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2020 United States Presidential Election Anonymous 08/12/2020 (Wed) 23:00:34 Id: bebaa2 No. 1391
So, now that all the players are announced, let's see how the next three months unfold. Streams to watch the election results: https://watch.8ch.moe/view/26985367-f948-4c5a-8da9-bc85a4cdb21d/ https://cytu.be/r/vchgameawards https://invidio.us/watch?v=9qd2aMTFkDE https://invidio.us/watch?v=2k8VFRjbsi4
Edited last time by Shellen on 11/04/2020 (Wed) 02:02:12.
Fuck, I just noticed I'm not on /v/. Whatever you still suck BO.
>>4579 You’re a broken record. If you were superior you’d be saving society instead of repeating self help booklet shit to yourself.
>>4579 You’re a broken record. If you were superior you’d be saving society instead of repeating self help booklet shit to yourself.
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>>4588 >I'm well aware of it, I just didn't delete it when I first saw it because I remember, when globals received notices on 8chan/8kun, they needed the post to not be deleted so that they could collect the information and pass it along to the proper authorities (And, then delete). Couldn't you just make a post saying that you were aware of it and you were contacting the authorities? It's clear that (((they))) are planning to shut this place down by framing it as a CP sharing site. Fucking glowniggers >>4597 >>4598 >Samefagging this blatantly
>>4600 >posting my edit Based.
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>>4612 I won't deny that whites are the most worthy since they have made great things, but there are those who don't submit into the jew's way and are one of the smart and luckey few in blacks and a few others. I would say Asians/Japanese are second since anime/hentai isn't jewed yet. Besides, they seem really passionate and don't give a shill for SJW fags.
anons, is the recount starting?
>>4618 This is what I want to know. Trump needs to get up off his ass and use the national emergency broadcast system or something because they keep suppressing his tweets and announcements. >Use national emergency broadcast system to declare dems terrorists >Take their terrorist asses out (legally) >Drink their minions tears as they libshit themselves into a seizure
>>4597 Says the subhuman from an inferior race who keeps sperging about his inferiority "meaning nothing". The white race is the superior race of all. And that is the most important thing in the world. You will never change this fact.
>>4622 Niggerpill don't you have some bagels in the oven rn? Go before they get cold.
>>4588 Is there no way to hide a thread at janitor level but not delete it?
>>4624 Wtf?
>>4623 >Being proud of the superiority of the white race is being a niggerpill All kikes like you will be killed, eventually.
>>4628 No you have the same format of simple declarative statements and refusal of logical argument, the hallmarks of blackpill/hanging flesh. Blackpill makes declarative statements like “we are all doomed” in reaction to posts, and he switches gears after a few days of a topic not working. He got BTFO’ed on /v/ and /pol/ so now he’s trying to make this place look like it glows for advertiser attacks. Which won’t work since the server host is now in house and therefore unassailable since this board is now entirely self sufficient. Blackpill also has no big brain tactics since his intellect is obviously low due to his repeated brute force tactics everyone’s used to and he has no concept of subtlety, he’s extremely easy to spot due to his posting style, which he’s too stupid to recognize and change.
>>4633 >no big brain tactics >extremely easy to spot due to his posting style, which he’s too stupid to recognize and change (((INABILITY TO CHANGE STRATEGY)))
>>4618 I heard nothing about recounts but that is to be expected. Trump is running multiple lawsuits across multiple states, so there is a lot to work through in a lot of places and from the info seeping through it sounds like dems are trying to cover their tracks.
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>>4637 https://archive.is/RkzQ4 Apparently BLM got some of the third party evil R*p*bl*c*n legal teams to fuck off. What's the point of courts if the defense/prosecution can simply call their opponent racist and win?
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>>3856 It's for people like him that the second amendment exists.
>>4638 What they don’t realize is that this expedites the period in which talking stops and violence starts. Perhaps that is why Biden and co are pushing for replacing all guns with smart guns. Guns that they control are guns that can’t be used against them. Crazy times are ahead in the US. The new is going all out. Are you all ready to do the same should peaceful methods fail?
>>4647 >Are you all ready to do the same should peaceful methods fail? That's a glowing question.
>>4648 The NFAC are a psyop and their own retarded monkey members shot eachother via negligent discharge. I wouldn't worry about them. Check out the interview Jesse Peterson did with their leader.
>>4649 I realize that it glows, but there eventually has to come a point where the kikes make peace impossible. Either the right bends over or they push back. If they do push back, it’s imperative that the kikes not be allowed to regain a foothold in the west.
This was the most corrupt election I've ever witnessed lads, holy shit. We've got autists finding ballot machines flipping votes for Biden, 10's of thousands of dead voters voting in the swing states, poll watchers kicked out, poll windows getting covered, hundreds of thousands of "found" ballots all for Biden appearing at 4am after all the observers are gone, etc. The media gaslighting is insane too.
>>4633 And which one of those applies to being proud of the superiority of the white race, kike shill?
>>4652 >The media gaslighting is insane too. What's disturbing is that they've completely given up on their neutral facade, and almost literally commanding people to believe their narrative. They're not bothering with subtle suggestion or framing objective details of a story anymore. The media is behaving as if it is the government and has the authority to decide political affairs itself (well, way more overtly than usual).
>>4640 >>4647 >>4648 >>4651 >>4653 SLOPPY JOB, MOSSAD!
>>1391 no >>4548 >Half of the Clearnet just went down 17 minutes ago all at once. No it didn't its just your shitty internet connection >>4454 >>4569 lol
>>1391 This board is quite active, to be honest compared to /b/
>>4647 Even though the idea of a smart gun seems really good for controlling citizens/ removing your freedom of self-defense, it's really not feasible. All methods can be easily circumvented or outright removed. If it was even close to be feasible, this technology would already be available to the market since the idea of making your gun unusable to everyone except you is really advantageous. Especially for the military. In the end even if they manage to legislate this shit it wont work. It'll just be one of those "hey, there's a law now, so everything is a-ok!!!"
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>>4665 Germany confirmed pussies. Fuck all who cuck out on their sovereignty.
>>4665 Didn't the Dominion software route some voting telemetry through Pornhub?
>>4666 >cuck out on their sovereignty Germans don't want sovereignty, they want to leech off someone else. They are effectively crypto-Jews after millennia of genetic and cultural admixture. They try to play the Jew game of importing brown people to do their work while they call themselves "managers" or "consultants".
>>4323 This has now vanished form wikipedo and doesn't seem to be in the 'Recent Event's list. Intredasting.
>>3967 >>4035 Westaboos are just as cancerous as woketards.
>>4656 >muh everything is glowniggers and feds Says the kike shill who wants white men to stop being proud of the superiority of the white race.
>>4676 That doesn't sound very structurally secure.
>>4677 It's a teabowl, not a load-bearing wall. But what's needed is a proper monarchy, lolbertarians are a meme. Donald I, Emperor of the Americans.
>>4676 I'm all cool for a libertarian USA (which will not likely happen given the country's way as of now), but whites only? Wouldn't that mean your favorite hentai smut of whatever in fiction is banned? Since Japanese are the ones who make the great shit most of the time aside from a few western non-woke folks, I would say other races are okay, but if they act like the dumb niggers or kikes they are, then the death penalty would be final.
>>4678 Isn't Trump agniest things like hentai? Hell, this site allows some shit that I would feel most normaies and people like Trump would care less if it was gone.
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Anyone have the bit where the Obama administration declared Ukrainian elections a sham based on the same shit that's going on here (poll watchers kicked out ect.)
>>4679 Yes this is my mind as well. If they act white, let them be. As long as they are working with and not against "whiteness", which is just "being logical" and the NAP.
>>4680 If I could trade hentai for the death of all jews and racial segregation I would. Unfortunately I can't, so we keep our hentai and "freedoms".
>>4683 Without BBC tyrones and judlings you could have a loli wife irl and have a few mistresses on the side providing you could support them financially (which you could with no conspirators ripping the rug out from under you).
>>4684 >have a few mistresses on the side Kill yourself degenerate. Kill yourself times two for conflating loli and real children.
>>4685 You're jewed if you think 18 is the ideal marriage age.
>>4686 Should it be four as laid out in the Talmud, Rabbi?
>>4686 That's not what a said you brain dead fucking nigger.
>>4686 25 if you consider the facts that "the brain isn't finished developing" before that.
>>4687 >oy vey goyim don't bond at bonding age goyim that's jew stuff lol wouldn't wanna be a jew would ya?? hahahahah stupid goy gonna die out now >>4688 >schnitzel rage >>4689 The brain is never done "developing" and this is a horse shit argument.
>>4687 and to be clear that's much too young you strawman retard. 13-16 is the ideal age for deciding who one wants to settle down with and spend their days accompanied by.
That has jack shit to donwith the presidential election, make your own fucking thread if you want to discuss the topic
>>4690 I'm not a kraut, this is just the tor node. Kill yourself degenerate. No one said anything about "ideal marriage ages" besides you. I take issue with your conflation of loli and real children. Not how young people ought to marry. Hedonists such as yourself will get my bullet before even a kike does.
>>4692 This I can agree with. Let fiction be separated from reality and don't be a normaiefag. Otherwise, the argument could also be applied to the everlasting shit of "violent video games = bad".
>>4692 Oh I see now. You've got problems. Enjoy being retarded I guess. Don't pop your hemorrhoids.
>>4694 Double spacing between sentences is a uniquely profiable writing habit. You should avoid doing it. Also kill yourself degenerate hedonist, day of the rope soon.
>>4696 >Bawwww the whites can't be kiked anymore and will repopulate their society and return to their pagan ways
>>4697 Who are you quoting, hedonist?
>>4686 >>4690 >>4691 >>4694 >>4697 Kill yourself pedo
>>4699 samefag stfu and let public opinion decide small peckered retard let your balls drop and then formulate an argument you shitskin NIGGER
>>4687 There is nothing wrong with having sex with girls as young as 13. Get used to it. >>4689 Women's brain never develop, simp. >>4692 Age cucks and simps that want men to marry old hags will take the bullet first.
>>4702 >Age cucks and simps that want men to marry old hags will take the bullet first. This has nothing to do with my post. Perhaps you're illiterate?
Aryan little girls should be married off to adult Aryan men before the age of 10 and impregnated as early as possible while learning to be stay at home mothers. If you don't want this, you should just chop your cock and balls off and make it official.
>>4705 >cockless canadians cuckolds
>>4706 >>TORpedos.
>>4707 >>>a fucking leaf
>>4708 >>>TORpedos.
>>4714 Isn't this quite literally just the current system we use?
>>4714 >If you still love democracy I hate democracy as if it was the devil itself. I want to burn all democratic countries to the ground, for giving rights to inferior people among the populace, and even giving rights to inferior races. I want a worldwide total dictatorship that puts the white race above anything else, and even among white people, only the best of the best are allowed to speak their minds, while all the rest are forced to work their tasks needed to maintain each country stable and functional, and all who disagrees or disobeys get killed on the spot.
>>4719 What the fuck...
>CP thread appears >a couple days later (((anons))) advocating for paedophilia suddenly appear too Hhhmmm, what a coincidence...
>>4725 >Any age >Said attraction to youth is different than being a fucking actual pedo The hell are you trying to imply? You state one shit about girls 13 and up, but now say any age is good if said fucking kids agree, which btw is a sickening concept altogether. They are not in their right mind. The fuck is going on here? Where did pedos come from? >>4723 From the looks of it, said thread was originally a loli thread (disgusting but whatever it's fiction), but has been taken over ever since someone mentioned something about real kids in a weird situation along with other bullshit. ....Unless you mean an actual CP thread, then I am hoping that is fucking gone.
>>4727 And by said thread, I am reffering to the loli one in v.
>>4727 >Unless you mean an actual CP thread, then I am hoping that is fucking gone Somebody posted a thread here on /pol/ with actual CP in the OP but it's gone now, I'm just weary of false flags since leftists this year have gone all out to try and take down their enemies.
>>4729 There is an extremely well-known CP spammer known as Dolphin who basically hits every single imageboard with his spam. There are plenty of theories as to his reasons but he is the one responsible. Personally I don't think it's a false flag deplatforming attempt but that is purely speculation. Regardless, simply globally report his spam any time you see it, the instant you see it.
>>4730 I'm guessing they use Tor since they should have been found out and reported to local authorities if anything?
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>>4684 >Le BBC meme That jewish hoax is as real as unicorns
>>4714 America has a voting eligible population of ~239,000,000. With this example the first round of voting ends with a total of 23,900,00 tier 1s, who each convinced 1-(2 if self voting isn't allowed) 9 others. Then: 2,390,000 tier 2s who convinced 2/4-18 others. 239,000 tier 3s who convinced 3/6-27 others. 23,900 tier 4s who convinced 4/8-36 others. 2,390 tier 5s who convinced 5/10-45 others. 239 tier 6s who convinced 6/12-54 others. 23 tier 7s who convinced 7/14-63 others. 2 tier 8s who convinced 8/16-72 others. A system like this is even more prone to corruption and in extreme cases could leave the decision of who is president in the hands of eight people. Even if a 'candidate' received 100% of the votes each round he would only need to convince/bribe/coerce 72 others.
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This thread reminds of /tech/'s rapid collapse over the course of 2018.
>>4718 >(((worldwide))) total dictatorship >stable Pick one. Any social group will perpetually protest against a leader who does not belong to the same ethnicity of their own. E.g. blacks vs white is US, Irish and Brits, Aryans and Dravidians...
>>4739 There's only like two of you niggers flipping a shit and acting like spergs. Everyone else is talking about the logical and moral implications like an adult. Shape up or ship out kid. Don't be a faggot here.
>>4742 >you illiterate retard. <I want a worldwide total dictatorship that puts the white race above anything else <implied that there are other races existing inside his hypothetical world on his previous post >with white people only allowed to even exist <automatically genocides the Japanese in his fantasy <while posting this in a pro-Japanese hobby imageboard Understandable, have a nice day.
>>4743 Stop responding to the TORnigger, let him wallow in his own shit.
>>4734 See, I think you are missing the fact that the system would be based on personal relationships, and importantly, the vote would not be secret. So if someone wants to bribe someone for their support, who cares? The point is that I have suggested a system where 'checks and balances' are unnecessary. Also, the BO is censoring people for challenging feminism, so I would recommend moving to /b/ or creating a new board nya~
>>4741 Before niggerpill proto-dolphin'd tech there was a wave of gay OwO whats this-tier spam of which the faggot nya poster ITT seems eerily reminiscent, I just don't want to see the same pattern repeat itself again. To get back on topic, is there any way for the many anti-democratic election fraud lawsuits being pursued by Dup to be resolved before the EC is set to assemble? Some of the manual recounts they're doing right now look as if they'll still be going by January 2020.
>>4750 If he could keep enough recounts or challenges that otherwise stop the certification of enough states, or alternatively some combination of those things with republican legislatures directly assigning Trump electors as is their right and it keeps Biden beneath 270 until after Dec 14th - we'd have a contingent election and it would be kicked to the house to be voted on with every state having 1 vote and the GOP having ~30 states. So basically if that happens, Trump wins.
>>4549 >finland POST SPURDO
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>>4148 >One problem, who's going to pay for it? Kill pic related and use their stolen money to rebuild the west.
>>4148 I'd volunteer for an extra 25% income tax for a decade if it meant no more niggers/arabs/turks in my country. I'd also volunteer my time free of charge to help in processing deportations. Doubt I'm the only one, either.
