think it's that bad. >Some of the more zealous members of the group included: [Some examples omitted, for length] >•A fact checker notorious for making false and misleading (pro-pharma) fact checks, some of which went viral due to their ridiculousness. https://brokentruth-com/flora-teoh-shotsheard/ >•Public health officials who were looking for ways to bypass the legal prohibitions on censoring their constituents who comment on the public postings of their agencies. https://brokentruth-com/hid-this-one/ >•School board members who pushed the vaccines on their children. https://brokentruth-com/oh-no-canada-ontario-school-board-trustee-pushed-mandates-ignored-risk/ >•Richard Pan, the architect of California’s draconian vaccine mandates which targeted doctors who wrote medical exemptions and paved the way for the vaccine mandates. https://brokentruth-com/dr-richard-pan-freedom-killer-is-a-celebrity-member-of-shots-heard-since-march-4-2020/ •A Georgia State Representative who pushed for legislation that would allow minors to “consent” to vaccination without their parents permission (which has been repeatedly used to forcefully vaccinate children at school) and opposed legislation that would prohibit gender transition surgeries on minors or prevent vaccine passports. https://brokentruth-com/teri-anulewicz/ >•A sports reporter who continually try to get medical boards to take away the licenses of anyone who questioned covid vaccines. https://brokentruth-com/keith-law-shots-heard/ >•An anonymous Canadian cardiologist who put a lot of time into getting all “anti-vaccine” content he could find on the internet deleted https://brokentruth-com/pediatric-cardiologist-attacker/ >A parallel initiative to Shots Heard was Team Halo. On Sep. 20, 2022, the under-secretary-general for global communications at the UN appeared at the WEF to discuss how the UN was “Tackling Disinformation“ regarding ”health guidance“ as well as the ”safety and efficacy of the vaccine” for covid, stating that their goal was to mass-deploy influencers. She specifically emphasized the importance of their Team Halo project, which trained scientists around the world, and some doctors, and deployed them on TikTok in “collaboration” with TikTok’s management (which TikTok confirmed when asked). >After being exposed, Team Halo’s website was deleted from the internet https://archive.ph/6sWPp >In addition to listing its members, the now deleted website stated that: <Team Halo was as established as part of the UN Verified initiative in partnership with Purpose and the Vaccine Confidence Project at the University of London’s School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and amongst other things, support is provided by the Rockefeller Foundation. Rockefellers are jews. >The Vaccine Confidence Project is funded by most of the major vaccine manufacturers https://www.vaccineconfidence-org/who-we-are/partnerships/ >Additionally, Team Halo was a group created and managed by a non-profit called ‘Purpose’, which is owned by Capgemini, a French IT company and defense contractor. Team Halo essentially picked unknown medical professionals and gave them massive numbers of followers on TikTok to combat ‘misinformation’. >On January 1st 2023, the Epoch Times did an exposé on Team Halo which included the experiences of nurse Nicole Sirotek after she talked about the lethal care she routinely saw covid patients receive at one of Ron Johnson’s Senate panels. https://www.theepochtimes-com/us/un-initiative-targets-and-doxes-doctors-and-nurses-who-dont-follow-covid-19-narrative-4989210 https://brokentruth-com/targeted-intellectuals/ <Sirotek is the victim of ongoing harassment. She’s received pictures of her children posed in slaughterhouses and hanging from a noose, drive-by photos of her house, and letters with white powder that exploded upon opening. <The Nevada State Board of Nursing was inundated with calls for Sirotek’s professional demise and flooded with anonymous complaints.
[Expand Post]<These complaints trace back to Team Halo, a social media influencer campaign formed as part of the UN Verified initiative and the Vaccine Confidence Project. <In response, Sirotek filed a police report. Her lawyer sent a cease-and-desist letter. The reply from the cease-and-desist letter? The client was acting within his First Amendment rights. [Further details omitted] >Recently it was revealed through a whistle-blower that the 77th Brigade, a military intelligence branch of England’s army systematically and illegally spied upon everyone who expressed doubt about the covid response. https://www.dailymail-co-uk/news/article-11687675/Army-spied-lockdown-critics-Sceptics-including-Peter-Hitchens-suspected-watched.html A lot of the people named as being spied-on in the Daily Mail and above in the Epoch Times, are probably shills and controlled opposition, like Dr Malone, Dr Simone Gold (jew), Peter Hitchins (jew). A few of these people are criticized by Mathew Crawford, but his work is scattered all over and rambling: https://roundingtheearth()substack()com/
>>20382 Cont. >My general impression from looking at everything PGP and Team Halo did was that they were grifters who saw attacking vaccine dissent online as a funding goldmine and hence they were focused on inflating their metrics to get more funding rather than doing basic due diligence. Remember, profit is almost always the cover for the true motive >This for example is why in public talks, the CEO stated that they vetted everyone who got access to their “password protected” data since they knew many anti-vaxxers would try to infiltrate them, but simultaneously, the Shots Heard Facebook group (which was moderated by PGP’s employees) let in anyone who wanted to join and hence allowed our people to share what happened inside it. >Similarly, we begin finding examples of where they brought on (and likely paid) individuals with fake credentials to promote their messages. For example: >An online archive shows Team Halo claimed “T.J. ‘Pax’ Hardy” was an epidemiologist and “educator for the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment” on its site. >But in November 2022, Dr Savannah Sparks, via her TikTok account rx0rcist, accused Pax of stealing the real Dr. Hardy’s credentials and passing them off as his own. >Pax denied the theft initially and claimed he would commit suicide because of Sparks’s allegations. Sparks received backlash from Pax’s followers. When the police got involved, Pax admitted he lied, was not a medical professional, and had engaged in behavior that resulted in the harassment of Sparks. >In 2021, Allison Neitzel MD burst onto the scene after offering scathing criticisms of people challenging the covid vaccine, and before long her editorials were published by major networks like CNN. >Some digging into her background revealed that after she graduated from medical school, she never went to residency. When asked, she said this was because she “wanted to pursue a non-clinical career” but it was most likely because she was not qualified to get into a residency. This raised some red flags since technically she was misrepresenting her credentials as she was not a licensed doctor. >When Paul Thacker dug further into Neitzel, he discovered that the organization which initially promoted her and her letter in their “journal,” the National Association of Medical Doctors (NAMD) was likely fabricated. https://disinformationchronicle-substack-com/p/fake-physician-group-platformed-disgraced >The group claimed to have been founded in 1974 and have 80,000 physician members, yet their physical address was a Ship N Mail store mailbox (which is a common way people register fake corporations). > Additionally, the emails for their media relations officers bounced, and their phone number went to “Michael’s” voicemail. Thacker also noticed all their information (e.g., media contacts, executive titles and leadership), was shared by another sketchy medical group, the American Society of Registered Nurses (ASR), which likewise was registered to a nearby mailbox (this time at a UPS store in San Francisco). >When I reviewed the available issues of NAMD’s journal (there weren’t many) they all looked like AI-generated marketing copy you commonly see on scammy internet market sites (e.g., those trying to sell you miracle diet pills). Based on all of this, I was left with the impression these organizations were fabricated by a private contractor to “fight the anti-vaxxers”, and that Nietzel signed up for the job since she needed some way to pay off her massive medical school loans. >Astroturfing describes fake plastic grass many people use, and has come to be the term used to describe PR firms manufacturing fake “grassroots” movements which support their client’s message. Astroturfing has become very popular on the internet, and what many of us have noticed over the decades, especially on more public forums like Reddit is more and more of the content there is essentially just digital astroturfing (China’s government is well known for paying people to produce half a billion fake posts a year). https://en-wikipedia-org/wiki/50_Cent_Party >To illustrate astroturfing, this is an example of a politically driven post which was republished but has the exact same comments as it did 10 months ago, something which can only be explained if all the comments are being left are pre-scripted ones meant to create the illusion of human engagement (which is further supported by the fact real people who would provide non-scripted options are routinely banned from these forums). https://media()scored()co/post/7ZT5KZgHtVP8.png >Swatting refers to the fact that whenever Swat teams respond to an incident, e.g., an armed hostage situation, they are much more likely than typical officers to shoot once they arrive. Because of this, one of the nasty things the left has weaponized over the years has been to call in fake 911 calls which imply a dangerous situation is occurring that requires a swat response, and in turn, there have been multiple cases where people have died. Typically it’s just a massive inconvenience, and many prominent right-wing figures people have been repeatedly swatted. Sadly, while swatting is illegal and police departments don’t like it, it’s hard to stop it and often to even trace, so it keeps on happening and offenders are rarely prosecuted. >If you consider everything that the PGP has accomplished, it’s essentially been a more organized form of astroturfing and “swatting,” the latter being done either by encouraging death threats to be sent against dissidents, to get them fired, or to have medical boards de-license them (since as noted above, the individuals were instructed to falsely claim they were the patient who was harmed). >Fortunately, there has been a bit of a pushback against this. In Allison Neitzel’s case, she was served by the FLCCC’s lawyer to stop making false and defamatory remarks, and after lawyering with a very expensive DC firm (which would be impossible for an unemployed MD graduate to afford—which again suggests she was working for a PR firm) was forced to delete her postings and issue a public apology (that is now pinned on her Twitter profile) which acknowledges she made numerous false statements https://twitter-com/AliNeitzelMD/status/1773530198421409859 >Because of how many times I’ve seen the pharmaceutical industry pull the same scam on the public (e.g., much of what happened with the covid was a repeat of what happened with HIV, HPV, and anthrax), I saw through the pandemic propaganda from the very start. >What was depressing for me was how frequently these scams work, and in each case, they increased a little bit from the previous one, so as the years went by, things became worse and worse. >However, during covid, something very strange happened. Every single stop was pulled out, and give or take every PR thing that could be done, was, and this continued even once it was clear a lot of people were being severely injured by them. >In my opinion, the biggest mistake was mandating healthcare workers to get the vaccines. This is because many of them were injured by the vaccines, and hence became willing to start publicly questioning everything they had been told—which is a huge problem since the “public’s trust” of the medical system is built upon them listening to what doctors and nurses tell them. >Groups like Shots Heard are trying to correct this mistake, but I think what they are doing is an exercise in futility, as while they were able to ruin a few people’s lives, the truth was not on their side and the “nightmare scenario” they had predicted (the public turning against vaccination) is now happening.
