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Anonymous 10/22/2020 (Thu) 10:50:07 Id: 6f674a No. 1883
I'm currently trying to redpill some people about kikes. What's the easiest way to go about this without being screamed at for being a nazi?
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Depends entirely on the situation, what type of person are you trying to convince?
>>1883 There was a thread on neinchan, about kikes telling what they think about the goyim, but the kike mods deleted it.
>>1883 Talk about circumcision and palestine.
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>>1883 There are plenty of people who are just goyim, and cannot be redpilled because they don't think for themselves. They know very well that the Jews are a problem, but won't oppose them because they automatically support whoever appears to have power. The way to reach these "people" is to show them that the herd is on our side. And that's easy, because it was always on our side, it's just that until now only the Jews had cameras. Show them crowds of "people" just like them who have something the Jews can't provide, like disposable income, a safe neighborhood, a stable marriage, health, etc. Most women fall into this category. For people who do think for themselves, here's a few strategies. 1. Just fucking look at them When you see a shoplifter, sex offender, white-collar criminal, castrating bitch, gibberish spewing "intellectual", kid that vomits or shits himself out of spite, stoolpigeon, commie saboteur, genetic disaster, or incel, just mention off-hand that he/she is a Jew. This is tricky, because it can make you appear to have an unhealthy interest in who is and isn't Jewish just like them LOL. One strategy is to mention something explicitly Jewish about your subject. "He got Bar Mitzvahed at Masada." "He was at his son's bris." "He grew up in Kiryas Joel." The goy will furtively look it up on Wikipedia later and think it was his own idea. 2.#DraftOurDaughters AKA the Quentin Tarantino approach. Pretend to support the Jews to such an absurd extreme that any healthy person will be repulsed. "We don't need free speech if it means we have to hear anti-semitic comments." "A God-fearing Jew wouldn't have sex with a 12-year-old if he didn't respect her." "Israel deserves to kill Palestinians because they have no homeland of their own." "You know who else was an environmentalist? HITLER!!" 3. You don't own nuthin' goy It doesn't matter what you enjoy, Jews have ruined it. If someone likes art, show them shitty Jewish modern art. If someone likes sports, show them promoters and superagents who ruin the game with their hustling. If they like science, show them who's behind transgender propaganda and Lysenkoism.
>>1883 make them read the talmud, the zion protocols, martin luther and blood passover
>>1883 bring up all the inconsistencies around the holocaust. easily one of the biggest lies that most people are familiar with. convince them of that, then slowly make them realize they made the biggest lie that enabled them to force out the Palestinians in the Middle East that has caused all the current day conflicts. Introduce them to Zionism and "Against Our Better Judgment" where they sneakily arranged the balfour arrangement. Basically, many of the world's evils can be traced to duplicitous kikes. You have to open the door to that conversation by exposing them as lying about one of their most sacred, 'incontrovertible' lies.
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>>1883 Rape
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>>1883 It depends on who you are trying to redpill. For people who are already somewhat redpilled about SJWs, Critical Theory, or even economic Marxism, I've found that connecting these ideas with their Jewish roots (Frankfurt School, overwhelming Jewish representation in the Bolshevik revolution) works pretty effectively. You can then connect this to the Protocols or the International Jew to drive the point home that the Jewish agenda is to control all nations under a single regime. I've also redpilled Bible-thumpers on the JQ, and you can start that by arguing that the Jews aren't God's chosen. Even better is that the proof is in the Bible itself, from the Book of Genesis: >The word semite comes from people descended from Shem, Noah's son. >Noah had a son named Eber, who is the father of the Hebrew people. >Eber eventually gives birth to Abraham who is a Hebrew, not a Jew. >Genesis 14:13 refers to him as "Abram the Hebrew". >Bible says that God promised him to be the "Father of Many Nations"; not one single Jewish nation, but many. >Genesis 12:3 "and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed". >Abraham passes on the blessing to his youngest son Isaac. Isaac has twin sons and passes on the blessing to Jacob, who is later renamed to Israel. >Israel would then have 12 sons: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zebulun, Dan, Naphtali, Asher, Gad, Benjamin, Judah, and Joseph, each of whom would found their own tribe and become their own nations. >The son Judah is the father of the Jewish people, and all Jews are be related to him. >Even though all Jews are Israelites, the majority of Israelites are not Jews. >For Judah and the Jews to be God's Chosen, Jacob/Israel would have to pass on the Abrahamic blessing to Judah >But that doesn't happen; the blessing is passed onto Joseph instead. >The rest of the brothers are jealous and conspire to kill Joseph. It is Judah who comes up with the idea of selling Joseph into slavery for silver, in a bizarre foreshadowing of Judas selling Christ to the Jews. >Judah, the Father of the Jews, is depicted as the jealous son, whereas Joseph is God's Chosen. >Joseph has two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, who are adopted by Israel to make "13 tribes of Israel" and the Abrahamic Blessing is passed onto the both of them. In summary, Jews are Israelites and they are Hebrews, but they do not have God's blessing, as they later form the Kingdom of Judea whereas Joseph's offspring formed the Kingdom of Israel (not the same Israel as today). You can then follow this up with some of the anti-Jewish things Christ says in the Gospel of John regarding how Jews worship Satan because they do not accept Him.
