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All-purpose entertainment examination thread. Anonymous 10/25/2020 (Sun) 03:19:20 Id: 70dda0 No. 1907
I don't recall this board ever getting a thread discussing entertainment as a whole and by extension relevant cuts of it. How the West compares with the East's. I'll start off with some posting on how come West fiction is so bad on the villain question: https://twitterPlease use archive.today/Alyonsus1/status/1178524546829189121 https://twitterPlease use archive.today/Tankcolo/status/1039792036747124737 https://twitterPlease use archive.today/Tankcolo/status/1250915630208909313 https://twitterPlease use archive.today/TAJackson20/status/1290918771662577664
The rest of them. https://twitterPlease use archive.today/TAJackson20/status/1135803742081540096 https://twitterPlease use archive.today/CovfefeAnon/status/1039814840804618240 https://twitterPlease use archive.today/barf_captain/status/1161603869362835456 https://twitterPlease use archive.today/barf_captain/status/1210941012111171584 https://twitterPlease use archive.today/barf_captain/status/1114247527291920385 https://twitterPlease use archive.today/Alyonsus1/status/1173002584212160513 https://twitterPlease use archive.today/CovfefeAnon/status/1193350267795890177 https://twitterPlease use archive.today/CovfefeAnon/status/1187147534399090688 https://twitterPlease use archive.today/barf_captain/status/1029206016708288512
>twitter I'll post here, I think. Okay, why can't the right make entertainment? We make memes, the left makes movies. This, despite the fact that a decent piece of entertainment media is relatively easy and cheap to make if you got the right skillsets together. So, Why is that? My opinion? the key is looking at how the left makes any form of entertainment media. - Guys comes up with basic idea, usually a rough and incomplete concept that will change somewhat as the project progresses, and the guy pitching the idea usually has no skills besides ideas to contribute to the project, he is, for lack of a better term, an "ideas guy". - People who like the idea decide to help him make it, they find what skills they or the people they know can contribute to the project, and a team is assembled. - The team begins to work on the project, changes are made here and there, until they have something to show off, and get some funding. - with the funding secured, they once more set a deadline, list of tasks, and delegate the team members to do their specific thing. - the project is finished, and the finished product is released, more money comes in, and the people who helped with the funding claim their cut. Compare to the right: - as before the ideas guy comes in - he is ignored, told to do everything himself, and so on, you know, they reject him because he wants them to make his dream media for him, despite teamwork being how any media is typically made. - without a team, and with the things demanded of him outside his passion/skillset, everything stops there. The Right fails to understand what work is done behind coming up with ideas, that being the ideas guy, is actually a job in itself, it may include research, careful design choices, plans on how to create and promote the media, and so on. They are basically like architects, and the team they are trying to recruit, are like construction workers, the architect has created the building in his mind, but he needs the skills of the constructors to build it in reality. The job of an architect may look easy, just scribbling lines on paper, but that is because the architects work is largely already done before the first line is drawn. the construction workers could not create anything like the building without the architect, and his plans that unite them in one grand undertaking, without him, they would not gather together, as they have no common purpose to gather for, so they would be limited to building things that are comparably very small scale, interesting, but lacking in impact, and very transitory. And this is why the right makes memes, but the left makes movies. the disdain for those who build ideas, compared to their narrow-minded focus on those who build something that can be shown off. The failure to recognize that both of these are very distinct skillsets, which often don't co-exist within the same person, and it goes beyond "learn to code" or "git gud", because skill is fueled by monomania, obsession, passion. the monomania for a grand vision is often very different from the monomania of those who work on the minute details that the grand design is comprised of. they both demand different personality types, and these personality types, they are largely down to genetics. the other issue I've identified is that the right largely has no interest in making media, they have a lot of the minute details types, but lack in the grand design ideas guys that come up with the projects that these former category of creators would dedicate themselves to helping to create. The problem is a lack of awareness of the types of creativity that exist, how they are tied to personality, how personalities are tied to genetics, and why these different types need to work together if anything larger than a meme is going to be created. It's not money, or public support, or censorship that kills right wing creativity, they have nothing to do with why pretty much all entertainment is borne of the left, the fault lies entirely in those on the right. Who lack teamwork, and respect for abstract creations due to a narrow focus on material creations. but that's just my opinion, let me know what you think.