>>4777 Thing is that that is what they want, high income tax to prevent new rich bloodlines. and to create a new royal bloodline, essentially, and to flood the country with “refugees” to intentionally destabilize the populace and create constant conflict so it won’t be questioned. Accept neither, fag.
trump is probably going to have a heart attack before end of term. time to start getting tucker ready to take his place.
>>4780 Was there ever a fuedalist society which allowed the poor to accumulate wealth eventually and potentially become royals themselves?
>>4784 You referring to the Renaissance; where merchants, traders, and explorers sprang up and made fortunes because they were no longer bound to their land since the threat of Islam was over? Only, THEN for the monarchs to get pissy because they're missing out on all that tax money, so they institute wars and/or federalize everything (Making all who oppose such acts an enemy of the crown)?
>>4785 > since the threat of Islam was over? But thats 100% bullshit, the ottomans were conquering shit left and right back then, and had closed off europe to the spice trade, thats why the portuguese sailed to south africa and the spanish to america.
>>4776 This.
>>4785 >the Renaissance; where merchants, traders, and explorers sprang up and made fortunes Jew spotted.
>>4785 >Renaissance What you need to look at it is the Black Death of 1348. You had various lords and plebs dying in large enough numbers, that the surviving lords lost a lot of pull. This allowed people to leave their lands and make their own fortunes, since the cheapest labor was often no longer available. This would be like if all of the third-worlders in the US died, and natives took back the labor pool. Something similar happened after WW2 when the old powers of Europe collapsed. Unfortunately, certain merchants placed themselves in positions of influence when it came time to rebuild. Eisenhower's tour at Ohrdruf was an example of this.
[https://archive.ph/wip/7Fedv] https://www.nytimes(Please use archive.today)/2020/11/17/technology/no-a-revote-in-one-local-nevada-race-is-not-a-victory-for-president-trump.html >Clark County commissioners voted on Monday to certify the results of all of the county’s elections <except one: a race for the county commission seat that represents District C, an area with 332,000 residents that includes parts of Las Vegas. >“When we find discrepancies, we report them, and when the number of discrepancies is larger than the margin of victory, we hold a runoff election,” the Clark County Election Department said in a statement
>>4784 You don't become a monarch by being rich. Monarchs and aristocracy are dependent upon greater worth, and a commoner accomplishing great deeds could always be gifted wealth or even given a title.
>>4789 >Unfortunately, certain merchants placed themselves in positions of influence when it came time to rebuild. That is why people must never take down totalitarian rule by monarchs or pretty much anyone that is against jews and merchants in general. The same with the French Revolution: a bunch of jealous retards believed the jews' lies and took down their elite, thinking that a world of equality was ever possible. The end result was a once glorious empire destroyed and turned into a literal slum in modern day. True Royal elites, true monarchs, that are against jews, against the soulless acts of getting rich just for the sake of it, must NEVER be challenged and must always be obeyed, or else, the nation turns to shit. If you are born a lowlife peasant, get used to it. Because if you let your stupid jealousy take over, you will think that you are bringing freedom to yourself and your people by attacking the monarch, but instead, you are bringing misery to everyone, including yourself, and bringing prosperity only for the treacherous jews, who will exploit you as a literal slave, much worse than what they made you believe that the monarchs would. Accept your fate as a lowlife, and keep the nation stable and functional. If you try to be more than what you are, you will only bring everything down and put your own enemies in positions of power to control over you and enslave you.
>>4811 >Ignorance of how society, laws, and economics work is the biggest reason why the Kikes are able to subvert nations <Therefore, you should remain ignorant and trust a fallible human who can be just as much of a shithead as you, except that have no one who will dare correct them Please, would you fuck back of to >>>/monarchy/
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This is some bullshit. I guess they really do want a civil war. Those Bidencucks better pray that Trump wins now, because in the event that Michigan certifies these illegal votes, they're gonna need my money to pay for their kevlar vests. Paying me is their healthier option in the long term.
>>4812 >>4811 As if freedom for the masses produced anything but more power to jews. Fuck off with your freedom. Totalitarian dictatorship is the right way to organize a stable and enduring nation.
>>4815 >implying totalitarian dictatorships can't have freedoms and a gentry with deep knowledge in the ways and means of the nose for the purpose of semi-autonomously removing such filthy elements from their sights >wanting to rule over a herd of niggercattle prone to getting jewed into committing gay socialist uprisings
Is Trump WINNING yet? Or do we have to wait for the habbiding on Dec 14th?
>>4815 There’s some Marcus Aurelius or someone saying something about giving yourself freedom was actually chaining yourself to your carnal and animal desires, whereas restraining yourself with responsibilities and such are the most liberating thing you can do to yourself
>>4820 >chaining yourself to your carnal Perhaps, but it said chaining yourself, not a king or a president chaining you himself, for your "own good" and for "the good of the people".
Possible heads up and interesting read. [https://archive.ph/wip/MEgHH] https://macris.substack(Please use archive.today)/p/trump-at-the-rubicon
>>4827 great link
>>4811 Yes, because jews magically stopped existing during the age of absolute monarchy. Fun fact, the reason families like the Rothschilds became so powerful was because they started lending money to these monarchs, making entire nations indebted to them. What do you say about that, torfag? I think I like it better when some Nob doesn't claim the right to cuck me in my own house because he tumbled out of a blueblooded snatch.
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https://archive.vn/wip/qWvaf Wayne County (Michigan) alleged to have reported votes at a rate of over four times the maximum rate they could count them.
>>4816 >>4829 And your alternative is to allow the masses to run free? Or even worse, waste time and resources conditioning the masses every single day, forever, in order to prevent them from ruining the country? Fuck off with your freedom. Only a few shall rule. everyone else must be enslaved. >>4823 Not for good. For stability, which is more important than anything and anyone.
>>4836 >For stability, which is more important than anything and anyone. Yes, nothing is more stable than a government who's reliant upon the whims of one individual to rule everything, rather than a group effort that requires a unanimous or supermajority agreement among dozens of people.
Trump Campaign Press Conference about election fraud/etc being live streamed on his jewtube channel: youtube(dot)com/watch?v=-Nmbz3dsrhE
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>>4838 They fugged up and fags got in already.
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>>4838 For anyone seeing this later, they abruptly took down the video near the last question. Hopefully they reupload it later or that some fag recorded all the good parts.
>>4841 Ive been saying it for years, they have to take down venezuela's regime, they are looting the country's wealth to pay for political movements and destabilization all over the world.
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>>4841 fug... when will it end?
>>4843 >>4841 Links to other uploads of it: c-span(dot)org/video/?478246-1/trump-campaign-news-conference-legal-challenges youtube(dot)com/watch?v=buQCdCSDWQQ
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https://invidious.snopyta.org/watch?v=jLRa9oCnPdg&start=93[Embed] >asked about server >confirms it was seized >lawyers behind her all smile at the same time If Trump pulls this off, I'll be really impressed.
>>4845 It will be interesting to see how this plays out. People are still pissed, and it wouldn't take much jewery to get people lynching.
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So, any 'Trumps deffo gonna win' types left?
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>>4849 Who the fuck knows anymore. The election was certainly stolen, the only question is whether people are willing to fight over it; trusting the corrupt system to bring itself to justice is misguided.
>>4850 Well Mr. Japanese Duck as an American let me just say, no probably not. Look American's didn't stand up to the NSA, the CIA, DynCorp, there isn't much if any chance that they would stand against this, the majority of people just cannot put in the effort to do something like this, and the average American is not against the idea of the system, the few who would be prone to fighting would only do so because Biden won.
I will be VERY interested to see how Biden rolling in will be taken by Trumpsters. >>4852 Do you think it'll just devolve into bitter recrimination and bitching? I know Trump will probably never stop sniping and throwing fuel on the fire but that's likely not enough to stoke people into a fight outside of the fringe loons. I wonder what the Qfags will get up to now.
>>4853 The majority of the population has zero balls and with modern surveillance even if there are some that want to do something about it they would likely be caught before they get the chance.
>>4849 Yeah, it's only become more likely.

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>>4813 Sorry Schlomo, can't start a civil war when both sides already know you ripped them off. >>4811 Monarchy is kosher because there's only one person to bribe. What a bargain! >>4815 Dictatorship is kosher because there's only one person to bribe. What a bargain! >>4852 >American's didn't stand up to the NSA I forget that most of you were still in Hebrew School when Snowden left. The Deep State is a game that two can play. People in influential positions leak data all the time, either because they're patriotic or because they're pissed off they didn't get a promotion. His name was Seth Rich Trump has already won the election in your heads. The editorials about Giuliani's press conference are more cartoonish than Pravda and reek of denial and butthurt. Talking heads are on the verge of tears as they reiterate how these lawsuits are absolutely, totally unfounded, completely ridiculous, Biden obviously won, etc. The problem is, if you actually win the election, you can't be a whiny victim anymore! You need Trump as a BBEG to focus your pathological resentment. Maybe there's a silver lining and you can start a new Purim-style holiday where you pretend Trump never happened.
>>4856 >Monarchy is kosher because there's only one person to bribe. What a bargain! >Dictatorship is kosher because there's only one person to bribe. What a bargain! I see how you might think that, but you are missing a crucial variable. How much money does it take to bribe that one person? For someone who has all the wealth of their nation at their disposal, how much more money would it take to get them to change their mind? I doubt it would even be possible for personal wealth. These people should already have everything they could possibly want and more. In order to bribe a monarch, you'd need to have enough money that they could use it to improve their country, at which point it's not really even a bribe anymore but trade.
>>4857 You give them lots of money to let your nigger cattle through to provide shit merchants with customers and to enrich their culture.
Destroy everything that you can't control. Control everything that you can't destroy.
>>4857 >How much money does it take to bribe that one person? However much is required to pay the fees for the whore.
>>4857 Wouldn't this monarch want to be expansionary and rule the world instead of their shit piece of land? Surely they want resources that could potentially be owned by other countries that group together to sanction them or don't give them the resources at the right prices. Owning lots of land with lots of people is hard work to keep them docile. Why not give it a deal for a piece of your land for exchange of easy entrance to theirs or you begin spreading seditious material en masse after you made a deal with them practically giving away some of your resources. Or how about bribing their foreign ambassadors and our press to lie to you about our negotiations and drying you to the bone and using our newly acquired land to attack and annex them because your military staff didn't vet the sale. Nobody likes the king. Everybody makes fun of him when he doesn't show up to U.N. summits. His nukes are shit and military strategy is dog shit. Such a weak pussy to fuck easily.
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I find it funny that there are people who still think this is going to turn into a civil war or some shit. From JFKs assassination to Bush Jr stealing the 2000 election and everything inbewteen nothing happened in the USA, some protests and riots and then it calmed down and it was if everything was ok again. This shit is all just a show
>>4880 >JFKs assassination Generally speaking, most of the population believes that was a lone wolf deal even if it's why the term "conspiracy theorist" was created to discredit anyone who questions the official narrative. >Bush Jr stealing the 2000 election That one was actually murky enough that whether he stole it or won it is up for debate. All of that said, I don't think this is likely to do much other than kill any faith in the electoral system unless some of the few dudes who still have balls shoot Biden. That's assuming Biden makes it to office. It can still go either way.
>>4854 The biggest problem would be getting public support for a revolution to overtake the current government. Doing so requires not just the railing in of all Trump types and anti establishment types which would unfortunately have to include the far left, but also the advocacy for the American way of life as most people are used to. They would have to be willing to live a better world that requires more will power and I don't know if the average American is willing to give up Jewish cookie feed for something like that. Some people actually enjoy living in this hellscape. Then it would require gaging action. How does one over take them? Protests and asking for something to be changed radically if they don't want violence like the magna carta or what not? Direct violence's and revolutionary action. How would you even go about organizing such a thing, testing what local police precincts are willing to listen to a new government, and which aren't, then capturing those who choose not to? What happens when the US military gets involved?
>>4883 * the advocacy for the destruction of the American way of life as most people are used to
>>4869 And yet, you prefer the current state of affairs? Fuck off with your freedom. Totalitarian dictatorship fixes all problems.
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>>4884 >thinking about all the white liberal boomers I know that voted Biden but didn't realize he's gonna put section 8 in their neighborhoods to 'end racism' if he actually gets in Soon I'll be able to afford a house lel
>>4882 >I don't think this is likely HAHAHA YOU AND YOUR NORMALCY BIAS 50% of the population believes it was stolen from Trump and 10% believes it 'might have been stolen' from Trump and that's WITH the MSM running constant propaganda. When the court cases heat up we're hitting "Trump gets to be president or the USA balkanizes next year" levels of happening. NOW IS THE TIME TO ACCELERATE
>>4887 Based post.
>>4887 >>Fuck freedom >>Totalitarian society is better Then do ready for Biden's upcoming shitstorm that will get rid of what was once a great country. If you really prefer commie shit, then do be prepared to pay up for your "privilege".
>>4882 >Shoot Bidet The only thing that will happen if that happens is that they'll blame right wing extremism and put Kamala in the President role, which is what they intended from the get go. Shooting that walking corpse will do nothing but legitimize what they want to do, Christ, I'd say that if some disgruntled MIGApese doesn't do it they'll do it themselves as a falseflag.
>>4897 Plus anything that happens in America will inevitably leak into other countries en masse due to our business connections, like what China's trying to do. It's not a (((coincidence))) that America is center stage of most of the media of the world.
>>4888 >boomers I still remember that Boomer couple who thought their Biden sign would protect them from a mob. I think a lot of them are going to start dying en masse before 2024.
>>4920 God I hope so. Even in death they won't realize their sins though.
>>4897 Totalitarian monarchies are always the best form of government. >>4908 Shoot Kamala instead. >>4921 >God I hope so. Me to. Boomers are a cancer.
>>4925 >Totalitarian monarchies are always the best form of government. Then why did so few survive the Enlightenment? Out of all the monarchies in Europe, only Russia survived relatively unchanged and look how it ended for them. Totalitarian anything sounds good for someone who thinks they'll be one of the elite, instead of another faceless cog. Just like commies all think they're going to be the party leaders instead of day laborers and gulag fodder. Do you think you'll be a Duke or an Earl, torfag? Guess what, you'll be a shit shoveling peasant like the rest of us.
>>4928 Many people find it easier to submit than to fight. The boomer couple are a good example of this. They decided that being good goy was the best option for them, but they failed to see the meatgrinder waiting for them. We're definitely in uncharted territory now. Government figures are hiding how many troops we have overseas to prevent Trump from recalling them. Biden already wants to send more people into the ME. It really is now or never.
>>4928 >Totalitarian anything sounds good for someone who thinks they'll be one of the elite, instead of another faceless cog. Just like commies all think they're going to be the party leaders instead of day laborers and gulag fodder. Do you think you'll be a Duke or an Earl, torfag? That was unironically how China operated for 3000 years until the 20th century. Revolution after revolution with ZERO change in government structure (Just policies and taxes, which all ended up being the same end), and the only people benefiting being the closest friends to the lucky bandit to overthrow the Son of Heaven. And, WHAT were China's biggest contributions to history as a result of this? Paper, tea, and gun powder. That is it.
Is Trump WINNING yet?
>>4932 Yes.