>>20383 Cont. >My hope in turn has been that the public’s response to what they did during the pandemic will make that lesson clear to them, but since people never want to let go of wealth or power, many in the medical and public health establishment have still not come to terms with the fact that their way of doing things will no longer fly. For example, a lot of money has been invested in the “next pandemic” and the WHO has been aggressively pushing to legalize what they did during covid for all future “emergencies” (however dedicated activists have so far been successful in derailing that disastrous treaty). https://www.midwesterndoctor-com/p/how-we-can-stop-the-whos-horrific As long as the ultimate cause, the jews, is not addressed, and people continue to be distracted by proximate causes like the WHO or Big Pharma, nothing will change. The jews will continue to survive, and they just move on to the next anti-human hoax: Christianity, "Rockefeller medicine", banking, "democracy", vaccines, the "holocaust", covid, etc. Watch Europa the Last Battle, or read ''Which Way Western Man". >Fortunately, while the stories in this article are heart-breaking, I actually view them as a positive because they show that the medical industrial complex’s power is actually quite limited and they simply can no longer compete in the era which has been made possible by the free diffusion of information on the internet. >This is why I avoided directly attacking most of the people who coordinated these attacks—while they are horrible people, they are simply a symptom of the current era we are in and soon will be viewed in the same way the cultists from many other disastrous (and now widely reviled) social movements were. Let's guess what he's thinking of here. >In the second part of this series, I will discuss a key thing that jumped out at me from reviewing all the videos these people put together—the fact that many of these doctors insisted nothing could be done to treat covid https://www.midwesterndoctor-com/p/why-do-doctors-give-up-on-patients What about the possibility that "covid" never existed? How was it an undertaker in the UK reported no significant increase in deaths in 2020? https://rumble-com/v1dlw27-live-with-uk-funeral-director-john-olooney.html >Finally: after publishing this article, I learned that TikTok recently began it’s own program to use AI to censor “harmful misinformation,” which suggests Team Halo’s work was successful. https://reclaimthenet-org/tiktok-announces-crack-down-on-conspiracy-theories
https://usmortality()substack()com/p/nine-mortality-charts-of-the-covid https://archive.ph/gAknJ Nine charts which are very informative about the 'pandemic'. See the original article for images. >1. Excess Mortality in the EU during COVID-19 >With a three-year average pre-pandemic baseline, Sweden saw the lowest Excess Mortality in the European Union. Sweden had one of the laxest lockdowns. >2. Mortality in the USA & Sweden since 2000/'01 >Age-standardized mortality by midyear seasons (Jul-Jun) shows no significant mortality increase in Sweden, in contrast to the USA. >3. Mortality in Germany since 2001 >Yearly age-standardized mortality shows no significant increase in Germany during 2020, in contrast to the following two years of 2021/'22. I.e. there was no increase in deaths in 2020, only after the vaccines came out in 2021. >4. Excess Deaths in the USA during COVID-19 >During the COVID-19 Pandemic, the USA recorded over a million more deaths than projected. >5. Florida vs California during COVID-19 >Florida and California had very different public health approaches, but no significant difference in excess mortality. I.e. lax v. strict lockdowns made no difference. >6. Excess Mortality by Age Group in the USA during COVID-19 >Contrary to the risk profile of COVID-19, the USA recorded the highest relative increase in excess mortality in the working age population. >7. Excess Mortality in Scandinavia during COVID-19 >While Sweden saw most of its excess mortality during 2020, its two Scandinavian neighbors saw much larger excess mortality later on. >8. North vs South Dakota during COVID-19 >Despite North Dakota's strict lockdowns and mask mandates, and South Dakota's lack thereof, both states saw similar COVID-19 outcomes. >9. Excess Mortality Ranking in the EU during COVID-19 >With a three-year average pre-pandemic baseline, only 11 of 23 countries recorded statistical significant excess mortality cumulatively during the pandemic years. >All charts were generated using the interactive tool website: Mortality dot Watch where these charts are also featured on the front page now.
https://vigilantnews()com/post/dr-peter-mccullough-reveals-how-much-doctors-were-bribed-to-push-covid-shots/ >Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough recently claimed that a typical doctor could make an extra $250,000 if they injected a substantial portion of their patients with the covid vaccine https://youtu()be/J78HyjhcqnQ >More specifically, if a doctor injected 75% of his or her patients at $250 per newly-injected person, that would end up earning around $250,000. >This was discovered through a leaked Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield document. https://providers()anthem()com/docs/gpp/KY_CAID_PU_COVID19VaccineProviderIncentiveProgram.pdf?v=202201202223 >Dr. McCullough explained that a full-time primary care physician typically manages a patient panel ranging from about 1,000 to 2,000 people covered by Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield. >When you do the math, factoring in the $250 incentive, 1,000 newly vaccinated people times $250 = $250,000. Some doctors made less; some made more. But the point is that doctors were financially incentivized to inject as many patients as possible. Shorter video: https://www.bitchute()com/video/l1wRKHeDhih9/
https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress()substack()com/p/americas-frontline-doctors-all-roads https://archive.ph/ww9t8 By Reinette Senum, 4 Dec. 2022 Note: the author talks about 'Khazarians', which I have changed to 'jews'. That some jews may or may not have Khazarian ancestry is irrelevant, they're all bad. The Rockefellers are Sephardic not 'Khazarian', but that doesn't make them good jews. http://whale()to/b/rockefeller9.html The Sassoons are Indian jews, not 'Khazarian', but they were behind the Opium Wars. https://www.bitchute()com/video/lqLUcXnyiRYL/ The article has also been edited for length. See original for links and images. >On November 12, 2022, I posted a video about the founder of America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS), Dr. Simone Gold [jew]. https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress()substack()com/p/americas-frontline-doctors-founder >Since then, I have been in contact with whistleblowers, former employees, AFLDS associates, and more. I soon realized this was bigger than I initially believed. >In my Substack video, I proposed that Gold could be either a controlled operative or narcissistically delusional, according to a suit filed against her by the AFLDS board on November 4th. Those close to Gold have told me it is most likely both. >Since that post, I have reached out to Gold, and while she briefly scolded me for my “lies” and her “disappointment in me,” she has yet to respond to my questions. >It’s important I lay the groundwork first. While the story is that AFLDS emerged as an organic “grassroots” organization in response to the draconian measures of Covid lockdowns, nothing could be further from the truth. It had been months in the making (if not longer) and a “highly orchestrated effort” spearheaded by Washington insiders “in direct consultation with the (Trump) White House” with “the goal of re-opening the economy in time to benefit Trump’s re-election prospects…” >ALFDS was the brainchild of the Council for National Policy (CNP). The CNP formed a coalition in April 2020 called "Save Our Country. (SOC). This group's leadership included Tea Party Patriots co-founder (a pro-Trump org) Jenny Beth Martin, Stephen Moore, Lisa Nelson of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), and FreedomWorks' Adam Brandon, to name only a few. >An audio of a May 11th CNP conference call was leaked to a progressive watchdog group, The Center for Media and Democracy (CMD), identifying without question that the creation of AFLDS (formerly Free Speech Foundation) was in the hands of the CNP and Tea Party Patriots, as seen in this AFLDS tax-exempt application. >Their objective? Utilize a growing number of Covid-dissenting doctors to point out the mis-handling of the pandemic and to promote a narrative that supported Trump and his upcoming 2020 election. Initially, this group was more focused on defending Trump than American citizens. >On the surface, I agreed with the message Gold, CNP, and SOC, and the AFLDS doctors originally stood for then - re-opening the country & natural herd immunity is best - as did millions of other frustrated Americans and citizens around the world. >But upon further investigation, it must be asked, who is behind the scenes driving “the AFLDS machine today,” and to what end? >All parties involved in the May 11th CNP conference-call agreed that a coalition of doctors to control the narrative would be needed. >Eight days later, AFLDS popped into existence. The face of it was Dr. Simone Gold; a licensed emergency-room physician and Stanford-educated lawyer. >Conservative groups around the nation publicized a letter signed by more than 500 doctors calling the lockdowns a “mass casualty event,” with the lead signatory being Dr. Simone Gold. >Ten weeks later, on July 27, 2020, Gold was on the steps of the Supreme Court as the founder of AFLD, hosted by the Tea Party Patriots. And they hit the nail on the head: They spoke of truths regarding Ivermectin and how it could save us — rather than the frightful data, deaths, and injuries caused by the Covid inoculations, as confirmed today in the VAERS report. But when AFLDS launched, what they spoke of seemed heresy at the time. >Trump then tweeted the AFLDS press conference on the Supreme Court steps and the AFLDS organization and leader, Dr. Simone Gold, became a household name in the medical freedom and patriot movement. >Five months later, Dr. Simone Gold's live-in boyfriend and AFLDS “Creative & Communications Director,” John Strand, charged into the capitol on January 6th, 2021. A perfect setup. >On the surface, we now have Dr. Simone Gold: medical freedom warrior, conservative patriot, and, as she calls herself, a “popular folk hero” who “ignited the medical freedom movement”, elevated into a household name representing the entire medical freedom movement of all political persuasions as well as the right-wing conservatives. >But once we draw back the curtains, we have something very different. >According to former ALFDS staff, a re-occurring thread throughout AFLDS was the desire to conflate the medical freedom movement with the conservative right and pin them all as wack-a-doodle, right-wing, dangerous, insurrection extremists who should all be locked away… which is currently happening by the way. At the rate of 1 person per day, hunted down in the largest US manhunt in its US history of individuals connected to the January 6th event. >Upon the launch of AFLDS, doctors and citizens flocked to ALFDS as moths toward a flame. >The AFLDS Telehealth became operational, but hundreds, if not thousands, of accusations of “grifting” soon surfaced. >Within AFLDS, Gold was accused of hogging the media attention, doctors began jumping the AFLDS ship, and stories of AFLDS litigations against covid-overreach never manifested as promised by Gold. >And yet, AFLDS continued to collect millions of dollars. >After Gold officially stepped down from her position of ALFDS Board Chair and President, on February 2, 2022, the board realized they needed a forensic audit of their books. >It was also around this time that Reno Attorney, and now AFLDS Board President and Chair, Joey Gilbert heard for the first time where the “American” Frontline News team resided: not in the US, but Israel — as Gold attempted to get the news team a raise before going off to federal prison. >In July, Gold began her stint in federal prison for her actions during the January 6th U.S. Capitol riot. During that time, the AFLDS Board Members launched their investigation into her spending after being notified about AFLDS’s Communication Director, John Strand’s salary and expenditures. >Ultimately the financial audit, according to the federal lawsuit filed on November 4th, found that Dr. Simone Gold had been using the group's charitable funds "to resource her personal lifestyle." >On a side note, over the last two decades, I have started a variety of grassroots 501(c)3. Today, the majority continue without me, still benefitting the community. Like most 501(c)3, this has been done on a shoestring budget. It is rare to see a “grassroots” organization, particularly in its infancy, rake in millions of dollars, affording its founder the ability to purchase a $3.6-million home. >When Gold was released from prison in early September, AFLDS Chairman Gilbert gave her the bad news of their findings. >According to former AFLDS staff, within a matter of weeks of her release from prison, Gold strong-armed the remaining staff members to hand over usernames and passwords and took control of the organization, locking board members out of their email accounts, Microsoft online teams, and demanding that Gilbert and other members "resign immediately," according to the lawsuit exhibits. >Former staff also reported that Gold started forcing AFLDS staff only to attend her meeting and to avoid meetings being held by the AFLDS Board Chair and President, Gilbert.