>>3103 Are you the guy who keeps trying to get /v/ to make a game for you? It's not because of that. They have many other projects that they actually do work together on, like /v/attletoads, right now. But there are two problems. The first is that it's tough to get people on an anonymous imageboard to do things for free anyway, because they do not necessarily have those skill sets and also they aren't getting paid and need to pay the bills some other way, leaving less time for your project. The other is that the ideas you keep trying to get /v/ to make suck. The establishment is absurdly left and excises right wingers, or anyone who isn't just extreme left. It wasn't always this way, so you still have many legacy people who are well known and right wing, but even they are somewhat marginalized compared to before, and new people can't get in these industries at all. "So make your own industry!" They say. And then the right wingers do exactly that. And then they get banned from all the tertiary services that they would need to get this kind of business up and running, even things as basic as funding. So they build all of those tertiary industries themselves. And then the actual banks ban them, making it impossible to get funding in any way other than pure cash. Good luck building an entertainment product, intended to be distributed across the world, with nothing but cash transactions. And even then, these things are still happening. Podcasts have basically replaced Late Night Talk Shows, and the only funny ones are relatively right leaning. Comicsgate is doing extremely well while the mainstream comics industry is being downsized to practically nothing, and only surviving at all because WB and Disney see it as bad publicity to let normalfags hear that things like Batman or Spider-Man are getting cancelled after 80/60 years. Movies and tv of course take more money, but the left establishment versions of those industries are also decimated, with the last blockbuster movie, perhaps ever, being Sonic the Hedgehog, which is apparently Far Right Propaganda, for the simple fact that it showed at least a modicum of consideration for the audience, instead of 100% spiteful hatred of them, even if that was just last minute backpedaling. Traditional TV is simply dead. Your thesis is full of many holes.
>>3235 I've got a couple questions >The establishment is absurdly left and excises right wingers, or anyone who isn't just extreme left. It wasn't always this way, so you still have many legacy people who are well known and right wing, but even they are somewhat marginalized compared to before, and new people can't get in these industries at all First of all, how are they identifying right wingers from left wingers who want to enter a creative industry? games, for example: Let's say I'm a new development studio, How does the establishment know I and my team are right wing? Let's say I'm a new developer, and I want to get into some studio or something, so I can work my way up to where I can run my own project, how does anyone figure out my political alignment in order to exclude me? Last, if we are going to make a game, how will they know where it stands in political alignment, so they know to exclude it? do they need some sort of secret handshake to get hired or get their projects approved? if so, whats to stop a right winger from getting that secret handshake if they don't know he's right wing? You can hide you power level, you can practice good secrecy operations that prevent people from finding out the political orientation of you and your employees, your product doesn't have to be so overt that it cannot fly under the radar, and even after you've made the finished product, you can make your art so that the political alignment of the piece is not so blatant that the establishment knows to shut it down. I mean, when the left first infiltrates a place, they do so without bearing their political opinions openly, they come in under the masquerade that they are just like every other hire, and so fall beneath notice, then they make a beeline for any position of influence or power, such as a position that serves as a gatekeeper or decision maker, or one that is particularly vital or has some strong level of authority over others. Then when they make something, they do so with the audience in mind, they make it not so outrageous that anyone would see it is propaganda, they introduce a very slightly leftist element that could be interpreted by onlookers as not being political at all in nature, then they normalize it until it's cliche, so it's presence is expected, and introduce their next incremental element into the project. It's not preachy until their influence is such that they can get away with preaching, and it's not blatant until they can get away with that, too. It's majority entertainment, where the political angle can only be seen if you know to look for it, so why can't the right do the same? my second question: why is it that we can't make use of other opportunities for funding besides the more direct and mainstream approach? We've got a darkweb market that sells drugs, weapons, cp, private/classified info, and the like, and they use cryptocurrency as the medium of exchange, what's more, there are places all across the darkweb that allow you to fund (mostly left wing or islamic) terrorist cells with cryptocurrency. Compared to this. a piece of media that you could show in the daylight is a very tame enterprise, so why not use this as your primary means of funding? I've also noticed that leftist and islamic extremist groups are all over the darkweb, but I've specifically looked for anything right wing, and found nothing. Why is out presence on these platforms so absent? You'd think that we'd be everywhere on there. BTW, not just talking TOR here, but also Freenet, and I2P, I've used all three and the result was disappointingly the same in all cases. Not trying to pull any "gotcha" here, these are honest inquiries into what options exist, because I want to do something. I'm disappointed when I come to any /pol/ board expecting something to apply myself to, and there's nothing but idle chat, and no action. I don't just want others to make something for me, I just want people of my political persuasion to make something, period. I;m more than happy to sign onto a project someone else has going, but there isn't any I can find. So I try do things for myself, to take the first steps and hope the fact that I am making any sort of effort might provide inspiration to others (even if it's only in the vein of "this fucking sucks, I can do better, here is my idea of what we should do instead"), however, all I can do is write, since I am poor, and isolated, and I have very little confidence in any skillsets of mine (writing included, but I feel like I have to do something, so writing is what I put forward), I just do what I can, and count on others to fill in the gaps. I'm willing to do what I can to help, but I have little to offer, and I am willing to give up my project proposals and sign on to whatever someone else is working on, but it seems like no one is working on anything. I just want SOMETHING to happen from our side, anything at all is fine by me, but I'd love it to be effective at somehow affecting the cultural zeitgeist.
