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Can literally anyone be national socialist? Anonymous 06/27/2023 (Tue) 17:08:13 Id: e6acd2 No. 19246
Can anyone of any racial background be NS or can only Whites be national socialist? Could there be a national socialist party in Asia, or Africa or Latin America or the Caribbean, where each ethnic group uses their own histories, their own symbolism and their own struggles for their unique form of NS, having the similar policies to the NSDAP? I know that Leon Degrelle said Fascism was strictly Italian but national socialism was global. I am also aware of the World Union Of National Socialists and of NS parties in other places like SUMKA in Iran. I am asking /pol/ out of legitiimate curiousity. Another question I have is this: Is the swastika the sign for "universal" national socialism or just German, European National Socialism? Could other races be able to use some form of swastika in their symbolism or would it be cultural appropriation of White culture?
>>19246 Yeah its a political stance not limited to race, The symbol is uniquely western and Christian.
>>19247 I see. Thank you for clarifying. Hail Victory, anon.
>>19248 Hail Victory brother.
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>>19246 Given that the kikes want global domination, it is up to every nation and subgroup on Earth to rebel against jewish authority in their own way. Obviously a nigger will be out of place in a Whites-only NatSoc group, just as a White will be out of place in a nigger supremacist group. But we all have to push back against kike nonsense.
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>>19246 From my understanding anyone can be a national socialist. But, being a national socialist means loving your people and your country and trying to improve it. For example, if someone is a Mexican National Socialist, they would stay in Mexico and do what they can to make Mexico better for the Mexican people, who are their volk. A Mexican in America being a National Socialist makes no sense, because if he is supporting Mexico and Mexican people, he is acting against the interests of the American people and the nation he inhabits, and is, in a sense, at war with the the country and people and is therefore playing the same role the Jew plays. Alternatively, if the Mexican is a National Socialist supporting America, then he is betraying himself and his country and his people. The point of national socialism is to love your people and work in their interest as well as your own. Being in a foreign country and acting in your interest and your people's interest, is the role the Jew has played since Hadrian drove them from their lands. By existing in a foreign land, even under the most friendly of terms, you are taking up the country's resources which could be going to its own children. There is no such thing as a good outsider, as even someone who comes and brings great gifts is betraying his own country and people by not staying and improving the land which brought him into existence. This is not to say that different races must be enemies. It is saying that they need their own spaces. Different races and the countries to which they belong can of course be allies and help each other. But they cannot exist simultaneously in the same space without both groups losing their identities, customs, and traditions.
What is the general economic stance of people identifying as National Socialists? Are they isolationist and protectionist, or are they open to international trade and cooperate, one nation after the other? Also, should National Socialists be open to other cultures, so as to widen their perspectives, so long as the other culture's interests are unharmed? (For example: learning things about South Asian culture as a Chinese, or immersing oneself in Chilean culture as an American)
Read a history book bro. Hitler didn't even like some white people.
Yes. But not German National Socialists. Let us look at a historical example of another race supporting National Socialism at their own detriment. "Association of German National Jews" were a Jewish group which supported Hitler, worked in the interest of National Socialist causes, and were fervent in their beliefs. However, despite this, they were put in concentration camps. So, unless it is in your interest to die and be pegged (basically), no. You ought not in some cases. The cases in which you ought not, or it wouldn't be in your interest would be where you were Slavic, Jewish, or Black. I firmly hold the belief, and it is scientific, that black people are an inferior race. Indeed, as the Homo erectus was deemed inferior in nearly all aspects, the Negro race is also. No doubt National Socialism implies a world where black people should not reproduce and/or they would be slaves at the behest of Aryans. What is more important is slavic and Jewish. In science, these are not too far apart from Nordic people. It is therefore important to note that it is not only general, scientific race which excludes people from German National Socialism, but ethnicity and/or subraces as well. Reasonably, only West Europeans and Scandinavians would be deemed as fit for reproduction and population growth in National Socialsm. Going any further in terms of genetics is purely arbitrary, and going further culture wise is also arbitrary. Now, all this being said, Facism and National Socialism itself is not necessarily Germanic. It may be held by other ethnicities. Which is most reasonable. We, as a people, must hold to our own races, our kindred, and tribe. It is of the natural order to purge those weaker from our own ranks and to dominate other races. Only the fittest of our own kin must propagate, and only our genes must propagate. We must also help our own kindred as if they were our own. Being the state ought to exist as a barrier against other races and outsiders, we must