>>20471 Cont. >Because of the allegations and subsequent lawsuit in the U.S. District Court in Florida, Gold warned the AFLD board members in an email, "It would be unwise to take a popular folk hero such as myself and turn her into a mortal enemy." >Upon Gold’s release and the AFLDS staff’s awareness of the Florida-based lawsuit, an internal struggle for control began with the AFLDS Coordinator of the highly valuable Citizen Corps (CC), Jess Abu, and AFLDS Social Media Manager, Michael Coudrey, wrangling for control over the highly coveted Citizen Corps Telegram channels. Screenshots in original >AFLDS Citizen Corps was a national team with chapters in every single state that attracted, engaged, and directed medical freedom fighters from around the US. As one can imagine, a lot of valuable information was shared on the Citizen Corps Telegram channels. One can understand why there was a power struggle over it. >What I began to uncover within the ranks of AFLDS organization was a realization among the staff that all was not as it seemed; AFLDS was less about medical freedom and more about controlling the medical freedom narrative, the medical freedom doctors and nurses, and collecting personal data of Americans via their Telemedicine and Citizen Corps Telegram channels, and conflating the medical freedom groups with the Christian patriots, with the ultimate objective of making the movement look like a bunch of violent extremists. Typical jewish behaviour of controlling the opposition and supplying false heroes, leading the goyim to their destruction, as detailed in the Protocols of Zion. >According to Gold, she worked as a fellow to the late U.S. Congressman Jim Jeffords in 1997. >In 2009, as a doctor, attorney, and mother of two small children, she also worked in Washington DC as an assistant to the Israeli Ambassador to the United States (2009–2013), Michael Oren. >Oren credited Gold in two published articles; however, like Congressman Jim Jeffords’ former chief of staff, neither remembered Gold when asked about her in 2021. Strange. Were they attempting to hide personal ties? >What is notable is that Gold would work as an “assistant" in the prime of her life as a doctor and attorney. This would seem below her. This kind of employment and the salary of an assistant would be more fitting for a twenty-something. >Until one realizes that Gold was in a coveted position as the assistant to the Israeli Ambassador to the US, Michael Oren, who, according to The Forward, is one of the “most influential American Jews” in the United States and The Jerusalem Post listed him as one of the top ten most influential Jews in the world. >According to Wikipedia, American-born Oren has been fiercely pro-Zionist since childhood, emigrated in 1979 to Israel, and began his military service in the Israel Defense Forces. Later he renounced his American citizenship in 2009 upon his nomination as Israeli Ambassador to the US. >In February 2009, Oren delivered a lecture at Georgetown University on "The Gaza Operation: A Personal and Historical Perspective". The Today Show broadcasted a special segment, "The Oren Family at War." >Anyone of this stature would only allow the most trusted in one’s personal circle as an assistant. Somehow Gold fit this bill. >Gold’s live-in boyfriend John Strand became the Creative Director of AFLDS in April 2022. Before Strand hooked up with Gold, he paid his bills as an underwear model and security guard and was couch surfing. >However, Strand was hired by Gold in 2022 as AFLDS’ Creative and Communications Director with a healthy monthly salary of $10,000 and had access to AFLDS credit cards at Gold’s direction, spending between $15,000 and $17,000 a month. Nice jump from underwear model and security guard. >Strand formerly worked for ex-FBI agent Russell Stuart, owner of “Secret Service of Hollywood.” Interestingly, Strand’s LinkedIn account with this history has disappeared from the Wayback Machine as of July 21st, 2022. >Like Gold being “the face” of AFLDS, Strand became the face of the AFLDS’ “communications” team. >Today, Strand is facing up to 24 years in jail while many are questioning how Gold had such a speedy trial and served only 60 days, while over 850 people (as of September) have been arrested in connection with the “insurrection” at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. >More than 350 have pleaded guilty to various crimes, while less than ten have gone to trial. The vast majority of these detainees have disappeared quietly and without fan-fare in what is considered the largest man-hunt in US history. >So, how did Gold get off so easily? Why was her sentence shortened to only 60 days? Did she give names and information about the medical freedom movement to receive such a light sentence? >All roads lead us back to an Israeli intelligence agent. One would assume that these AFLDS news reports are coming from the medical freedom movement in America and that the news team would be American-based. Silly assumption. >Mordechai Sones lives in Judea, Israel. Sones is the AFLDS Frontline News Director, and his wife, Avigail Sones, is Deputy Director and runs the Spanish Department News. >Idi Sherman is the leading Frontline News writer. They and approximately three other Israelis are at the helm of AFLDS Frontline News. >Along with producing the news, Ty Rivkah, Frontline News Operation Manager, helped direct workshops for AFLDS telegram Citizen Corps state chapter, influencing leaders across the US. >You heard right. All AFLDS Frontline news, press releases, and emails have been generated and overseen by a team from Israel since March 2021. Being this the case, why didn’t AFLDS call itself Israeli Frontline Doctors? >Per Mordechai Sones’ bio at Israelnewstalkradio()com, “Mordechai Sones worked in Washington, D.C. on the staff of former US. Senator Frank Murkowski, and as Deputy Director of the Federation for American Afghan Action (FAAA), where he did research and military-political analysis.” >The FAAA lobbied for language to be inserted into the Republican party platform calling for support of the Afghan Mujahideen in their fight against the Soviets. Ultimately, the FAAA influenced the opinion in Congress in favor of “effective aid” to the Afghan resistance fighting Russia. Eventually, this “effective aid” would total hundreds of billions of US American tax dollars. >Similarly to Ukraine today, most of those funds have yet to reach their destination. >Sones’ work has been published by the Ariel Center for Policy Research (ACPR). According to an ACPR proposal, Zero-state Solution, there is no “unique Palestinian identity”, therefore “Israel has no reason to agree to assimilate them or provide them with a state since they were part of those countries until their territory was captured in the 1967 Six-Day War.” >Like Oren, Sones is very much entrenched in Israeli intelligence. >Right before the Florida lawsuit was dropped against Gold, Sones released a “character letter” in support of Gold, beginning the narrative spin. Interestingly, Sones doesn’t hint he wrote this from Israel. >I have to ask the question: Were there no other individuals out of the 300 million Americans who could not produce AFLDS’ Frontline News, press releases, and emails? Isn't it odd that the narrative of “America’s” Frontline Doctors is being generated out of Israel? Thousands of miles from the US and far from the American “frontline?” >As it currently stands, AFLDS’ Telemedicine and Telegram’s Nationwide Citizen Corps no longer exist, and hundreds of thousands of individuals' personal and medical data are in the hands of the Israelis. I don’t think anyone signed up for that. >In addition, former AFLDS staff members are reporting that the few AFLDS staff members that remain on the AFLDS non-profit payroll are working for Gold’s business, known as Gold Care, a for-profit company. Complet
>>20472 Cont. >At best, what remains of AFLDS is a damage-control unit based out of Israel, attempting to control the American medical freedom narrative and the medical freedom movement itself. At the same time, Gold is building up her personal business on the backs of the remaining AFLDS staff. >Gold’s leadership role within AFLDS has betrayed the American people. She was not transparent nor forthright. At a time when Americans were desperate for help and trusted sources, they were misled, and their data was pilfered. >And the money! Our money has been added to the coffers of a manipulating machine. Who do we think is paying for the Israeli news team not reporting from the frontlines? >Now we are forced to ask, What are the potential uses for our data? Americans have unwittingly given up their personal information, political leanings, medical data, and even DNA in this Covid era. One must ask, To what end? Further articles on this topic from the same substack: https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress()substack()com/p/americas-frontline-doctors-whistleblower https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress()substack()com/p/aflds-frontline-news-incriminates https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress()substack()com/p/breaking-news-az-judge-rules-dr-simone https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress()substack()com/p/kevin-jenkins-joins-reinette-senum https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress()substack()com/p/dr-simone-gold-becoming-the-bernie https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress()substack()com/p/americas-frontline-doctors-oversight https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress()substack()com/p/breaking-criminal-charges-filed-against https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress()substack()com/p/sheriff-richard-mack-update-kevin https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress()substack()com/p/former-aflds-ceo-joey-gilbert-chronicles https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress()substack()com/p/grifters-grifting-grifters-pt-1 https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress()substack()com/p/grifters-grifting-grifters-pt-2-aflds https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress()substack()com/p/simone-golds-new-level-of-criminality https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress()substack()com/p/simone-golds-15m-defamation-lawsuit It's an interesting substack, but she does promote other jews like Naomi Wolf, Dr Breggin, David Wolfe, and possibly others that are jews.
https://www.aussie17()com/p/japans-most-senior-oncologist-prof https://archive.ph/87TKD 28 April 2024 >It is interesting to hear Prof Fukushima introduce himself. If you read the “brought to you by Pfizer” mainstream media and fake fact-checking websites, they simply paint Prof Fukushima as a fringe anti-vaxxer. But when you hear about his history, you get a sense that this was someone highly prominent before he went against the narrative of "safe and effective." >As the most senior medical oncologist in Japan, Prof Fukushima has not only led the charge in establishing medical oncology as a key discipline but also pioneered the first cancer outpatient clinic at Kyoto University. >His tenure at the Aichi Cancer Center Hospital, and innovative leadership in translating research into actionable medical advancements, underscore a career dedicated to challenging the status quo for the sake of improving patient care. >His early critique, published in Nature in 1989 highlighted the risks of uncritically accepting and distributing drugs with unproven efficacy, exposing a deep flaw within the pharmaceutical approval process in Japan. This bravery in confronting pharmaceutical norms sparked significant reforms, showcasing his commitment to patient safety over complacency. >Prof. Fukushima highlights an alarming development in oncology known as "turbo cancer," which has emerged following the use of experimental [covid mRNA vaccines]. >It's important to note that while some "fact checkers" may dismiss "Turbo Cancer" as a non-existent condition, as Wikipedia has done, it actually refers to what is medically recognized as Hyperprogressive Disease. Therefore, should you encounter a retarded, bought and paid for fact checker on the term "Turbo cancer," you can direct them to Hyperprogressive Cancer Disease: https://bmccancer()biomedcentral()com/articles/10.1186/s12885-022-09941-2 >As Prof. Fukushima describes, it is "a type previously unseen by doctors, characterized by its incredibly fast speed." By the time such cancers are detected, they are already "in stage four, advanced cancer." >Indeed, Prof. Fukushima shared, "Doctors have been sensing from the field that something unusual related to cancer may be happening. They were feeling it on the ground." >Furthermore, Prof Fukushima highlights that "specific types of cancer, in relation to the vaccination, seem to be experiencing excess mortality." >He specifically names cancers such as "breast cancer, ovarian cancer, thyroid cancer," along with "oesophageal and lung cancer," and notably, "prostate cancer in men," as being particularly affected. >This rise in mortality among these specific cancer types post-vaccination "cannot be simply explained by disruptions such as early screenings being unavailable due to the pandemic, or lost opportunities for treatment," suggesting a direct and concerning link between these "turbo cancer" cases and the mRNA gene therapy [i.e. covid vaccines]. >Prof. Fukushima then talked about a case where a 28y.o. man, who was healthy and had never needed a doctor, died suddenly. This happened five days after he got his second Pfizer vaccine. His wife found him dead one