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Coalburner Directory Anonymous 05/14/2020 (Thu) 23:55:57 Id: e6fe31 No. 160
Anyone else heard about the coalburner directory for race traitors who participate in miscegenation? https://coalfax.ru/
http://archive.vn/LemTq Oh so that's what this was about.
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>>160 impressive, very nice

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>Commune Magazine, a flashy and professional looking "antifa" publication that sought to provide intellectual direction to the anarchist movement, announced yesterday that it would discontinue (https://archive.fo/c1scO) its operations and refund all its subscribers. >The catalyst for this decision were allegations that an unnamed editor had raped another left-wing activist. A source familiar with the matter has confirmed to National Justice that the alleged rapist is Shyam P. Khanna, a 31-year-old anarchist organizer based in Brooklyn. >According to a March 28 Medium post (https://archive.is/ISDYs) by Jessica "Leila" Raven, Khanna had been abusing her and then committed a rape against her. Raven then confronted him, demanded an apology and asked him to read four feminist essays. After Khanna agreed to read the articles, he raped her again, the accuser says. lol, "read this and get educated faggot so you don't rape me again." how many more women need to get raped before they realize that the concept of women's rights are uniquely Western and that they cannot train their subhuman pets with (((feminist education))). hahha, what an idiot >A second post (https://archive.fo/DV88c), dated May 7th, repeats the allegations and details a prolonged campaign to have him removed from Commune Mag's staff. >Khanna appears to be heavily involved with the "antifa" scene in New York City. On social media, his now deleted account @dollarpizza1 can be seen repeatedly interacting with Jamie Peck of the Antifada podcast as well as Doug Henwood (http://archive.fo/19hIT), a wealthy anti-white figure who has been accused of predatory and strange sexual behavior himself. >While Commune Mag has been canceled, it appears that two editors accused of protecting him, UC Davis professor Joshua Clover and Berkeley's Jasper Bernes, are going to continue their similarly named anarchist poetry project Commune Editions in spite of demands that they shut it down as well. >While Commune Mag has been canceled, it appears that two editors accused of protecting him, UC Davis professor Joshua Clover and Berkeley's Jasper Bernes, are going to continue their similarly named anarchist poetry project Commune Editions in spite of demands that they shut it down as well. https://national-justice.com/antifa-magazine-shuts-down-after-editor-accused-being-rapist
>>160 Over the course of 1 day, the whole website was taken down and replaced with links to blacked.com, how big of a threat would this make the site? https://web.archive.org/web/20200514184438/https://coalfax.ru/
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>>181 >Khanna had been abusing her and then committed a rape against her >Raven then confronted him, demanded an apology and asked him to read four feminist essays >After Khanna agreed to read the articles, he raped her again Can't make this shit up
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Though the original coalfax was a troll or an owner who pussied out, the idea coalfax brought forth hasn't died and has turned into an campaign to make the database a reality. Resources Post Original Coalchain archives: https://warosu.org/biz/thread/19113553 https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/257561662/ Telegram Link: https://t.me/CoalChainDEV 9chan >>>/bestpol/ main thread on Coalfax: https://9chan.tw/bestpol/thread/3085 Banned by Mods and Jannies on 4biz and 4pol! Make memes and discuss the technology behind Coalchain! High Energy Thread!
>>193 I get Jewgle captcha-locked everytime I change threads, even cuckchan isn't this cucked.
>>194 On 9chan?>>194
>>200 yeah, it might be my VPN but at least I still lurk cuckchan if wanted to and not see a captcha I am greated with the captcha as soon as I clicked.
>>193 Kind of off topic, Does anyone know if there are other /pol/ imageboards around? I am not going back to 8kunt
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>>160 Interesting. Although, I do not think this is as big of a problem as you portray it to be. Consider abortion rates by ethnicity. With the right encouragement, such an issue can be self solving. As you can see from the numbers, even niggers recognise the fact they are essentially worthless. So long as such unions do not result in mongrel offspring and so long as she aborts said offspring, it should not be a problem.
>>160 I saw terfs reeee heavily becouse of it.
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>>213 Finally someone gets it. >>214 >terfs I smell a tranny here.
Despite the whole debacle with the first owner screwing with people, coalfax is back and revamped as the format as well as they style have changed to make an honest coalburner directory. >coalfax.xyz
Should have made it a pro-interracial relationship site meant to "End The Stigma," coalburners would have posted their own information, news sites would give it positive press, the SPLC and ADL would fund it, then normal people could use it to avoid these people.
>>160 We've made a new one: coalfax.xyz
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>>271 I hope there are sections for male and female coalburners so that it may be useful for women who want to check their partner's history as well as men. After all, we would hate to be accused of being sexist right lads? I swear some men have the philosophy of Tek Knight from The Boys...
>>279 >I hope there are sections for male and female coalburners agreed. not only are these databases helpful from a romantic position, they are also helpful for hiring managers that want to avoid hiring race traitors. I have no interest in hiring a woman that burns coal, and the same is true for a man that engages in such disgusting activity too.
>>271 ded again

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