>>3710 >First of all, how are they identifying right wingers from left wingers who want to enter a creative industry? They force you to parrot their talking points and make their propaganda, and if you don't, you're out. Even trying to stay silent and neutral isn't a valid strategy anymore. You can argue that deep down you don't parrot their talking points, that you don't want to make their propaganda, but you're still doing it, and that's what matters. They don't care what you really believe, as long as you kneel before them and kiss the ring. >Last, if we are going to make a game, how will they know where it stands in political alignment, so they know to exclude it? If it doesn't push their propaganda, it isn't allowed. Even things as innocuous as Crash Bandicoot aren't allowed to not be propaganda anymore. Otherwise, they'll pick at any little thing that can be vaguely interpreted as against their propaganda, or change the rules within their cult so that something you already did is now against their dogma, and then your game is banned, and you are banned from everything including banks. >do they need some sort of secret handshake to get hired or get their projects approved? >secret They aren't secret about it at all. They burn down cities while shouting their motivations. And if you don't help them, you're a nazi. >I mean, when the left first infiltrates a place, they do so without bearing their political opinions openly, They did that in the past, because everyone was willing to tolerate them. Now they have the overt power, built over decades, and have dropped the facade. Now they don't tolerate anyone else, including those who try to remain, or at least feign, neutrality. Go ahead and try to hold your pride by saying that deep down you're not indoctrinated, and that you're only making their propaganda so that some day you can do the opposite. In the meantime, you have to actively make their propaganda. >It's not preachy until their influence is such that they can get away with preaching, and it's not blatant until they can get away with that, too. Which they've done. They crossed the rubicon years ago, and if you're not convinced of that after they openly started burning down every major city in the US, then you're being willfully ignorant. >We've got a darkweb market Yes, go ahead and fund your vidya, movies, and comics through the darknet. See how successfully that works out for you. Definitely easy mass distribution for products that can be easily tied to you. Great idea. And you'll reach such a wide audience that way. Also, why the fuck are you putting each sentence on a different paragraph? They don't warrant that. Retards have abused the term "reddit spacing" to mean double spacing between paragraphs, but what it should actually be is when retards like you don't know how to make proper paragraphs.
>>3718 Thanks, it's very informative. I actually already kinda knew all that, but something inside me is saying "there has to be a way out f this, we cant just totally be fucked, there has to be something we can do". I see /v/ complaining about the things they don;t like and talking about dream games and such, I see little studios doing things like "cuphead", "hollow knight", and "dust" and making it big (none of those games had any political angle I could see, so if a bunch of v/ anons made a game like that, it would be good, not controversial, but made by people I know are not on the left), I've tried a lot to motivate /v/ to do something to break up the leftist media monopoly in the past (all media but vidya is dead or dying), I went vague (just asking why they didn't make a game since they were constantly seeming like they knew what they wanted to see and a lot of them had the skills to make something themselves), I then tried talking them up but due to being called out for not "just making up something myself" (I proposed a contest to see who was the best at making games, but then they said I was lazy for not making a game myself, and I wasn't doing that bc I thought anything I made would be shit and I had no ideas to begin with, I just wanted to see what /v/ would do, so then I thought to take their advice and try to come up with something, anything), so then I tried leading by example and putting something out there, but my lack of confidence in the project kinda killed it, most recently I tried doing the same, but being overconfident and challenging (I kinda switched strategies). I've been to /adgd/ and /pol/ and /b/ as much as I had /v/ (though the first two bury me as soon as they see the subject is media production, and the last one is dead), nothing worked. I also know about the double-spacing thing, too, I just really suck a writing and I'm paranoid about people not being able to understand me if I don't provide enough spacing between my points (as you know I tend to rant a lot). I'm not confident, or skilled, but I see so much potential that is doomed to die with the people expressing it, some of the ideas and suggestions /v/ comes up with wow me, they could do really great if the market was fair, but it;s not, and that angers me, when I get frustrated or angry, I want to analyze the situation and find the optimal solution, but what you and they tell me, is that for this issue, and for a lot of the issues in the world, there just is nothing I or they can do. This irritates me, because I want to act, but feel like I can't move. It sucks to watch helplessly as things turn into the worst, by the worst. I feel like doing something, even if I fail, I at least can say I tried. But I can't even try- and I don;t know how to deal with that.
