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Anonymous 05/22/2022 (Sun) 00:37:42 Id: baceb8 No. 15602
Jews and leftists have gotten janny positions on half chan's /pol/ board. They are selectively banning threads they don't like and promoting threads they do like to try and control the discussion on the board. If you start a Jew hate thread you can an instant ban. But inter-racial porn spam threads and anti-White demoralisation threads stay up for hours. As do threads started by Jewish anti-White bigots that try to depict White people as being evil.
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should I post this on fb?
>>15602 it's all over 4cuck's not just /pol/, the bots there are worse. I just hope the smartest of the lot will come here eventually
it's amazing too how the people who hated that website the most got to be moderators and in charge, successfully sabotaging it. Outsiders hated 4chan more than anons ever loved it.
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>>15602 That place is hopelessly flooded with paid shills at every level. Abandon the half chan ship! > Enjoy the infinity chan cruise
That has been the case for years, even before Gamergate. People tend to have a fond memory of how half/pol/ had been as free speech as free can be, but it should be noted that this has always been in spite of moderation practices and in spite of who holds the reigns, absolutely never as a result of it. >>15736 Bots have always plagued the site. It's not a recent development.
>>15602 Welcome to 2014, you stupid fucking retard. Why do you think 8chan exists in the first place?
>>15736 This place is dead compared to the original infinity. Where are the archived threads where beginners can learn? On the original infinity as a noob, when I asked a question I got high-quality responses within hours; is that happening here?
>>15812 Stop being a whiny little bitch you faggot. Ask stupid retard questions. Get treated like a fucking subhuman niggerjew.
>>15813 Your IQ is so low you proved my point. This chan will never be anywhere near as good as the original infinity.
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>>15828 https://8kun.top/ is the actual successor to 8ch.net, same guy. Came back a few months after Tarrant did pest control. The place has a paid kike shill in https://8kun.top/pnd/catalog.html Keep your VPN up.
>>15837 Who trusts Jim?
>>15837 >When do you leave? I'll go back to England when they invite me over to help deport all the Pajeets and "Asians"
What is the most alive imageboard that: -allows Tor posting -no javascript (if possible) -free speech ?
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this retard is a mod, He spammed nigger dick threads on /v/ a while ago. The funny thing is, good old Rugg is very insecure when it comes to his dick, because it's very tiny. He posted his nigger micropenis on /a/. He had a little meltdown on /v/ a few months ago because anons laughed about the tiny noodle he calls a penis. janitors auto banning anyone typing the name in the screen cap which is a nigger in a discord server who is apparently a moderator for the 4chan board..
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https://files.catbox.moe/cevnr2.mp4 Archive of his discord server for proof
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https://archive.4plebs(Please use archive.today)/pol/thread/384905070
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4/pol/ is dead
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>>15920 Merged
1. 4pol is mostly botposting. 2. Threads on 4pol are NOT bumped by new posts, but are bunped randomly with every realod of the page. 3. The administration and mod teams are OPFOR. So, as others have said; it's dead. Worse than that; it actively works against us by sucking in new users to keep them busy and away from meaningful action, allowing shills to push their ideas and campaigns upon new users, and sharing data about newcomers to our side with the CIAniggers. The task then becomes getting the REAL users onto this platform and other REAL platforms, without bringing the bots and shills. Platforms like 4/cuck/ are resistant to this because they are actively hostile to any mention of other chan platforms. And we really need to start thinking about this and working on a solution FUCKING YESTERDAY.
>>15942 I believe every word of this. I've noticed that 4cuck's /pol/ has gone to shit lately, even moreso than before.