>>4204 >Bible-thumpers The fact that you would use normalfag terminology like that instead of say christcuck indicates pretty clearly that you're one of the people who came here from twitter after Mark's shilling there. It also suggests that you're at least 30 years old.
>>4208 It's because I'm a Christian and think, like other institutions of the West in the 20th century, that it's been subverted to destroy white people. I'm still of the opinion that not all of Christianity is cucked. You're almost right about age, not right about where/when I came here.
>>4208 >divide yourselves and be conquered, goyim! no thanks
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Reminder that you are not truly redpilled on the JQ unless you have read Culture of Critique. If you want to listen to it instead: https://www.Webm or instances.invidio.us/playlist?list=PLp0tOV-3uP3dbJ0O-7uv0MuNHtNTfJCTu If you just want a summary: https://www.Webm or instances.invidio.us/watch?v=XHK-WjxMShI Bump this thread or your white mother, wife, sister and daughter will all be raped to death by the niggers the Jews told them were their racial equals and not dangerous savages.
This book has been sitting in my backlog for ages.
>>4949 read it now before the ww3
>Kevin MacDonald I didn't expect a Kid in the Hall to be so based.
>>4204 Imagine taking a book of kike ravings from thousands of years ago seriously. Imagine using it as the basis of anything.
>>5401 >a book that is critical of the Jews since the first book <why the fuck would you trust kike ravings? Are you that one dumbass from /v/ who was saying similar shit in the GG thread?
Attack the (((banksters))), everyone hates them.
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>>1883 Jews are ~2% of US. Federal Reserve chair was Jewish for 47 out of last 50 years: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chair_of_the_Federal_Reserve#List_of_Fed_Chairs Forbes 400 are 35% Jewish: https://racehist.blogspot(Please use archive.today)/2013/04/2012-forbes-400-by-ethnic-origins.html "all eight major film studios are run by men who happen to be Jewish.": https://www.latimes(Please use archive.today)/archives/la-xpm-2008-dec-19-oe-stein19-story.html Harvard is 14% Jewish (and 33% White) (some claim more Jewish, but always take conservative estimate if in doubt. don't let a small mistake become excuse to dismiss your argument): https://ejewishphilanthropy(Please use archive.today)/how-many-jewish-undergraduates/ Jews heavily overrepresented in Ivy league, media silent except to bring up old jewish quotas: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Jews#American_Jews_at_American_higher_education_institutions https://www.jpost(Please use archive.today)/Diaspora/The-most-heavily-Jewish-US-college-and-other-facts-about-Jews-at-American-colleges-437701 Ivy league hates whites, pure coincidence: https://yaledailynews(Please use archive.today)/blog/2020/01/24/art-history-department-to-scrap-survey-course/ "student uneasiness over an idealized Western “canon” — a product of an overwhelmingly white, straight, European and male cadre of artists" Following links for your eyes only - will scare normalfags: https://www.unz(Please use archive.today)/runz/american-pravda-racial-discrimination-at-harvard/ https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2010/07/16/kevin-macdonald-jewish-overrepresentation-at-elite-universities-explained/ https://davidduke(Please use archive.today)/jewish-racist-discrimination-against-better-qualified-students-at-harvard/ Whites (counts jews as white) underrepresented in tech: https://www.businessinsider(Please use archive.today)/infographic-tech-diversity-companies-compared-2017-8 Watch https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inside_Job_(2010_film), count how many of the guilty are Jews. Not all, but not 2% either.>>1883