>>3103 You're the "ideas guy" who asked /v/ to make a game for him and got told to fuck off aren't you
>>3710 >Let's say I'm a new development studio, How does the establishment know I and my team are right wing? This is the purpose of the constant change in acceptable language (for instance, negro -> colored -> black -> African-American -> people of color -> Black/BIPOC). If you don't sufficiently keep up with the trends and you're a white male, they can assume you're either right-wing or stupid, and so they won't work with you on anything important.
>>3103 When the left make media they make propaganda pieces for leftism because that's what matters to them. There was even someone on the left who pointed that out and got blacklisted for it. When the right make media they do it out of passion for the medium and not to brainwash people. As a result their content isn't political.
>>4260 hi randall
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>>3103 >the right needs more ideas guys, please respect me How about you actually do something instead of simply engaging in mental masturbation? The reason ideas guys get shit on is not because they show up with ideas, brainstorming is something people do all the time, it is that they show up and then demand everyone else to put in the work in their half-assed idea that they are going to abandon the moment anything starts in the slightest resembling work. Not talking about stacking bricks or transporting gravel, that is not something expected from the ideas guy, but rather I am talking about the mere basics for organising the whole thing and for ensuring that the work can go smoothly. None of that, not even dreaming up a realistic gameplan for securing funding, the ideas guy shows up with unrealistic expectations and then barks orders while expecting people to do the work for free. Work which people are told that they will get paid for AFTER everything is done. Actually putting the effort in might possibly take something like two or three months in whatever the idea is, but thinking up some abstract concept takes ten minutes at most, so it is inevitable that there will be more ideas than people working on them. You are an ideas guy trying to push the concept of ideas guys: you already have zero grasp of reality and now you are trying to turn it even more abstract thinking that going deep enough will somehow bring you back out. >the left makes movies. Ah yes, Hollywood, that is truly the battleground of ideas where you can just make a movie and have it spread like wildfire in the cinemas. >People who like the idea decide to help him make it, they find what skills they or the people they know can contribute to the project, and a team is assembled. I like this part the most. You aren't even finding the team yourself, you are simply pitching the idea and then pushing that burden onto someone else. >and get some funding. And out of nowhere money just rains from the sky. How will people get that money? Doesn't matter, that is the team's job to figure out. >the project is finished, and the finished product is released, more money comes in, and the people who helped with the funding claim their cut. It's already finished? You just left out 95% of the work in creating your movie. Thinking up your dream and assembling a team takes a marginal amount of effort (at best it will simply try your patience) in comparison to the difficulties you face in the rest of the ordeal. Here it takes up half of your entire list. >They are basically like architects I would have to agree with your comparison, you are equally useless and equally a waste of both money and time. >the construction workers could not create anything like the building without the architect They actually could because, unlike the architect, they actually know the work that need to be put in to get it done. They could half-ass the design and it would still be wonderfully made. Oftentimes far more functional than anything the architect could make, since the architect is always going to sacrifice functionality in exchange for aesthetics. The construction workers can half-ass the design and still have a perfectly functional finished product, while the architect would not be able to half-ass the construction to do the same. Not because of restrictions from laws stopping the architect but because he lacks the know-how to actually create something himself.
>>4430 May as well add the beauty in pic related as well. It ended up becoming one of the most expensive bridges in the world for its length but I am sure you can agree that at least it looks pretty.
>>4286 so why not keep on top of that to look good while in the company? The more stringent their standards for conformity, the better cred you earn by confirming successfully, and the ore leniency you might face when slipping up, or covering for someone who has slipped up. It all about getting numbers of your guys in, and making a beeline to seize as any positions of power as you can.
