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WHY THE AMERICAN ECONOMY IS COLLAPSING Anonymous 07/07/2022 (Thu) 15:25:57 Id: 0d1c2f No. 15965
[[Part 1/3]] We now have ALL the evidence we'll ever need to KNOW Biden's government is deliberately collapsing our economy for the Agenda 21 "Great Reset" "Green New Deal" their crooked corrupt criminal cronies desire to overlord!!! Furthermore, the rising gas prices are retribution against Americans for not supporting their carbon tax!!! Let's get to bottom line AGENDA first, and then I'll provide documented evidence of this engineered collapse! https://www.breitbart(Please use archive.today)/politics/2022/06/17/climate-forum-joe-biden-calls-for-transition-to-zero-emissions-cars-to-combat-high-gas-prices/ Notice they don't even have the infrastructure to charge their shitty electric vehicles! This cannot and will not work when you have a vastly spread out population either! What are you going to do, prohibit small town and rural America from traveling because we have no ability to afford electric cars nor the infrastructure to support them!? And how do you power all those electric cars!? What source of energy are you using exactly!? How will that lower prices!? AND how long would it take me to charge an electric car to drive 50 minutes to stockup groceries and essentials at the nearest Costco every month!? THIS IS INSANE AND IT WILL NOT WORK. FLASHBACK: Joe Biden Admitted He Was Planning To DESTROY America's Economy. “I want you to look at my eyes. I guarantee you, I guarantee you we’re going to end fossil fuels” he said in New Castle, New Hampshire: https://www.breitbart(Please use archive.today)/politics/2022/06/16/flashback-joe-biden-i-guarantee-you-were-going-to-end-fossil-fuels/ After all, it was Biden who denied permits for the Keystone XL Pipeline: https://www.cnbc(Please use archive.today)/2021/06/09/tc-energy-terminates-keystone-xl-pipeline-project.html Biden also denied oil and gas lease opportunities in the Gulf of Mexico and off the coast of Alaska: https://www.theepochtimes(Please use archive.today)/biden-admin-cancels-major-oil-and-gas-lease-sales-amid-soaring-gas-prices_4461962.html Biden also admitted the goal of raising gas prices: https://summit.news/2022/05/24/video-biden-admits-sky-rocketing-energy-prices-are-part-of-green-transition/ Here is MORE PROOF: Biden admin cancels massive oil and gas lease sale amid record-high gas prices: https://www.msn(Please use archive.today)/en-us/news/us/biden-admin-cancels-massive-oil-and-gas-lease-sale-amid-record-high-gas-prices/ar-AAXaRXw https://www.naturalnews(Please use archive.today)/2022-05-15-biden-admin-cancels-gas-lease-opportunities.html State-run corporate media argues bad economy, hyperinflation for Americans is a GOOD thing because it will usher in the “green agenda” faster: https://www.naturalnews(Please use archive.today)/2022-06-09-ny-times-bad-economy-hyper-inflation-is-good-green-agenda-faster.html 10 Things Biden Could Do (BUT WILL NOT) To Save America From Economic Destruction: https://www.api(Please use archive.today)/~/media/Files/News/2022/06/14/Letter-to-President-Biden-on-10-in-2022-Plan Europe and the West will be facing reduced global oil supplies and paying a premium while countries like China and India will be enjoying increased supplies and lower prices from Russia:\ https://www.zerohedge(Please use archive.today)/geopolitical/europes-ban-russian-energy-will-only-trigger-more-inflation-pain-west
>>15965 [[Part 2/3]] The Engineered Stagflationary Collapse Has Arrived – Here’s What Happens Next: https://alt-market.us/the-engineered-stagflationary-collapse-has-arrived-heres-what-happens-next/ The goal is to “reset” the world, to erase what’s left of free market systems, and to establish what they call the “Shared Economy” system. This system is one in which the people who survive the crash will be made utterly dependent on government through Universal Basic Income and one that will restrict all resource usage in the name of “carbon reduction.” According to the WEF, you will own nothing and you will like it. The collapse is engineered to create crisis conditions so frightening that they expect the majority of the public to submit to a collectivist hive mind lifestyle with greatly reduced standards. This would be accomplished through UBI, digital currency models, carbon taxation, population reduction, rationing of all commodities and a social credit system. The goal, in other words, is complete control through technocratic authoritarianism. I have no doubt that Joe Biden and Democrats will seek to enforce price controls on many goods as inflation continues, and there will be a handful of Republicans that will support the tactic. Price controls actually lead to a reduction in supply because they remove all profits and thus all incentive for manufacturers to keep producing goods. What usually happens at that point is government steps in to nationalize manufacturing, but this will be substandard production and at a much lower yield. In the end, supplies are reduced even further and prices go even higher on the black market because no one can get their hands on most goods anyway. Yes, rationing at the manufacturing and distribution level is going to happen, so be sure to buy