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4/pol/ suffering biggest Shareblue/CTR raid ever Anonymous 09/28/2020 (Mon) 20:22:51 Id: 05207c No. 1659
So in light Trump's tax returns being released, the discord ghouls are having a field day with demoralizing spam. They cling to the $750 liability that he paid while conveniently ignoring the $5.2 million in ACTUAL TAXES he paid, trying to make it look like he only paid $750 for his massive income. Civil discussion is now impossible. Expect more 4/pol/ refugees soon.
>>1659 >Expect more 4/pol/ refugees soon. As long as they don't bring their brand of cancer here, and people remember to report posts, it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
>>1659 Who cares? Trump is still a kike.
>>1659 >4/pol/ refugees Do they even know of this place? Figured they would end up at 8kunt first.
>>1659 Stay there you cancerous MIGA faggot shills
>>1705 i actually had to use bing instead of google to get the domain suffix for here.. the jannies are worse than the discord cunts
Maybe some of the old 8anons will find their way back from this. Seems like /pol/ has an exodus and reinvents itself every couple years, though. >>1721 Are we filtered there? This site has mostly flown under the radar. 8kunt takes all the heat and gets all the search results.
>>1660 fresh 4/pol/ refugee here..
>>1659 Just seems like another day tbh. People got used to the seething Discord trannies/shills and just ignore or make fun of them.
>>1659 They're not actually shills anon, they're people having fun with the newfags by baiting them.
>>1825 Any "community" that gets its laughs by pretending to be shills will inevitably be flooded by actual shills using their retardation as a smokescreen. That's why it's a complete shithole that's a headache to read and not worth engaging in.
>>1660 >As long as they don't bring their brand of cancer here, and people remember to report posts, it shouldn't be too much of a problem. That's exactly what they did on 8chan.co with the 2016 election. They imported 4chan cancer to not only /pol/ but every other board too, by shitposting in the worst parts of 4chan board culture, LARPing oldfags when they obviously weren't, and screeching at others whenever they were called out because 8chan board culture was different. Eventually the whole of 8chan got shat up by the last 4/pol/ refugee wave. It was the cancer that killed almost every board except for /v/ and it horribly shat up /v/ too. I remember all the retards who wound up insistently turning /tech/ into 4/g/ even though /tech/'s whole reason for existence was that it was an exodus from 8/g/ to get rid of /g/-style shitposting cancer. So yeah, I have low hopes for a new wave of 4/pol/ refugees not proceeding to shit up the site again. Our best bet is to simply not let too many 4/pol/ refugees in.
can someone summerize or post link of summerization of history of 4chan and 8ch, very needed, haven't been long time here
>>1832 >I remember all the retards who wound up insistently turning /tech/ into 4/g/ even though /tech/'s whole reason for existence was that it was an exodus from 8/g/ to get rid of /g/-style shitposting cancer. Didn't all of those niggers show up to /tech/ after gookm00t turned cuckchan into a crypto-currency miner?
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>>1660 Are you going to turn into ImKamfty when they come here?
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>>1705 Nah ni66a we ou'chea
THIS JUST IN 4chan is ded
11/11 habbening today is going to be crazy
>>1825 /leftypol/ is however still participating in it

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