>>4934 prove it
>>4928 >Guess what, you'll be a shit shoveling peasant like the rest of us. >Being this delusional. >>4931 the only people benefiting being the closest friends to the lucky bandit to overthrow the Son of Heaven. And how is that a bad thing? >And, WHAT were China's biggest contributions to history as a result of this? I don't care to contribute to anything. I only care about stability. >>4935 >muh proof or it didn't happen All communists like you will be killed.
>>4925 >>Bro, totalitarian is honestky th best form of government brah! RIght...if you say that, then do try and live in China. Send me postcards daily about how "well" it is there.
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>>4928 This fag thinks commie shit is better than fucking freedom of all things. WHo cares, let him burn if he thinks he will be a high ranking fucker. Once he finds out how fucked he is, it will be to late and he will go in the gulag he goes.
>>4938 >I don't care to contribute to anything. I only care about stability. So, you want a complacent society that's going to die out due to stagnation?
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>>4928 >Then why did so few survive the Enlightenment? Because the "Enlightenment" is an ideology distinctly geared towards giving every last peasant the idea they're somehow equal to ancient royal houses, while they can barely count their three cows. >>4942 There is a difference between no changes in technology and no changes in governmental systems and society. There were a lot of changes in tech between the end of the Roman Republic and the start of the Lutheran Heresy, yet few things actually changed for the people living there. They could be comfortable in the knowledge that as long as they fulfill their role properly, they will have their role and their descendants after them. Stability is what enables you to build and plan for eternity, as the Romans did. It enables you to start building cathedrals that will take centuries to finish. If you want to learn about monarchism/Traditionalism, I recommend De Maistre and Evola's three main works. It's a bit of reading, but de Maistre at least has a fairly light, easy to read style that makes it downright fun. It's hard to convey an entire political philosophy in an IB post, especially when the people you're arguing with still believe in the lies of modernist thought.
>>4944 >They could be comfortable in the knowledge that as long as they fulfill their role properly, they will have their role and their descendants after them. >Stability is what enables you to build and plan for eternity, as the Romans did. It enables you to start building cathedrals that will take centuries to finish. You know what other countries had stability for centuries: China. And, they got invaded and conquered by every other country in existence.
>>4944 If the kings were so great, why are there no more? You argue like a communist.
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>>4935 >Prove it Would you like a liberal news source with that?
>>4953 I find it curious how little UAE meddling comes up. Ever.
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apparently powell is not part of their legal team wtf is going on
>>4939 Not live as a pleb citizen,but as one in higher position of control, yes, it is a good bargain. >>4941 >Totalitarian monarchy bad Jew spotted. >>4942 >So, you want a complacent society that's going to die out due to stagnation? Yes? As long as I live a good and stable life, that is preferable, yes. The current mess (enabled by giving freedom to commoners) is the worst possible scenario. Stagnation is INFINITELY better than decay. >>4945 >You know what other countries had stability for centuries: China. And, they got invaded and conquered by every other country in existence. And yet, those in higher positions live well and stable. I will take this anytime over what we have in the west now.
>>4959 >wtf is going on Not sure, but it should take some of the spotlight off of her. >>4961 >Not live as a pleb citizen,but as one in higher position of control >higher position of control >totalitarian society Negro please.
>>4959 In an optimistic mindset, I hope they are just trying to distance her so whatever lawsuit she brings won't be tainted by the Giuliani team (even if they didn't falsely claim anything in court). But, in a more pessimistic mindset, I think she either told them they had more evidence than they actually had or she was expanding the bullshit more than they wanted. Shit's not looking good if reality is closer to the pessimistic mindset. >>4961 >stagnation >decay >implying outcomes are different
https://ww w.minds. com/newsfeed/1177725181507039232?referrer=EmperorNer0
>The time to violently rise in revolution against the anti-White/Liberty Globalist agenda across the western world, is now... before Biden, after having the election stolen for him, is officially made President. Once Biden is officially President, the entire USA regime will be turned against Whites and Liberty worldwide. Then, there will be very little hope. There are windows of opportunity... once they are shut, they are nigh impossible to reopen. The window is open now. The last chance for freedom in America.
>>4964 Either that or the only reason she was brought on was to raise money via https ://ldfftar.org/ and didn't get enough.
>>4959 Probably got too much information. Pretty sure Trump is still negotiating right now, most likely they released Powell so they don't get directly blamed for the shit she's going to pull. Y'know, the "she wasn't TECHNICALLY under my control so her wrecking harvoc on your stupid ass is not my fault." card. There's also the legal idea that a lawyer that talks too much in public can be a negative. Basically what >>4964 said. States won't certify until December still, and we'll see what happens with Trump's legal efforts. Surprisingly still in the get-it-together phase but some cases have been going up. PA just threw a case to the Supreme Court because the judge was a retard, so that's the closest case to any sort of resolution.
>>4966 Who are you quoting, glowy?
TRUMP CONCEDES THE 2020 ELECTION AS BIDEN OFFICIALLY WINS 2020 ELECTION https://www.thegatewaypundit(Please use archive.today)/2020/11/breaking-michigan-board-state-canvassers-votes-3-1-certify-election-results-despite-irregularities https://archive.is/Zvt4v
I'm a foreskin-less faggot who loves to suck the cock of my favorite e-celeb.
Edited last time by Shellen on 11/24/2020 (Tue) 07:09:01.
>>4970 Literally not what it says at all--can you imagine having so little a life that you just post demoralizing, UNTRUE info on a bunker of a bunker of a bunker of a taiwanese knitting blog?
>>4970 >TRUMP CONCEDES THE 2020 ELECTION AS BIDEN OFFICIALLY WINS 2020 ELECTION Fuck off Glownigger that's literally not what it says Also https://archive.is/g2leN
>>4970 You tried posting this shit in the gamergate thread on /v/ and I'll say it again: there's nothing in there about Trump conceding, and your archive's still broken you tech-illiterate niggerpill.
>>4970 >Trump >Conceding The recounts have been proven to be nothing more than Big Rigs: Round 2. There's no way this election won't end in court.
>>4975 You'll never be a woman
>>4975 HRT makes you crazy
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today the fatman christie says the trump legal team is national embarrasment https://archive.vn/KQ4gh >>4975 why are you here nigger?
>>4978 Why the fuck does anyone ever give a fuck what that whale ever says, fuck.
>>4975 You are a globalist Judeo-fascist Jewish Supremacist, you just don't realise it yet nya~ >>4976 >>4977 Falling for the sexual D/C as always nya~ >>4978 So many rats and snakes. The ship was already sunk, you just didn't know it yet nya~ ... The solution is either race war now, or fleeing to Asia and watching as what is left of Aryan civilisation and the Aryan peoples are permanently destroyed. I for one hope a asteroid resets the timeline nya~
I haven't made my special visit to Thailand yet, nya~
>>4959 Apparently it's because Powell is taking a legal case against Dominion and not going to be part of the legal election challenges.
>>4978 >why are you here nigger? It's clearly just a shitposter
>>4981 >sexual D/C Funny coming from the tranny LARPing as a catgirl on /pol/
>>4975 >>4976 Go back to cuckchan if you wanna drag down the level of discussion to this level and bait retards. Mods the fuck are you doing letting blatant bait like this stay up?
>>4986 It's /pol/. What do you expect?
If it goes to the Supreme Court I fully expect them to stab Trump in the back and certify the results for Biden. In fact I expect the courts in general to fall in line with the democrats as we're already seeing. I'd like to be proven wrong though.
>>4981 Nya? Nya? Wow fuckwit, you clearly are something..
>>4959 >Got rid of the woman. Good. women have no place in the world outside of making babies.
>>4990 What makes you think theyll stab Trump in the back if there is certifiable fraud? Dont be a niggerpill.
>>4995 I can understand his pessimism, not much has gone well during Trump's presidency. It is as they say - hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.
>>1391 If Sidney Powell files a lawsuit in Georgia today and has any merit's, I am optimistic for hope. On Lou Dobbs, she essentially said so much information was up for grabs that it's almost like a diversion. If that's the case, then either there's some real fuckery going on or someone on the other side really dropped the ball. I have been thinking about it for a bit, but given the events and discoveries all of a sudden made this year, (before the past week) I had a stronger feeling that Trump would maintain power somehow, but in doing so would cause massive riots in more cities than have already had riots and overwhelm the national guard or something and allow a foreign agent or military force to assemble and lurk in the smoke and ashes or give China a chance to come on shore or something like that. Or that Russia and/or other countries wanted a civil war so they got Trump in office and this is their whole plan (without any of the pawns knowning). It's unlikely that by diversion she meant something as large as that, but if they purposely planted evidence that would lead to states decertifying, I feel that would around a likely scenario. But most likely, in the event of diversion and not the other side's incompetence, she or someone on her team were too incompetent to look in all the places that mattered and is missing something because they were all caught up in the obvious arguments for criminal voter fraud.
>>5000 China couldn't do shit if they tried and threw everything at it.
Repost from >>>/v/161509 Trump did rather successfully well on the PA hearings when they brought up the Joe Biden had 600K hearings while Trump had 5,200 votes which shouldn't have been possible. Now the Pennsylvania judge stopped the certification of the presidential election. https://www.Webm or instances.invidio.us/watch?v=8wAMQ5h__JI
>>5011 Wonder how they’ll spin this.
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>>5012 A bit like this, apparently.
>>5013 The lying press will have their mouths shut for them.
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>>5011 Is it HAPPENING?
>>5015 Is there some reason why this avatarfag isn't being bullied?
>>5017 Because his $500 investment is a local meme at this point.
>>5014 When will White Republicans realise that Hitler was right about race and the Jews nya~?
>>5013 Seems like so many 'journalists' missed their calling of being fantasy writers, they barf up bullshit as easily as L Ron Hubbard did. Maybe that extended groan is what a libtard thinks laughter sounds like, it's all they could ever muster in comedy clubs at any rate.
>>5017 Because mods are deleting all the posts as per fucking usual.
Any of you niggerfaggots going to talk about Powell's lawsuit against Georgia? Some choice quotes: >The massive fraud begins with the election software and hardware from Dominion Voting Systems Corporation (“Dominion”) only recently purchased and rushed into use by Defendants Governor Brian Kemp, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, and the Georgia Board of Elections. >As set forth in the accompanying whistleblower affidavit, the Smartmatic software was designed to manipulate Venezuelan elections in favor of dictator Hugo Chavez. >A core requirement of the Smartmatic software design was the software’s ability to hide its manipulation of votes from any audit. >Specifically, video from the State Farm Arena in Fulton County shows that on November 3rd after the polls closed, election workers falsely claimed a water leak required the facility to close. All poll workers and challengers were evacuated for several hours at about 10:00 PM. However, several election workers remained unsupervised and unchallenged working at the computers for the voting tabulation machines until after 1:00 AM. And then China and Iran get name-dropped: >As explained and demonstrated in the accompanying redacted declaration of a former electronic intelligence analyst under 305th Military Intelligence with experience gathering SAM missile system electronic intelligence, the Dominion software was accessed by agents acting on behalf of China and Iran in order to monitor and manipulate elections, including the most recent US general election in 2020. <Muh Iran! Regarding the fake pipe burst, how can people be so incompetent as to lie about something which can be easily checked? All for controlled political theater? Over-confidence in controlling the system? Georgia niggers tried to add their own form of sabotage on top of the already planned fix and niggers, being niggers, didn't think the plan through properly? >>5022 inb4 deleted for blackpill
>>5013 >>5011 They did "laugh" but only at how fucking obvious the voter fraud was. As in "Fucking come on man" type shit.
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>>5023 Pretty much all of it is extremely straightforward, they're literally using shit that put dictators in power, if legislation and the powers that be fail to prevent the fraud it simply means people are going to have to be physically removed, with an extremely rough handling style that may be considered extreme roughness, from office in a few years. The cards are laid on the table here. The media can lie it's ass off all day but it shouldn't affect the decisions of the courts. Andon the fake pipe burst >how can people be so incompetent as to lie about something which can be easily checked? It's not considered incompetency, it's considered optics. Lie even when the lie is clear and hope it works is the modus operendi. Never tell the truth unless it would benefit you, never let your enemies have a platform, pass off organizational systemic mistakes on individuals, make an entire party into one easily attackable person. Russia, Russia, Russia, Trump, Trump, Trump. This worked before the internet because literally everything got memory-holed, but now that simply does not work. There is no other strategy when lies no longer work. It's all they have, they have no way to adapt and change into an honest government because it's full of these arrogant fucks. This is specifically a problem of the new age. The scary part is that back in the day they were still this incompetent, but it worked.
>>5013 I'm not advocating violence, but if someone were to cut this niggerfaggot into a bunch of little pieces and forcefeed them to whoever employed him I would not shed a single tear.
>>5023 >As set forth in the accompanying whistleblower affidavit, the Smartmatic software was designed to manipulate Venezuelan elections in favor of dictator Hugo Chavez. So the US knew this, yet obongo and friends talked about venezuela as if it was a democracy, this has been years in the making.
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>>5025 >but it worked. Info was much harder to come by nowadays everyone has a camera on their pocket and a high speed connection to world communication, you can't really blame boomers for their sins, they were raised to be like this. You can blame this generation though, we had and still have alternatives.
>>5030 No, we didn't. Nor did we know what alternatives there were because we were raised by them.
>>5030 >you can't really blame boomers Fuck off, snowflake. Boomers are, alongside jews, responsible for everything bad happening in the world today. All boomers deserve to be killed in gruesome fashion for being brainwashed cucks.
>>5030 I can easily blame boomers, because the white vote fell even though Trump reigned in the best numbers with shitskins since the 60's. Self-hating white boomers.
>>5020 When internet and social media censorship will die and they'll finally hear the other side of the story. "The greatest story never told"
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>>5046 https://archive.is/C3ANO Potential happening in PA.
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If PA flips, the rest of the dominoes should fall like a house of cards. Checkmate
>>5054 Why the fuck would CNN report on this unless it's to pave the way for antifa/blm action on the ground.
>>5056 Panic mode.
>>5057 I just don't want to be blue-balled for the umpteenth time in the past 4 years.
>>5058 Here's this video if you want some more affirmation.
>>5058 The answer is that even if a VIOLENT civil war breaks out, it'll most be the major population centers like NYC getting bulldozed and you, in Japan, will watch some leftist cuck getting beheaded by some MS-13/glownigger double agent and lol about it then you'll go back to being the English teacher scum you are fucking Japanese girls and making a muttrace from which the Japanese will never recover while complaining about how blue your balls are. Many HAPPENINGS have occurred, it's just that you've become desensitized to them and will never get that quantum release you're looking for outside of blowing your load on japanese triplets who would look the same even if they weren't related. Shine on you crazy diamond.
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>>5056 >>5057 >>5059 >>5062 I wish you were right, but I suspect that the reason they're showing this is less sinister, albeit about equally morally bankrupt. The truth is,if Trump hadn't been elected, most of the legacy media companies would be bankrupt, or operating in a very reduced, pared-down state. The same thing would happen if Biden ends up holding on--there are already rumors in the business world about parts of CNN being sold off. These media companies peddle fear in exchange for eyeballs and clicks. They drummed up OrangeManBad for four years to the point that morons (like my mom) thought we were living in Nazi-occupied Paris--just as in the real world, the economy was stronger than ever, and unemployment (especially among minorities) was at its lowest ever. I think this talk of "oooooh, Trump could still winnnn," may be true, but I don't think the media believes it--they're likely doing it to milk the last bit of fear they think they can get out of this presidency. If Trump DOES manage to pull this out (possible but unlikely), I think it'll shock them all.
