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Visa ‘Intended to Help’ Pornhub and Its Parent Company Monetize Child Porn. Anonymous 08/13/2022 (Sat) 15:03:10 Id: 2c119c No. 16535
Judge Finds in Allowing Case to Move Forward https://archive.is/IG6sG Spread this to all cycles. Let the people know that VISA was trying to fund the raping of children in front of cameras to monetize the video footage in a partnership with the jewish Pornhub. Regardless of you position about pedophilia, anything that can be used as ammunition against jews and their companies to make the populace turn against them must be done.
Love and money are blind. Don't care. Next.
>>16542 A-l-l jews and a-l-l leftards will be killed.
>>16551 all niggerpills will be liggerdilled.
>>16554 Someone do this. I'm not a PA resident anymore
>>16542 >(1)
>>16535 Fuck Visa and Fuck Communism. Fuck porn, it gives you with no benefits.
>>16535 >Regardless of you position about pedophilia, anything that can be used as ammunition against jews and their companies to make the populace turn against them must be done. So Jews are worse than pedophiles on your planet?
>>20333 jews and pedos both have infinite dignity because they are human
>>20333 Yes.
>>16535 Weren't they involved in forcing Pixiv to ban NSFW content?
This whole thing just screams "disingenuous" to me. Part of the reason that porn sites used to much CP is because almost all of the illegal shit was girls who could pass for adults and it was so hard to filter out that once this lawsuit dropped several sites just shoah'd anything that wasn't obviously adult or verified and slapped a bunch of restrictions on uploaders. The lawyer for the prosecution also says that pornhub removed "<10M illegal videos, 80% of its content" when it was a blanket deletion of anything unverified and/or even vaguely questionable no matter how legal it actually was. Obviously not in favor of CP or Pornhub here, but this really feels like an activist judge trying to get their name out there more than anything else and "your jannies didn't work hard enough" seems like a pretty shitty argument when they had the same zero-tolerance policy as every other site out there. Then again, I don't know the details of the case and I'm assuming that pornhub was acting in good faith - which may very well NOT be what was going on. >>20336 Yeah. A lot of payment processors and credit card companies got really spooked by this lawsuit.
>>20336 Yes, however they'll end up shooting themselves in the foot because degenerate porn is a CIA funded program to make the goyim useless and emasculated as possible. Have you ever wondered why DeviantArt somehow survived more than 20 years despite getting clogged with cancer produced by manchildren? Or that is currently owned by (((Wix)))?

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