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post white pills here Anonymous 09/19/2022 (Mon) 00:36:56 Id: 709d9a No. 16780
post white pills here and things that just make you think hope is not lost
All niggers will eventually die.
>>18775 not fast enough
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God is real.
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>>16780 The far right is having massive victories in europe
>>16780 its also MASSIVELY growing in the united states as well
>>16780 Listen man, I know this was 2 years ago where you posted this thread but we need to keep fighting the good fight against the jewish degeneracy in this world in order to achieve our victory stay strong O/ 1488
>>20957 Could be real, but how many of these parties are kosher? Everything under the sun has been called 'far-right' these days. I know the AFD, Northern League and National Front are kosher, either they're zionist (i.e. pro-jew) or they're just conservatives who want unrestricted immigration but legally, or both.
>>20960 Eh, better than nothing. Maybe it will give us time to organize before the enemy initiates the violent phase of White genocide.
>>20980 >Checks flag Wtf?
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(1.16 MB 640x360 Varg defends his land.mp4)

>>21001 Thank you for the gorgeous tits dear fellow!
>>21003 That's Louisa Khovanski by the way.

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