>>5561 Un-fucked links: https://racehist.blogspot (Please use archive.today)/2013/04/2012-forbes-400-by-ethnic-origins.html https://www.latimes (Please use archive.today)/archives/la-xpm-2008-dec-19-oe-stein19-story.html https://ejewishphilanthropy (Please use archive.today)/how-many-jewish-undergraduates/ https://www.jpost (Please use archive.today)/Diaspora/The-most-heavily-Jewish-US-college-and-other-facts-about-Jews-at-American-colleges-437701 https://yaledailynews (Please use archive.today)/blog/2020/01/24/art-history-department-to-scrap-survey-course/ https://www.unz (Please use archive.today)/runz/american-pravda-racial-discrimination-at-harvard/ https://www.theoccidentalobserver .net/2010/07/16/kevin-macdonald-jewish-overrepresentation-at-elite-universities-explained/ https://davidduke (Please use archive.today)/jewish-racist-discrimination-against-better-qualified-students-at-harvard/ https://www.businessinsider (Please use archive.today)/infographic-tech-diversity-companies-compared-2017-8
>>5561 Fuck it, just replace (Please use archive.today) with (Please use archive.today) (.net for theoccidentalobserver)
>>5563 With DOT COM, fuck this filter
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Jews control 50% of donations to democrats, 25% to republicans: https://www.jpost . com/US-Elections/US-Jews-contribute-half-of-all-donations-to-the-Democratic-party-468774
One wonders if Snowden regrets throwing away his life to warn ungrateful Americans about unconstitutional NSA wire-tapping.
>>5576 >JP2 in 2001 It's interesting because that is the year that he was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and he ended up rapidly deteriorating until his death in 2005.
>>5568 >>5570 >>5571 >I will just dump images xD Great way to spark a discussion you retard.
>>5480 >only one goy is onto me LMAO, no one redpilled is a christcuck. You're as bad as republicucks. Go crucify yourself and don't reproduce like your slope book says or else I'll quote even worse shit from it.
>>5844 >"I'll quote even worse shit from it." You never quoted anything from it, retard, but go ahead and start if you want.
>>5844 And again, it makes no fucking sense to call me a kike when, since you assume that I'm a Christian, the entire first fucking book alone proves how much the kikes, fucked up, which is expounded upon in the Apostolic books and in Revelation.
>>5948 >first book So you don't consider the old testament to be canon? That's not very christian of you. Christians are just a subset of jews. A spinoff. Just like muslims. You added one extra bit about a special zombie jew. That doesn't change that the entire rest of the mythology, and the underlying rules that go with it, is still the same. This is like people arguing over which Star Wars movie is better. Yeah, Empire is better than the original, but it's still a sequel. It's still fundamentally the same thing. Jedi sucks, but it's still basically the same thing.
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Just gonna leave this here.