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>>5062 When I go Genghis Khan on my students and, with a generation of mutts trained in the art of the warfare, pillage parts of Japan to found my own Outer Heaven, just know that it was your post which started it all. I'll ejaculate every time someone ejaculates lead into a kike or nigger. Don't disappoint me, America. >>5063 >They drummed up OrangeManBad for four years to the point that morons (like my mom) thought we were living in Nazi-occupied Paris. I can empathize with that. I love my mother, but she has drunken the Kool-Aid to the point where reason, or even appealing to morality, no longer works on her; the TV has destroyed any trace of a functioning mind or heart. Just recently, I was looking for jobs back home for when my contract here ends and found the perfect job, except that it wanted "Women" or "Non-White" applicants only (before you ask, the government, in its "equality" law, has allowed for "positive" discrimination, so this is not illegal). My mother's thoughts on the matter? I deserved it for being a white male. I should step aside for those less fortunate minorities, despite the fact that our family was poor and I had to fight every step of the way to get where I am; I never had anything served on a silver platter to me. What sort of mother or parent would not want the best for their offspring? It's why I've decided to stay in Asia for a bit longer; I might be discriminated for my skin color, but at least I'm not going to be discriminated for being a man. I'm not angry at my mother, I'm angry at the goddamn kikes for pumping these nation-wrecking, family-destroying messages into society. Nothing would be more just than those greasy criminals getting what they deserve. Sorry for the blogpost; there's no one else I can talk to about such matters and it's been antagonizing me for some time.
>>5065 You know, I am fearful of if my parents will ever succemb to that hit. So far, I ask if whites should be treated the same respect as everyone else or if there is some type of situation where white future genertations should pay for their crimes, they say hell no since that is just gonna create more hate and it's putting in folks who aren't the problem and who hadn't done shit at all to anyone. It gives me some hope that there can be some who still have a shread of humanity that treat all races with respect, but damn, with all this bullshit going on, I don't know. It seems fate has dealt the cards and now the media has fucking control of everything. It was much better in the 00's and what was left of 2010 right before SJW's became mainstream.
>>5065 Holy shit! The Japanese like Metal Gear?! I thought only Westerners liked it.
>>5065 You should kill your mother. She sounds like a cunt.
>>5065 Yep, I can definitely empathise. My mom watches CNN like it's her job--she raised us while my dad worked, and then she never went back to work, so it practically IS her job. I love her too, but I've abandoned all hope of being able to pry her from the conditioning protocol she's chosen for herself. I live on the other side of the US, so when we speak on the phone or visit (like I'll soon do for the holidays), I have to just avoid these topics entirely. She's at the level of thinking the riots in Portland are because of white supremicist groups, just for context. She's also used the, "white man," terminology with me--instead of using identity politics to describe me, isn't it more apt to say that I'm your son? I've given up hope on the West in general and the US in particular--it may take decades or even a century to reach the bottom, but it feels like we've lost the culture and the slide we're on is inevitable and will only accelerate. All empires fall. I'd actually been planning a move to Tokyo (have made frequent visits for work over the past few years) for a little while, and will pull the trigger in Q2 of 2021. I may not stay there forever, but I feel like staying in Asia, be in Japan, Singapore, etc. is already more appealing, and will be to an increasing degree as this all continues to play out.
>>5065 Also my ID changed but I'd posted this >>5063 As well
>>5068 Based and murder pilled.
>>5066 >It seems fate has dealt the cards and now the media has fucking control of everything. The most disturbing thing, along with the prevalence of the propaganda, is the totality of the brainwashing. Yuri Bezmenov is absolutely correct about demoralization when he says that, under its effects, an individual is unable to reach a logical, rational conclusion about some news item or event that is presented before them. Unfortunately for my mother, along with a constant drip feed of such misinformation from the tv, she went to college in the 70s when Cultural Marxism from the Frankfurt School was at its peak (at least from the perspective of the boomers). Taken together, she is thoroughly demoralized. An example of this was a discussion we had about Pink Floyd when the bodycam footage eventually came out. Despite the nigger being tweaked out of his mind and being nowhere fit to be behind the wheel of a vehicle, my mother still somehow thought that the police were at fault and were responsible for his death, even though it was the nigger that ingested a lethal amount of drugs in his anus (you can hear that he "hooped" in the video) and you can see with your own eyes that they did everything by the book without "systemic racism". There is no way to debate a person who does not even agree with you on the facts or evidence provided. I don't know what to do with my mother other than just throw the tv out the window and get her to read a book - not one of the "OrangeManBad" books that they've been making for the past 4 years - but a real book, like Siege. >>5067 Yes, but only if it contained cute girls or girly boys. The less facial hair a character has, the better in their eyes. >>5068 >>5072 Easier said then done. Not even Hitler was that vindictive against similiarly brainwashed Germans, but thought they could be deprogrammed and brought back into the fold. On the other hand, who knows? Maybe in a few years I'll be like that one anon who deliberately put his anti-white, pro-immigration elderly mother under the care of a shitskin who abused her and made her twilight years hell. I can't find the screencap in my folder of shit, else I'd share it.
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2nd post because I apparently wrote too fucking much. >>5069 >I have to just avoid these topics entirely. Yeah, me too. The worst of it is that there isn't much else to talk about because I'm finding our lives (both mine and hers, possibly yours as well) almost entirely consumed with politics. My father, on the other hand, is from the era of pre-internet /pol/, where he found (and still does find) all the "alternative" news from magazines and periodicals like Nexus International; he has thousands of them, with topics such as the Israeli connection to 9/11 or de-centralized banking, going back to the early 90s. We somehow always find something to talk about. >I've given up hope on the West in general and the US in particular... but it feels like we've lost the culture and the slide we're on is inevitable and will only accelerate. I agree, and Trump, whilst better than Biden, is only going to slow the decline, rather than reverse it. When you go to a country in Asia, especially one like Japan, you realize, even as an outsider, that there is something about its culture which the US and the West no longer have, and that's a higher purpose. Western cultural decline is thanks to certain elites from the Industrial Revolution (think Rothschilds and Rockefellers) and intellectuals (Frankfurt School) which sought to shape the economic and social chaos along progressive lines, as well as Jewish intellectuals (Freud) who brought in the idea of happiness or fulfillment in the Self. Whereas Christians seek to repent to God's will or National Socialists self-sacrifice for der Volk, modern psychology seeks to become comfortable with who you are. What sort of culture does this bring about? One could argue that a culture is really defined by what it forbids, an order of therapy, so to speak, that teaches its members what is permitted within its bounds and gives them sanctioned ways to let off pressure of living by the community's rules. Self-denial cannot be an end in and of itself as the culture would cave in on itself; it has to be "positive" in the sense that it links an individual to a higher purpose. It is through restraint and the negating of particular desires and directing them to socially beneficial ends that a culture survives and is made great. The West is dying because it no longer believes in such an order, or its "thou shalt nots". It is much different from any other time in history because the culture of the West is now built on the absence of any belief in a higher order that commands our obedience. In the truest sense, the West has created an anti-culture, because now nothing is forbidden; a state which cannot be stable, of which we now see the spoilt fruits. The end point of modernity is the automonous, freely choosing individual finding meaning in no one but himself. Compare this with Japan where, for instance, it is not unusual to find a worker, even one who works scrubbing toilets in Shibuya Station with a couple hundred thousand people pissing and shitting in them a day, to approach their job, no matter how menial it is, with some nationalistic zeal of "This is my job in society and I will do it to make society great!". This extremely strong sense of community, society, and nation is why a lot of Japan is spotless and clean and why there is ridiculously little petty/violent crime here. Having lived in places infested with niggers, it is amazing to live in a country where I can leave my motorcycle parked outside without even a brake-disk lock, and be confident that it is still going to be there when I wake up tomorrow morning. Unfortunately, I do not think this will last with consumer culture and the unrivalled convenience and comfort brought on by it; the nationalism will be undermined and, in its place, will stand radical individualism, all for the pursuit of greed. Japan and the affluent parts of Asia are succumbing to precisely the same problems as the West; they are just a few years behind. On a side note, one could argue that the higher purpose for Americans is the rallying around the Stars and Stripes, but there is a fatal flaw coded right into the Constitution thanks to Lockean philosophy; namely, the fact that the purpose of Government exists to secure the rights of an individual to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness", as is learned in a US Civics class. The Government is simply to act as a mediator among individuals and factions and has no absolute conception of what is "good"; this reference point for morality must be provided from some outside "source". It is an ingenious form of government when everyone has a common goal and is willing to be virtuous in order to achieve it (Founding Father's America as a white ethnostate with Christian morals), but a chaotic mess otherwise (today's America with multiculturalism and institutions which push an anti-white male agenda). >I may not stay there forever, but I feel like staying in Asia, be in Japan, Singapore, etc. is already more appealing, and will be to an increasing degree as this all continues to play out. Tokyo's a cool place, but expensive as fuck. The villages away from the big cities are comfy like your slice-of-life animes. One of the biggest problems I've found is the language barrier; even in the big cities, there is not a lot of English, and Japanese is a hard fucking language to learn. Even after memorizing 1500 kanji, I still do not feel as if I am any closer to mastering the language; at most, I can now read some signs. Thankfully at my job, only English is spoken, and you eventually learn a few phrases to get by with your day-to-day activities. As a white guy, you are considered a curiosity by the locals; it is no joke that you get a +10 to attractiveness for being white, a lot more if you aren't a fat slob or somewhat attractive yourself. However, it becomes quite clear early on that you will never be Japanese and will never belong. You could be like one of my work colleagues who married a Japanese girl and has mutt children with her, but he is still considered an outsider, even by her family. You could even master the language and take up Japanese citizenship, but you will still never be considered Japanese. It is this strong belief in ethnic identity that Japan is what it is today, but because of the internal vulnerabilities (pursuit of self-satisfaction, which has led to an unbelievable amount of sex/sex-related entertainment, leading to low birthrates among other causes) it won't last either. Even though there will always be jobs for white men in Asia, in my experience, you will feel like an alien and you'll long to live in a strong community of whites, just like the Japanese living in a strong community of Japs. That's why I still hang around a lot on the imageboards to talk about far-right politics. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy living here, but I realize that this isn't the "end-game" that I really want. Interestingly enough, my Japanophile tendencies have made me more ardently white nationalist because I've now experienced an ethnostate and its benefits. >>5070 Everyone should be using a VPN on imageboards nowadays, so you're forgiven.
>>5074 I'm curious how comfy Japanese countryside really is, is it really like slice of life anime where you don't have burden with alot of shit from the big cities especially Expectations that most japanese often had to abide? Also is the pay good for jobs there that only very few move into the big cities/Metropolis and How Xenophobic are they in the countryside? >>5059 God Help us,CNN is riling the niggers to Burn loot and murder if trump won, I do hope MERICAN anons hang the cuckolds and shoot anyone crossing the borders to join in.
>>5074 but because of the internal vulnerabilities (pursuit of self-satisfaction, which has led to an unbelievable amount of sex/sex-related entertainment, leading to low birthrates among other causes) it won't last either. So wouldn't outright banning fictional porn/hentai be good in your opinon? Or are you just stating about this in general? I don't care if jew porn/irl porn goes since imo if one wants to look at say, a man and women fuck, might as well try to get a real man/woman, but I wouldn't personally ban it cause freedom of speech/expression. As for your saying about one who is a different race, but lives in a different country, would say it might mean something to some people, but the average black guy who lives in with whites or some other example can be fine with living in that country if they are happy there. Sure, you aren't truly part of said race, but if you help out the industry or around there, most people would see you as being fine. Most would gain more from living with whites or asians really, if they aren't fucked by the government to begin with, such as black neighborhoods. But Japan isn't the only country with the lowest birthrate, and if I am correct, i remember hearing South Korea have that problem, even through it's more religious and bans fictional porn such as those who like specific weird hentai in Japan. To add, it seems the US is having some reports of a low amount of birthrates due to not porn in general (I would say jew porn), but video games, social media, and technology in general. I would say social media is obivous cause it has stir a lot more shit ever since 2008, but video games and technology don't affect most people cause they can handle the balance of life in general. Maybe if there was more reasonable reports instead of fear mongling like in the 90's/early 00's about violent video games, I would consider more of it, but even the orgnazation that I hate for mixing fictional stuff with reality (they tried to ban fictional women porn along with the stuff of underage stuff like loli for example) that has no shown proof to have any negative effects, is even putting video games as a disorder while taking away tranny as a mental illness. It's barbaric honestly. How's NordicVPN? I heard it was good and pretty low as well.
>>5075 I do wonder as well if Japan is a good country to live in. It seems pretty nice and even has freedom of speech laws like the US. >>5074 I would like to say that if there are those who are not religious, that I would not force them to adhere to things such as Christanity. I used to believe in that god, but so much has happens to me that I just can't fathom to believe in one, but I do think others should be able to d that, as long as they don't try to force me to believe it either. And to add on from my previous post, would you say that religion should be the government? Such as banning hentai for example? Or should they just give the potential ill side effects and just not try to ban it since that could create a underground market, and it's mostly harmless?