>>15942 they must work in teams, mods and jannies posing as standard posters. the moderation must be completely bought. it's the only real way to neutralize a board and it's culture. they had their techniques back in the day, but they've resorted to more sophisticated means since. now instead of infiltrating board culture or repeatedly spamming the board with CP, they simply pressure the owner into selling up, much like that fucking retarded cripple midget. moot himself was always bought, just another agent in place. it looks like a lot of these /pol/s are controlled, they have been abandoned and there is a musty stench. they're obviously manned by a few gatekeepers whose job is to prevent any organic coherence. take 8kunt's /pnd/ for example. there is a singular obnoxious shitposter there that pollutes every last thread with "huurrr your mother"- level insults. just obviously a full on shill, this idiot makes like 100 of these posts a day. seemingly no attempts are made to maintain the board or remove this person. endchan's /pol/ seemed to me to be being attacked by the same one-fed army. there was a person who repeatedly needed banning, and the post style was exactly the same. these retards don't seem to realize we can tell the same poster by their writing style and posting times. the only hope for any realistic revival of the /pol/ of a few years back is a board detached from a greater entity, tightly run, with a trustworthy moderation team who aren't afraid to swing the banhammer on obvious shills. the reason is that as far back as we can remember, the boards and even other incidental webzones were compromised from inception. it was all rigged from the start, not just the "exodus" but the events preceeding that too. the convenient "rise of nationalism" which seemed to occur and then disappear just as quickly, I could yammer on about that quite a bit, but I digress. other than that it looks to me like /soc/ is an unusual cancer vector which they probably use to bring in normgroids and water down any other board that they visit. /s4s/ and /r9k/ seem to be test grounds for actual bots, /b/ is used as a large depository of bots shitting out bbc threads as well as their "employees" in "training". each of the boards seems to have a moderation team that as far as I can tell, use shadowbans and light bans to keep order according to the global rules, but this is distinctly different to how the more specialized boards are being run. the bot presence is far more obvious on /b/, /pol/, /v/, /vg/, /tv/, /sp/, and /s4s/
Hunter Biden threads got nuked
Ah--so the feds control 8chan as well.
Australian users are completely banned from starting 4/pol/ threads. Any Australian flag you see as an OP is from a tiny minority of controlled opposition users who make all the general threads. This has been the situation for more than 6 months and admin isn't even revealing why Australian users are all range banned
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Yeah, I'm going with COMPed on this one. 4pol threads about Hunter's cellphone data are getting shoah'd, and anyone posting in them are getting automatic 14 day bans. Fuck the jannies
>>15996 skitzo take. some Aussie ISP IP ranges are banned, but not all. Every time i get b& on halfchan, if i ever want to bake again, i have to keep restarting my router until the IP i get falls outside of the rangebaned IP's
I just got an automatic 3 day ban for typing neinchan into the hunter biden thread on cuckchan. The ban for for "banned text" lmao
>>15999 Replying to any thread from hunter's phone leak gives the "dox" thread even if the images are blurred and there is no dox info at all. Even on /bg/ threads they are deleting and banning any "new" hunter biden pictures.
>>16002 yes, this happened to me also
Reminder: 4chan is a glowie run cesspool.
Who's making the next Hunter Biden thread on cuckchan. Gibs link. It'll be nice if we can trigger another exodus.
>>15996 There are a lot of aussie fags on /pol/ though.
>>16005 https://boards.4chan(Please use archive.today)/pol/thread/386094674
>>16000 A large number are banned from posting but even more are banned from making threads. Most users are in a pool of ISP's which are all banned, perma-bans mean the banned IP's just accumulate. This effects people from smaller IP pools to a far greater degree- so rural fags, people from small cities, people in subnets.
>>16006 Many of the users are actually bots, and many users who can post can't make threads. That's a very deliberate admin choice, I don't know of any other users who can post but not make threads.
>>16009 Yeah. That's strange, but then again there is a lot of truth to what this anon said. >>16004 Hiromoot is in bed with glowies.
>>16004 GTFIH https://boards.4chan(Please use archive.today)/pol/thread/386098785
>>16008 >Australian users are completely banned from starting 4/pol/ threads. >Any Australian flag you see as an OP is from a tiny minority of controlled opposition users who make all the general threads. i'm aware of the situation, but what you initially said was fake news
>>16006 that other guy is retarded. most of the bots he's talking about are probably me. i also get called a discord (Hello, I just arrived from Discord, please bully me), a kike, etc, because i shit the joint up all the time. this is also the reason why many Aussie ISP's are rangebanned; because Ausfags shit things up so bad. anon is a skitzo
>>16013 If you can still post on cuckchan then go to this thread and bump it >>16011.