morning. The police took his body to a hospital for an autopsy, where a doctor found something shocking. The man's heart had become so soft and that it disintegrated. >This case really worried Prof. Fukushima. He thinks it shows how risky the vaccine can be, especially for people who were healthy and had no sickness before. He believes that such sudden deaths after vaccination are very serious. Prof. Fukushima is frustrated with the lack of media coverage on these critical issues. >He then points out that we are now witnessing a wide array of illnesses emerging more frequently. This includes autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, infections, and even rare and challenging conditions. Diseases previously unknown or seldom encountered by general practitioners are now becoming more common, raising significant concern about the unforeseen consequences of the experimental mRNA gene therapy. >Prof. Fukushima criticizes the WHO's global vaccination strategy, criticizing its one-size-fits-all approach as fundamentally flawed given the vast diversity in medical infrastructure, cultural practices, and healthcare systems across countries. >He argues that the diversity in healthcare systems and cultural contexts makes the idea of a universal vaccination campaign nonsensical. >Drawing parallels with influenza vaccines, which he deems unsuccessful despite longstanding promotion, he questions the logic and efficacy of covid-19 “vaccines”. >Prof. Fukushima views the persistent promotion of vaccines, despite evidence of their limitations and risks, as irrational and akin to cult behaviour rather than scientific reasoning. >He further expresses concern over the WHO's power and decision-making process, emphasizing that national governments should not depend on the organization for vaccine-related decisions. Citing the example of varying covid-19 outcomes in Middle Eastern countries, he suggests that less aggressive vaccination strategies have correlated with fewer health issues. >Prof. Fukushima asserts that the vaccine's development was marred by misconceptions, misconduct, and what he strongly condemns as "evil practices of science." >He argues that such unethical scientific practices led to the creation of a fundamentally flawed and deceptive product. >In his view, this represents not just a failure but a disgrace to humanity, driven by a cavalier attitude towards science by key institutions like the WHO. >Prof. Fukushima's call to action is a plea for science to return to its ethical foundations and to abandon practices he deems as fundamentally evil. Watch the interview in the original article. For the fact that all vaccines cause harm, read: https://scientificprogress()substack()com/p/vaxxed-v-unvaxxed https://archive.ph/wrHV3
https://news()rebekahbarnett()com()au/p/retraction-scandal-update https://archive.ph/nlVnX Links in original. >By now you’ve hopefully read my report from the weekend about the alleged forced retraction of a covid vaccine cancer-risk study (the ‘Jiang and Mei paper’) after it generated a huge amount of publicity. Showing that the spike protein in the virus and vaccine is carcinogenic: https://news()rebekahbarnett()com()au/p/exclusive-report-forced-retraction https://archive.ph/Js0Tq >The exposé has ignited a lot of discussion, including some posts I want to recommend to you. >The Jiang and Mei story is just one of many examples of papers showing Covid vaccine harms, which pass peer-review but are later retracted following an activist witch hunt. >Examples that come to mind are Mark Skidmore’s paper estimating 290,000 Covid vaccine fatalities for 2021 in the US (Skidmore was eventually exonerated and his paper published in a different journal), and several papers by Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, Jessica Rose and colleagues showing various Covid vaccine harms. >We knew that activist pile-ons precipitated such retractions, but we couldn’t prove that they were the reason for the retractions… until the Jiang and Mei paper. >“This could be the first time that political pressure has been proven to have been exerted to force the retraction of a valid scientific paper of such significance,” says Dr Ah Kahn Syed (Arkmedic) in a follow up post to mine. >Arkmedic’s ‘GileadGate Exposed,’ delves into the vested interests of key players involved in the Jiang and Mei retraction. It involves biopharma company Gilead, the NIH, Wuhan and CRISPR. A must-read: https://www.arkmedic()info/p/gileadgate-exposed https://archive.ph/33DPB >Kevin McKernan Anandamide discusses the “unholy” Jiang and Mei retraction in a post called ‘The Church of Peer Review.’ https://anandamide()substack()com/p/the-church-of-peer-review https://archive.ph/yNq2u >Being a genomics scientist, Kevin is able to chime in on the reason proffered by Jiang for retraction of his own paper: <”The retraction argument given was an absurd questioning of the use of Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) in biological assays. To retract this paper over that assay will make 1000 other papers fall. It was clearly political to those of us watching closely but we didn’t have the proof until Rebekah Barnett FOIA’d their ass and revealed what had really gone on.” >Then he riffs on the problem with peer-review more generally, and the religious reverence and dogmatism some scientists exhibit. One of Kevin’s favourite sayings is that only 50% of peer-reviewed science is reproducible. Therefore, he makes the case that reproduction of results is a more important indicator of the reliability of scientific findings than whether a paper has passed through peer-review or not. https://www.ncbi()nlm()nih()gov/pmc/articles/PMC5579390/ >John Davidson also shares some more detail on his background investigative work on the Jiang and Mei retraction, focusing particularly on the NIH connection: https://www.brokentruth()tv/p/the-nih-knew-the-vax-spike-protein https://archive.ph/Vrgdo >With the cancer-risk cover-up being exposed in the Jiang and Mei retraction scandal, Steve Kirsch also highlighted one of my earlier posts discussing the latest scientific evidence that Covid vaccines can cause cancer formation. >Timely, as we keep seeing in the news that cancer is on the rise in young people - in countries where the same age groups were heavily vaccinated for Covid. https://news()rebekahbarnett()com()au/p/two-new-papers-suggest-mrna-vaccines
https://archive.ph/T9IcA https://wherearethenumbers()substack()com/cp/145221758 By Jonathan Engler, 2 June 2024 References in original. >Did testing and euthanasia protocols help create the appearance of a sudden-spreading deadly novel virus? The evidence gets stronger for those who care to look. >Some people were onto the midazolam / euthanasia story from very early on. >Although I was aware of the noise around Jacqui Deevoy’s one-hour 2021 documentary “A Good Death”, as well as the data showing increased midazolam orders, it is to my chagrin that I didn’t pay enough attention to this story early enough, choosing to believe a variation of one of these singly or in combination: >-The extra midazolam ordered in many places was not actually used, it was “just in case”. >-The extra midazolam used was used for good reason, to ease distress and make the end of life more comfortable for those dying of covid. >However, I don’t believe either of those propositions anymore, largely because of the weight of evidence I have now seen, which amounts to strongly suggesting the following: >-There is good evidence that more midazolam was ordered (and / or other drugs with equivalent modes of action) >-There is good evidence that shortages of the drug (and related drugs) ensued >-There are written protocols in existence which encourage its usage >-These protocols are inappropriate and represent huge changes from established clinical practice for the treatment of respiratory infections >-In the UK, midazolam usage is strongly correlated temporally to excess deaths, and the excess death curves are tightly synchronised across the UK in a pattern which is not consistent with pathogenic spread. >-There were changes in laws in some places to facilitate its use where euthanasia had been previously illegal >-There are disturbing eyewitness reports on various media AND also at Official Inquiries under oath, e.g. at the Scottish Inquiry >-There is precedent for healthcare professionals being capable, in extreme circumstances, of carrying out what would ordinarily amount in law to homicide while thinking they are doing good. >In this regard, I suggest reading this article which I wrote last year with Jessica Hockett. https://hartuk()substack()com/p/ethical-boundaries https://archive.ph/QwZmk >In summary, I believe the weight of the evidence suggests that the lives of large numbers of people worldwide were ended prematurely as a result of the administration of certain medication. >The way in which those directives came about is, at this time, unclear. >Was this an emergent event which was the result of some sort of societal mass delusional psychosis, one which involved the entirety of the healthcare profession buying into the story of the imminent arrival of a novel deadly virus, such that the application of these protocols was regarded as saving people doomed to die from a terrible death by “easing them on their way”? >Or was it part of a co-ordinated process by which a pandemic event was essentially staged? >I don’t know for sure at this point because we don’t have a smoking gun to show that there was co-ordination of the imposition of these protocols. >What does seem clear, however, is that these actions did unnaturally create a sharp and steep uptick in deaths in many places around the world, all of which were categorised as “covid deaths”. >These death numbers would then have been the main source of the numerator in the reported infection fatality rates. And also the excuse for mandating the lockdowns and vaccines. >At this point it is worth reading this piece by Jessica Hockett: https://www.woodhouse76()com/p/the-allegory-of-the-damaged-ship https://archive.ph/o6yl8 >Was the sudden imposition of what can rather euphemistically be called “new protocols” causing this sharp and steep uptick in deaths (then blamed on “the virus”) the equivalent of the order to “sink the ships”? >It certainly provided the magnitude and speed which is an essential part of a “shock and awe campaign”. >Now, onto some evidence. I have, over a period of some months, been collecting various articles and other sources pertinent to the above, and I have listed all these below. >Some of these relate to intubation and ventilation policies which (in some places) are also intimately linked to the use of midazolam or similar drugs. >(The first half or so of the below are derived from this thread from 2020 on X by NellyTells) https://x()com/NellyTells/status/1258654838545661952
[Expand Post]>The list: >(1) A link to a podcast interview with the veteran journalist John Helmer in which a change to French law legalising a euthanasia protocol is mentioned (around the 8 minute mark). >The link in the tweet no longer works but Nelly found the podcast on wayback machine, and I uploaded it here: https://drive()google()com/file/d/1-1qjAzxR3g8Nbeja_XvMuObdPhaWmQCp/view?usp=sharing >To quote: <...a presidential decree was issued more or less in secret on the 28th of March. It was published the day before yesterday in the online French news service Mediapart, in which it appears, that's the press report, the decree language is ambiguous, that doctors are being given an authority to use euthanasia drugs. What? Yes, although that's against French law. >(2) A link to the next day’s edition to the same podcast in which Pablo Ouziel (Spanish, associate fellow at the Centre for Global Studies at the University of Victoria) reports on a euthanasia protocol being applied to his father (around the 27 min mark). https://drive()google()com/file/d/1-0MkUcqvo323SFLw0OOnONuvKwGnv4rA/view?usp=sharing >To quote: <So my mother took my father to the hospital, to the local clinic, and they decided in the local clinic, the doctor decided to do an X-ray of my father's lungs. And they did the X-ray and the doctor said, OK, this is just pneumonia. It's not coronavirus. <And but he said, but please go to the next door, go to the hospital nearby so that they can do further checks. My father at that point refused. He said he was going home. <My mother as well. It's something that they've agreed to a long time ago that my father would not want to spend the last days of his life in a hospital. But anyway, so they went home and my mother said to the doctor, please remember to send us the oxygen machine. <So the next day, this is 10 days ago, she someone rings at their door and she thinks that it's the people coming with the with the machine. And it turns out that it isn't. It's two doctors dressed like astronauts coming into the house, telling my mother that my father has coronavirus and that he has 24 hours to live, that he's going to start coughing and that as soon as he starts coughing, my mother should start injecting him with morphine and a set of other things and do it continually every five hours until my father passes away. <Right. This is what was told my mother 10 days ago. My father yesterday was doing his accounting with me for four hours and today was, you know, basking in the sun in his garden. <And he's completely alive and kicking. And the doctors who are following protocol are actually were actually telling my mother to inject, you know, to put him to sleep in a country where euthanasia is prohibited. So it's very interesting what happens in the state of emergency.