>>5078 Not really sure anon, I see it either a meme like over exagerated on news/social media as a way to get people to immigrate since Kikes wanted everyone fucked but themselves or it really is legit outside of big Metropolis but we're outsiders so we don't have "Accurate" POV on how it feels like living there and meanwhile their people have alot of suicide rates
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>>5075 >is it really like slice of life anime where you don't have burden with alot of shit from the big cities especially Expectations that most japanese often had to abide? Compared to the big cities, country life doesn't go anywhere near as quick and there aren't as many expectations. You won't find too many of your salarymen working in "black" companies (that is, the companies with abusive practices of extreme overtime and workload) out in the country. The funny thing is that, as a foreigner, they will often expect not as much out of you than they would for a native Japanese person, because the latter is expected to work unreasonably hard in the eyes of the Japanese themselves. >Also is the pay good for jobs there that only very few move into the big cities/Metropolis It really depends on what you do. In general, jobs in the big city pay more. Without doxxing myself too much, I work at a university/research center as an academic that someone decided to open up in a country town for some reason. Compared to a similar job in the US, the pay, after considering taxes and living costs, is about comparable. >How Xenophobic are they in the countryside? It depends. I've found that they are much more accepting of white people than they are of niggers. Generally, they won't mind you if you don't look like you'll cause trouble or seem friendly enough saying a casual "konnichiwa" as you're walking down the road. >>5076 >So wouldn't outright banning fictional porn/hentai be good in your opinon? Yes, and I think that a society should be strictly monogamous (no sex before marriage, one marriage partner). My reasoning for this comes from a book called "Sex and Culture" by J. D. Unwin, and I recommend it to every person who's interested in trying to understand why the West is declining. If you don't have the time to read its 700 something pages, let me summarise it briefly: Unwin was a sociologist who studied 80 primitive tribes and 6 civilizations and tried to draw connections between their attitudes towards sex and marriage and their "cultural flourishment", as he put it. The main results he found were: >Pre-nuptial chastity was the single biggest determining factor correlating with cultural flourishment. >The highest flourishing of culture occurred when absolute monogamy was combined with pre-nuptial chastity. Rationalist cultures which could maintain this for at least three generations exceeded all other cultures in every area, including literature, art, science, furniture, architecture, engineering, and agriculture. Only 3 of the 86 cultures obtained this apex. >When strict prenuptial chastity was no longer practiced, absolute monogamy, deism, and rationalism also disappeared within three generations. >If total sexual freedom was embraced by a culture, that culture collapsed within three generations to the lowest state of flourishing - which Unwin described as “inert” - whereby people have little interest in much else other than their own wants and needs. >Any change in sexual attitudes always occured after the 3rd generation. Japan, along with its unrestricted attitude to porn and hentai, has a very big culture around sex in general. If you walk down an alleyway in Tokyo, there are Love Hotels where people pay to rent a room for an hour to fuck each other's brains out. Even at pharmacies or drug stores, it is not unusual to find sex toys like the Tenga (fleshlight). There's a lot of sex happening in general, not a lot of which is procreative. >Sure, you aren't truly part of said race, but if you help out the industry or around there, most people would see you as being fine. That's true. The Japanese will tolerate you and may even respect you, but as I keep saying, to them, you will never be Japanese. >But Japan isn't the only country with the lowest birthrate, and if I am correct, i remember hearing South Korea have that problem. That's true, which is why I said that Japan's attitudes to sex were one of many other factors. I can't really comment on Korea, but another reason to add would be women entering the workforce and becoming more career-orientated, rather than wanting to start a family (same with the West). >To add, it seems the US is having some reports of a low amount of birthrates due to...technology in general. I think there is a case to be made there. Technology, in and of itself, is not bad per se, but when coupled with the individualistic mindset of self above all else, it is a recipe for disaster. The two are not mutually exclusive either, as it was thanks to technology exerting man's will not only on nature, but also on the human body itself (birth control pills for women so that sex could be unrestricted, hormone replacement therapy for the trannies to become something that natural law never intended) which further solidified this mindset of civilization-destroying Self as god (see Unwin's definition of an "inert" culture above). >How's NordicVPN? Got a 3 year subscription before Tarrant's meme spree last year. I've done a shitload of pirating, torrenting, and shitposting and haven't gotten any knocks on the door yet. Then again, I haven't done anything really that heinous such as spreading CP or sharing bomb manuals. If some alphabet agency wants to find you, they probably have the know-how regardless of whether you have a VPN or not. Still, I wouldn't go in deep without protection. >>5078 >And to add on from my previous post, would you say that religion should be the government? As I stated in >>5074, an ingenious form of government is the US Constitution, however there needs to be some outside influence which provides the reference point for the moral compass of society. Furthermore, there needs to be a higher purpose for which the individual would be willing to self-sacrifice and direct his energies towards. At the inception of the US, religious institutions filled this role, until they later became subverted by various progressive groups trying to put social justice, rather than biblical practice, at the forefront of Christianity. The moral authority need not necessarily be religious because both religion and science/rationalism can be used to argue a particular point. Let's consider your example of prohibiting hentai or porn: Christ said that thinking about another woman is akin to committing adultery and one of the Ten Commandments is to not commit adultery. On the other hand, there have been numerous scientific studies that suggest the dopamine that is released when you pleasure yourself to porn shapes your brain via the mechanisms of neuroplasticity; the end result being that you need to indulge in more risque porn in order to get the same high. It's why, for example, hardcore porn from a few decades ago is today's softcore. Both authorities are able to provide an argument to ban porn, with the difference being that the religious argument is much more absolute in its authority than the scientific one which can change with new hypotheses and experiments.
>>5092 >At the inception of the US, religious institutions filled this role Also, arranged marriages were still largely practiced (Until the expansion West), and dueling was common-place (Until the Civil War). There's more to a society than JUST sex and religion.
Part 1: >>5092 I'm just gonna comment on three specific sections of yours if you don't mind. >Yes, and I think that a society should be strictly monogamous (no sex before marriage, one marriage partner). My reasoning for this comes from a book called "Sex and Culture" by J. D. Unwin, and I recommend it to every person who's interested in trying to understand why the West is declining. If you don't have the time to read its 700 something pages, let me summarise it briefly: Unwin was a sociologist who studied 80 primitive tribes and 6 civilizations and tried to draw connections between their attitudes towards sex and marriage and their "cultural flourishment", as he put it. The main results he found were: I won't say your argument is bad. I will say it's a bright idea for the most part. You also present some good stuff from a sociologist. But, the way I see it, I would agree with you on irl porn, as I see it as demeaning for what I would agree with as for marriage and only one person. As for Hentai/fictional porn, I can't say I agree on that. From my knowldege, it doesn't cause as much damage as irl porn and it's entirely based in fiction. Meaning, if someone wants to look at something like futa, furry, cub, loli or anything else of the imagnation, then I won't care. Of course, they need to keep that shit on sites or in places where it's not out in public eye and is not forced, but it seems people such as the Japanese know how to sort things out and make sure it is where it needs to be. It is addictive, yes, but in that regard, most who like hentai or other stuff of fiction tend to keep to their own business. It may have some people not wanting kids, but it's not the industry like the adult film one, where men,women, and kids are kidnapped or hell, worst shit that is out there that I don't want to think is happening to actual kids. > That's true, which is why I said that Japan's attitudes to sex were one of many other factors. I can't really comment on Korea, but another reason to add would be women entering the workforce and becoming more career-orientated, rather than wanting to start a family (same with the West). That I can sorta agree with you. Main reason is while you aren't wrong in the whole landscape of women who could start a family, there can be those who wish to be say, an artist. Back then, as a female, you couldn't be able to become an artist because it was seen as mostly a fit for men. Now, I'm not trying to advocate that all women want to do this shit, no. But, I would like to be the type who leaves positions open for those who are serious and passionate about it, as some have made decent artworks before the whole pile of SJW shit. Secondly, as it is now, trying to start a family is impossible with men mostly not having any way to start one because of the bs in the courts, the fact that most of society sees males as bags of waste that can't be raped or has to think that a female having sex with them without their own consent is good. It just doesn't fit with the whole idea of a good future to have a family, since there's more bills that cost a lot such as houses and water along with having a family. Thirdly, Most males aren't really motivated because of the constant hate on males in the past decade or so. Trying to talk to a women as of now is like a death sentence. Which is why anything in the realm of fiction is preferable to them. Hell, some buddies of mine who didn't like things with gore or blood in vidya games or movies from the 80's/90's/00's are now starting to enjoy it and have a thing for gore drawings of any character being killed just because of the crap they got in their life. Honestly, it seems to be the best option. Lastly, I wouldn't try to force someone to marry if you ask me. Yes, we do need to refocus on the idea of how having a family is worthwhile in the future, but, if the person just wishs to be alone and strive for their own future, then I don't really see that as a problem. It's like the Apostal of Paul if I remember correctly, who was single and devote his own life to god in the bible. It's a bot different from my context, but if anyone is not trying to be an ass in life or trying to harm anyone, then I would not dare try to intrude. That's their own privacy. It's like what happened with Gab, they took a stance towards those who just like cute characters like baby yoda, but end up taking it to the extreme and think that those folks don't want any children, when yet, most did, but either they trying to save up on money or they just didn't find the right person yet. >I think there is a case to be made there. Technology, in and of itself, is not bad per se, but when coupled with the individualistic mindset of self above all else, it is a recipe for disaster. The two are not mutually exclusive either, as it was thanks to technology exerting man's will not only on nature, but also on the human body itself (birth control pills for women so that sex could be unrestricted, hormone replacement therapy for the trannies to become something that natural law never intended) which further solidified this mindset of civilization-destroying Self as god (see Unwin's definition of an "inert" culture above). I mean, in the context of a society let alone if all they care about is what you say, then sure. But, if most of a society is wanting a family, and there are some handful of those who just want to mind their own life and go at their own pace, then there should be no problem there. The whole ordeal with stuff that you mentioned is something I don't really like getting into, but I do think that birth control pills are effy, if anything because it's not 100% on preventing pregnancy, and it can lead to abortions, which I personally don't support all the way, the whole thing with trans people is something I don't agree with imo, but if they are an adult, then so be it. They still are a small minonity, but if they don't mind help before they do whatever that affects their bodies, then give it to them. Kids let alone through should not be taking pills (unless the reason is that they are having problems growing up through that moment in life, then maybe it can help them) or fucking getting rid of their shit because their parent can't for a second just be an adult and say no. Once they grow up, that whole thing is gone and they are fine from there. Also, mind claryfing your part about how civilzation is destroying itself as god? Seems more like they are doing it because some may want to be seen as gods if anything, which is stupid as fuck. I am a bit more lax on those who are gay or lesbians, but I am reaching my breaking point since I meet the SJW type. Bi people are honestly kinda effy for me. As adults, they just like both genders, but at the same time, I can't understand one who is with more than 1 person in a marriage. Note: Sorry about my previous posts, these ones should be fine now.
Part 2: >As I stated in >>5074, an ingenious form of government is the US Constitution, however there needs to be some outside influence which provides the reference point for the moral compass of society. Furthermore, there needs to be a higher purpose for which the individual would be willing to self-sacrifice and direct his energies towards. At the inception of the US, religious institutions filled this role, until they later became subverted by various progressive groups trying to put social justice, rather than biblical practice, at the forefront of Christianity. The moral authority need not necessarily be religious because both religion and science/rationalism can be used to argue a particular point. Let's consider your example of prohibiting hentai or porn: Christ said that thinking about another woman is akin to committing adultery and one of the Ten Commandments is to not commit adultery. On the other hand, there have been numerous scientific studies that suggest the dopamine that is released when you pleasure yourself to porn shapes your brain via the mechanisms of neuroplasticity; the end result being that you need to indulge in more risque porn in order to get the same high. It's why, for example, hardcore porn from a few decades ago is today's softcore. Both authorities are able to provide an argument to ban porn, with the difference being that the religious argument is much more absolute in its authority than the scientific one which can change with new hypotheses and experiments. I do think that having some type of a religion is beneficial. But, as I stated before, a person should not be forced into partaking any thing of the sort. If they wish to not be affiliated with any religion at all, then there has to be that option. And the inception of the US was a Christian one, yes. But, there is a reason there is a section where there is freedom of religion. Meaning, anyone should have the choice of whatever religion they wish to practice or none at all. Some religion to at least take a handful of beliefs that are ideal, but one who wishes not to be a follower should not need to do it and just have those values that can lead their family to a good life. There are folks out there who have lived a successful life with set family values, but no enity to follow, as they have manage to find a way to live through life that way. I don't entirely disagree that social justice groups back then and now were idiotic for the most part, but a person should not be judged by their race, disablitites, or disorders, but by their own character and action. Most niggers are bad, but there are those who don't follow the race's footsteps and follow their own path that doesn't lead them to be a gang member or an asshole. Culture is important as well, but if said culture is like Isalm or those who have a bad background, then they are a concern since real people can get hurt. While I don't like Japan for having hentai, it's not my place to judge if there isn't a harm in the process if the individual is fine living like that and still has a balanced life without any negative effects. >Let's consider your example of prohibiting hentai or porn: Christ said that thinking about another woman is akin to committing adultery and one of the Ten Commandments is to not commit adultery. On the other hand, there have been numerous scientific studies that suggest the dopamine that is released when you pleasure yourself to porn shapes your brain via the mechanisms of neuroplasticity; the end result being that you need to indulge in more risque porn in order to get the same high. It's why, for example, hardcore porn from a few decades ago is today's softcore. Both authorities are able to provide an argument to ban porn, with the difference being that the religious argument is much more absolute in its authority than the scientific one which can change with new hypotheses and experiments. For the first part, I would not consider someone who looks at what is basically a fictional character to be performing a sin. Sure, they are looking at what is a sex act on it's own, but the observer can't go meet that person in reality, or most don't tend to let such acts of fiction dictate how they should act in sex with a man or woman. IRL porn through, it is harmful because said folks would learn from that, and think it's fine without not knowing how to bond with the husband or wife more better than looking at some hardcore sex act that treats either sexes as low trash. By this logic, I would have to consider someone who thoroughly enjoys killing someone in GTA with someone who gets a kick out of killing someone in real life. There is a dopamine rush in those who seek anything, and the whole 90's/00's crusade of trying to ban violent vidya is just not what I agree with. Porn can be change your brain, but so can basically any media or anything else like working out if the person is not having a control over their life or worst, hurts someone else in real life or can't separate fiction from reality. Those are the types I would look out for (mostly the latter two imo). I would agree with you on your take of porn being the end result of going to more extremes just to get off on it if it'd IRL porn. Hentai sure, it can have that same effect, but again, I feel it's less damaging as there has not been a lot of studies that suggest anything of porn in the realm of fiction. While one can aruge from either or both POV's, the religiousness authority might oversee some studies that can be proven to be beneficial and to not outright ban it, but just advise on the public to be weary of it. The scientfic authority is great to have, but one also has to make sure the said studies are accurate and not some made up bs like what the far-left has done to make it seem that being gay or whatever in the soup is somehow good, when yet, there has been some bad affects that happen when one does such acts that can lead them to a bad future. I do wish to that I hope we can have a good civil discussion on this. I don't hate the right, as I mostly align on a libertarian type of way, but there are some things I do disagree with such as what I mentioned above. If this is something that you wish to agree on disagreeing ( or just wanting to end this discussion), then I would not mind one bit. I will say on the parts of my hypothetical ban of hentai and IRL porn, that if I were to have it that way, I would lessen the charge for those who make some weird fictional porn smut from those who do the actual stuff. For example, what happened to that manga collector who had some loli shit back in the late 00's, I would put him on the charge of obscene stuff, but to a lesser degree since it was shown that he was just into the fictional stuff, than say, some actual pedofucker who I would personally allow someone to be payed to kill out in the public since no one who harms the innocent should be given mercy, unless it was shown to be a false allegation or they are really serious on changing their ways, as I would not one to have to go through another rape, murder, etc.
>>5093 Wait, really?
Shit, I meant to have stated your five statements that I listed at the beginning of my posts. Sorry about that.
>>5068 This. Both jews AND women are at fault. There is no single guilty party in this. Everyone who is not a straight, white man is guilty of anti-white behavior.
>>5099 Fuck off, fucking dengenrate. Me and the guy who at least has fucking morals are far better than freaks who love jacking it to cartoon characters. Fucking freaks.
>>5073 >Maybe in a few years I'll be like that one anon who deliberately put his anti-white, pro-immigration elderly mother under the care of a shitskin who abused her and made her twilight years hell. That is another good way to deal with the cunt.
>>5098 Here's a doc explaining how the Westward expansion effectively ended arranged marriages: https://invidio.us/watch?v=oSG3IZWnWNo And, another explaining how dueling was "common" in the U.S. until the Civil War: https://invidio.us/watch?v=MR1ZggvWCYo
>>5074 >Compare this with Japan where, for instance, it is not unusual to find a worker, even one who works scrubbing toilets in Shibuya Station with a couple hundred thousand people pissing and shitting in them a day, to approach their job, no matter how menial it is, with some nationalistic zeal of "This is my job in society and I will do it to make society great!". And yet, they commit suicide on large numbers, precisely because individuals aren't meant to live by a group's standards. I would rather have our current decline than to live as a bugman, devoid of any individualism and "living" an empty life just to fulfill the needs of the collective.