>>16006 >>16013 and of course, when i say rangebanned, i mean rangebanned from baking, not from posting >>16014 (heiled) sure, i'll bump your turd for you, sepo
>>16010 but what are the other options? The internet is financed by google tracking software, advertisers won't pay unless they can target groups of users. >>16012 I admit it's not entirely true- but it's closer to the truth than anyone would like. I can't tell you exactly how many IP's and users are range banned, but it's a fucking lot. I believe it's actually bigger than the ban on Israel that JIDF earned.
this place works good. much better than cuckchan. think i'm going to stick around. sepo, if it was you that shilled this joint in that thread i was in, cheers
>>15942 >>16002 >The administration and mod teams are OPFOR I have never been banned from cuck/pol/ for any reason, even when I posted doxx or did some really heinous shitpostingI'm a leaf after I came back from not being online. I'm continually posting on my naked IP in every thread, and more recently, those Hunter Biden threads and I've yet to be hit with a ban where other anons have been. Curiously enough, I've been warned on /gif/ for racism, and banned from /biz/ for racism. Not cuck/pol/. I'm definitely on a list >>16023 I HATE NIGGERS TOO
sorry to shit up the thread. mods, feel free to please mop up muh posts for free
>>16024 Jannies probably do a ip location check or something related to information gathering in their glownigger manuals, my flag probably makes me unworthy of glowniggatry. FUCK NIGGERS
So I'm guessing it's just Israel that's fully banned here, or is it all VPN's? i hope not
>>16031 haha really, that is quite based
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>>16024 <pic related is the warning on /gif/ and the text that caused it, as well as the ID in question >>16030 Probably. Probably not. No idea. I've long stopped giving a shit and I no longer have anything to lose. glowniggers tongue my anus and hotpockets do it for free >>16031 I'm on a Romanian VPN right now. TOR posting is also a thing, not sure if this board disabled it or not.
#demotext { color: #FFFFFF; background: #333333; text-shadow: 0 -1px 4px #FFF, 0 -2px 10px #ff0, 0 -10px 20px #ff8000, 0 -18px 40px #F00; color: #FFFFFF; background: #333333; }
>>16034 I got a 3d B& on /v/ for posting a image of a faggot jannie roleplaying on IRC, jej, also i got banned on /vg/ for answering a question as well. huehuehue. GLOWNIGGERS TONGUE MY ANUS
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>>16034 yeah, i'm the Ausfag that was posting earlier, but now on a sepo VPN. i tried to post from an Israeli one, and got connection failed lol, as i expected Pissrael must be fully banned, as it was on 8ch.net. traffic seems to be enough for now too. very comfy, i must say. anyone want to spoonfeed me the onion link?
>>16029 >>16032 how do I do css?? tried here >>16035 but no good
>>16040 Thank you good sir have a good day
>>16038 >Pissrael must be fully banned Hard to say. The obfuscation that anons found out around the time geolacation was implemented makes it hard to tell; hotpockets turned Palestinian flags into Israeli flags. You occasionally see a few kike flags floating about, but, again, really hard to say whether it's trolls trolling trolls or actual shills. I suppose that was the intention in the first place. >i'm the ausfag I'm the leaf who posted about Gabriel Brouse. :^)
>>16023 Came here to say this
>>16027 <span class="redText"><span class="moeText">I HATE NIGGERS</span></span> test
>>16047 TEST
>>16047 nigger.onion
http://4usoivrpy52lmc4mgn2h34cmfiltslesthr56yttv2pxudd3dapqciyd.onion that's the onion. you can get it from just under the reply button at the top of the screen
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This is it, faggots. We're getting the old gang back together again. With the Hunter Biden leak crackdown ongoing on 4chan this is a golden opportunity for 8chan to be reborn from the ashes. I know this place is pretty dead right now, but don't let that discourage you. Instead you should look at it as a new and exciting opportunity to help build the next great imageboard which will (hopefully) overtake 4chan and finally kill off that glowie cesspool. Spread the message. Help trigger the next great exodus. Don't limit yourself to just spreading the word to 4chan, but spread it anywhere you thin is best. Let everyone know that we're tired of dealing with cuckchan and (((hiromoot)))'s bullshit. We're tired of word filters, banned texts that result in automatic lengthy bans, shitty 3mb no audio webms, and tranny janny oppression. Finally and most importantly: Contribute. Make threads here, reply to anons, breath life into this place with your contributions. This is our chance to build a new home that's better than the last one, better than any that's come before it. Godspeed & welcome home.
