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Hypergamy Anonymous 04/08/2022 (Fri) 12:56:26 Id: 413405 No. 14934
This triggered a lot of men on 4chan. There's a surprisingly large number of white niggers on 4chan /pol/. This chick, I think, is a literal neo-Nazi. She's talking about eugenics via hypergamy. You can tell that she believes in the Swastika nonsense a little too much - lots of male white supremacists got triggered, and she went on about Shiva and Chakras and some Hindu mumbo jumbo. But I get it. Our current system rewards low IQ breeding. Some hoodlum thug gets to father children with several different women, and his kids are put on welfare and become a burden on the productive people in society. A man without a job wouldn't even get to be a father back in the day. Granted, back then, it was way more accessible for a man to find employment. You could be a mentally disabled man, and someone would have a job as a ditch digger for you, and that job would provide you with enough to buy your own house and provide for your retarded wife and retard children. Now, decent jobs are comparatively hard to come by. But, with that in mind, if you are one of the men with a decent nine-to-five job, it should make you more desirable now. You shouldn't have to be a doctor or a lawyer, but a good job that provides you with enough food and shelter for you and a few other people should at least put you in front of the unemployed boy who sits at home smoking weed every day. Margaret Sanger said that capitalism was making whites weak, but I think that whites probably used to have the highest IQs in the world on average. It's Asians now, but that is only due to sexual selection, IMO. Philip J. Rushton is this "racist" anthropologist whose work is banned throughout academia, but he claimed that low IQs were correlated with penis lengths. Penis lengths were linked to promiscuity. Black women were most promiscuous; therefore, blacks had the lowest IQs and most violent behavior. Asian women were the least promiscuous; consequently, Asians had the highest IQs and most family values. Rushton found that whites were in the middle, and critics claim that he's stating that whites were superior because of some goldilocks shit. But, I think that whites might be in a transitionary period. If you consider that Sexual Selection is a real phenomenon, then CULTURE PLAYS A ROLE IN GENETICS. Whites will eventually be dumbed down to the level of blacks if the trend continues.
>>14934 ask her if she supports top tier men pairing with young fertile women, i bet shes against that. women dont have any principles, they just want chad to simp for them. what is this lady willing to sacrifice for the benefit of her people?
Fool. The suppression of hypergamy is in her best interest. Hypergamy has to be compromised upon in order for society to even exist and especially for a woman to have a decent life. The only way to get 100% of a man's labour potential is to give him a family to tend to. If men don't even have families, they'll drop out, society collapses (or gets overthrown by another civilisation), and then women will ultimately suffer s(Hello, I just arrived from Leddit, please bully me)ife will return to the rule of might, as seen in the animal kingdom or they'll be conquered by the invading men. So yes, every employable man needs to be given a family, otherwise, he is not interested in society's wellbeing and will either not give 100% or he will work for himself, at the detriment of his society.
>>14934 unchecked hypergamy ultimately leads to harems. If that's how many women today like to live, then let them. Imagine 100 roasties having to share 1 chad. I think it's funny, but it could be just me.
>>14934 The solution is to stop being productive until society collapses. Then rebuild it under a tyranny that absolutely hunts and kills all who aren't White and all who are a burden to White Men. Stop trying to keep going a society that hates you. Actively destroy it, so everybody else is reduced to a poor status, then go for the kill.
>>14936 This.
>>14959 >for a woman to have a decent life Women are not people. Women must never have a good life. They are literally demons, and they should always be enslaved and live in misery. >society collapses That is a good thing. A organized society makes Men weak and slaves of rules that don't benefit the individual. >life will return to the rule of might Good. As it shall always be. >he is not interested in society's wellbeing and will either not give 100% or he will work for himself, at the detriment of his society Good. Individuality is more important than society. Collectivism is cancer.
fuck this slave shit war keeps fine mens numbers low enough so that an average yet fit enough to survive war has 1 woman a finer man can have 2 or more (among them prisoners he bring from war to fuck not as slaves but as captured women from the enemy warriors) war is the way of free man , peaceful miserable labour that of slaves ,separate yourself from the slave mindset, think of ideals not only what mediocre shit you have around you , you have to desire something for that to become real in most cases, and i think hypergamy means mating with an inferior not a man having several women but i think that is what is discussed here
>>15014 >i think hypergamy means mating with an inferior you could have simply looked up the definition of the word instead of guessing. hypergamy is when someone abandons their current partner for one they perceive to be better. usually it is women who do this. it is bad for civilization because we need average men to have stable families, or else they will not work hard and contribute to society. the only reason men work 70 hour weeks in careers they dislike is because they have families or at least hope to have a family one day. women would rather be in chad's harem than be average joe's wife, but smart chads figured out it's really scary when 80% of men have nothing to lose.
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4chan, or halfchan as I call it, is flooded with paid shills, WRITTEN OFF, abandoned ship, in the shill trash can. It is quite frankly bunker time because of the infinite 4chan paid shills. And that bunker is here, 8chan.moe. Halfchan is worth less than my garbage bin now. And my garbage is not worth anything at all. > 4chan is a shill dumpster fire. Yeah, to summarize I've left 4chan permanently because of the shill plague flood. Spider-man disgust style.
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>>15016 I'm not from Norway btw, I'm a bong. 4chan sucks ass! (that was an insult to 4chan)
>>15015 a chads a dangerous type like mma trained, armed or a bouncer or something like that or just some fucking weakling for the show mucles type fuckboy? i guess anyone that has a way of getting sluts to fuck by the bulk regardless of how? anyway who the fuck works that much but a fucking slave , bet is miserable shit too not anything even have fun doing , even if they are doing some educated office slave shit , let em have their slave women fuck other men behind their back i dont give a fuck just dont let some lustful fuck that wants to have like 10 women at once have enough wealth to provide for them theyll be back with weaklign hard hard working slave for money and protection that keeps em laboring carrying bricks about and such maybe make it illegal to fuck another mans wife will help among free men well its a matter of loyalty i would not abandon a girl for another regardless of looks i would never fuck some ugly bitch anyhow so it woul d not be like it matter much the difference and just fucking kill the fucking both of em if you find your woman betrays you like that is detererent enough you say like current so called society is something to preserve so slavelike and fucked up are the laws of the rabble of slaves are that if a man kills his wife and the man he was fucking wile he catches em on the act with fucking witnesses and all they wannna lock the man up for life o execute him , calling him the psycho, the madman and shit like that honor dont matter shit to the masses of slaves , wake the fuck up
>>15029 >make it illegal to fuck another mans wife will help The abolition of women's suffrage is a prerequisite to the criminalization of adultery.

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