>>20519 Cont. >(3) On the 17 April 2020, Dr Luke Evans, a medically qualified Member of Parliament then serving on the Health Select Committee, said that there was a “big project” underway to ensure adequate provision of midazolam and morphine together with the syringe drivers needed, in an exchange with Matt Hancock (then Health Minister): https://committees()parliament()uk/oralevidence/288/default/ >A video of the exchange can be seen here: https://x()com/MaajidNawaz/status/1687983453550039041 https://www.bitchute()com/video/C3eC7OyKsdS5/ >In this 2023 article, however, Matt Hancock claimed that he had never heard of the drug midazolam before it was raised with him as a matter of concern: https://archive.ph/iiPbp <'A part of the conspiracy theory is that I intentionally killed people with a drug called midazolam during the pandemic, this completely untrue I never even heard of midazolam until this theory was brought to my attention. >(4) This article in the UK’s Independent which described how: <The government is under pressure to go further on measures to relax rules on powerful painkillers such as morphine to prevent patients suffering “unnecessary pain and distress in the last days of their lives”. <On Tuesday the health secretary, Matt Hancock, announced staff in care homes and hospices would be allowed to “re-use” controlled drugs such as morphine and midazolam, with medication prescribed for one patient used for another where there is an immediate need. <But the Home Office today confirmed to The Independent that it had no plans to extend the rules to the care of patients in their own homes – a restriction experts and charities have warned could leave people suffering at the end of their lives. https://archive.ph/MJfAa >Reading on, it is clear that the Royal College of General Practitioners wanted the same drugs to be made available for people at home, not just in care homes: <The Royal College of GPs (RCGP) welcomed the changes announced by Mr Hancock, calling them “a significant step forward”, but added: “This only applies to patients living in care home and hospice settings, so there is still work to be done to ensure patients living in their own homes have appropriate access to necessary medication in a timely way.” >(5) This op-ed in RT regarding Swedish care homes which is quite confused. It seems to be critical of the “let it rip” policy on the surface, though also contains this: <To get an even clearer idea of what’s gone on, I interviewed Latifa Lofvenberg for a witness statement, which I shared on my Youtube channel. Latifa is a nurse who worked in a government-funded care home in Gavleborg, but is no longer employed there due to speaking out about what she witnessed. <She told of old people being left to choke to death for days on end, and of being instructed to administer morphine and a muscle relaxer, midazolam, which helps relieve anxiety while the patients slowly suffocate. <If an elderly patient eventually loses the fight with Covid-19, I believe it is far more humane to let them die of narcosis and carbon dioxide after we have done our best to save them, rather than resorting primarily to morphine and breathing complications, while denying them oxygen. https://archive.ph/VJ5It >(6) This article in The Daily Mail: https://archive.ph/MiFZh >From that piece: <The number of prescriptions for a powerful sedative that can kill the frail doubled at the height of the coronavirus pandemic, raising fears it was used to control elderly residents in stretched care homes – or even to hasten their deaths. <Official figures show out-of-hospital prescribing of the drug midazolam increased by more than 100 per cent in April compared to previous months. <An anti-euthanasia campaigner last night said he suspected that the spike was evidence that many people had been put on end-of-life protocols or ‘pathways’. <The claims are unverified and were last night vigorously disputed by the Association for Palliative Medicine, which said that there were good reasons for the increase. Over the past five years, about 15,000 prescriptions for midazolam to be used outside of hospital have been written each month in England. In April, 38,582 prescriptions were made – more than twice the February figure. <Retired neurologist Professor Patrick Pullicino, who was instrumental in raising concerns a decade ago that the Liverpool Care Pathway was bringing forward patients’ deaths, believes the jump indicated something similar had happened. He said: ‘Midazolam depresses respiration and it hastens death. It changes end-of-life care into euthanasia.’ <Prof. Pullicino also claims that an official flow-chart intended to help health workers decide if people sick with Covid-19 were suitable for intensive care wrongly consigned those deemed too frail to end-of-life care. <That meant, he suggested, that some were not taken to hospital even though they could have been helped by doing so. <‘Certainly there have been more [unavoidable] deaths because of Covid-19,’ he claimed. ‘But to me this flow-chart encouraged use of end-of-life sedation with midazolam – effectively resulting in euthanasia pathways.’ >(7) This report about care homes in Australia in which the following was said to be happening: <Dr Robert Hoffman told the Australian that at Glenlyn Aged Care Facility, the Royal Melbourne Hospital had originally arranged to transfer patients at risk of “wandering” and infecting others to hospital, but then cancelled these plans. Instead, Dr Hoffman said, “Any covid residents who were unwell were ordered as needed palliative care medications, morphine etc., one [resident was] as young as 46.” Some 15 patients and five staff have tested positive at the facility. https://archive.ph/t4TJq >(8) Around 1 hour 10 into this 2 April 2020 edition of The Richie Allen show a caller describes how the GP of his elderly frail mother-in-law wouldn’t go out to see her, but instead said they would “prescribe paracetamol and if that doesn't work I'll put an end-of-life package in place”. When the caller spoke to a contact at The Guardian he was told “we know this is going on…we can't get traction yet”. https://www.youtube()com/watch?v=JBwZucxj89I&t=4112s https://piped()video/watch?v=JBwZucxj89I&t=4112s >(9) This guideline from a “website managed by the IAHPC and is offered to the global palliative care community as a common shared space to do global advocacy for palliative care” specifies an insanely high dos of midazolam to relieve anxiety in patients “with covid”. https://archive.ph/jkfum >IAHPC is the International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care. They describe their mission thus:
[Expand Post]<We serve as a global platform to inspire, inform and empower individuals, governments and organizations to increase access and optimize the practice of palliative care. >From that guideline: The dose suggested there - for restlessness and anxiety - is huge, translating to 120 to 240 mg in a 24 hour period. >The maximum dose I could find anywhere for end of life was 60 mg / 24 hours, with most suggesting doses in the region of 10 to 20 mg per 24 hour period.
>>20520 Cont. >The above guideline was described further at this webinar given by the Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance which describes itself thus: <With our organisational members in over 100 countries, we provide a global voice on hospice and palliative care <The Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance (WHPCA) is an international non-governmental organisation focusing exclusively on hospice and palliative care development worldwide. We are a network of national and regional hospice and palliative care organisations and affiliate organisations. The webinar: https://thewhpca()org/wp-content/uploads/images/COVID_19/Global_PC_Webinar_Series/COVID-19_Clinical_Prevention_Webinar_Compressed.pdf https://archive.ph/lEeSy >(10) Some of their other material is eye-opening; all listed here: http://globalpalliativecare()org/covid-19/?show=global-palliative-care-organizations-special-series-on-covid-19-and-palliative-care https://archive.ph/ebmwY >I was particularly struck by this video (only 4 mins long), from Ryan Pferdehirt of the Kansas-based Center for Practical Bioethics: https://www.youtube()com/watch?v=D9t9aop5_S8 https://piped()video/watch?v=D9t9aop5_S8 >Note the willingness with which it was suggested that the rights of the individual be subjugated to “the greater good”, which seems a somewhat Orwellian version of their stated vision, which is “that ethical discourse and action advance the health and dignity of all persons”. https://archive.ph/y2AKQ >(11) Then there’s this story reported by the BBC https://archive.ph/FUBkk. Quote: "nearly six out of ten people who died with coronavirus in England last year were disabled, figures suggest" >More details here: https://archive.ph/E8jyh >(12) Could that be linked to this story? https://archive.ph/V7Soj Quote: "Disabled people were secretly given Do Not Resuscitate orders, Scottish covid inquiry hears." >One has to ask, since the disabled obviously make up a much smaller fraction of the general population than 60%, and there would be no reason why many or most disabled would be more susceptible to a respiratory virus than an able-bodied person anyway. >(13) This Washington Post article was published on 25 Mar 2020: https://archive.ph/VP5IX Quote: "Hospitals consider universal do-not-resuscitate orders for coronavirus patients." >(14) It seems that the DNR policies went as far as those with “learning difficulties”, according to this Observer article. https://archive.ph/vRLxc >(15) Here’s my recent piece which suggests that it's naive to think DNRs are only relevent to cardiac arrest situations. https://sanityunleashed()substack()com/p/its-naive-to-think-dnrs-are-only https://archive.ph/bq3qG >As John Campbell says in this video I cited, a DNR will inevitably be interpreted as “put on end of life pathway: https://youtu()be/hlr9uE3G_GQ https://piped.video/hlr9uE3G_GQ <...many nurses interpret Do Not Attempt Resuscitation orders as well….basically we've gone on to palliative care, we've basically given up on saving this patient's life; this is completely wrong but this is the way it's often interpreted. This John Campbell is not trustworthy, he told people for a long time to get the vaccine because the data looked good. >(16) In the UK, NICE, a body responsible for writing clinical guidelines, issued the notorious NG163 - end of life guidelines for covid patients - which appeared to simply mirror the advice appropriate for true end-of-life situations to “covid patients”. >Andrew Bridgen went through the history of this guideline in a speech in Parliament on 18 April 2024 - see here for a transcript and a link to the video of the speech. https://hartuk()substack()com/p/covid-19-response-and-excess-deaths https://archive.ph/Np4HD >Notably, he states that:
[Expand Post]<They sent people home and told them to take paracetamol until their lips turned blue. Then they sedated them, put them on ventilators and watched them die. <It gets worse, the protocol was a binary choice between two treatment tracks. Once admitted, ill patients were either to be ventilated in intensive care or, if they were not fit for that level of care, they were to be given end-of-life medication including Midazolam and Morphine. <The body responsible for this protocol - NG163 which was published on 3rd April 2020 - is called the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence – NICE. <Giving Midazolam and Morphine to people dying of cancer is reasonable but they have a side effect. The side effect is that these drugs have a respiratory depressant effect. <It is hard to imagine a more stupid idea than to give people struggling to breathe, drugs that do that. Yet that’s what they did. <Why was the warning letter regarding the use of Midazolam in NICE guideline NG163 to the British Medical Journal on 19th May 2020 signed by two Professors and nine Doctors ignored? Especially as it would seem it’s a replica of Abolished Liverpool Care Pathway in dosages and combined use of Midazolam plus an opioid. https://archive.ph/VOPpc <NG163 stated that a blanket start dose of 2.5 mg of Midazolam should be injected regardless of age, body weight and comorbidities, how can this be medically acceptable as results show titration was not possible at such a dose for many elderly and who authorised it? <Why was Midazolam then removed from the same updated guideline NG191 on 30th November 2023? (As it was removed is it now considered and admitted it was a mistake to ignore the warning of the inclusion of that specific drug in NG163)? <It’s now been confirmed by subsequent letters from Ministers to families that doctors and nurses should have treated the individual patient with their own knowledge rather than strictly follow NICE guideline NG163 (as suggested by Quince and Stephenson) so if the warning letter from 11 experts to the BMJ was correct is the blame with NICE, NHS England or individual doctors and nurses, should legal action find verdicts of unlawful killing? <I would like to pay tribute to the Scottish Covid Inquiry which is hearing extensive, heartbreaking evidence of the effect of this alternative protocol on real people, real lives and sadly real and unnecessary deaths. People scared. People angry. People dying. People gasping for their lives away who might have been saved. <I very much hope that the eventual Scottish Inquiry Report addresses in detail the NICE decision making on the alternative protocols for those with Covid. <All these deaths were ascribed by the government to covid as if no other factors needed to be investigated. <But this is one example of a scandal that if it wasn't for the Scottish Inquiry would never be investigated and never learned from. <Anyone who raised this problem during the pandemic was smeared as a covid denier. Even worse <NICE has now removed these alternative protocols from its website. All other old protocols are still there for historical reference. <Why have NICE removed this protocol from their website? Are they ashamed of the harm they caused? They certainly should be. >(17) I have mentioned the Scottish Covid Inquiry several times. Here’s an overview of how this Inquiry differs from the London version. https://sanityunleashed()substack()com/p/testimony-at-the-official-scottish https://archive.ph/7vBv4 >I also highly recommend all of Dave’s posts here: https://biologyphenom()substack()com/ More details in original article. >Here’s a tweet (from biologyphenom’s X account) linking to a video about someone being pressured into having a DNR order put in place. https://x()com/biologyphenom/status/1789229102643245208
