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Found the guy behind the 15 minute cities Anonymous 04/25/2023 (Tue) 23:33:01 Id: 80c55b No. 19196
(((Ivan Illich))) Get a load of this: https://infogalactic(Please use archive.today)/info/Tools_for_Conviviality >The idea of the 'radical monopoly' is also applied to the effects of cars on the urban form, as "speedy vehicles of all kinds render space scarce." Ivan Illich contributes to a radical critique of modern urbanism: "this monopoly over land turns space into car fodder. It destroys the environment for feet and bicycles. Even if planes and buses could run as nonpolluting, nondepleting public services, their inhuman velocities would degrade man's innate mobility and force him to spend more time for the sake of travel." So, to put it simply, the reason why we need to destroy the concept of the automobile (And ANY form of travel by extension, which includes planes,trains, and ships) is because said vehicles "dehumanize" society.
>Muh 15 minute cities >Muh roads BAD! What about fire engines and ambulances?
>>19197 More importantly, what about the Black Marias? This is communism, after all.
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~MALWARE SITE~/smartcity-05-28 >Whenever you see - or hear - someone who supports the idea of 15-minute cities, or aspects of it (e.g., public transportation, cycling distance, walkability, new urbanism, zero-emission zones), remember John Calhoun's Universe 25. The road to evil is paved with good intentions: in the name of saving the climate, 15-minute city promoters aren't only willing to ensure a total depopulation of the Earth, but also the complete extinction of Homo sapiens.
>FROM 1968 through 1973, American scientist John Calhoun ran an experiment involving a mouse utopia. He provided the mice with unlimited resources and reproductive facilities, 256 rooms that can fit up to 3,000 individuals, regular screening to ensure their health and well-being, and a predator-free environment to ensure their perpetual existence. Although this may seem promising for the mice at first - its initial population of eight mice doubled every 55 days fifteen weeks into the experiment, eventually peaking at 2,200 - but over time, its population declined due to violence, a lack of interest in mating, and the overall sedentary behavior of succeeding generations. Because of that, birth rates dropped significantly, and so is the mice population, while juvenile death rates skyrocket to as high as 90%. Eventually, the last mice died in early 1973. >Over the course of the experiment, Calhoun noted what he calls "behavioral sink" amongst the mice he observed. This is noted by abnormal behaviors that plague the mice population in the utopia, such as over-aggressive alpha mice that constantly attack lower-status beta mice (who often succumb to them), omega mice that converge in the center of the enclosure and starting aggressive brawls, females who develop aggressive tendencies and projecting them towards the young or just abandoning them entirely, and an entirely new generation of mice born without learning survival skills crucial for their development, and thus are incapable of doing anything other than isolating themselves, cleaning their bodies, eating, drinking, and sleeping, all with no incentive to reproduce. Concept of a 15-minute city (French) (image: Cities Forum) >How does this compare with 15-minute cities? First brought up in 2016, planners of 15-minute cities aim to reduce car usage in cities by promoting alternatives such as public transportation, bicycles, and walking as means of transport. All of this are promoted under the guise of fighting climate change and sustainability. However, there are risks of the 15-minute city itself turning into a Universe 25 for its residents. >How are they going to be planned, and what are the risks? Let's start with the road map: 1) A city gets zoned into several districts. Travel between each district by car is punishable by a fine, so residents have to apply for an exit permit to be able to do such. Even with that permit, residents are only permitted to leave for just a set amount of days in a given year. For example, in Oxford, United Kingdom, residents must pay a £70 fine for driving into another district unless they apply for an exit permit; even then, residents will only have 100 days per year (3 months in total) where they can travel to other districts fine-free. 2) Public transport, bicycles, and walkability gets promoted to maintain elite supremacy. While government officials can travel with their cars and planes, residents of 15-minute cities are only allowed to use those three transport mediums, all of which have historically been associated with the underclass. 3) Residents' data will be collected to ensure complete control over them. This will be done through the use of microchips and central bank digital currencies as well as other digital payment methods, and will be used in a social credit system where supporters are rewarded and dissenters ostracized and arrested. Furthermore, it's not only for this dictatorial action, but should a corrupt official assumes power, said official can gain extra income by selling the same data in the dark web to hackers and criminals. 4) Business owners of a certain district aren't allowed to expand their businesses into other districts, leaving them with a restricted freedom of movement, and from there, lower profits. 