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Anonymous 10/14/2020 (Wed) 21:30:03 Id: 4326b6 No. 1821
Find legal ways white people can live without paying taxes. Ideally legally. Find ways they can stop giving their money to a system that uses their money to support those who hate white people and work against white interests. Find ways to make this appeal even to nonwhites, make it appeal to anyone who is simply dissatisfied with the establishment order. Make public knowledge out of how this can be done, give counseling to those individuals who want to participate, build communities a d resources to aid those who participate in this boycott. Make this into its own movement, make a community out of it, distance it from the "far right: and make it appeal to anyone who feels unhappy with the current establishment order. Not only not paying taxes and living without paying them, but also without buying anything from companies that support the current establishment narrative as well. Identifying these companies and promoting alternatives to them is the best practice. Make it happen, make it work.
Used to be a professional. After covid I collect cans. It’s way more money than you think. WAY. Why you think all these chinks and gooks dot it FOB. It’s not taxable and it’s cash and you get a receipt for it(just in case). You can get drunk or stoned all day too if that’s your thing. Why should I return to my profession if it returns to “normal”? When the tax niggers my gainz by 40% >degenerate stoned drunk Canadian 40/hour canner
Also not being homeless and not needing to buy 200-400$ worth of cocaine or dope every day and actually having a head on your shoulders and many can succeed doing this
>>1834 Where do you collect cans? Hard to believe you can make $40/hour doing that nya~
>>1836 In a city. Initially you are going to have no strategy and it will be slightly like aimeless wandering. Once you wander your area for two weeks daily you will learn a lot about it for example. What time to go Route to walk When to sort it, at home? At the depot? When you pick it up? A bunch of small routes or one big route? If you consider household recycling programs + apartments/condos upwards of 20K people might live on one street and there might only be 10-20 bins you would have to dip in. Got a vehicle? Should you go on foot then drive it? Should you drive and go on foot? All of these can be maximized
What is this retard shit? Just do what every company and enterprise does and buy property "for work" and record that you're under Le Tax Bracket now. Sources: not a fucking retard.
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>>1821 >Find ways they can stop giving their money to a system that uses their money to support those who hate white people and work against white interests. But I've been doing this for all my life. t. lifelong NEET on neetbux and autismbux Gives you enough time to follow your hobbies, too.
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>>1821 >Find legal ways white people can live without paying taxes. Ideally legally. It's called going innawoods. Every time you use the dollar, you're supporting the international kike whose sole purpose is to demoralize and destroy you and your people. By developing self-reliance and living off the land just as your ancestors did, you will accomplish everything in OP. Of course, it is not going to be a life as comfortable as the one you are used to, but you will find a longer-term fulfilment greater than anything modern society can provide you now.
>>5027 This is not possible in all countries. What do you define as innawoods? You can't live in the forest here. You can't go hunting without a license either. The most you can do is move to the countryside and work as few hours as possible.
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>>5027 There is often the problem that in many places you are taxed for holding land, as a sort of means of chaining you to their system. Whereby you either participate or they take over your land and sell it to someone else who WILL pay. >>5042 You can always simply become self-reliant or at least more self-reliant than you are right now. So growing your own food, performing your own repairs, educating your own children, extensively networking within your local community, acquiring new skills and potentially setting others on the right path. And it doesn't need to be entirely separate from society as a whole although that would solve a lot of problems and would ensure you aren't feeding the beast anything whatsoever, simply getting accustomed to new and developing technologies with the goal of taking advantage of their can help you get to the point where you can start thinking about self-reliance. Having a keen eye to distinguish bullshit marketing from an actually brilliant and novel thing in the making is something hard to learn but it is invaluable for seeking out opportunities. And you don't even need to go in pursuit of new technologies, simply going back to methods that worked in the past may end up being far superior and even far more convenient for the application you may desire. Many people don't even know how to cook, they simply buy their food pre-packaged and then wonder where all their money went when they were paying four to five times the price they would if they were to simply buy fresh produce and make it themselves. They don't know how to sew and will frequently throw out clothing the moment it has even the slightest fault , which itself provides a multitude of opportunities such as buying up their damaged clothing and sewing it back together. Same goes to repairing electronics, whereby you can acquire a bricked device and bring it back to life for a marginal sum (either to use it yourself or to get money on hand). You could collect spam that constantly showers through your mailbox and use it for a fire to cook something or to smoke food as a means of preserving it. So even if you can't go innawoods, there are opportunities that you could potentially pursue to become more free than you are now. You won't necessarily be able to do absolutely every single thing I mentioned and I am not really expecting anyone to be realistically able to, but you do need to start somewhere and knowing where to start tends to be pretty fucking important.
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>>5042 >I can't do anything in my country. >German poster. I sympathize with you. Though it might not be possible to go innawoods, it's as >>5044 says; you have to develop some self-reliance and create a local network. Organizing any sort of far right or white nationalist group on the internet is impossible, so it has to be done offline. Any progress is better than none at all.
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>>5051 I was not referring to networking for political reasons but sure, that too. Having actual real-life friends you can rely on instead of people you have met randomly at a birthday party is what you are striving for. Ideally people in your immediate area or people you regularly come across. Helping people in general tends to do wonders for establishing a network, just don't forget that you aren't there to serve as a mindless servant, you are simply helping people. And one important one I forgot to mention in my previous post is that you will want to get /fit/ if you aren't already and take up a martial art such as boxing, wrestling, judo or MMA. Being in physical shape will help with your health, motivation and will allow you to be more prepared for shit hitting the fan. When looking for a martial art be wary of the fact that being taught shit wrong is worse than no training at all, do your research and if it feels like the training you are doing is just endless drills of completely useless shit then there is a pretty good chance that it actually is exactly that.
Sure thing, globalist!
>>5051 It doesn't even have to be Far Right or White Nationalist. You can more easily set it up as something with an economic, community, hobby, or business focus, free of racial politics. Which might make it a little more acceptable. You can also do some sort of secret exodus, and do what the Libertarians call "Going Galt".
>>4943 I honestly wish I could live as a neet, but unfortunately I need to put food on my table as well.
I want to move to the countryside where shit is cheap. Anyone knows the best spot in Sachsen-Anhalt to get gibs without the jobcenter making you do work? Further I don't have a driver license, so I have to do some kind of compromise like using a moped instead.
>>5051 I also heard there's networks in Bavaria but I don't know of any. If anyone knows something let me know.

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