>>5105 What I find confusing is this guy's reasoning if the average americunt goes to live in Japan, but is of a mixed race instead of just one. What would they do? I heard of stories where such people are ostracized from examples such as the blacks or mexicans because they were not truly part of the race. BS if you ask me, but whatever. Life has it's fucking fair share of nonsense. Hell, I love how all religious fantatics preach as if their own religion hasn't done any harm in the past, such as the dark ages where having a different opinon or thoiught would be enough to kill your ass or how children with mutations or disorders were treated as if they were the devil incarnate in the 1700's. Just stupid bitches who are trying to seem all high and mighty, but truly have cracks in their system that I would prefer to just keep my own family separated from everything and practice a religion if I had to.
>>5076 All birthrate problems have the same cause: women. Women have shown their true nature, and no real man wants to deal with any woman whatsoever, even if it means total extinction.
>>5107 >the dark ages where having a different opinon or thoiught would be enough to kill your ass You're surprised about the nationalization and extremism of religion during a time that Islam was wrecking havoc upon Europe?
>>5078 Without religion, life has no meaning. It is not a matter of existence or not. A human being MUST believe in some form of religion, or else he will always turn into a self destructive lowlife.
>>5110 I am interested in some things such as the multiverse or even reincarnation, but so far, I am doing fine. Including others who just want to live a good life, to help others, and enjoy everything to the full Not everyone needs to believe in some type of religion to have meaning. I simply believe that after I die for the most part, I'll just become enegry based on science or maybe just be in nothingness? I don't know, but after having dealt with some pastors in Christanity, I can hardly trust anyone in those regards. >>5109 That, and the fact from what I heard about Christan fanatics going crazy if anyone didn't follow their religion. Could be false for all I know, but it seems legit given from what a buddy of mine told me.
>>5091 Intredasting... Great job anon!
>>5111 >the fact from what I heard about Christan fanatics going crazy if anyone didn't follow their religion. Could be false for all I know It probably did happen in some parts of the continent, but the insistence upon painting Christianity as the "reason" for the "Dark Ages" (When St. Patrick is the reason WHY some of Roman history and knowledge survived the final burning of Alexandria, the monasteries started public education and universities, and the Catholic Church actually funded many of the scientific discoveries that later happened), has muddled so much of truth that any real occurrences of zealotry can be written off a fairy tales or exaggeration. Especially when many of the referenced examples of "corruption" all started during the 1400's, just when the Renaissance was kicking off.
>>5110 So people should follow any religion even if they're all false because they give life "meaning" and prevent them from becoming "self-destructive lowlives" as though a person intrinsically and objectively ought to have meaning in their life and likewise ought not to be a lowlife. But if these values were intrinsic then they would be 'meaning', which would mean that meaning does exist independently of religions and thus religions would not be necessary for meaning to exist, , making your post wrong of course it would actually have to be proven for these values to exist. Conversely, if there is no such values that people ought to follow regardless of personal preferences, then it doesn't matter if life has no meaning or if anyone is self destructive. You might personally dislike such behaviors because of environmental factors and/or your instincts, but that is just your personal preference. Which you can pretend is objective if you want, since it wouldn't be immoral to do so since morality doesn't exist. But you'd be factually incorrect.
Sorry to intrude on this lengthy discussion, but Is Trump WINNING yet?
>>5110 >Without religion, life has no meaning. What absolute shit, you make your own meaning which bares out as religions are invented constructs, just cos you decide to glomp onto one of them doesn't automatically make your life worth something.
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>>5110 What about when your religion is a horde of violent cunts out murdering for shits and giggles? What if your religion *IS* that of the self destructive lowlife? Further, what about everyone prior to the major religions coming about? Go back further if you like pre-Ra Their lives were ALL pointless and self destructive huh? Yeah there's a lot of old gods and mad religious ideas to hitch your wagon to but there's a shitload of people throughout history who had no part them, their genes are still in the pool. Consider that your ancestors, for the lions share of animated existence on this planet, live in a time 'prior' to even the oldest religion being a thing, prior to even language being a thing and yet they begat your line talking this bullshit. Understand that you wouldn't even exist without the faithless you're shitting upon and that even if every one of your ilk were somehow a pious soul right back to the ooze then you *still* wouldn't be here because of the innumerable assistances that those terrible godless heathen scientists and medics have provided humanity through time up to and including in your fucking lifetime, your blinkers are hueg m8.
>>5121 Calm down, Brit. I know being surrounded by Muslims must suck, but don’t tar every religion with the same brush. When was the last time Buddhist beheaded anyone, for example? And as for the godless, I don’t mind Atheists as long as they aren’t dicks about it... Or are filthy commies.
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>>5110 A need for purpose is a childish thing. >>5122 >When was the last time Buddhist beheaded anyone, for example? Actually they have done exactly that in the past when their religion was a ruling power. And they would again given time and power. Religion is just an alternate governance and it's all about power and money. The bigger it gets, the worse it gets, same as any group, there's nothing special about religion, they just shill differently.
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>>5123 >they have done exactly that in the past when their religion was a ruling power <Bhutan is 75% Bhuddist <The monks are part of the fucking government <No beheadings and very low crime for a developing country That's just one example, since I've been there and seen the peacefulness of the people firsthand. I could pick many other Himalayan kingdoms and other countries in Asia as well. You don't know what you're talking about.
>>5126 Does Buddism have a thing agniest fictional porn or hentai? I can get irl porn, but the former seems redundant since the person is attracted to what are lines or pixels. Only thing I heard of is that the taking of any life is forbidden. I can agree all the way up until actual pedos, rapists, and psycho murders who do it for no reason and just to ruin innocent lives. All those types can be killed because of their actions that have harmed actual people.
>>5123 >A need for purpose is a childish thing No it isnt you fucking retard. It is the animating principle of life itself. A reason to get up in the morning. If you resign yourself to a pseudo intellectual lack of purpose like that sadboi soft faggot Nietzsche you have only succeeded in defeating yourself. You are part of the same illusion that you claim the universe to be. So by shattering the illusion you destroy yourself in the process. Be a real man and find some purpose, or go back to being a worthless sack of protoplasm posting smoothbrained atheism thinkpieces on r/RickandMorty.
>>5123 >A need for purpose is a childish thing. And? It doesn't matter if a person is childish as you define it or not. Just because you personally dislike something that doesn't make it objectively bad.
Goddamnit anons. Can we talk about Trump? **>>5128 >sadboi soft faggot Nietzsche you have only succeeded in defeating yourself. <Implying Nietzsche actually supported nihilism Go read a book.** **>>5122 >When was the last time Buddhist beheaded anyone, for example? When the Tokugawa still rules 19th century Japan. Violence isn't a good reason to dislike Buddhist anyway. The problem with Buddhism is that it's overly ascetic, making its adherents believe that there's nothing worth pursuing in real world but enlightenment. Good food? Meat? Nope → Buddhists end up being malnourished and lanky Science? Technology? Nope → All Buddhist economies don't advance beyond agricultural ones Final note; Japan was a backward nation full of manlets while it was ruled by the Buddhist shogunate.** **>>5123 >The bigger it gets, the worse it gets, same as any group, there's nothing special about religion, they just shill differently. Every human endeavor is like that. When too many people gets involved, some will reinterpret the core thing into whatever they liked. Popularity equals degeneration.**
>>5131 >spoiler failed pls bully Also >Good food? Meat? Nope → Buddhists end up being malnourished and lanky Higher meat consumption equals higher IQ. A vegetarian society will also be a society full of subhumans
>>5128 I can agree on a purpose in life, that is something that every human regardless of whatever needs in order to avoid going down the path of negative shit. What I do have a problem with is your saying that every person needs a religion. Not everyone human does. A need such as wanting to strive to help others such as a friend or protecting your own family can go a long way. Hell, wanting to be good at art is also a purpose. The main two things that are needed are motivation and imagination of what future anyone wishes to have. Really mate, you need to stop suggesting that there are not folks out there who have a good life while not believing in whatever prescribed religion you can name of. That's just saying you can't accpect the facts that some have been able to become their own leaders of their own path that aren't sheeps of flock for any religion.
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>REPORT: Lt Gen McInerney Reports US Special Forces Attacked CIA Server Farm In Germany In Server Seizure Operation, 5 Soldiers Killed, Servers Secured https://archive.vn/I1I35
>>5141 This never happened and the whole story is a lie.
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>>5127 No, it doesn't. Western media, writers, etc. have taken Buddhism, watered it down to remove the religiosity, and packaged it as meditation, spirituality, etc. This is all totally innacurate--neutered to make it more presentable to Western audiences. It's hard to give a complete summary of it right here, but it's a true, complex religion with it's own metaphysics, systems of morality, etc. The basic principle, if I had to sum it up, is that there are multiple planes of existence, and when we die, we're reborn into a different realm (or the same one) based on a karmic system of weights and balances related to what we do in this life. This cycle is called Samsara, and it's endless--you may be reborn as a high diety in one life, only to wind up in one of the realms of hell again in the future. Samsara is ultimately an endless cycle of suffering. There's nothing particularly special about the Bhudda except that he's the first person in our particular timeline (Bhuddhists effectively beleive in parallel universes) to find the middle path and escape the cycle of samsara completely. There's a central divide in Buddhism between Hinayana and Mahayana practitioners, with the core difference being whether you should seek this path yourself, or bring others along the way. Buddhists also believe that the sensation of the self is kind of illusory--that you're actually comprised of aggegates that come together for this life, but are in fact distinct and atomized, so removing the focus on self is key (almost the exact opposite of the Westernized navel-gazing we see associated with Buddhism). It's extremely complicated, so I can't cover the whole belief system here, but that's a small part of it. You're right, adherent Buddhists aren't permitted to take life, human or animal. So it's illegal to kill any animals in Bhutan.
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>>5142 Hello glowie
>religious discussion(shitflinging) in the election thread Well, at least you're keeping it out of the GG threads for a change
>>5092 >If total sexual freedom was embraced by a culture, that culture collapsed within three generations to the lowest state of flourishing - which Unwin described as “inert” - whereby people have little interest in much else other than their own wants and needs. To hell with monogamy. I would rather have sex with as many women as I want to than have a prosperous civilization.
>>5150 That isn't what would happen. All the women would end up in a relatively small number of harems, and the majority of men would die as literal incels. This is how it worked throughout most of history, and how it still works to a degree today. Monogamy is a system to give betas families so that they have incentive to actually work to support their families and not just work barely enough to support themselves. Monogamy is a system to ensure that men are actually motivated to give a single flying fuck. But oh, wait, do you think you'd be one of the alphas, with his own harem? Because if so, just remember what website you're on, and reconsider your position.
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>>5126 >No beheadings and very low crime for a developing country Exactly, it's a developing country, which will have lower crime in general if not molested by outside powers. It's a small religious country. If I were to give you an example where it gets violent we'd go to big religion, aka the Middle East. Even disregarding the Muslim/Christian/Jewish conflict, the fact remains that the country is constantly molested by outside forces seeking their oil, and despite the perception of the war-torn 3rd world, in most cases they would have been more peaceful if they had nothing to take, and most modern Muslim practice, namely violence, conquest and rape, are grandfathered traits stemming from Muslim numbers and the resulting corruption, which is a long storied history spanning millenia. I'm not saying small religious countries are bad by default, because that's exactly when religion thrives, only in small communal countries that have few outside threats. Bhutan is basically irrelevant on the world economic scale and is very insular. BIG religion, however, is full of "faith" and "worship", easy things to manipulate towards men's benefit instead of the original purpose of honoring the gods or God which led to communal prosperity. Given the excuse of the divine, man becomes prideful in his practices and is thus easily manipulated by bad actors who take advantage of his emotion to pit him against "filth", meaning whoever violates the new tenant that gets added in. In fact the majority of the conflict of today's middle east stems from a major split of ideals in a gigantic group, between prophets like Jesus, Mohammad, Moses and so on, all going their own divided path either through complications due to travel or simple corruption, either on the spot on creation of the sect or down the line of leadership. They once believed that "logic" and "thought" was the path of the devil, but it was misunderstood why it was. It was because those of above average charismatic intelligence can easily corrupt this system of worship and warp it, because it is ultimately an abstract system of beliefs that even vary from person to person. So it is very easy to slip between the cracks of this system without being barred and control it from the inside, and the larger it is, the easier it goes down the dark path. A person is usually uncorruptible, static, set in their ways. A people however, can be moved like the lightest sand on a beach to drown themselves in the sea. TL;DR You really don't understand mob psychology.
>>5094 The problem with monogamy is that society needs it, but men, as individuals, don't. Women are boring and all think the same. They copy the thought process of men that they like, and that is it. Living with just one woman becomes tedious pretty fast. For me, as an individual, a life of boredom is not worthy for keeping society afloat. Men should always be free. And society must always let men chose to be monogamous or not. As soon as something becomes mandatory, even if it benefits society, it will be met with rejection by most. especially in this case, where men lose their freedom and are forced into a life of boredom just to keep society stable and to maintain social cohesion. It is not a good trade off for men. It is better to have total decadence than to live a life of pure tedium just to keep thing stable.
>>5153 There are those who are not betacucks who might just support their own asses, a friend, or loved one, but have not any family simply because they know what they want out of life and work hard for it. Not everyone is a beta fucker who wishes to just get that pussy so they think no one will call them a virgin anymore, which won't change anything really.
>>5095 >a person should not be judged by their race, disablitites, or disorders Completely wrong. Rraces, disabilites and disorders command a living being's actions, and those of the inferior type will ALWAYS become a cancer inside any nation. They must be purged. Not tolerated. >Most niggers are bad, but there are those who don't follow the race's footsteps and follow their own path that doesn't lead them to be a gang member or an asshole. Completely false. All niggers return to being savage apes at some point in their lives. It is in their very DNA. Tolerating their existence up until now was one of the biggest mistakes that human beings ever made. As for porn, every men needs his escape valve. If fictional porn is suppressed, it will only cause men to unleash their desires in a auto-destructive way. Let men have what they want, as long as it is fictional. Don't intrude in the personal fetishes of a man, and said man will still be functional. Current society's main problem is that everyone wants to control everyone else. I won't ever sacrifice myself for a society that wants to control me. Even worse, wants to control my sexual fetishes.
>>5095 >no one who harms the innocent should be given mercy Children are not innocent. Children can consent to sex with an adult just fine. Little girls are prettier than women on their 20s, and infinitely more desirable.
>>5101 Moralfags will get the bullet too, in due time.
>>5107 >how children with mutations or disorders were treated as if they were the devil incarnate in the 1700's. Killing defective children is good for the human race. Only the functional must be allowed to live.
>>5117 >So people should follow any religion even if they're all false because they give life "meaning" and prevent them from becoming "self-destructive lowlives" Yes.
>>5121 >What about when your religion is a horde of violent cunts out murdering for shits and giggles? Does it give meaning to those violent cunt's lives? Yes? Thant it is good. A life devoted to a religious belief, no matter how it harms OTHERS, is always superior to a life devoid of beliefs. >What if your religion *IS* that of the self destructive lowlife? There is no such religion. The self-destructive lowlives are preciely those who traded religion for non-religious beliefs, such as consumerism, communism, "science as truth" and such. >Further, what about everyone prior to the major religions coming about? God always existed. There is no such thing as "prior to religion". Of course, a subversive lowlife such as you would never understand that truth. That is one of the many reason why you will get the rope.
