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9/11 Anonymous 09/11/2022 (Sun) 15:10:46 Id: 256058 No. 16735
Never forgetti the spaghetti
>Former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld dies aged 88: Architect of the Iraq war who served under Bush and Ford passes away 'surrounded by family in New Mexico' https://archive.vn/W8pF4
>>9750 Good.
>>9750 I pray that his soul burn in hell for all eternity. May all his family and friends get gruesome deaths and before it, suffer through all their lives.
>>9769 Ill drink to that
>>9766 Would have been better to see him stand trial and put to death instead.
>>9771 Yeah. At least hes dead tho. He can tickle mcains taint some more.
>>9750 Fuck that criminal piece of shit who helped organize 9/11. Him and his are the biggest enemies of the US.
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>>11149 who are they...
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>>11160 Rumsfeld, as stated by OP, was Secretary of Defence during the Bush administration. McBrain was a republican politician that had been both in the house of representatives and congress, also at one point tried to become president. Both were fairly clear-cut neocohens and were aggressively in support of the war on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan. Rumsfeld even at one point as secretary of defence issued an official statement about how the war on terror is a good enough justification to simply ignore the Geneva convention regarding the torture of prisoners of war.
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>>11175 agreed
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2000 “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” manifesto that “a new Pearl Harbor” would be vital to rapidly transform the US military into one capable of carrying out that agenda of invading multiple countries. https://en.wikipedia(Please use archive.today)/wiki/Project_for_the_New_American_Century#:~:text=Rebuilding%20America's%20Defenses%20recommended%20establishing,security%20environment%22%20in%20key%20regions%2C At least part of the background to this decision was the United States’ long-time support for UNOCAL’s proposed pipeline, which would transport oil and natural gas from the Caspian Sea region to the Indian Ocean through Afghanistan and Pakistan. https://en.wikipedia(Please use archive.today)/wiki/Turkmenistan%E2%80%93Afghanistan%E2%80%93Pakistan%E2%80%93India_Pipeline This project had been stymied through the 1990s because of the civil war that had been going on in Afghanistan since the Soviet withdrawal in 1989. In the mid-1990s, the US government had supported the Taliban with the hope that its military strength would enable it to unify the country and provide a stable government, which could protect the pipeline. By the late 1990s, however, the Clinton administration had given up on the Taliban. When the Bush administration came to power, it decided to give the Taliban one last chance. During a four-day meeting in Berlin in July 2001, representatives of the Bush administration insisted that the Taliban must create a government of “national unity” by sharing power with factions friendly to the United States. The US representatives reportedly said: “Either you accept our offer of a carpet of gold, or we bury you under a carpet of bombs.” https://www.theguardian(Please use archive.today)/world/2001/sep/22/afghanistan.september113 And, indeed, given the fact that the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon occurred when they did, the US military was able to mobilize to begin its attack on Afghanistan by October 7. It appears, therefore, that the United States invaded Afghanistan for reasons far different from the official rationale, according to which we were there to capture or kill Osama bin Laden The FBI admitted on June 5 2006 that “the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.” https://www.globalresearch.ca/fbi-says-no-hard-evidence-connecting-bin-laden-to-9-11/2623 On February 6th 2021, the Taliban made a statement. That they would protect the proposed pipeline. https://eurasianet(Please use archive.today)/taliban-vows-to-guarantee-safety-of-trans-afghanistan-gas-pipeline On the 30th of August 2021, the US Forces unilaterally pulled out of Afghanistan, leaving the Taliban with millions of dollars of Military equipment.
Decided to merge some of the past threads all into one thread
/v/ thread: >>>/v/688015
I NEED YOUR HELP ON THIS 9/11 DAY I heard from my schizophrenic Russian neighbor about 55 years of age that he saw videos surface right after 9/11 of a fighter pilot (apparently the pilot was Russian as well?) who was scrambled to allegedly shoot down Flight 93 (the one that crashed into the field), and the pilot was recorded as seeing "smiling faces in the plane windows" rather than the fearful or scared faces of passengers whose plane just got hijacked. This video, my neighbor didn't specify if it was a video of the plane being shot down or just the audio recording from the pilot, was taken down almost immediately after being posted online whenever that was. Is there any truth to this? Did anyone else hear something about it? He also mentioned something about Osama Bin Laden's sister who was shot down in her aircraft so that she'd keep quiet about the war in Iraq and the truth behind Osama's involvement in 9/11. I have my suspicions but I would like a second opinion before I declare his word to be not worth listening to in the future.
>>16738 Imagine how close a plane would have to fly next to another plane to actually see in the windows and discern facial expressions, if it's possible at all that would be some insane trick flying. Meanwhile when fighter jets actually shoot down planes it's obviously by launching a missile at a long distance. Talking about seeing their faces when sent to shoot down the plane sounds like dream-logic, the sort of thing that a brain comes up with when it's imagining something in an impaired state (such as sleep or mental illness) that can't critically reflect or distinguish between imagination and reality. And anyone can make a video claiming to be a pilot, even if the video exists at all rather than being imagined by the neighbor himself.
>>16738 I used to follow 9/11 conspiracies and I never heard that one.

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