5) Residents aren't allowed to own anything, as evidenced by Danish MP Ida Auken's remarks in 2030 about being happy while owning nothing. The sole owner of everything in said 15-minute city is the government. >Now, let's look at its risks for residents, and how will 15-minute cities lead to the eventual extinction of humanity, just like how Universe 25 led to the extinction of all mice living there: 1) Because the government owns every single thing in the 15-minute city, residents will have unlimited resources comparable with Calhoun's Universe 25, but residents must pay extremely high taxes in order to continue accessing them. 2) Because the government owns every single thing in the 15-minute city, and combined with the extensive surveillance, threats will be averted immediately upon detection, and this will bring forth a second and third generation unable to respond to danger effectively due to impaired survival skills. 3) The second and third generation will then constantly engage in sexual activity (especially homosexual and pedophilic), misuse illicit drugs (especially marijuana and crystal methamphetamine), and involve themselves in other hedonistic pursuits such as gambling and playing video games, all while not contributing a single thing to their community, just like how the new generation mice mentioned before are only able to clean themselves, eat, sleep, and drink. 4) Even if they do have sex, but the second and third generations refuse to reproduce, and this is caused by their hedonistic lifestyle that demands happiness everytime everywhere. 5) Meanwhile, violence levels skyrocket, driven by a desire to dominate amongst both sexes, and with it rates of suicide, rape, and hate crime. At the same time, STD and drug use deaths also increase by a large amount. 6) Eventually, due to all the chaos, and with it the high death rates, a complete death of all residents will eventually be guaranteed. Combine this with other 15-minute cities, all of which have the same problem, and you get the complete extinction of humankind. >So, whenever you see - or hear - someone who supports the idea of 15-minute cities, or aspects of it (e.g., public transportation, cycling distance, walkability, new urbanism, zero-emission zones), remember John Calhoun's Universe 25. The road to evil is paved with good intentions: in the name of saving the climate, 15-minute city promoters aren't only willing to ensure a total depopulation of the Earth, but also the complete extinction of Homo sapiens.
>>19219 Merged
>>19196 To limit travel between cities, or outside of cities, or anywhere. To ensure that people remain where they could be monitored and controlled. Anyone who doesn't see the red flags here either isn't able to comprehend the inherent dangers, or doesn't want to.
>>19230 It is also to force people into proximity with niggers. Racism, global warming, muh inequality. Leftists see abolishing fossil fuels as killing all the birds with one stone. And it will of course end in catastrophe for everyone.
>>19196 I actually want walkable cities. Cars are a massive money sink and American cities are designed in such a way that cars are a necessity. Car dependent infrastructure is disgusting, horrible for the environment, unnatural, makes people unhealthy, dangerous as fuck, and is unsafe for pedestrians and especially children. Cars are described as a symbol of freedom, but in order to drive a car you must: >get a government approved ID >get a driving loiscense >register your car >get insurance >follow traffic laws >drive on government-approved roads You don't shit to walk or ride a bike.. Also, before the automobile, all American cities were designed around trains that could take you to any city / state, and most cities had trams that could take you around the city. But then big automobile came in and convinced the cities that they needed cars.. Now, unless you want to get a car or pay exorbitant Uber / Taxi fees, your stuck. Its fucking dystopian. HOWEVER, I don't trust '15 minute cities' because the (they) support it. European cities were naturally built over hundreds of years, American 15 minute cities will be built for maximum surveillance and control. >>19252 Plus what this anon said, its to merge whites with niggers
>>19196 The big problem I have with these plans is that the people who want it demonstrate that they implicitly know that it won't work. Lolbergs have gone out and taken over towns or built their own towns. They believe in the bullshit that comes out of their mouths and they act accordingly (and get blamed for bear attacks accordingly). These people never want to implement it themselves. They don't put their money where their mouth is. They know that it will only happen if jackbooted thugs make it happen, and it will only be liked if jackbooted thugs ask people how its going. >>19367 > big automobile came in and convinced the cities that they needed cars Big automobile convinced cities that they needed busses over trams. The literal piles and piles of horse shit convinced cities that they needed cars. Before cars, people moved things with horses and horses shit in the street. > Its fucking dystopian. Cars are such a better way of doing things, though. If you want to start a business, you can buy land out in the middle of nowhere and expect workers to be able to get in and product to get out. Workers have a wider area that they can go to a job and work hours that are more convenient (maybe for the worker, maybe for the boss, but not dictated by some transit overlord). Cars enable people to better themselves economically. I will admit, though, that you get cities like the one I live in. No one wants to give up that rural farmer way of life, and build for the actual size of the town that is here, and so the town has expanded in a way that makes it even less walkable. It is 20 miles from the north end of the city to the south end of the city: that walk will take the average person a day. And because the city is spread so far out, it is hard for the city government to provide good bus service. Because there is no real city, just a sprawl of suburbs that are extra unwalkable to keep niggers and hobos out.
