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Chinese Filth Brigade Foreign Companies to Protest Acknowledgement of Taiwan Anonymous 09/29/2020 (Tue) 18:45:26 Id: 715713 No. 1668
>vtuber girl shows her viewer rankings by country on stream >chinese niggers see taiwan as a prominent ranking and mass report her channel as well as another for the same thing, cause a big fuss and kvetch on social media like the yellow likes they are >japanese management company immediately bends the knee, suspends the girls for three weeks and forces them to apologize publicly If anyone watches this shit unironically, you're literally consuming jpop idol shit 2.0. It's a meat grinder and the girls are transient and being burned for money. If you, god forbid, donate, you're supporting evil and should reevaluate your life. Also, it's going to be a rough fucking century on the internet if the chink filth have this much away for minor shit. Honestly they should be blanket banned from the greater internet. Is there anything that can be done to halt the yellow menace? This is rapidly becoming social justice except worse.
>>1668 Weebs and Japs are none too happy about it. We'll see if the chink sympathizers in charge of Cover Corp hear it or not.
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Shit, a lot of people seem to know about this. I guess VTubers were bigger than I gave them credit for.
>>1698 Breads and Circuses are one of the major things keeping normalfags from caring about the world around them besides pavlovian conditioning and wageslavery . When those get fucked with, people get actually meaningfully pissed.
>>1711 You can see Haachama's channel here: https://www.Webm or instances.invidio.us/channel/UC1CfXB_kRs3C-zaeTG3oGyg The OP image is a post under the community tab. There are nearly 6K comments of nearly unanimous support. Coco's channel is here: https://www.Webm or instances.invidio.us/channel/UCS9uQI-jC3DE0L4IpXyvr6w She hasn't made a public announcement yet. I don't know the specific streams where they showed their stats. The channel Hololive Moments was a prominent highlight channel doing translations of clips for adrev revealed themselves to be a pro chinese group, deleted all their videos and made a titanic blog/cry post detailing all the numerous ways the Chinese race had been hurt by the momentary acknowledgement of Taiwan as a place, which was notable. Their channel is here if you want to read a pathetic essay: https://www.Webm or instances.invidio.us/c/HoloLiveMoments/community A lot of the rest is playing out in public forums.
>>1712 Oh, cool, the scripts are retarded. Anyway, you know what to put in the URL. Sage.
>>1698 The vtuber in your video is one who was suspended, and surpasses many senior vtubers in subscribers, as well as having the most all-time superchat income on youtube. Last I checked, 11 of the top 15 superchatted channels were vtubers as well.
>>1668 >MIGA faggots are virtual onlyfan faggots color me surprised

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