>>16065 Godspeed anons. Fuck the niggers. Gas the kikes. Race war now.
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Oh it's looking comfy in here already.
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Heil Hitler!
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I'm starting to feel that 2014 exodus energy. This could be the start of something beautiful.
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I'm here, thank you for reminding me this place exists. After seeing the 404 threads on 4chan, looks like the jannies have zogged it up pretty good.
Hiro is ccp duh.
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>>16087 Reminder to go back and pull as many anons from the shit hole that is 4chan as you can. This goes for all of us. We all need to do our part.
bumping this thread for visibility for any new arrivals.
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Made it.
Fuck cuckchan.
>>16065 I feel like the not Yotsuba CSS is gonna throw some anons off, best if we could show anons how to change it.
niggers tongue my anus
>>15920 >rugga is a cuckchan mod this explains so much.
>>16118 Please. I'd be much obliged.
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Faggot mods on 4chan delete my posts almost instantly. Not sure how they're identifying them so fast, unless they're just sitting on those Hunter Biden threads and waiting. I've changed the pic related multiple times and even avoid typing out the url in the text of my post, but it gets nuked and I get banned immediately.
Here are some active Hunter Biden threads on cuckchan if anyone would like to help https://boards.4chan(Please use archive.today)/pol/thread/386130762 https://boards.4chan(Please use archive.today)/pol/thread/386133336 https://boards.4chan(Please use archive.today)/pol/thread/386134264
>>16125 fuckers are fast. need more help
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>>16126 I think we need a different approach, anon. Instead of targeting hunter biden threads we need to post in other threads with something like pic related which will give us longer exposure time before getting nuked.
>>16124 Is cuckchan able to detect website addresses in images and automatically filter them out? I tried posting the same address as you on an image. Just a red background with white bold text so that it's hard to miss. But I got an error every time I tried to post it.
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>>16126 >>16129 >>16131 Instructions: 1. Grab a regular looking gif file. Anything you want. We'll call this the "dupe gif". You can find a ton of them on 4plebs(Please use archive.today)/pol/ by searching for ".gif" in the filename field. 2. Go to ezgif (dot) com/maker 3. Upload the dupe gif plus the 8chan.gif to ezgif (pic related #1) 4. Press "re-size" to make everything the same size or the process will fail to produce a gif (pic related #2) 5. Leave the 1st frame as is and move the 8chan.gif as the 2nd frame and increase the delay for it to 1000 6. Press "skip" for every frame that comes afterwards (pic related #3) 7. Press "Make GIF!" and your new gif will be shown on the bottom. If it looks good, save it to your computer and post it on 4chan. 8. Make no mention of 8chan or exodus or anything like that in your post on 4chan & use a wide variety of dupe gifs so they can't clamp down on it. 9. Profit
>>16131 Only if your filename was something like 8chan or 8chan.moe. I don't think it can detect text in an image. This method >>16135 can't be blocked though.
>>16135 allright sounds like a plan.
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>>16139 You can just use an image instead of a gif for the dupe. Just make sure you rename the dupe image as .gif and make sure it's the first frame.
>>16065 Merged
>>16147 >merged That was a fucking retarded move. What a fucking idiot you are. Calm your autism retard. Better yet kill yourself.
>>16147 What did you merge?
>>16175 the welcome to 8moe thread.