what you need now before it does. Rationing occurs in the wake of price controls or supply chain disruptions, and usually this coincides with a government propaganda campaign against “hoarders.” Then, not long after, they will accuse preppers and anyone who bought goods BEFORE the crisis of “hoarding” simply because they planned ahead. Rationing is not only about controlling the supply of necessities and thus controlling the population by proxy; it is also about creating an atmosphere of blame and suspicion within the public and getting them to snitch on or attack anyone that is prepared. Prepared people represent a threat to the establishment, so expect to be demonized in the media and organize with other prepared people to protect yourself. It might sound like I am predicting success of the Great Reset program, but I actually believe the globalists will fail in the end. That’s not going to stop them from making the attempt. Also, the above scenarios are only predictions for the near term (within the next couple of years). There will be many other problems that stem from these situations. Naturally, food riots and other mob actions will become more commonplace, perhaps not this year, but by the end of 2023 they will definitely be a problem. This will coincide with the return of political unrest in the US as leftist factions, encouraged by globalist foundations, demand more government intervention in poverty. At the same time, conservatives will demand less government interference and less tyranny. At bottom, the people who are prepared might be called a lot of mean names, but as long as we organize and work together, we will survive. Many unprepared people will NOT survive. Understand that the economic conditions ahead of us are historically destructive; there is no way that serious consequences can be avoided for a large part of the population, if only because they refuse to listen and to take proper steps to protect themselves. The denial is over. The crash is here. Time to take action if you have not done so already.
>>15966 [[Part 3/3]] Jeff Rense Interviews William Gheen About Coming American Famine And Details Deliberate Destruction Of Global Supply Chains: https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=oOYqvd4SWeE Declassified Documents Prove What The Federal Government Is Planning Is Much Worse Than Most Can Imagine: https://allnewspipeline(Please use archive.today)/What_The_Feds_Are_Planning_Is_Much_Worse_Than_Most_Can_Imagine.php ▲ MY COMMENT: They need citizens disarmed for what they have planned! They have become corrupted power-addicted control freaks that are trying to completely change America, they wish to destroy our Constitutional freedoms and our very way of life and culture with it! If the energy grid and/or internet ever goes out for a long period of time you can bet there will be boots on the ground ready to disarm, subjugate and kill in a vicious onslaught of high treason all under the radar and absolutely no coverage of the internal war going on!! “When subjected to automated decision-making, decision subjects may strategically modify their observable features in ways they believe will maximize their chances of receiving a favorable decision…In many practical situations, the underlying assessment rule is deliberately kept secret to avoid gaming and maintain competitive advantage…The resulting opacity forces the decision subjects to rely on incomplete information when making strategic feature modifications…We capture such settings as a game of Bayesian persuasion, in which the decision maker offers a form of recourse to the decision subject by providing them with an action recommendation (or signal) to incentivize them to modify their features in desirable ways” — which means that a world is being created wherein decision makers no longer rely on facts and truth, that brings to mind the old GIGO adage “Garbage In-Garbage Out”. The end result of the GIGO world you’re living in, where the lying “Sender” has more power than the socialist indoctrinated “Receiver”, is what you see in America today, where every issue becomes an intractable crisis not needing to be solved, but manipulated for economic and political gain. The sworn enemies of the GIGO world and its invisible manipulators are truth and facts, which is why they are waging an all-out war against those telling you true things”: https://www.whatdoesitmean(Please use archive.today)/index3929pl.htm “The United States must increase its domestic capacity for high-purity minerals, gases, and chemicals, or else American semiconductor capacity — and national security — will remain highly dependent on foreign factors outside of its own control”: https://nationalinterest(Please use archive.today)/blog/techland-when-great-power-competition-meets-digital-world/critical-materials-can-make-or-break NOTICE EVERYTHING THEY HAVE DONE SO FAR WILL AND IS COLLAPSING THE ECONOMY. ONLY CRIMINAL INSIDERS STAND TO PROFIT. THIS IS TREASON AGAINST THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. THIS IS A MANUFACTURED COLLAPSE OF AMERICA AS WE KNOW IT. ALL BY DESIGN. SO WHEN THE LIGHTS GO OFF, AND YOU NO LONGER HAVE AIR CONDITIONING IN THE SUMMER OR HEAT IN THE WINTER, AND CANNOT AFFORD TO TRAVEL ANYMORE, YOU KNOW WHO TO BLAME!!!