>>5988 Adding to this the king James bible has a lot of errors and people saying it's a flawless translation are lying. While certainly better than (((modern))) interpretations it still falls into the same pitfalls like calling Judahites/Judeans and replacing it with the term Jew. In the new testament the word Judean which meant from the land of Judea was changed to Jew. Which is entirely wrong. Back then Judea was a melting pot of different groups and this is where the old testament comes in. The word Jew is actually Judahite in the old testament. Now this where the plot thickens. Assyria deported all of Israel around 720BC however they also took some of Judah. 2 Kings 18:13 afterwards the babylonians appear and replace the Judahites with a mixed multitude of peoples. Cyrus the Great then sent the Judahites back to Israel. This is important. Because it's where miscegenation starts to root. Most importantly the Judahites were constantly fighting against miscegenation and the prophets were pretty much telling them not to mix, I.e Nehemiah 13:3 with these different peoples. It came to a climax when one of the maccabees conquered Idumea the progeny of Esau. Esau pretty much sold his birthright to his younger brother Jacob for a bowl of red beans hence why he was called Edom. But the Maccabees that conquered them pretty much forced them to convert of Judaism. Strabo the Geographer a greek also supports this in his geography book. And also says that Moses was a great leader but he thinks the way the nation turned out was for the worst. He lived before Jesus' time as well. Jesus wasn't even born in Judea, He was born in Galilee. Mary was most likely one of the few pure Judahites left and virgin to boot making her the perfect candidate to birth the messiah. Heck miscegenation is frowned upon in Genesis 6 alone, Why do you think Noah was saved? It's because he was "pure in his generations". IMO The reason christianity is in a ditch right now is because people refuse to actually read the bible. You know the thing the entire religion is based upon. Modern Jews are most definitely Edomites/Idumeans mixed with some Khazarian blood from later on. Esau was also loathed because he also mixed with Canaanites which God said that Israel was never to mingle with. In other words they are the EXACT OPPOSITE of what God's chosen people would be. Honestly it's probably the biggest case of Identity theft in history. Also if you believe in christianity fully, then realize that God literally promised he would genocide the Jews. Obadiah 1:18
>>6011 >The reason christianity is in a ditch right now is because people refuse to actually read the bible. Well also certain versions of the Bible that exist for the sole purpose of making Jews not just equal to Christians, but even outright superior to Christians in the eyes of God. The prevalence of such texts is also why the United States so quickly turned into the Israeli colony that it is now.
>>6018 Well that is true as well, Like the (((scofield))) bible being zionist piece of trash. I'd say to read the septuagint over the masoretic. Not only does it date back much older than the masoretic. But it's written in ancient greek. And some things were flat out changed like Deuteronomy. In the masoretic Those who had crushed privates or their penis cut off were not to enter the assembly of God Deuteronomy 23:1, Yet in the septuagint it was mutilation in general Deuteronomy 23:2, In other words, Some christians might be breaking old testament laws and they don't even realize it. Which gives it more credibility is that the septuagint comes from the time 146BC possibly even older, While the masoretic was written around 700-1000AD. Now considering how much Jews hate Jesus, Wouldn't it be the logical conclusion to say that the septuagint is the old testament that is the more reliable source? Not to mention that in Matthew 5:17-21 Jesus outright said that the law of the old testament won't pass until heaven and earth pass. So people not following old testament regulations are technically breaking the law.
>>6028 does circumcision exclude most pro-white whites in the americas from being saved?
>>6096 Where's the evidence that most pro-whites are circumcised? Even then that's not really true anymore but it was to pretty much show that genital mutilation was actually frowned upon in the bible. The New testament really changes the whole requirements of being saved, In reality it's closer to believe on Jesus and you will be saved through your faith which is manifest through your works James 2:20 pretty much confirms this. That last bit is usually left out because acting good can be difficult when people are actively encouraged to do the wrong choices. You can make up for sins of the past through good works and faith in Jesus is the only way to get saved. In other words repent and try again. The only sin that is completely irredeemable in the bible is blasphemy of the holy ghost. Every other sin can be forgiven IF you are willing to change yourself into a better person and follow Christ.
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>>5962 >Christians are just a subset of jews Christianity goes against everything Jews stand for, because people in a Christian society don't need to borrow money. >>4204 >>5571 >>5574 >>5581 >>5585 >>5586 >>5587 >>5588 >>5589 >>5590 >>5591 >>5592 >>5593 >>5594 >>5595 >>5596 >>5597 >>5598 >>5599 >>5600 >>5601 >>5602 >>5603 >>5604 >>5605 >>5606 >>5607 >>5608 >>5609 >>5610 >>5611 >>5612 >>5988 >>6011 >>6028 >>6096 >>6100 WELCOME TO THE JIDF DAMAGE CONTROL CENTER. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY. ☑ Losing was part of my plan all along ☑ My opponent is secretly on my side ☑ I lost on purpose, therefore I win ☑ You didn't win by my rules, therefore you lose
[Expand Post]☑ There must be a loophole that will let me win after all ✅ I told a lie and you didn't notice; therefore I'm smarter than you ☑ Watch out, I know Krav Maga ✅ *Unintelligible gibberish*
>>6119 except that every christian society in history did, profusely, its the whole reason the christian nobility kept the kikes around.