>>19367 73. Behavior is regulated not only through explicit rules and not only by the government. Control is often exercised through indirect coercion or through psychological pressure or manipulation, and by organizations other than the government, or by the system as a whole. Most large organizations use some form of propaganda [14] to manipulate public attitudes or behavior. Propaganda is not limited to “commercials” and advertisements, and sometimes it is not even consciously intended as propaganda by the people who make it. For instance, the content of entertainment programming is a powerful form of propaganda. An example of indirect coercion: There is no law that says we have to go to work every day and follow our employer’s orders. Legally there is nothing to prevent us from going to live in the wild like primitive people or from going into business for ourselves. But in practice there is very little wild country left, and there is room in the economy for only a limited number of small business owners. Hence most of us can survive only as someone else’s employee.
Here's an interesting study that shows that driving actually is a relaxing experience: https://archive.is/XwLtc >Rats that learn to drive are more able to (Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan, please bully me) with stress. That might sound like the fever-dream of a former scientist-turned-car writer, but it's actually one of the results of a new study from the University of Richmond. The aim of the research was to see what effect the environment a rat was raised in had on its ability to learn new tasks. Although that kind of thing has been studied in the past, the tests haven't been particularly complicated. Anyone who has spent time around rats will know they're actually quite resourceful. So the team, led by Professor Kelly Lambert, came up this time with something a little more involved than navigating a maze: driving. >... >If proof were needed that many existing psychology tests are too simple, rats did not take long to learn how to drive. The driving was conducted in a closed-off arena (1.5m x 0.6m x 0.5m) where the goal was to drive over to a food treat. Three five-minute sessions a week, for eight weeks, was sufficient for the rats to learn how to do it. The placement of the treat and the starting position and orientation of the car varied throughout, so the rats had more of a challenge each time. At the end of the experiment, each rat went through a series of trials, conducted a day or two apart, where they were allowed to drive around the arena but without any food treats to see if they were only doing it for the food. >... >The subjects were 11 male rats, five of whom lived together in a large cage with multiple surface levels and objects to play with, and six who lived together in pairs in standard laboratory rat cages. Although both groups of rats learned to drive the car, the ones that lived in the enriched environment were quicker to start driving, and they continued to be more interested in driving even when there was no reward on offer beyond the thrill of the wind in one's fur. >The researchers also collected each rat's droppings at various points during the study to analyze them for metabolites of corticosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone, a pair of hormones. The ratio of these two hormones can show how stressed an animal is, and it changed in a pattern consistent with emotional resilience in all the rats over the course of the study. However, there was no significant difference between the enriched environment and the control group in this regard, which may well mean that the four-month process of teaching the rats to drive was itself a positive enriching environment.
>>19931 Driving is a relaxing experience. It's dealing with other drivers that is stressful.
>>19367 >HOWEVER, I don't trust '15 minute cities' because the (they) support it. European cities were naturally built over hundreds of years, American 15 minute cities will be built for maximum surveillance and control. This. I do want walkable cities however I DO NOT WANT CONTROLLED CITIES. Let's go back to what people used to behave. Capitalism can grow in walkable cities, as controlled cities will bring communism over the LT.
>>19196 Diversity leads to less social engagement and nigger rioting destroys community centers, destroys "stocking up" stores, destroys public parks, and also leads to White people being forced to play the knockout game with niggers. Increased diversity leads to less community engagement and lower levels of social trust. It leads to more isolation, more violence, and more social alienation.
>>19196 Cities are hives of scum and villainy degenerate even. we should all be farmers cause cities are bullshit

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