They're Imploding The Economy For The "Great Reset" As Warned JIM STONE COMMENTS: Elon Musk cut 10 percent of Tesla's work force. He is afraid the economy is going to tank. That's a no brainer. Because with so much money going into gasoline now it has to crash and it is intentional. What will crash the economy no matter what? High gas prices, that's what. And they know it. Let's say you were spending $200 a month on gas when it was $2.50 a gallon. You did not drive a whole lot except to work, which was 30 miles away and had a half hour of city driving. That's common in the US. So you were burning 3.5 gallons a day in your minivan if you were lucky. Even if you parked it on week ends, that would have cost about $200 per month. Lots of people have cars that eat more, some have cars that eat less, but $200 a month on gas at $2.50 per gallon was probably quite normal for most people . . . . Then, suddenly, the gas goes up to $7 a gallon or more. Suddenly the gas costs $560 a month. That's $360.00 - a big screen, a lawn mower, a dining room table, or a desk or a nice cell phone or YOU NAME IT removed from the economic machine every single month, for everyone working. Extend that to two months, and once every two months a decent refrigerator is gone. Let's say you had a gas guzzler and you drove it a lot. Let's say your gas bill when gas was cheaper was $350 a month, which was not unusual. Suddenly your gas bill is $980 a month. What's that going to do? The math is not hard folks, Elon is right. If gas prices are not brought down, it is all going to crash. Gas prices have skyrocketed to record highs, forcing some families to choose between filling their tank and putting food on the table. But for the oil execs whose stock holdings have soared, these are happy days — and some of them are cashing in their shares at unusually high rates: https://news.yahoo(Please use archive.today)/oil-execs-cash-crazy-while-084839242.html ▲ FLASHBACK: Biden admits he needs to collapse the Untited States economy for their "Great Reset" "Green New Deal" bullshit very little care for or wants: https://summit.news/2022/05/24/video-biden-admits-sky-rocketing-energy-prices-are-part-of-green-transition/ ▲ FLASHBACK: Biden administration cancels gas lease opportunities despite soaring fuel prices: https://www.naturalnews(Please use archive.today)/2022-05-15-biden-admin-cancels-gas-lease-opportunities.html ▲ FLASHBACK: Biden admin cancels massive oil and gas lease sale amid record-high gas prices: https://www.msn(Please use archive.today)/en-us/news/us/biden-admin-cancels-massive-oil-and-gas-lease-sale-amid-record-high-gas-prices/ar-AAXaRXw ▲ FLASHBACK: Natural News founder and editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, has predicted a massive wave of food shortages in the very near future amid the still-collapsing global and domestic supply chain crisis that is getting worse thanks to spiking gas and diesel fuel prices brought on by Joe Biden's anti-fossil fuel policies: https://citizens.news/619666.html ▲ FLASHBACK: USA Watchdog w/Martin Armstrong; Insane Globalists Are Collapsing The World Economy: https://rumble(Please use archive.today)/vwjmwl-insane-globalists-collapsing-world-economy-martin-armstrong.html ▲ FLASHBACK: How The Ukraine Conflict Is Designed To Benefit Globalists: https://alt-market.us/order-out-of-chaos-how-the-ukraine-conflict-is-designed-to-benefit-globalists/ ▲ FLASHBACK: Globalists Flock To Doomsday Bunkers While World Bank Tells Peasant Class NOT To Store Food: https://www.lewrockwell(Please use archive.today)/2022/03/no_author/elite-flock-to-doomsday-bunkers-world-bank-tells-peasant-class-not-to-store-food/ ▲ FLASHBACK: The Biden administration has proven to be an economic disaster for the American people, and it’s critical he be impeached to prevent America from collapsing even further, Alex Jones explained Thursday: https://www.infowars(Please use archive.today)/posts/biden-must-be-impeached-now-to-save-america/ ▲ FLASHBACK: The United States must increase its domestic capacity for high-purity minerals, gases, and chemicals, or else American semiconductor capacity — and national security — will remain highly dependent on foreign factors outside of its own control: https://nationalinterest(Please use archive.today)/blog/techland-when-great-power-competition-meets-digital-world/critical-materials-can-make-or-break