>>20521 Cont. >(18) An Australian investment analyst called Wilson Sy recently published paper this paper in which he studies the relationship between excess death and extra midazolam doses used (over expected levels). https://archive.ph/4OGDT >Here is the abstract: <Macro-data during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom (UK) are shown to have significant data anomalies and inconsistencies with existing explanations. <This paper shows that the UK spike in deaths, wrongly attributed to COVID-19 in April 2020, was not due to SARS-CoV-2 virus, which was largely absent, but was due to the widespread use of Midazolam injections which were statistically very highly correlated (coefficient over 90%) with excess deaths in all regions of England during 2020. <Importantly, excess deaths remained elevated following mass vaccination in 2021, but were statistically uncorrelated to COVID injections, while remaining significantly correlated to Midazolam injections. <The widespread and persistent use of Midazolam in UK suggests a possible policy of systemic euthanasia. <Unlike Australia, where assessing the statistical impact of COVID injections on excess deaths is relatively straightforward, UK excess deaths were closely associated with the use of Midazolam and other medical intervention. <The iatrogenic pandemic in the UK was caused by euthanasia deaths from Midazolam and also, likely caused by COVID injections, but their relative impacts are difficult to measure from the data, due to causal proximity of euthanasia. <Global investigations of COVID-19 epidemiology, based only on the relative impacts of COVID disease and vaccination, may be inaccurate, due to the neglect of significant confounding factors in some countries. >This substack article reviews the paper. https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld()com/p/democide-epidemic-the-first-ever https://archive.ph/m96sW >Notwithstanding that the paper is open to criticism, the findings, together with the other circumstantial evidence provided here, at least raise a hypothesis which requires further investigation, rather than the outright suppression of the story which we have seen. >(19) A Dr. Richard Levitan was quoted in this NYT article published 14 April 2020 as saying: <“Never in my life have I had to ask a patient to get off the telephone because it was time to put in a breathing tube,” https://archive.ph/XjQSG >Needless to say, certain drugs - including Midazolam - are in regular use for intubation. Recall that it is estimated that 90% of ventilated patients died. >I believe doctors like Dr Levitan - who deleted his twitter account (@airwaycam) - will, look back at their part in the events of 2020 with a mixture of embarrassment, denial and shame. I highly doubt it. Other people with the surname Levitan are Semites, it's Hebrew for "large man", https://forebears()io/surnames/levitan https://www.ancestry()ca/name-origin?surname=levitan >With no apparent regard for the significance of anything said in the article, the by-line to the NYT article above, by the way, was: "Ironclad emergency medical practices — about when to use ventilators, for example — have dissolved almost overnight." >(20) The Guardian published possibly the most sinister article I have seen during the entirety of the past 4 years. https://archive.ph/YpKZE >To quote: <Death penalty states in the US are stockpiling medicines for lethal injections that could save the lives of hundreds of coronavirus patients were they released for medical use. <A group of prominent medical practitioners and experts has issued an appeal to capital punishment states to release their stocks of essential sedatives and paralytics that they hoard for executions. The drugs are among the most sought after in hospital intensive care units around the country where shortages of the key medicines are putting lives of Covid-19 patients at risk. https://archive.ph/Q9akz >(21) This article in the New Yorker contains the following account of the death of NYC’s first “coronavirus victim”. https://archive.ph/Lko8o >Again, the theme is intubation of patients who are well enough to talk, ignoring the overall signs and symptoms and religiously following a protocol and a series of test results. >(22) From this piece in New York magazine: https://archive.ph/Kw4XR <Early on, doctors were sometimes intubating patients when their blood-oxygen readings seemed to indicate they were about to crash, even if they were still wide awake and talking. <But one of the unusual effects of covid was that patients seemed able to tolerate alarmingly low blood-oxygen levels—numbers that would normally prompt intubation—while the stiffness of their lungs made pushing air in via the mechanical ventilators much more difficult, like trying to inflate a steel balloon. <For these patients, “taking away their respiration and awareness and homeostasis was actually more harmful than anything,” says Burmon >(23) Back to the Scottish Inquiry. In the below video John Campbell covers the evidence given by Adam Stachura, Head of Policy and Communications with the charity Age Scotland. https://www.youtube()com/watch?v=aO4uOyt-hNE https://piped()video/watch?v=aO4uOyt-hNE >His written Witness Statement can be found here: https://archive.ph/3DkZN (pdf)
[Expand Post]>The whole thing is worth reading in full. Amongst other things he states: <From the end of March and through April we were getting a significant number of calls from people saying they have been contacted, out of the blue by their GP, or sometimes it was the practise reception staff, asking if they would agree to having a DNACPR decision on their medical records. <This wasn't restricted to March and April. As an example, somebody got in touch with us later on in 2020 who was concerned about their grandfather who a veteran. He was over 100 years old and who still lived independently, on his own. <We understand from this exchange that paramedics arrived at his door one day and they handed him a bit of paper and said, "you need to keep this by your bed". It was a DNACPR decision document or slip. A photo was taken and sent to us by email, and I remember seeing it. <The slip was signed by a clinician that said discussion had been had with patient and reason was just two words "communication difficulties". Presumably, linked to his hearing loss. <From our discussions with other organisations such as Scottish Care as I recall, from media reports and calls to our helpline we had a sense that this was also be happening in care homes, where all residents were having DNACPR decisions issued in a blanket manner, not on an individual basis. <We also found examples of people who upon leaving hospital found DNACPR decisions in their discharge papers without any discussion having been had with them. The box was ticked which said they had had a discussion, where in fact none was. >(24) From my own article on midazolam usage in Italy, citing B Braun’s website. https://sanityunleashed()substack()com/p/midazolam-usage-in-italy-in-spring https://archive.ph/vbJ9O <On the morning of March 21, 2020, a delivery vehicle out of Melsungen, Germany, arrived at the warehouse in Mirandola. It was a Saturday, and normally there were no deliveries on weekends. In these times, though, nothing was normal. <The vehicle was carrying 10,000 doses of the sedative midazolam, which was urgently needed in Italy for the mechanical ventilation of thousands of covid-19 patients who needed help breathing. <Gabriele Ceratti worked with the italian team in Milano and Mirandola to make the delivery possible in just a few days.
>>20522 Cont. >Mr. Ceratti, what challenges did you face when procuring the sedative? <Due to the extremely critical situation, the hospitals suddenly needed three or four times the normal amount of this drug. We knew that we would have to get it from another country, but to do that we first needed a special permit - the vials of midazolam from Melsungen had labels in German and English, but only labels in Italian are allowed here. >Why did you and your team decide to take on this responsibility? <In those awful days of the first wave, we saw how the hospitals were in desperate need and we knew right away that we had to respond. Even though we got the ball rolling, it never would have worked without the Regulatory Affairs people at B. Braun in Italy and Germany. They, too, immediately took responsibility and acted. This kind of permit normally takes weeks, but we got it in just a few days. It was an extraordinary situation. >How did you get through that difficult time? <It’s the result of having a great team at B. Braun - both here and in Germany. We could feel the support of our German colleagues quite a lot. Everyone was so kind and sensitive, they understood it was time to respond immediately in order to help Italy and all the patients in this terrible situation. >What gives you hope? <The emergency procurement of midazolam was the first time, but certainly not the last time in this crisis, that we were able to help quickly. We were able to do something similar with the sedative propofol and pumps for hospital beds. Back to the article. >I could go on, but won’t for now. There is basically unlimited evidence out there for those who choose to look for it, and at times it can be overwhelming. But you get the picture. >Update 3 June 2024. Receiving a number of interesting comments with further suggestions, which I will keep adding below. >(25) As we in HART noted in August last year: https://hartuk()substack()com/p/midazolam-story https://archive.ph/7jfeo <They [midazolam and morphine] are both known to reduce the respiratory drive yet there were centralised protocols which included these drugs for covid patients staff were told that they “should not be withheld because of an inappropriate fear of causing respiratory depression.” <That guideline was meant for community care but the message was also present in training documents from Health Education England for hospital care. >From NG163 guidance: https://archive.ph/PpKLS >Slide 7 from NHS England’s e-learning session “COVID-19 and palliative, end-of-life and bereavement care” (available here): https://portal()e-lfh()org()uk/Component/Details/608881 >Zooming in on the red box - the highlighted sentence in particular appears to be a green light for using much higher doses than those which the HCWs may been familiar with previously. Quote: <Patients with severe covid-19 symptoms, especially severe breathlessness, who are not expected to survive their illness often deteriorate quickly over a short period of time. As a result. they may need higher starting and maintenance doses of opioids / anxiolytics than suggested previously for breathlessness and associated anxiety. <Dosing requirements may not 'fit' with established practice and may have to be determined on a case-by-case basis---always prescribe safely, but don't be afraid to prescribe in line with your patients' requirements. Some comments below the article. >You may add to that the decrease in life saving prescriptions. The prescriptions for azitromycine, combatting bacterial pneumonia as secondary infection, dropped by 70% in certain countries. There was an explosion of scabies because of the reluctance to prescribe Ivermectin. >It was all planned and carried out under instruction from a central command. Of course, there were small differences per country, but those were just smoke screens to hide the truth of central coordination. Some clown interjects to claim it was all one big mistake compounded by group-think. The author of the article responds: >What if there are people there who had gamed the groupthink and knew that after all the actors had been groomed via Event 201 (and similar going back years) all they had to do was light the blue touch paper and a pandemic would ensue if a supply of the right ingredients could be maintained? >There’s too much evidence of pre-planning (e.g. in the purported January 2020 timeline which is obviously ridiculous), and outright data fraud (NYC) to explain events away as groupthink consequent to an organic emergent mass psychosis. If all these things happened by mistake, you would expect some of these mistake to be positive and pro-goy; but they never are, they're always according to the plan. What plan? See The Protocols of Zion for evidence of long-range planning. https://www.renegadetribune()com/?s=protocols Specifically for covid, see the Rockefeller document from 2010 that laid it all out: https://www.bitchute()com/video/A2aUlUW0T9Fd/ It would be too much of a coincident for the Rockefellers to have described so accuracy what would happen ten years in the future. Oh by the way, the Rockefellers are jews too: https://archive.ph/y81OF Why have they gone to such great lengths to hide this fact? Maybe to obfuscate the jewish hand behind world events? So they can say "oh look, the Rockefellers are behind covid, and they're not jewish", for example?