>>5158 Those who are not betas aren't the issue, because they're the minority. They can get chicks and have families anyway, and if not, and they still work for some other reason, then society is content with them. They are a statistically small number of men. It's not about betas just wanting pussy so they won't be called a virgin anymore, it's about men being able to get far enough in the reproduction cycle that they have a reason to work hard enough to support people other than themselves. It's not just about sex, it's about children, about family. If a man has children, he is much more motivated to work harder so his children can have more resources. If a man doesn't have children, and has no realistic hope of having children, then he won't work with the aim of supporting his children, he'll just work with the aim of supporting his collection of anime figurines, and that is much cheaper. Without the betas working, society crumbles. Women don't work, and alphas, the ones that would end up with the women anyway, couldn't work hard enough to support society by themselves. Even if they could, they'd have less incentive, since their reproductive success is relatively secure regardless, just due to sheer number of children, which the man would not realistically be taking care of regardless. Betas, being the majority of men, are the ones that build society, but only if they have a reason to do so. It's their work, and their taxes, that supports society. That supports women. But women are taking this for granted and openly hating the betas, making more and more betas realize their true position in society, that of a hated beast of burden. So they're checking out and becoming "incels" and "herbivore men," and society panics. Why? Why care about some dude who is just keeping to himself and working just enough to buy a few body pillows? Because before, these men were working under the assumption of monogamy, that one day they'd have families to support. Now they're realizing that's a lie anyway, so there's no reason to work harder. There's no reason to keep society running.
>>5123 >A need for purpose is a childish thing. Communist scum.
>>5167 Communists feel they have a purpose, though. To further communism. They believe it's the natural end of history, and their responsibility to bring it about.
>>5167 Communists have a cause and a purpose, just as a visonary murderer does or a degenerate who makes his entire life about sex. Purpose is childish.
>>5136 Purpose is religion. Religion is purpose. There is no such thing as one existing without the others.
>>5170 Your definition of religion is then so broad that it does not connect with most people's definition. It's so broad that it's practically useless.
>Soros gets namedropped in the Arizona fraud hearing by the legislature in reference to trying to co-opt the country kek
>>5172 Debunked
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>>5175 >(((cnn)))
If there's anything to learn from this debacle, there are a lot more RINO's than we thought and the swamp needs to be drained further. Not sure how it's in the best interest of the republican party to allow the blatant fraud to happen since the same thing could happen to them, unless this whole 2 party system was a sham all along. Has this battle between Democrats and Republicans just been one big play of musical chairs where they trade seats to keep up the illusion of a 2 party system and we've all been controlled behind -the-scenes by some all powerful hidden king? It would explain George W. Bush saying this 2020 election was legit, even though what is happening now is like what happened to him when he contested the 2000 election but much worse. I would like Trump to win just to fuck the system again but it still is a hard road ahead for his team. Aiming for the supreme court or this state vote thing seems like the only options left for him with so many traitors coming out of the woodwork.
>>5175 lowest of low effort garbage
>>5165 >There is no such thing as "prior to religion". Sorry you're so thoroughly retarded to fail to properly interpret the language you're apparently speaking. Without language there is no religion, without language there is no god. >get the rope You'll die of stupidity long before me.
Also >>5165 >Does it give meaning to those violent cunt's lives? Yes? Thant it is good. A life devoted to a religious belief, no matter how it harms OTHERS, is always superior to a life devoid of beliefs Mudslime detected.
Also >>5165 >A life devoted to a religious belief, no matter how it harms OTHERS, is always superior to a life devoid of beliefs. Jew or Mudslime you're one or the other. Get the fuck out of life.
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>DOJ hasn’t seen evidence of ‘systemic’ election fraud says AG Barr https://archive.vn/wd5OZ >>5177 its all so tiresome. trump could win the candidacy but after 4 years, the communist will do the same thing all over again or worse. The only true way out is to abandon the ((democracy)) before the communist democrats and traitorous rinos take over the country. 5-10 years of facism will put the nation on the right path.
>>5153 >All the women would end up in a relatively small number of harems, and the majority of men would die as literal incels. And? I will strive for being one of the men in the harem. Batter to risk everything than to live a boring life with one single woman. >Monogamy is a system to give betas families so that they have incentive to actually work to support their families Which is stupid, because the race prospers more if only the alphas are allowed to procreate. The total eradication of all who aren't alphas is the best case scenario. >not just work barely enough to support themselves. Living and working just for oneself and for one's desires is the best thing in life. The collective can go to hell for what I care. And if my selfishness ends up bringing total extinction to humanity after I die, so be it. At least I will live how I want, and not how the collective wants. >Monogamy is a system to ensure that men are actually motivated to give a single flying fuck. Which is retarded because no one needs to live for a purpose, if they don't want to. Also, this system is a contradiction, since living with one single woman is the peak boredom and it is detrimental to any will to give a fuck about anything at all. Having the prospect and chance (no matter how minimal) of having sex with lots and lots of women through one's life without taking any responsibility for any of them is infinitely better as a motivator. >do you think you'd be one of the alphas, with his own harem? Yes. >just remember what website you're on, and reconsider your position. So, are you a shill paid by jews to spread falsehoods and blackpills to people then? It figures.
>>5192 I could look at 100,000 cases of election fraud and say that there’s no evidence of systemic fraud. I don’t have to say I see 100,000 cases of concurrent fraud even though I see it. This guy is in with the rest of them and by using semantics he can trick people into believing there wasn’t any fraud. They say there isn’t “large scale” fraud because the measure of their scale is 10% and all of the wins are just snuck by by a few thousand votes or 0.2 or so percent. Ultimately either that server data gets released in the Supreme Court or enough invalid votes (a few thousand) in very specific counties must be found with a forensic, case-by-case audit. Of course it just kicks the can down the road because The Communist States of America will be founded within 3 decades anyways.
>>5175 CNN is in no position to "debunk" anything. "Debunk" yourself by jumping off a cliff.
>>5156 Still better than having no religion (and thus, no meaning) in one's life.
>>5196 Does the religion give meaning to your life, or does your life give meaning to the religion?
>>5166 >It's not just about sex For me is just about sex. Fuck a woman, abandon her, search for another woman, repeat. Anything else is a waste of time or is too boring for me to care about. >Without the betas working, society crumbles. True. And it deserves to crumble, for how it treats betas. Every man wants lots of women. Not just one single woman. Society makes it harder and harder for betas to have many women. So society can fuck off and crumble for all I care. >Because before, these men were working under the assumption of monogamy, that one day they'd have families to support. Now they're realizing that's a lie anyway, so there's no reason to work harder. There's no reason to keep society running. This. If I can't have what I want, nobody will benefit from me either, and I will not work for or sacrifice for anything nor anyone. I am the only person that matters in my life. I am the most important person in the universe, regarding anything related to priorities and sacrifices. Me first, and me only.
>>5192 >trump could win the candidacy but after 4 years After what Trump has done do damage (((them))) and their narrative, they won't let him try a second time, if Trump doesn't manage to win this time, next time is going to be impossible. I hope the man is well prepared and has everything planned, and that "Kraken" doesn't ends up being a squid. Otherwise, it's civil war.
>>5168 No, they don't. They simply want everyone else being miserable as themselves, for being failures on a genetic level.
>>5169 >Communists have a cause and a purpose They don't. They are literally parasitic animals that deserve to be slaughtered. >Purpose is childish. Communist scum. >just as a visonary murderer does Communist scum. >or a degenerate who makes his entire life about sex. Communist scum.
>>5171 >Your definition of religion is then so broad that it does not connect with most people's definition. Hence why killing the majority of the population is a necessity. One that will soon be enacted. >It's so broad that it's practically useless. Only to the lowlives. and they will all be purged.
>>5175 All of you who work for jews will be killed too, after we genocide the jewish race.
>>5175 It's embarrassing to see what passes for journalism in our time and age.
>>5184 God has always existed. Therefore, religion always existed. Your subversion won't ever change this truth. All leftist scum will get the rope. >>5185 >>5186 Religion is more important than the life of lowlives who have no meaning to their existence.
>>5128 >Be a real man Code for: become a simp, slave to women. >find some purpose My purpose in life is to indiscriminately ruin the lives of anyone that enjoys his/her own life, out of spite for not accomplishing my former goals in life. How is that for a purpose, eh, chad dude?
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>all these replies to TORpedos There goes the election thread.
>>5192 As always, if you play by the enemy's rules, you lose. Violence always proved to be the only effective way to win in life.
>>5194 >The Communist States of America will be founded within 3 decades anyways. We will genocide the jews in America and hang all leftists before that.
>>5197 Religion > life itself.
>>5200 >Otherwise, it's civil war. Civil war is the best outcome. Kill all the enemies and seize complete power over the nation.
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trump speech today over 45mins >youtu DOT be/720O_yBLrTs ...no martial law yet
>>5208 I won't change it. I fully embrace it. Anything that I can do to ruin any person's life, I will do it. And I will keep doing that until I die. The world didn't deliver what I wanted for my life, so I will bring suffering and ruin for everyone, everywhere, whenever I get the chance to.
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>>5218 >Anything that I can do to ruin any person's life, I will do it.
>>5218 Sums up TORpedos perfectly.
>>5199 Nigger detected.
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>Illegal Money-for-Votes Raffles Conducted in Several States in 2020 Election https://archive.is/OC4E2
>>5222 Can't see the difference between natives and spics anymore, they all look the same to me.
>>5219 >muh edge And yet, I am doing exactly as I said. As a single example, every time that you see small news about some family ruined by a "anonymous" report of a (fake or not) crime, making their kids to be taken away from them and put in the custody of the jewish state system, ruining both parents' lives as well as the children's, you can thank me (or someone else like me) for that. And that is just one of the many things that I will do just out of spite.
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>>5221 >Nigger detected. Then niggers were right all along.
>>5220 Blame the world for not delivering to me the life that I wanted.
>>5234 >>5233 >>5231 >>5218 The world doesn't you a thing tornigger.
>>5234 Blame yourself for being a weak faggot that couldn't claim the life you wanted and instead settled for what you have.
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Georgia ballot stuffing caught on camera. https://www.breitbart(Please use archive.today)/politics/2020/12/03/video-georgia-vote-counters-suitcases-ballots-table-observers-media-leave/ https://archive.vn/wip/cIAx2 This and PA's lack of chain of custody should (as in how it should be, not necessarily will be) be sufficient to hand those states to Trump. Arizona found well over 2% of a random sample of 100 votes were altered, which should provide the third state.
>>5240 This is staged footage by the Trump team.
>>5241 Thanks for providing proof of your claim instead of just expecting us to believe what you said simply because you said it
>>5241 Well i guess it's "debunked" now that you said it. go fuck yourself, faggot.
>>5235 Yes, it does. The whole world should give me all that I wanted in my life. >>5239 No. The world is to blame for not giving me what I wanted. Now I will only put effort into ruining other people's lives as long as I live.
>>5241 The woman who forced poll watchers out is present on the video.
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>>5241 Thank you for your professional assessment of the situation.
>>5240 Where's the accompanying footage of Moloch worshippers down in the basement burning Trump ballots while dancing and chanting in the nude?
>>5235 Spoke like a true boomer worker. That makes me put even more resources into the research and development of automatizatiom processes, so we can accelerate the replacement of all workers with machines, and finally get rid of you worker scum. Not even prostitutes will be able to make a living, once we develop AI that can learn to create and repair machinery by their own, so we can implement mass automatization all over the world, replacing every one of you worker scum with bots, drones and such. I will celebrate the day when only the richest among us can walk freely on the streets, while all of your worker scum are dying of starvation on your slums.
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>>5206 Get someone to strangle you so you can go meet your god faggot mudkike
>>5246 Blame everything but yourself for how shit your life is a bit more, weakling. You'll do nothing but bitch on a keyboard.
>>5222 wew
>>5264 You will see the edgy when you are all starving.
>>5265 I will kill the non-religious in the name of God instead.
>>5266 Yes, the world IS to blame for everything that I couldn't accomplish. As for my keyboard, I use it to plant fake evidence and organize reports and calls to authorities to ruin people's lives.Keep believing that I won't do anything, while I will keep ruining people's lives out of spite.
>>5263 >>5273 So niggerpill you finally upped your "game" into claiming you're doing things that never happened?
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>>5280 >>5281 Yikes, that's been debunked two weeks ago.
>>5273 So much edge it's a wonder you've not bled out.
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>Rudy Giuliani has tested positive for COVID-19, President Donald Trump tweeted on Sunday https://archive.is/JpIvM
>>5274 Keep believing that, while I keep ruining random people's lives.
>>5284 >Cuckchanner thinks that Biden will be President. We are organizing to kill you all, regardless of what the law or any legality says. Enjoy your last year alive.
>>5287 Can Trump and his team actually gain progress with Giuliani away? Judging by the news I read, he seems pretty much the Trump card in the lawsuit.
>>5306 I'd assume he would have to work remotely while he is stuck in isolation. Unless of course this is the murder strain of the china virus then I hope he laid enough of the groundwork for the others to follow while he recovers.
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>Arizona Supreme Court agrees to weigh election challenge https://archive.is/NwftW
>>5285 Being edgy is always a good thing for me. It fuels my hate for the whole world, and it enables me to work even harder in ruining people's lives out of spite.
>>5316 Are you the guy from the planetside webm?
>>5308 >>5312 > I'd assume he would have to work remotely while he is stuck in isolation That gave me hope.
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TEXAS >Texas Sues Four Battleground States in Supreme Court Over ‘Unlawful Election Results' in 2020 Presidential Race >The lawsuit, which was filed directly to the Supreme Court, asserts that "unlawful election results" in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin and Michigan — all of which Biden won — should be declared unconstitutional https://archive.is/LJpWl
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>>5322 >namefaggotry
>>5329 heh
>>5320 SCotUS has added it to docket and asked for response. Robert Barnes says it's the best case for SCotUS, which explain them not taking the Pen case.
>>5320 >Louisiana BACKS Texas case before US Supreme Court against Biden 'winning' elections in four battleground states https://archive.is/ZzJfY >Chinese boast Biden White House will restore their influence https://archive.is/gEIco
>>5339 >Seven States Will Join Texas in SCOTUS Lawsuit Against Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania >They are: Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina, South Dakota http://archive.fo/PWXjf
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The coon from the Michigan hearing is inciting violence against Trump supporters openly.
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>>5339 chinks are truely kikes of the east
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>>5339 >>5340 >Trump vows to intervene in Texas election case before Supreme Court >The Republican president, writing on Twitter, said: “We will be INTERVENING in the Texas (plus many other states) case. This is the big one. Our Country needs a victory!” https://archive.is/vV61R >YouTube will now remove videos disputing Joe Biden’s election victory >In its Wednesday blog, YouTube said that its decision to begin removing misleading election videos follows the US’s safe harbor deadline and that “enough states have certified their election results to determine a President-elect.” Starting Wednesday, YouTube will begin removing any new content that misleads viewers about the outcome of the 2020 election https://archive.fo/OvhEZ
>>5341 The right answer is to be even more violent against Biden supporters. If your thick skull still can't understand that without violence nothing good can happen and nothing can be improved, then you deserve to die as a slave.
>>5347 Aww look at the little spook go, isn't he adorable?
