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Anonymous 08/30/2022 (Tue) 06:27:16 Id: 18351c No. 16647
Grow your manbeard out, pol. Manbeard or meard is sign of ultimate masculinity. It is very fashionable but at the same time you can be manly lazy about it and not shave because real men don't care about their appearance. Like organic things like drinking coffee or chopping wood. sport your meard proudly, it is your lion's mane. It can only be grown of grown only by the manly-est men. Very few young men are blessed by the gods with a meard. If you have a meard consider yourself a courageous, adventurous, tough peace of man meat.
Fucking shave you lazy cunts.
shut the fuck up stupid fucking slave , manly manly real real man , everyone who has a penis testicles produceses semen is a man you piece of shit retard that is a fact you cannot make it more or less so , real men dont take of their appearance?? so real men is key word for squalid groteske looking fucking manual laborer? fuck you, wish i had the right conditions to kill you and your family slow
>>16647 >real men don't care about their appearance >[makes whole thread dedicated to mens' appearance]
You haven't taken the redpill if you haven't grown out your aryan sideburns yet.
>>16647 Beardless Andrew Jackson is more badass than the metrosexual male-model dandy in your pic, OP

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