>>4440 >leniency There is none. That's why they eat their own so often. Because it isn't truly about ideas, it's about your race and sex. If you're of the wrong race and sex, then they simply are looking for an excuse to eliminate you. Also, it's not just about changing the words used, it's about outright forcing you to say things that aren't true, in addition to forcing you to outright say you are bad, and to confess to things you never did. You think you can play that game? Even if you try to play along for the sake of the long game, they already have dirt on you by your forced confessions. You think you'll be able to argue they were forced? You're in too deep. If you were coerced into saying they're forced, then you're too big a pussy to retract them after, and if you're not, your retraction won't be cared about anyway.
>>4446 Yet white males make it in every media industry, especially as independent creators. We aren't living in some completely totalitarian dystopia or failed state yet, even if all the companies are totally effective at gatekeeping, there is still the indie scene, we can still have some independent entrepreneurs get together and make the things they want to make. There is a fuckton of media made available on the internet that was not made by a large established company, but by a couple indie devs with a bit of spare cash lying around, lots of them made what they did as a hobby, a HOBBY. Things aren't as bad as they could be, they aren't even as bad as things used to be, and even under those circumstances, people made media. Even in the soviet union people were getting together and making dissident media, even in war-torn african countries are blacks getting together and shooting movies. So why is it so much more difficult for any of us to do anything similar? Are we really in worse situations than they were? We can play a good goy just to get through college with a tech degree and some equipment, find similar guys on here and decide what would sell and what each of us can contribute to making it. Then we make something, put it on the market (if the material is apolitical and we can get everyone to keep their mouths shut about any indication where our political alignment lies, there should be no issue with getting it on a major sales platform), and reinvest the money from sales and reputation into something greater. Totally bypassed any company, no one gives a shit about internet journalism, and the initial funds are from the creators themselves, and the funds for each project are profits from the last ones. We can then introduce some right wing propaganda into the next material, but make it so subtle and generic seeming that it could be written off as just accidental so long as our team keeps their mouths shut, especially if the setting and it's elements are fantastic and divorced from any 1:1 with anything in our own world and it's inhabitants. We can then ramp it up a bit, each time the existence of any hidden rightist messaging is plausibly deniable. Let's say we fuck up somewhere and all funding platforms are cut off, we could get funding directly by analog means, going directly IRL and selling things for cash, or go out get jobs, earn money and invest that into the project, or dig into our own savings again. If there was a way for East Germans to make videos criticizing the USSR, we should be able to have a easier time. If some blacks in a country experiencing a civil war can make a movie about action heroes, we should have an easier time of things. The enemy is not as powerful as they could be, and not even most non-whites are an active part of the "fuck whitey" brigade, the enemy is not as omnipresent as we think, and there are ways we can go around the places where they hold influence and do our own thing. How does the left even make things? how does the process even get started? I'd like to know that, because if we knew that some of us could look at what they did and replicate it. The left had to have started somewhere, and that place must be similar to where we, the right, are today, so how did they come out of there? Couldn't we replicate that success? Even if we need a company, we can play along, we can say off the right things, and let our friend join who also now how to play nice. We get placed on top of teams, have properties signed over to us, and build numbers, we can also convince even non-whites to back us if we do some internal politics, then, all at once, we call "51% of the company, bitch" and all let loose at once in a total takeover. We make things the right has always wanted, but we also make games that contain deliberate propaganda for our beliefs. For all the left knows, this might already be happening. Divorce yourself from anything I proposed in the past, ok? I'm not arguing for any personal project here, but the existence of our entry into media in the first place, try and think of what needs to be done, and what can be done. There is no "dream game" that I want to see made, no particular project I personally want to be a part of, I'm not after power, credit, fame, or fortune, nor am I caring at all about having my personal tastes catered to, I just want to see people from sites like these make things that turn out to be commercially successful, and help break the general oligopolies on media creation that the left has right now.
>>4545 Comicsgate is doing pretty well with beating the establishment. It's not about getting into the establishment, it's about beating them. Yes, I agree you have more hope working separate from the establishment. But it's a very uphill battle, since everything is against you and looking to ban you. Comics are a good example of success, but they still got banned off of Kickstarter. Patreon bans practically anything that isn't SJW, so Dick Masterson tried to make a Patreon alternative, and as a result he got put on a global blacklist for bank accounts and now can't do business with any bank in the world, shutting the site down. Comics are only succeeding because it's comics and nobody gives a shit. It's a minuscule industry either way. Do anything big and they will literally take away your ability to do non-cash commerce. Good luck making and distributing media purely with cash.

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