[Expand Post]Jessica Hockett adds: >People don't realize how much is ALREADY coordinated through the WHO: https://www.woodhouse76()com/p/flu-interrupted >WHO: "Hey everyone! There's a new cause of death and a new test and guidelines!" >Participating countries: "Check!" >I urge you to revisit what people "down under" were being told was going on in NYC in March 2020. https://www.woodhouse76()com/p/what-australians-were-being-told >As I say in footnote 1 - with a link to supporting data - "Australia reported an off-season rise in flu testing in March 2020. Did propaganda like this video create an excuse to test people already in the hospital and/or prompt a brief surge of people going to the hospital to get tested?" Another commenter: >I'm among the group who has argued that a virus didn't suddenly become far more contagious and deadly in late March and April 2020. What changed is the medical protocols. When these guidelines were enacted, they caused an unknown - but huge - number of unnecessary deaths. These were Iatrogenic deaths ... or "democide." They should not be labelled "Covid deaths." This is one of the most-shocking and massive scandals in my lifetime. >Richard Cox of the Isle of Man has also produced excellent work on the iatrogenic death subject. He has written a several part series that's been converted into a book called "Measuring the Mandates." The first chapter of this book is on the protocols mentioned in this story and include many other examples from care homes. >Highly recommended scholarship and analysis, but not seen by enough people yet. https://www.deepstateconsciousness()com/measuring-the-mandates Another: >Maajid Nawaz conducted some of the most comprehensive early investigations into euthanasia in institutional care during the first wave of "Covid" starting in early 2022 and was largely ignored. https://x()com/TheRadicalShow/status/1558835726292340737 >The media basically "reported" mass-euthanasia at the time, based on the 100% mortality rate of "Covid" in many care homes -- in contrast to 7-8% mortality per John Ioannidis. That's the case fatality rate, not the actual mortality rate, which was something like 0.2% "Spanish army finds care home residents 'dead and abandoned'" - 24 March 2020 https://archive.ph/xdynu
Media Tried To Discredit A Study Showing Masks Don’t Work https://www.outkick_com/analysis/media-tried-discredit-study-showing-masks-dont-work-failed >When the gold standard of evidence reviews, the Cochrane Library examination, was published in early 2023, it provided the definitive, comprehensive scientific study showing that masks were ineffective against respiratory viruses. It's not the gold standard. Dr Peter Goetzsche, one of its' founders, was kicked out because he criticized the organizations sloppy work and for his criticisms of the pharmaceutical industry. https://www.deadlymedicines_dk/ The point is that even if a corrupt and pro-pharma organization like Cochrane says masks are ineffective, then obviously they are; and that was already known before 2020. >Given the reputations of those involved --world renowned experts in evidence-based medicine--, the thoroughness of the review, and the confirmation it provided after years of observational data [that] decisively supported the evidence that masks failed to stop the spread of respiratory viruses, you'd have expected that it would garner attention. Maybe even enough to stop masking policies permanently. >Instead, however, most media outlets dismissed it entirely, refusing to deal with the ramifications of a definitive scientific resource contradicting their advocacy since the start of the pandemic. Except, of course, for The New York Times. >The Times, thanks to its anti-science opinion writer Zeynep Tufecki [turkroach], last seen influencing the CDC to recommend universal masking in defiance of actual science, worked to undermine the Cochrane Review by appealing to the political ideology of its editor. >The Editor-in-chief of the Cochrane Library, Karla Soares-Weiser, spoke to Tufecki and desperately tried to distance herself and the Library from the results of the review. Karla appears to be a mestizo married to a jew https://www.cochrane_org/news/introducing-karla-soares-weiser-editor-chief-cochrane-library >In the process, [Soares-Weiser] inaccurately characterized the studies that the researchers examined, and undermined their results by collaborating with Tufecki to defend their misconceptions. >"Many commentators have claimed that a recently updated Cochrane review shows that ‘masks don’t work,’ which is an inaccurate and misleading interpretation," Karla Soares-Weiser, the editor-in-chief of the Cochrane Library, said in The New York Times >"The review examined whether interventions to promote mask wearing help to slow the spread of respiratory viruses," Soares-Weiser said, continuing, >"Given the limitations in the primary evidence, the review is not able to address the question of whether mask wearing itself reduces people’s risk of contracting or spreading respiratory viruses." >Soares-Weiser issued an unjustified apology, and more importantly claimed that the Library would "revise the summary." >She also went further, categorically denying what the lead author, Tom Jefferson, said in an interview with journalist Maryanne Demasi. >Jefferson explained, clearly and accurately, "There is just no evidence that they make any difference." >Tufecki seized the opportunity to discredit the entire review, claiming it was "flawed" and subject to misinterpretation. >"The flawed summary — and further misinterpretation of it," Tufecki warned, "set off a debate." >Essentially, Tufecki’s article and the quotes from Soares-Weiser implied or outright stated that the review and its summary language would be changed; that the studies hadn’t actually looked at mask wearing, and that Jefferson spoke out of turn with unjustified certainty. >And yet, just a few days ago, the Cochrane Library added a statement to the study, "Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses," and confirmed just the opposite. https://www.cochranelibrary_com/cdsr/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD006207.pub6/detailed-comment/en?messageId=433403433 >The review, its contents and its summary stand, as previously written. The gold standard of evidence, the most thorough, comprehensive examination of the studies on masking to stop respiratory viruses remains the same. >Despite the wishful thinking of the editor, and the advocacy and activism of what another review author described as a "New York Times social media influencer," there are no changes or alterations to the conclusions of the review. >As a reminder, it states that there is no evidence that masks stop respiratory viruses, and there is no difference between cloth, surgical, or N95 masks at stopping the spread of infection. >Or as Jefferson said, "Makes no difference — none of it." >All parties involved desperately hoped that the apology and promise to revise and revisit would discredit the results and sway public opinion. >And they were likely successful, because as is so often the case, the public only hears and remembers the first response, never the second. >Tufecki got the headline and story she wanted, and given that her nonsensical perspective and agenda haven’t changed, she’ll never issue a correction or update. So this editors' note will go unnoticed and unappreciated. >Except by those of us paying attention closely enough to know that the review would remain unchanged, because it's an inarguable fact that the evidence clearly demonstrates masks don’t work. Former CDC Director Admits COVID Mandates Were Destructive And Ineffective https://www.outkick_com/analysis/former-cdc-director-admits-covid-mandates-were-destructive-ineffective >Dr. Robert Redfield discussed our pandemic response in a recent interview with Chris Cuomo, and made some stunning admissions about our COVID policies and mandates.
[Expand Post]Redfield seems to be a translation of "Rothfeld" or something similar, which is a jewish name https://www.ancestry_com/name-origin?surname=rothfeld He also looks very jewish. >Redfield, who ran the CDC for most of 2020, said he believes that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was working on vaccine development in the lab, and that its research was directly responsible for the release of the coronavirus. Yeah, they were working on a vaccine that targets Whites and has no effect on jews and Chinese. This was so well-covered in the medical journals that even RFK talked about it. https://www.bitchute_com/video/pQjNtCnCaJE7/ But just try finding even one doctor or biologist that will talk about this. >Redfield also spoke about how the rollout of the covid vaccine played out much differently than it should have, while admitting that vaccine mandates were a disastrous mistake. >"I thought that these vaccines should be prioritized for nursing homes, prioritized for assisted living, prioritized for the elderly, over 60, 65, and yet that's not what happened," Redfield said. "There was this, everyone had to get vaccinated." So he only wanted to kill the elderly? Very nice, very jewish. >Redfield also told Cuomo that he believed there was a concerted effort by the CDC under Rochelle Walensky [jew] and the Biden administration not to release information that could make the vaccines look bad. >"I mean, I was upset with CDC when I left because they stopped tracking people that were infected that were previously vaccinated," Redfield said. Cuomo jumped in to ask, "why?" >Redfield continued, "Well because then you couldn't report that there were people vaccinated that got infected." >"I think there was a decision not to do anything that made the vaccine sound like it didn't work." The rest of the article is stuff we already knew, the mandates were bad, lockdowns were bad, etc. All stuff people were saying early in 2020, but this jew waits 4 years to say anything. .
You can have a look yourself at some of the videos on the vaccines being a bioweapon https://www.bitchute()com/search/?query=vaccine%20ashkenazi&kind=video&sort=new A mistake most of the videos make is only referencing the one paper that showed that Mormons were also immune, but other papers showed it was jews and Chinese that were immune. >>19416 is the only article I know of that discusses this, but it's behind a paywall unfortunately. It's obvious jews are just hiding behind the Chinese, and getting them to do their dirty work. Jews have chosen the Chinese to be their goyim-slaves, once they've killed all the other non-jews, starting with Whites. We already know jews took control of China with their communist revolution; do you think it's just a coincidence that jews lead the development of all the vaccines, and that the vaccines just happen to have no negative effects on jews and Chinese?
https://www.bitchute()com/video/HU8RewUJ3TBR/ >Update: TMPRSS2 as it relates to Ashkenazis and others is relevant as well: https://www.medrxiv()org/content/10.1101/2021.03.04.21252931v1.full.pdf >It looks like they've applied genetics research to target certain groups while privileging others. It's most unlikely a coincidence the injections, if they function as we are told, are by far least an issue for Ashkenazis. >As I'm posting this I haven't listened to the video I've uploaded. I've only listened to this one: https://www.francesoir()fr/videos-videos-english/stephanie-seneff (recommended) >"Over the past year, Dr. Seneff has conducted research into Sars-CoV-2 and more especially on the mRNA and ADN vaccine technologies. In her view these injections are extremely dangerous and may lead to an explosion of auto-immune pathologies such as Parkinson's or multiple sclerosis. In her interview to France Soir she explains how the Spike protein causes the cells to “burst into flame” as it were, and to produce antibodies in massive numbers. These antibodies will likely attack vital organs such as the heart, liver, brain, ovaries and spleen, drawing a host of degenerative diseases in their wake." >"I'm shocked. Why would our country want to go out of its way to harm its population? There is tremendous censorship." >She touches on the prion issue as well, as Dr. Day and others have warned about. >It does look like this series of injections will maim and kill many people in a variety of ways. She refers to it as a toxic mix. "I would not get these injections myself." >She says the spike protein binds to the ACE2 receptor. This is least an issue in Ashkenazis, and is much more an issue for many Europeans. >"ACE2-K26R; which is most frequent in Ashkenazi Jewish population decreased the SARS-CoV-2/ACE2 electrostatic attraction. On the contrary, ACE2-I468V, R219C, K341R, D206G, G211R increased the electrostatic attraction; ordered by binding strength from weakest to strongest. The aforementioned variants are most frequent in East Asian, South Asian, African and African American, European, European and South Asian populations, respectively." https://www.sciencedirect()com/science/article/pii/S2405580820301072 >Also relevant: "New insights into genetic susceptibility of COVID-19: an ACE2 and TMPRSS2 polymorphism analysis" https://bmcmedicine()biomedcentral()com/articles/10.1186/s12916-020-01673-z >This is filed under Ashkenazi because I'd like more people talking about the significance of the ACE2 studies I've referenced as they relate to Ashkenazis on one extreme and Europeans on the other. See also https://www.ncbi()nlm()nih()gov/pmc/articles/PMC7439997/
https://www.sciencedirect()com/science/article/pii/S0379073824001968 >We found that 73.9% of deaths were directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination. >Our data suggest a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccination and death. >We searched PubMed and ScienceDirect for all published autopsy and necropsy reports relating to COVID-19 vaccination up until May 18th, 2023. All autopsy and necropsy studies that included COVID-19 vaccination as an antecedent exposure were included. >Because the state of knowledge has advanced since the time of the original publications, three physicians independently reviewed each case and adjudicated whether or not COVID-19 vaccination was the direct cause or contributed significantly to death. >We initially identified 678 studies and, after screening for our inclusion criteria, included 44 papers that contained 325 autopsy cases and one necropsy case. >The mean age of death was 70.4 years. >The most implicated organ system among cases was the cardiovascular (49%), followed by hematological (17%), respiratory (11%), and multiple organ systems (7%). Three or more organ systems were affected in 21 cases. >The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days. Most deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine administration. >A total of 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination, of which the primary causes of death include sudden cardiac death (35%), pulmonary embolism (12.5%), myocardial infarction (12%), VITT (7.9%), myocarditis (7.1%), multisystem inflammatory syndrome (4.6%), and cerebral hemorrhage (3.8%). >The consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine mechanisms of injury and death, coupled with autopsy confirmation by physician adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death.