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>>6329 Begone, dirty, stinky Jew. You need us, but we don't need you. Your time on this planet is almost past. Would it really kill you to wipe your ass? Christians rely on one another. You can't even trust your fat ugly mother. She once told you, "You're gifted, my dear." So what the fuck are you doing here? Money's the ultimate bait-and-switch. You have a lot, but your life's a bitch. And when they discuss your salvation one day They'll say, "They had it and they gave it away."
>>6100 In north america routing infant circumcision is routine. >>6609 >Everyone who disagrees with me is a Jew I'm not a Jew, I was never told I was exceptional except that I was somewhat intelligent for my age, but that was largely attributed to by autism. I am White, I lived my earlier life in poverty in some rural nowhere mining/smelting town, and in lower-middle class-hood in a small apartment in a city in the center of my north american country (farming place). I lived through my mother going to university and my father working for a public utility company, I was then moved to the suburbs and went to pubic schools, starting with a daycare. I was traumatized in classes on the transatlantic slave trade and the holocaust, both of which were courses filled with lies, half truths, omissions, and other forms of deception, it was very clearly designed to make us hate the white man's ancestors rather than teach us anything useful. I saw my older sibling get evicted from my house, I saw the desert storm coverage and was traumatized by that was well (now I know it was a lie as well), I was institutionalized in (((psychiatric))) "care" for much of my life (I sort of still am), and made by those doctors to take all manner of pills that deformed by body. I was once taken from my school by police and put into a psych ward for the reason that they suspected me of being a possible shooter in ideation just because of something someone passing by me during lunch hour had claimed they overheard me say (I never got told exactly what I was interned for). I now live in a public housing project, living on welfare, made to wear masks that smother me whenever I go shopping, no post secondary education beyond a bit of trade school (some training in an industrial trade). I also attended adult education to upgrade my high school education due to the aforementioned obstacles I had faced in school. When I was young I spent much of my time going to the 7-11 for treats on the weekends using my weekly allowance of five-to-ten dollars to buy the hotdogs, slurpees, baked goods, and cheap 25 cent (or less) candies. You have no clue who I am or what my life was like. I've been living among all manner of immigrants, it wasn't a fun experience. I've been robbed by an injun in broad daylight and had to watch as he thief just casually strolled along while I followed him, demanding my money back, I requested help from security patrols and police officers and got nothing. I've witnessed robberies, just this year I intervened in one and got a black eye for my trouble, it was also injuns. I've worked really shitty jobs, as janitor/custodian work, dishwashing in the kitchen of a golf club, and picking trash off the downtown streets with one of those claw-stick things. I've been threatened and harassed by police, and learned these guys exist only to uphold the (((establishment))), I've been called antisemitic, racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, bigoted, etc. Just for knowing the science, the data, and the facts and not being afraid to say them when calling bullshit on liberal lies. I helped my father with installing roofing and fixing cars, I've helped my mother when she was vomiting after a bad day at her university course, I've cowered in my room listening to my parents fight, saw my mother destroy the family computer as a means to get back at my father, saw them get divorced and had to deal with going back and forth between their houses, I lived through a lot of things that Jews typically never experience (I've done manual labor my whole life). I saw my father get involved in politics, politics with which I strongly disagreed. now, what kind of life have you lived?
>>6609 Christians betrayed each other, I've seen it, Pence had just sold you out. Christianity has a lot of disadvantages, to a Christian, murder is always punished, and every life in precious, even if it belongs to your enemy, the Christian is implored to be like Christ, who refused to wage a martial war on his enemy, and instead opted for spiritual wars, preaching to them instead of fighting them, to a Christian death is nothing, because another life is waiting for them, and they will be paid for their Earthly suffering and persecution with everlasting life. They believe it is better to die a victim and to live as a perpetrator of violence, even when totally justified and necessary in order to avoid very bad consequences coming down the line. It is no surprise then that the Christians are poor revolutionaries, absolutely refusing to break any laws or commit any acts of violence that could land them in legal troubles, the shit shows we were seeing in every right wing protest is down to the fact that the Christians will never riot.
