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Twitter Salt Mining Thread Anonymous 04/25/2022 (Mon) 22:05:54 Id: 000000 No. 15183
Elon "crashes your shitcoin" Musk just bought Twitter (https://archive.ph/pweWJ and https://archive.ph/5cyDH), essentially becoming worse than Hitler, Stalin and Mao combined. Let's collect tears examples of people butthurt concerned by this sad event.
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Even if nothing comes of this, atleast we will have some laughs.

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Bless you, anon
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https://archive.ph/ZFQ9Z https://archive.ph/XTgcX https://archive.ph/wUzsn Here's archives/screenshots of some tweets I saw linked from this Twitter thread: https://twitter(Please use archive.today)/lizzywol/status/1518618646565863429 https://archive.ph/RfXKR
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>Before Musk buys Twatter <You do realize that you don't have to use Twitter, shitlords, just make your own site >After Musk buys Twatter <TWITTER IS MORE THAN A PUBLIC CORPORATION, IT'S A BASIC HUMAN RIGHT
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This isn't all salt but they're discussing GamerGate. >>15193 The shoe really is on the other foot. They don't even realize what hypocrites they are. I agree, social media is a modern public square and no single person or company should be able to dictate how a platform is used. It would be like the only town notice board being owned by a single company. There should be regulation for tech companies dictating fairness to all users and mediation for disputes over interpretations of the rules. When this was floated a few years ago, Democrats turned it down, hard. Watch them suddenly take an interest.
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The salt is actually getting sparse. The loudest voices are now sucking Elon's cock. Seems like the ones who meant it are actually gone already and anyone left arguing is probably sticking around. I get the feeling a lot of old users returned for a victory lap.
>>15183 >66.png Good. >77.png Good. >78.png Good. >79.png Twitter is a publicly traded company. Go protest for communism in DC, faggot.
>>15183 >80.png >Refuge >public Lmao. >Losing communities Twitter is not the only website. >Then he's gonna after the rest of the queer community How? Buying more sites? It's EZ PZ to make a website for queerosexuals fag. He can't buy them all, more will keep popping up. It's like trying to stop piracy.
>>15184 >81.png Good >I'm not gay.png You don't give a rat's ass bout Bill Gaytes though. >82.png Good. Go build your own Twitter. >Capture.png They won't. >83.png Good.
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>>15183 Always kill jews and leftards.
>>15194 >The last thing we need is to wake up in 50 years and find that a bunch of #gamergate nobheads [sic] are running Mars. We won't be denied our destiny.
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Looks like Twatter may actually become usable.
What difference does he make if hes has twitter? It still requires a phone number to make an account and you still need an account to view anything that might be nsfw.
>Shaun King deleted his account out of butthurt https://nitter.hu/search?f=tweets&q=shaun+king lmao
>>15202 Found this in my /gg/ image folder. >>15206 Talcum eX-twitter user.
>>15183 >66 You cant undo the butchery you went through. >78 I assume someone dressed up as musk called him a faggot. >80 >the queerocaust >>15185 >86 Musk is now the grand marshall of the ordo hetericus. >>15186 >file Man thats some nice salt.
What's this I hear about people spamming "Nigger" on Twatter?
>>15186 >89 >UsE tHe MuTe BuTtOn, MuSk! The absolute audacity and/or lack of self-awareness of this nigger.
>>15205 >you still need an account to view anything that might be nsfw. Nitter.net
>>15220 Nitter doesn't work anymore. Shit just comes up blank. Or doesn't show up at all.
>>15221 Works on my machine™. Have you tried other instances of it?
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I must admit I wasn't expecting so many to go to other social media platforms. Or at least threaten to., after this buyout.
>>15228 Why is "The Left" so much more willing to boycott than "The Right"? I bet a bunch of self-proclaimed NatSocs on this board still rationalize paying Netflix despite the borderline kiddo porn on that platform.
>>15228 >>15235 They are more willing to CLAIM that they will go to other sites. The same way they were all going to move to Canada if Trump won in 2016. They talk shit and do fuck all. That is all the left does. That is all the left will do.
>>15236 I will add that the retards on the left need validation for their words in order to live their lives as a validated one. They get that easily through twitter.
>>15237 It's quite ironic that they need approval from their Twatter friends to even consider the possibility of leaving Twatter.
>>15238 Approval by others is the only purpose of virtue signalling.
>>15236 >>15237 Good points, thanks
Welp, I just downloaded my Twitter archive (11 gigabytes!), if Twitter implodes I've still got my archive to refer to now.
>>15265 Could you possibly upload it and link it?
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Trump finally posts on Truth Social, DWAC stock jumps up $4 https://archive.ph/lC1od
>>15268 Nope, that would take like forever. I'm just gonna munch popcorn from this point onwards. And watch the shit hit the fan (from a safe distance for the popcorn's sake).

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