https://armageddonprose()substack()com/p/massive-global-report-all-cause-mortality www.renegadetribune()com/massive-global-report-all-cause-mortality-due-to-injections-and-lockdowns-not-covid/ https://archive.ph/D0nae Ben Bartee >A massive review of mortality data from 125 countries worldwide has concluded definitively that the deaths commonly attributed to “covid” were actually due to other factors, including lockdowns and the shots themselves that were marketed as the solution to the so-called pandemic. >The relevant findings, via Correlation Canada <The spatiotemporal variations in national excess all-cause mortality rates allow us to conclude that the Covid-period (2020-2023) excess all-cause mortality in the world is incompatible with a pandemic viral respiratory disease as a primary cause of death. This hypothesis, although believed to be supported by testing campaigns, should be abandoned. <We describe plausible mechanisms and argue that the three primary causes of death associated with the excess all-cause mortality during (and after) the Covid period are: <-Biological (including psychological) stress from mandates such as lockdowns and associated socio-economic structural changes <-Non-covid-19-vaccine medical interventions such as mechanical ventilators* and drugs (including denial of treatment with antibiotics) <-Covid-19 vaccine injection rollouts, including repeated rollouts on the same population >The 500+-page report is available here. https://correlation-canada()org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/2024-07-19-Correlation-ACM-World-125-countries-Rancourt-Hickey-Linard.pdf >We know based on reports from countless nurses and other frontline healthcare providers who have since exposed the institutional rot within their own organizations that the modus operandi was to throw Covid patients on ventilators at the drop of a hat, despite the fact that they knew the vast majority of them would never come out the other end alive, and/or inject them with dangerous Midazolam, then, when they predictably died, list the cause of death as Covid. www.youtube)(com/watch?v=Z5B2-7EpRvw >Let’s not be naïve enough to delude ourselves into believing it was a coincidence that the hospitals were given a financial incentive to throw maximum numbers of grannies on ventilators, as their pay-out from Medicare tripled when they did so — on top of the special 20% tack-on for Covid patients courtesy of the federal CARES Act. >Via WRAL News: https://www.wral()com/fact-check-do-hospitals-get-paid-more-to-treat-covid-19-patients/19156357/ <Kaiser estimated the average Medicare payment at $13,297 for a less severe hospitalization and $40,218 for hospitalization in which a patient is treated with a ventilator for at least 96 hours*. <‘A COVID patient on a ventilator will need more services and more complicated services, not just the ventilator,’ said Joseph Antos, scholar in health care at the American Enterprise Institute. <‘It is reasonable that a patient who is on a ventilator would cost three times one who isn’t that sick.’ <Medicare will pay hospitals a 20% ‘add-on’ to the regular DRG payment for COVID-19 patients. That’s a result of the CARES Act, the largest of the three federal stimulus laws enacted in response to the coronavirus, which was signed into law March 27. >Here’s how the calculation went, even if it was never explicitly stated: <Honest nurse/doctor: “Patient Jane Doe has already been hooked up for 72 hours and she’s not getting any better. Maybe we should pull her out?” <Hospital administrator: “Naw, we gotta keep her on for at least 96 hours to get our fat government check. Hit her with the Midazolam if it looks like she might pull through and see what happens.“ <Honest nurse/doctor: “But she’s going to die.” <Hospital administrator: “My bonus check doesn’t write itself.” <Honest nurse/doctor: “This is definitely unethical and probably criminal.” <(pregnant pause) <Hospital administrator: “Here’s your pink slip. We’re gonna learn you good to never disrespect The Science™. *pulls out phone* Homeland Security? Yeah, hi. Your commercial said to say something if you see something. I definitely just saw something, and it’s a domestic terrorist here in a nurse’s uniform. Send in the goon squad, please.” https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=2KnuFCSnRuQ
https://childrenshealthdefense()org/defender/drs-pierre-kory-paul-marik-covid-shots-promoted-ivermectin-lose-certification/ https://archive.ph/6gBwO 14 Aug. 2024 Edited. >The American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) last week revoked the certifications of Drs. Pierre Kory and Paul Marik, following a two-year investigation into their promotion of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as treatments for covid-19 and their statements questioning the safety and efficacy of covid-19 vaccines. >Kory and Marik are co-founders of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), which promotes alternative treatments for COVID-19. https://covid19criticalcare()com/ >MedPageToday quoted an ABIM spokesperson, who said the organization “does not comment publicly on the reasons for the revocation of certification.” >However, in a summary of the ABIM’s decision reviewed by The Defender, the organization stated that the doctors’ “conduct poses serious concerns for patient safety and undermines the trust that the public and the medical profession place in the meaning of ABIM board certification.” >In a press release, the FLCCC Alliance said it “categorically disagrees” with ABIM’s decision. >“We believe this decision represents a dangerous shift away from the foundational principles of medical discourse and scientific debate that have historically been the bedrock of medical education associations,” the press release states. >Marik told The Defender: >“The bottom line is we’re disappointed because we stand up for the truth. To censor science is to censor progress. Science is based on dialogue and people can have different points of view. That is the principle of science: it’s people having different points of view. >“We’ve never been in a situation before where physicians who have opposing points of view are silenced … It sets a really bad precedent that you can’t really challenge the status quo, and as we know, in medicine, there have been very dramatic changes based on changing understandings of science.” >In the FLCCC Alliance press release, Kory said, “This fight is about more than just our right to speak — it’s about protecting the future of healthcare. When doctors are silenced for questioning the prevailing narrative, we all lose.” >Kory and Marik participated in an ABIM hearing in May, but internist Dr. Meryl Nass, founder of Door to Freedom, told ;;The Defender'' that ABIM revoked her certification without her knowledge. >Nass said she was blindsided by ABIM’s decision to revoke her license, which she said she found out about only when she searched for herself in the organization’s database of certified physicians. >Nass told The Defender: >“After the Maine Medical Board suspended my license illegally — even though none of my alleged transgressions met the statutory requirement for an immediate suspension — the board later found me guilty of things I had not done and continued the suspension … All of this with never a single patient complaint. >“Now I learn, by chance, that the ABIM has suspended me without ever informing me I was even under an investigation, which is illegal according to the ABIM’s process.” >Dr. Peter McCullough also faced similar difficulties with the ABIM over his positions oncovid-19 vaccines and treatments. According to MedPageToday, ABIM revoked his certifications in 2022 — although, as of today, ABIM lists him as certified. >McCullough told The Defender, “The ABIM is violating principles of equal protection, due process, rules of evidence and has gone ex post facto to find reasons to attack qualified ABIM-certified doctors who innovated and saved lives early in the pandemic.” >Marik questioned the board’s assertions regarding ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and the vaccines. >“What they do is, they cherry-pick articles which support their point of view and then they go on to say the vaccine is safe and effective. We know that’s completely not true. There’s overwhelming data to question both the safety and efficacy of the vaccine,” Marik added. >McCullough said: >“ABIM never updated its members on important risks such as fatal vaccine adverse events, including myocarditis, nor failing theoretical efficacy necessitating boosters that skipped human testing altogether. >“Setting a new dark milestone, ABIM is decertifying highly qualified physicians for nonclinical reasons and ignoring the evidence for early therapeutics and covid-19 vaccine safety.” >Accusing the ABIM of being part of the “medical-industrial complex,” Marik said, “They seem more interested in making money than in protecting physicians. There have been a number of lawsuits against ABIM, so they don’t have the best of reputations. But unfortunately, they are the main certifying organization in the U.S., so they have enormous power and leverage.” Marik and Nass are jews. McCullough promotes vaccines in general, as does RFK Jr who runs Childrens' Health Defense. What none of them will tell you is that all the vaccines were developed by jews, and that the vaccines are designed to do the most damage to Whites, and to have no effect on jews. These jews won't tell you that, but they'll pretend to lead the resistance to their fellow jews, so people think there are 'good jews' and bad jews , "just like their are good blacks and bad blacks", etc., and never find out that the jews are behind it all. (One study said jews and Amish are spared, but the other studies said jews and Chinese).
>>21512 Interesting this board won't allow me to post the meme showing all the vaccines were developed by jews. https://imgur()com/a/vk2kYGp See also: covid-19 missing links https://www.bitchute()com/video/hrWVD0D37YMk
So which virus is going to be the cause for the NEXT set of lockdowns. Because in addition to Monkeypox, we also have: West Nile Vrius https://archive.ph/NP93A And a "Pneumonia of Unknown Cause" https://archive.ph/iGNwp
>England's Chief Medical Officer Admits "We May Have Overstated Danger Of COVID" https://archive.ph/8Qy3a <England’s Chief Medical Officer testified before the (token and pointless) Covid Inquiry earlier today, claiming he feared the government “overdid it” when talking up the dangers of Covid. <No kidding, Chris. <The Telegraph reports [emphasis added]: <The Government potentially overstated the danger of Covid to the public at the start of the pandemic, Prof Sir Chris Whitty has admitted. <The Chief Medical Officer told the Covid Inquiry he still worries about whether the Government got “the level of concern” right as it introduced lockdowns and shielding measures. <Sir Chris said it was a difficult balance and if anything it was possible that authorities “overdid it” when communicating how dangerous the virus was at the beginning of the pandemic. <Of course, this is all very British understatement combined with “official inquiry dilution”, which automatically transforms “I know we did X” into “I fear we may have done X by accident“. >Those Published "17,000 Hydroxychloroquine Deaths" Never Happened https://archive.ph/qWEnV <Early January of 2024, Americans learned about the publication of an article from Elsevier’s Journal of Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy overseen by Dr. Danyelle Townsend, a professor at the University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy’s Department of Drug Discovery and Biomedical Sciences. <As Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Townsend reviewed, approved, and published the article titled: “Deaths induced by compassionate use of hydroxychloroquine during the first COVID-19 wave: An estimate.” <The article was always a hypothesized estimate of people that might have died, but now even that estimate has been retracted. The reason for the retraction was that the Belgian dataset that was one of the bases for the piece was found to be “unreliable” (but in reality was fraudulent). The article also repeatedly referenced the New England Journal of Medicine’s 2020 RECOVERY trial. The RECOVERY trial is well known to be a deeply flawed study which, in addition to implementing late treatment in severely ill Covid patients, used extremely high doses of HCQ. <The now retracted publication authors were all French or Canadian, with the primary author a pharmacist by the name of Alexiane Pradelle. According to a rudimentary internet search, Dr. Pradelle had never published before. Subsequently, listed authors were degreed as physicians, pharmacists, and/or professors of their respective disciplines. The main, corresponding author, Jean-Christophe Lega, runs the Evaluation and Modeling of Therapeutic Effects team at the University of Lyon. <... <To be exact: there were never “17,000 deaths;” it was always a hypothetical extrapolation of people that could have died, based on “unreliable” (eg, actually, fraudulent) databases on top of the previously mentioned, problematic late-stage RECOVERY-trial-type dosing and timing. <Still, Josh Cohen, a Forbes(Please use archive.today) PhD senior healthcare columnist, used this publication to headline an absurdly biased op-ed against HCQ, stating that Trump’s HCQ proposal was “Linked To 17,000 Deaths.” Forbes’ Tufts, Harvard, and the University of Pennsylvania- trained “healthcare analyst” misrepresented or appeared to not understand the now-retracted study methodology or projections. <It went downhill from there. Mere hours following the publication, very similar, now objectively inaccurate, highly politicized, and seemingly coordinated attacks on HCQ and Trump were published by: The Hill, Politico, Frontline News, Scripps News, the Guardian, KFF Health News, News Nation, Newsweek, AOL(Please use archive.today), Yahoo News, and Daily Kos, in addition to a multitude of prominent regional, international, and US federal news outlets, many falsely estimating that 17,000 deaths had already taken place and that the (imaginary) victims’ blood was already on Donald Trump’s hands. <As of September 15, 2024, the above and other articles still show up very prominently (on the first page) of a Google search for “hydroxychloroquine deaths”…which never happened.

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