>>6119 The smug attempts at provocation, the obnoxious self-righteous attitude, the lack of an ability to argue your opponent's points, instead just mocking them. You talk like a leftist shill, is anyone supposed to believe that you are really a Christian at all? A Christian would find your talking style to be indicative of some spiritual corruption, they would not speak that way. The fact that you are posting the overused mainstream reddit-teir meme Pepe with your posts is also indicative that you are foreign-minded to the culture of this environment. You aren't a Christian, and you are a shill.
Post redpills about Jewish privilege ITT
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>>6721 >>6722 >>6723 (((textwall))) You say that you're proud of your prodigious IQ. You're proud of a lot of things you can't do. You say that if we don't obey you, it's curtains. Your grip on reality's not at all certain. You say that if we don't obey you, we're through. BEGONE, DIRTY, STINKY JEW. Running out of water, running out of friends. Nowhere to hide and start over again. While your allies suffered, you called them "cucks" And tried to bribe them for 600 bucks. But that was (((short-sighted))), for soon, as you'll see, They're going to get what they want for free. Patiently waiting for you to pull a knife. Take away your principal and take away your life.
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>>7034 "Why do they persecute me so?" "Why am I so bad?" You dumb shits tried to kill the only friends you ever had. God expects commandments to be met with fear and trembling, Not this corny genocidal plot you've been assembling. Now he's sending Af and Hemah down to whoop your asses Because you never paid attention in your Hebrew classes. You argued angels on the heads of pins, while the Messiah Rocked down to Jerusalem and then he took it higher. We are all God's children, regardless of our race Or the size of the schnoz protruding from our face. He offered you salvation. You never would believe us. And so the time has come to shake the dust off of our Tevas. Think your plan is perfect and you're never gonna lose? GOODBYE, YOU MOTHER FUCKING, DIRTY, STINKING JEWS!
>>7072 For a guy with a full head of hair, Benjamin looked pretty decrepit. Guess that comes with the territory of being a kike.
>>7092 I comes with being inbred to a degree horror-movie hillbillies and the hapsburgs would find repellant. ...Which comes with the territory of being a kike.
>>7092 His nutrition must have been terrible.
>>1883 Easy, show them the jewish hedgefunds getting screwed by GameStop stocks and the media relentlessly defending them.
>>1883 Pretend you are super leftwing showing the kikes as our capitalist overlords. Also show how they apartheid the palestinians
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>>5564 >The filter that killed /pol/
>>10502 I love german. The words are so close to English you can figure them out. Capitulate or surrender, and an emphatic no. Love it.
I think maybe the only way we can do this is with the Palestinian issue. I'm not saying we actually have to care about Palestinians ourselves. But consider that leftists normalfags have been brainwashed into thinking that the most important thing in the world is the oppression of non-whites, no matter how long ago it was and how minor the perceived oppression was. So ask these normalfags why the media never reports fairly on what Israel is doing to Palestine. Why does the media never report that Israel is stealing land that belongs to Palestine according to the UN? Why does the media never report fairly on the death and destruction visited on Palestine? Why do all western countries support Israel so strongly with billions in aid and weapons? Etc. Ask them why they think the media is so one-sided on the Israel-Palestine conflict, why the UN is silent, as Israel bombs and shoots Palestinians on their own land, and then builds settlements on it, etc. Then you can talk about the media being owned by a tiny number of people, who those people are etc. It's the only angle I can see working.
>>5570 Does anyone have any book from this Tavinstock Lewin guy? I found one on archive but it was (((deleted)))
help gather most redpills the internet is getting shittier and shittier
Jared Reimer funded the murder of a white baby.
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>>11304 While the professor is absolutely correct, it's amusing the Chinese don't know who was behind the Marxist revolution in China, who transferred technology from the West to China, and who still controls China today.
https://archive.fo/SCsJJ Some of the images were saved on web.archive(Please use archive.today)
>>11298 >help gather That is kind of the point of saving shit on /polarchive/

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