>>16013 based and same kek
>>16024 I got banned when the canadian convoys donation list got hacked for making a thread about the tranny that took credit for it. Just posted a public screenshot of the tranny admitting it dozed the convoy, and they banned me for doxxing.
>>16087 reported you to @stopantisemites on twitter
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>>16124 >>16135 Just as an FYI, the site has a hotlink block that keep REEEEing SJWs away from some of the boards, including this one and /b/. You may wish to point people to the board indirectly to get around it. e.g. "8chan.moe - visit /pol/." The block doesn't apply if you've posted on the site, its just to keep outsiders from causing trouble. If your digging starts a shitstorm then we'll weather it for you as best we can. Godspeed, and keep it legal.
On the biden threads at 4cuck, there's either some shitters or it's /lefty/fags trying to make fun, it seems the jannies don't ban them because they are making fun of anyone trying to find more about the hunter biden leaks. 4cuck is literally making it too obvious that the janny team is retarded.
>>16192 the best discussions i’ve seen of it so far are on kiwi
>>15602 Have you ever been stalked by jannies/glowies on /pol/? Please answer my thread: >>16211
>>16192 >they are making fun of anyone trying to find more about the hunter biden leaks. Its a Goon tactic, anything that pisses them off or scares them they attack it by making fun of it as if they didnt give a shit. If you see leftytrannies pulling this kind of shit on anything it means it has their attention and it makes them panick.
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>>16065 Yeeeeeeeeee
Are we finally getting a sequel to that other cuckchan exodus? Many have said it's compromised for ages, yet kept using it because muh traffic. What good is traffic when you have mods crushing any information or discussion their buddies in politics and the media dislike?
>>16236 >What good is traffic when you have mods crushing any information or discussion their buddies in politics and the media dislike? It works for reddit, why wouldn't it work for 4cucks? If anything this event did help showing that jannies are a problem, what will people do i know not and only the future can tell but you'd better expect some niggers in there to still talk in favor of 4cucks because of the sunken cost thingy, they spent too much time there and would rather not leave, not even on the /qa/ happenings there's a single comment, there's a few threads on /b/ about hunter though, meanwhile on one hunter thread that jannies are keeping a watch in, the argentina faggot that keeps posting "daddy" gay videos got a hold of biden threads.
getting 404 on surface web. is that the situation for other anons too, or is the A*stralian government mopping shit up again?
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brodie is scared about the bbc`s. And now reflects his unsecurity onto others. Smh
4troon won't even let you post. Very gay.
>>16337 Post what exactly? did they blacklist the images or something?
Weeeeeeeee less gay captcha love you faggots
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>>16373 Kek, watch the blacked retard trying to pull a reddit. Also has anyone noticed that shit threads and poster quality greatly decreased for these past few days? I don't have communications channel and what not but i wonder if people noticed that the current janny team need to be purged from life.
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yeah, i can see how 4ch is dead now, - full of shills n bots. First time here - coming from 4chan/ pol/
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Testing, testing. 5
Testing again, why 2 captchas??
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>>15602 >>15999 >>16065 >>16124 >>16376 Everyone is jumping ship, I'm pretty sure a mass exodus is happening as we speak from pol and 4chan in general, all genuine anons are now scattering to other chans. 4chan has become virtually unusable and unreadable with the overwhelming amount of some variation of cuck porn spamming, shilling, slide threads etc and anons are tired of everything notable getting instantly shoah'd the moment it makes it. This is it, I'm personally going to frenschan but I would encourage every anon to shill altchans and save genuine anons from that cancerous place. To all glowniggers and shill kike rats reading. I hope you're happy, I hope you enjoy trying to control 20 other chans with admins who are privvy of your jew tricks. You killed your golden goose, like typical kikes, you lacked the foresight that we will just eventually move and now you will have to sink even more manpower and resources into controlling a narrative while also with the added caveat that you don't own any jannies or the infrastructure on alt-chans. Eat shit faggots.
>>15602 Anyone that went back to cuckchan after the exodus deserves all the bad things that happen to them.