also act as the state to help our fellow kin by socialist means. I firmly believe this is the correct stance in the absence of God. In addition to this, as the Germans admitted that the Japanese had superior cultures, I admit the Germans have superior cultures to my own. Indeed the West European race is of the best stock in both creativity and intellect. Only the Jews can outmatch them, alas they are too concerned with greed and marxist ideologies. So, National Socialism is something that may happen for yourself or anyone else. And, unless you are a foul and delusionial leftist, it is the best ideology. This ideology was the bedrock of the greatest societies, of Rome, of the Greeks, and of the Germans. We as a kinfolk must stand together, we must preserve our own kinfolk and make our own genes greater than others. Not submitting to foreign causes, and foreign miscegenation. But, this inherently means if you are not close to the Germanic race or ethnic clade, it is not a good approach to adapt German National socialism. Indeed as natural as savagery is, so too is conflict. For the defense of our own purity and well being, we must defend against all species and/or races otherwise. This is National Socialism and Facism, the bond of blood and soil. Universal National Socialism is not possible. But National Socialism is good, irregardless. We must have the powerful on top, And the Triumph of our own kins will must dominate others. This is how we may transcend as a people and strengthen our race and kind. Niggers are not to be tolerated. And all marxist subversions must be purged. Only the purest of pure. The sharpest of steel. The greatest among equals must thrive.
Yes any country can become a NS all they have to do is become authoritarian and call themselves NS but why? Fascism is a last resort kinda government like when every other form of government and your state is on the edge of collapse and everything else has failed and ur country refuses to become communist then you turn fascist because on the world stage it just doesn't work no one wants to ally with you unless your heading to war in the near future
>>19246 >White These symboles are German, not White. >>19247 Christianity is jewish and supports multiculturalism Both himmler and hitler were against christianity due to it being jewish poison.
>>19518 Do you think anyone believes your jew lies anymore? Fuck off kike.
>>19519 >cant refute the argument so just attack the person who made it Hitler said thats what a jew does
>>19519 OP Posted the symbole for the Thule Society A group based in Ayran Occultism. Not jew worship multiculturalism aka christianity.
>Can anyone of any racial background be NS or can only Whites be national socialist? No, it's a white supremacist ideology that's only best fitted to whites and their country, similar to how other various ultranationalistic ideologies are only compatible with their respective race or country. >Could there be a national socialist party in Asia, or Africa or Latin America or the Caribbean, where each ethnic group uses their own histories, their own symbolism and their own struggles for their unique form of NS, having the similar policies to the NSDAP? I don't think any national socialist party in those region would exist since the history of most third world countries revolves around the struggle against the authority of colonial rule of whites. They would rather develop a party that follows an ideology that gives them the sense of freedom like democracy or socialism. I'm not saying that those two really give freedom, only a sense of freedom like how a good packaging can trick someone into buying a product. For non-white countries that already had experienced nationhood, it would be better if they would just revert into imperialism or monarchism instead since they're already familiar with it historically speaking. I mean they could adopt some NS policies, but at the end of the day it's still their own way. >Is the swastika the sign for "universal" national socialism or just German, European National Socialism? Could other races be able to use some form of swastika in their symbolism or would it be cultural appropriation of White culture? The swastika has been around for ages and was used in various cultures. The NSDAP just popularized it and made it permanently synonym with their existence at least in the west. If other races were to use something to symbolize what they truly believe in, then it would be better for them to either use existing symbols from their past or create a new one instead of just copying the NSDAP.
Start here.
(3.94 MB 720x892 Nigger NatSoc.mp4)

Nazi Niggas!
No. Because national socialism was a product of the German people for the German people. A product of failure of the capitalistic 2nd reich, discovery of Jewish treachery, and shattered German pride. It was never meant for export let alone internationalism like communism and liberal democracy. National socialism was an ideology born out of specific circumstances and for specific needs. One could modify the original national socialism, and adopt it, but localization is not an option, because it would be missing vital pieces which are historical and cultural contexts. And to borrow an entire pillar of national aggenda from a foreign source would be but a violation of the national socialist philosophy to begin with. I would also argue that it is influenced by the flawed theory of self determination, which is criticized even by scholars today for the inter-war period geopolitical instability. People migrate and mix all the time. Borders change. Peaceful cooperation between national socialist states would inevitably fail because it would involve exchange of populations and lands: the vital parts of any nation. Meaning that national socialism was indeed never meant to be exported in peaceful manner.

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