When The Economy Collapses, Don't You Dare Forget Who To Blame Not unlike that shit movie The Matrix, when Morpheus makes this now-famous speech to Neo, many people in the U.S. are walking around feeling the same type of intangible that Neo carried with him before being introduced to the matrix. Many of these people, myself included, know deep down that something went horribly askew when we were taken off the gold standard in 1971. And today, many people witnessing soaring inflation are starting to feel their spider senses tingle even more: something is definitely wrong with “the system”. But not everybody can put their finger on exactly what is wrong. Left unchecked by gold, it took us less than half a century to destroy our currency, run production out of the U.S., become reliant on importing almost everything we use on a daily basis, turn the country into a third world country and run up a nearly $30 trillion national tab, all while the Fed has stacked almost $10 trillion in subprime crap onto its balance sheet. Along our merry way we have also pissed on and/or made a mockery of almost every safeguard (like the debt ceiling) we once put in our place for our own future good. Make no mistake about it: we have become severely addicted debt and spending junkies, horrifyingly misinformed at best and nefariously negligent to the consequences of our actions at worse. And now, the train is officially off the tracks.
The new propaganda coming out is "beef prices are rising so much, we need to eat less meat goyim" however that's all being manufactured. I'll post a copypasta for a simple solution again that will give you PLENTY of beef & save you a lot of money too: Support you local farmers markets, make contacts and exchange info (business cards would do), buy from your local farmers around the area, consider buying quarter or half cow from a trusted source (half cow lasts a couple 2 years, longer if rationed). Cost of half cow is around 1.5K + small meat processing fee from the local processing plant. You'll need a box freezer to store most of it, and your regular freezer to store the rest. Or you could go with two box freezers and have more freezer space to spare, either way. If you are buying a quarter or half cow, it's not at store cost (which would be a rip-off as stores charge extra per pound!) You won't be paying a price gouge fee, so it will save you a lot of money and that much beef will last you for some time!
what does this old man with dementia have to do with anything maga TRUMP shut down the fucking economy over the flu and then printed 6 TRILLION out of thin air to drop from helicopters with bullshit subs like giving niggers 2k and giving 50 billion to KODAK to make a """""""""vaccine"""""""" (yes the fucking company that makes camera FILM and no they kept the money and didnt do fuck all ) do you even know how fucking big ONE trillion is, thats a fucking million PER DAY for 2739 YEARS uhuhhu where all this inflation come from uhhhhhhhhhh it must be the old man who toooch kids ye maga he make price go up magaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
>>15971 >what does this old man with dementia have to do with anything His canceling domestic oil pipelines caused massive price inflation. But the debt insolvency is another problem, the Federal Reserve has been creating debt from thin air like mad ever since the endless wars after 9/11 and escalated the insolvency after the (manufactured) 2008 mortgage-backed security fraud crisis. Since then everything has gone downhill. Now that the oil companies can't keep up anymore and contracts are canceled? We are going third world, all by design. Better hope the fuck you got prepared in advance and have what you need to survive.
>>15971 By the way, that so-called "vaccine" was intended to cull a lot of the herd before they bring this country down on it's knees. Canceling nearly all the oil and gas leasing contracts in the country, on top of draining our strategic reserves is going to wreck the economy for good. This is only the very beginning of the end. https://www.foxbusiness(Please use archive.today)/politics/biden-administration-misses-major-oil-lease-deadline https://townhall(Please use archive.today)/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2022/07/05/biden-is-selling-us-reserve-oil-to-foreign-countries-n2609776 PS: anyone telling anons not to prepare is an enemy, a communist who wants you to starve and become fully dependent on government rationing. That is exactly what this is leading to, and all by design to usurp individual rights and upend our lifestyles. If you have not prepared yet you are running out of time.
>>15965 There are 9000 approved spots for drilling oil none of that is the issue though. Shell and exoon closed refineries during pandemic and they won't open them back up, they are going into renewable fuels. Enjoy the same gas prices as the rest of the world, faggot

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