>>16393 When did the exodus exactly start? Because if frenschan is any indication, as its only been up for 3 months, a lot have already migrated, and now we are trying to free the straggler anons who haven't figured it out yet or are still valiantly but in futility BTFO kike and glowniggers at every corner
>>16391 i got banned for posting about 8chan, and talking about all the shill shit on halfchan. shits fucked lol
I got banned for posting about Trump and Epstein, then they aggressively went after my alts that I used to talk about Trump and Epstein.
>>16393 I'm thinking on going back only to use /b/ and /soc/ so that maybe i can get my dick wet, all other boards are nuclear waste to me now until these jannyfags commit seppuku.
>>16194 Link the thread please, or tell us what forum it's under.
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/toy is run by a sensitive rightard on a power trip, because he's a beta who will never amount to anything outside of a small board he holds power over. Rightard filth get shot in the back eventually. ygwnbr
I went to halfchan today, holy fuck I wish I hadn't. Shills. Shills everywhere.
>>15602 Dude, they are just deleting every thread talking about how Pelosi's helicopter got shot down. Even the wikipedia showed this. Picrel
I'm fully convinced that 50% to 80% of all posts on halfchan are bots, shills, NGOs and glowies all combined. It has been like this since all the tech pedophiles publicly proclaimed after Trump that they will never let anything like him ever happen again. After that proclamation, the quality of all posts declined rapidly and the amount of doomposting, lefty threads and bbc and tranny spam increased exponentially. This picked up even more after fullchan was shoah'd in 2019. BUT HERE'S THE MAIN POINT: Have you noticed how there is some kind of interesting thread, but in it 90% of posts are brain dead takes (clearly GPT-3 bots spamming disinfo) AND THEN someone effortposts and the thread is instantly dead? I've seen in more times that I can count, especially in the past half a year or so and it also just keeps picking up pace.
Jewish people (Bernd Bergmair, David Marmorstein, Fabian Thylmann) own Mindgeek (which owns Pornhub, RedTube, YouPorn, Brazzers, and others), Jewish people (Stephane Michael Pacaud) own WGCZ S.R.O. (XVideos, Bang Bros, XNXX) , Jewish people (Antony Deblon) own XFC Inc (Nubiles and associated sites). Should whites get more involved to try to own the industry, or is it beneath us?
>>16251 >not even on the /qa/ happenings there's a single comment Haven't you heard brazilbro? /qa/ got nuked, (allegedly) they raided /lgbt/, and all the faggots who didn't kill themselves reeeeeee'd to the mods, and thus /qa/ is no more. Well, it did sort of get reborn into soyjak.party, at least.
User was banned for posting trash
4chans dead jannies are absolutely pozzed
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So, I posted on 4chan for years. I discovered /pol/ after a few years on /b/. Initially, it seemed like a good place. This was back when the original infinitychan existed so I would post there and on 8chan. 8chan posters always seemed more intelligent, whereas the 4chan posters always seem retarded, to say the least. If you go to 4chan nowadays, you (Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan, please bully me) same shit on 4chan daily. The same shit is on 4/pol/ every single day. >QAnon >MIGA, muhfucka! >faggot concern trolling posts >"checkmate, racists" posting >"Oh no" bait threads >Posts about trannies, black cock or black tranny cock >Pornography being posted >Asian tradwives are based >Based hapas >Muh glowies >glowniggers reeeeeeee The entire quality of 4chan /pol/ has diminished and it's just impossible to have any kind of serious historical or political discussion there. It's just a bunch of low IQ shit posting. Why is that? Why is 8chan better?
Everyone worth something migrated from 4chan to some other imageboard long ago, you will only find retards, lazy faggots, redditors and literal bots.
>>18927 My sentiments, exactly. I'm disgusted by how it's just a porn site now.
>>18928 Welcome then, dont expect high PPH but aslong as you arent a faggot you should be able to integrate with the site.
>>18929 Thanks, anon.
Because halfchan is gay. And infiltrated.
>>18926 Merged

Quick Reply