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>>5346 >17 states side with Texas in Supreme Court lawsuit aiming to overturn Biden wins in four states https://archive.is/gpC1w
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>Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden under federal investigation for tax case >“I take this matter very seriously but I am confident that a professional and objective review of these matters will demonstrate that I handled my affairs legally and appropriately, including with the benefit of professional tax advisors,” Hunter Biden said. https://archive.is/2dOgH >FBI: Communist China Spy Infiltrated California Politicians, Including Russia Hoaxer Eric Swalwell >According to U.S. intelligence officials and a former politician, between 2011 and 2015, Fang socialized, networked with Rep. Judy Chu and then-Rep. Mike Honda, campaigned for now-Rep. Rho Khanna, volunteered for Bill Harrison, the mayor of Fremont, California at the time, fundraised for people such as Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, and in some cases, developed romantic or sexual relationships with politicians to gain intelligence and send it back to her handlers, who were believed to be stationed in mainland China. She also reportedly used her close ties to government officials and politicians to place “subagents” as employees or interns in some political and congressional offices https://archive.is/QBZRN
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>>5341 >Michigan legislator who gave 'warning' to Trump supporters stripped of committee seats >"Threats to Democrats or Republicans are unacceptable and un-American," Chatfield said. "They're even more unbecoming of an elected official. Rep. Johnson has been stripped of her committees and we're looking into further disciplinary action as the proper authorities conduct their investigation." https://archive.is/i6Mti
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>>5356 >further disciplinary action
>>5351 The tax shit isn't the half of it, he's also being investigated for being bribed by the chinks by a special prosecutor.
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>>5345 >>5339 China #1!
>>5362 >/abdl/ has officially declared an allegiance to the CCP, new reports say >We don't think he looks like Winnie the Pooh and diapers a vewy vewy guu
>>5365 To be clear, this is just a joke, we all know he looks exactly like Winnie the Pooh.
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Look's they're not so confident now. Funny how going to the courts is now is against democracy according to them.
>>5349 Slave.
>>5339 Yes, rich people with holdings in Chinese firms/transnational corporations can sway policy in the US. I don’t know why people think this is a massive zinger. Like some bro is sitting behind a desk with ties to China just like “nah bro, this doesn’t benefit China, we ain’t doing it”. It’s literally just rich billionaires looking to extract more of their own profit.
>>5371 In their hearts of hearts, all the news media really want Trump to win, just to get four more years of news coverage, scandals and high audience turnouts. They know that Trump is good press, and they need him in the White House, just so that they could say how much they hate him.
>>5385 If you have divided loyalties, be they personal, ideological, and especially financial, you should not be a politician. >>5386 They realize the minute Trump leaves office the Left loses their common cause and starts to autocannibalize itself as usual.
>>5386 >>5387 They don't really need him in office to use him and those evil Trump supporters as eternal boogymen. I mean look at how even now they use gaymergate as a boogyman despite basically nothing coming of it.
>>5371 >deep state puppets accusing someone else of trying to kill democracy WEW
>>5386 I think they're genuinely scared now. They ramped up the rhetoric and threw the country into a frenzy. They knew that opposing rhetoric would pick up and give them an excuse to keep going. They and their viewers feel escalation is justified and "the other side did it first!". Now they're seeing things pushed to the brink. They never wanted that. They don't want real threats.
>>5384 You will see all the reeeeing when you and your family is being slaughtered by niggers while cops join the niggers in the slaughter. Unless, of course, you are a fed, as it looks like by your C&D attitude. In that case, don't worry: we will kill you too, eventually. There is no future for jews or feds.
>>5288 Hey faggot, if your delusion were right and the world is to blame for your shit life maybe you should noodle on the notion that some malicious little dick like you randomly fucked you over in the past for nothing and now you're exactly the same as them and just as worthy of being culled from your 'victims' perspective.
>>5402 You're an embarrassment. Tell your boss to dock your pay.
>>5207 Hey (111) nigger, if you were such a loser that you couldn't accomplish your goals in life, then how would you ever be successful accomplishing them now? Nigger. 2/10, I replied.
https://www.supremecourt(Please use archive.today)/orders/courtorders/121120zr_p860.pdf
>>5412 What happens if the EC decides to crash the plane with no survivors and votes for Jeb as President instead of Dup or Bidet?
>>5414 lel who gives a fuck.
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>>5412 Supreme Court continues that "sudden danger" triumphs over the Constitution.
>>5430 Roosevelt was a Kike Satanist or one of their puppets. No true American president would have fought on the side of the Communists against their Germanic cousins.
https:// Webm or instances.invidio.us/7lwJOxN_gXc
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Are you fucking kidding me right now? Is it seriously over? THere's no more paths for Trump to victory simply because these dipshits refused to hear the case?
>>5442 No, it's not over. The Texas-aligned states will form a new Libertarian White Nationalist Confederacy that defends the original Constitution. The States that supported Texas, the new Confederacy, are a modern day analogue to Rohan in LOTR. Tolkien was a prophet. The enemy is literally the Synagogue of Satan (and the CCP). HAIL VICTORY!
>>5442 No, Trump's cases are still on board. The court ruled that Texas doesn't have an interest in the other states breaking their own election laws (despite Texas laying out a pretty clear case for why they do), but the court wouldn't be able to use the same excuse against the actual candidate's cases. They'll need to come up with a new excuse for that. Unless they actually agree with Trump's case, and are only stalling here or something. If they run out the clock, they don't need to rule or dismiss anything, which might be their goal. Or maybe it's top tier trolling and they're only making it darkest before the dawn when they rule in Trump's favor.
>>5445 >If they run out the clock, they don't need to rule or dismiss anything, which might be their goal Being lazy niggers who don't want to do their job certainly sounds like the boomer court.
I confidently predict they'll do everything they can to ignore it and drag out performing *any* action till inauguration then they'll fuck it off hoping it'll go away.
>>5403 When I ruin people's lives, it is ok. When anyone does the same to me, it is not ok. My life is more important than everyone else's lives.
>>5405 >muh fed meme You still didn't counter my argument about how niggers will rape and kill indiscriminately while you do nothing against them.
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>>4959 She never was, bro. Stop listening to defeatist propaganda. Powell and Giulliani were always working on two different fronts. Trump pardoned Flynn to free up Powell to work on this, don't let idiots convince you that there's some schysm in Trump's camp. >>4849 >>4932 https://www.whitehouse(Please use archive.today)/presidential-actions/executive-order-imposing-certain-sanctions-event-foreign-interference-united-states-election/ Losing was never an option. It's all been part of the plan.
>>5455 *schism
>>5442 I'm stealing this from a Youtube comment, but it describes the situation pretty well: "Think about how all the states, etc. would have responded if the president had brought the case first. Literally no one would have co-filed with him. So, put Texas out first as the spearhead, so that everybody and his brother shows their colors. Now bring the president out, because he has standing and everybody who joined Texas now has to join the president. Bonus, we know for sure who the backstabbers and weak-in-the-knees are. Interesting, right?"
>>5409 Destroying people's lives is way easier than building anything for myself.
>>5412 >Justice (((Samuel))) Alito That is why violence is the only solution.
>>5454 You never made an argument, you came in sperging hard and projecting cowardice at best. You're either a godawful agent provocateur or a total retard. Solve yourself.
>>5475 >advocating for violence, the proven true act that solves all the problems, is sperging >advocating for violence is cowardice You are confirmed to be a fed trying to prevent people from taking action.
>>1391 Other than that china leak, Trump is filing the Texas lawsuit in each of the states: https://www.theepochtimes(Please use archive.today)/mkt_app/trump-approves-filing-retooled-texas-style-election-challenges-giuliani_3615492.html https://archive.vn/R8zhH
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>>5482 if scotus btfo trump again then only option is to declare martial law
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>At least 23 arrested as crowds turn unruly following pro-Trump rally in DC >4 people were stabbed >1 person shot in Olympia during clashes between pro-Trump demonstrators and counterprotesters Antifa tried to fuck with Trump rallies and got the shit kicked out of them. https://archive.is/vbjWJ https://archive.is/8zXkD
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>With Electoral College set to cast votes for Biden on Monday, Trump allies eye long-shot election reversal in Congress https://archive.is/hp0Yb
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>>5479 >I'm not a fed! >y-you're a fed! How did you even get this job?
>>5489 >>5487 >when peace is no longer an option It looks like people are willing and already pushing back. Just remember that the only good marxist is a dead marxist, and to never trust the jew or the good goy. >Some attendees appeared to support QAnon, the baseless conspiracy theory that the FBI has deemed a domestic terrorist threat. Holy shit. The jews really are afraid.
It's December 14th already, Is Trump WINNING yet? How many days we have left before a winner is decided again?
"Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector." You all do realize that the fact that the constitution says this plus the fact that several dem electors are literally government employees means that Trump can easily contest the electoral college, right? This has been the plan for a while now. Once they realized the courts were deep state, they kept it up just to keep the base questioning. They couldn't make this strategy public because the dems would swap out unqualified electors. Infinite dimention chess baby
>>5500 >It’s all in the plan Yeah, i’m sure that’ll go as well as the Supreme Court did.
>>5487 >>5493 Violence always solves everything. Kill enough people, and their ideas die with them.

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>Michigan judge allows release of report from Dominion voting equipment forensic audit in Antrim County >“We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results," Ramsland said. "The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication. The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail. This leads to voter or election fraud. Based on our study, we conclude that the Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan. We further conclude that the results of Antrim County should not have been certified." https://archive.is/RIU14
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>Wisconsin Supreme Court says individuals can determine for themselves whether they can avoid the voter ID law because of age or disability >In its final decision Monday, the justices concluded it was up to each voter — not clerks or anyone else — to decide when they qualify as indefinitely confined. In addition, they found the pandemic and the stay-at-home order — which has since been struck down — did not render all voters indefinitely confined >This spring, about 195,000 voters said they were indefinitely confined — up from 55,000 for the spring election four years earlier. Similarly, about 215,000 voters claimed that status this fall, nearly a four-fold increase from the last presidential election This may give Trump a chance to challenge a great number of votes. https://archive.is/OVqxr
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>President Trump's allies are preparing to send an "alternate" slate of electors to Congress, senior White House adviser Stephen Miller said Monday, signaling Trump will drag out his efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election even after the Electoral College certifies Joe Biden as the winner >"The only date in the Constitution is Jan. 20. So we have more than enough time to right the wrong of this fraudulent election result and certify Donald Trump as the winner of the election," Miller said on "Fox & Friends." https://archive.is/wXH21 “THE NOVEMBER 3RD ELECTION WAS THE MOST SECURE IN AMERICAN HISTORY” >US agencies hacked in monthslong global cyberspying campaign >In a rare emergency directive issued late Sunday, the Department of Homeland Security's cybersecurity arm warned of an "unacceptable risk" to the executive branch from a feared large-scale penetration of U.S. government agencies that could date back to mid-year or earlier >“This can turn into one of the most impactful espionage campaigns on record,” said cybersecurity expert Dmitri Alperovitch. >FireEye disclosed that nation-state hackers had broken into its network and stolen the company’s own hacking tools >The malware gave the hackers remote access to victims’ networks, and Alperovitch said SolarWinds grants “God-mode” access to a network, making everything visible >“I suspect that there’s a number of other (federal) agencies we’re going to hear from this week that have also been hit,” Williams added >The intrusions disclosed Sunday included the Commerce Department's agency responsible for internet and telecommunications policy. A spokesperson confirmed a “breach in one of our bureaus” and said “we have asked CISA and the FBI to investigate.” >President Donald Trump last month fired the director of CISA, Chris Krebs, after Krebs vouched for the integrity of the presidential election and disputed Trump’s claims of widespread electoral fraud https://archive.is/E0g4d
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>Michigan State Police Block Access To Capitol, Prevent GOP Electors From Getting Inside >“The Electors are already here, they’ve been checked in.” Michigan State Police are blocking access to the Capitol, preventing the GOP Electors from getting inside >“If you have a problem, you can contact the Governor’s office.” State Police block access to the Capitol for the Trump electors, giving no reason for why the building is locked down & redirecting inquiries to Governor Whitmer’s office https://archive.is/Wd5l7
>>5507 >nothing to see here, goyim.
Civil war time baby. Bullets, not ballots.
>>5512 >>5510 >>5509 all these TORpedo shill niggers are very tiresome >>5504 >>5505 >>5507 i dont know why trump is not declaring martial law, theres enough evidence of voter fraud and theres massive chink niggers infiltrating the government with their dirty money and bug women.
>end myself before (insert month here) You keep saying that line niggerpill, but I have yet to see any results. Livestream it already faggot. >>5514 >theres enough evidence of voter fraud and theres massive chink niggers infiltrating the government Probably due to them plugging their ears and shouting over anyone who talks about fraud/shit like it. The chinks pay politicians/companies enough to fuck that shit up even further. Hopefully Trump continues to make their lives hell up until they count the votes in January.
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BILL BARR IS OUT https://twitter DOT com/realDonaldTrump/status/1338614514493878273
>>5516 >BILL BARR The comedian?
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Reposting from the gamergate thread on /v/ after some black piller faggot went by: We are currently in a civil war for information and morale, it's all about creating the reality for the normalfags. It's all circus. Shit will probably go hot in 10~ days according to this: https://www.whitehouse(Please use archive.today)/presidential-actions/executive-order-imposing-certain-sanctions-event-foreign-interference-united-states-election/ The 45 days will pan out in December 19. If the population wants, a military coup becomes OK, especially since the winner tells the story, internet or not. The election fraud evidence needs not to win in court, that would only make it better for Trump. Why the fuck you think Youtube is banning for saying that "the mass fraud made trump lose"? It's all about creating the world view and you niggers should be memeing about it everywhere. https://www.dni(Please use archive.today)/index.php/who-we-are/leadership/director-of-national-intelligence John Ratcliffe was sworn in as Director of National Intelligence (DNI) on May 26, 2020 (same as above) https://www.dni(Please use archive.today)/index.php/who-we-are/leadership/deputy-director-of-national-intelligence Neil Wiley is an American intelligence official and military veteran serving as Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) since May 13, 2020 .[1] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neil_Wiley) https://www.dni(Please use archive.today)/index.php/who-we-are/leadership/chief-operating-officer Lora Shiao was named Chief Operating Officer of the ODNI in October 2020. (same as above) You all can see for yourself (https://www.dni(Please use archive.today)/index.php/who-we-are/leadership). I've only checked the 9th first dudes, but all of them put in charge of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence by Trump in 2020. It's all about public perception, the memes should be going 200% about how the election was a fraud. Do not let the fake news media take control of the narrative
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The niggerpilling has gone into full throttle on other boards, so that could only mean somethings happening in America right now. What's going on over there that's got them so riled up?
>>5520 Apparently the States who got cucked by Dominion announced they have all sent handpicked GOP electors who are probably gonna vote for Trump.
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>>5516 >>5521 >>5520 https://archive.is/yZSpT Some good news for you kind gents.
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>>5519 >the memes should be going 200% about how the election was a fraud. Do not let the fake news media take control of the narrative It's not much but I got this.
>>5526 this is shit contrast
>>5513 >Civil war time baby. Bullets, not ballots. This. Less talking and more killing. >>5516 Good.
>>5516 Not really good news because Trump is retarded enough to replace this kike with Jeff (((Rosen))), another fucking kike. When is that fucking idiot going to realize that kikes will always stab you in the back? >>5525 >Another tweet beginning with HISTORIC/UNPARALLELED/BREAKING/HAPPENING Nothing is going to change because time and time again the broken system will not fix itself unless it gets a little "outside" help. No, a tweet is not that "outside" force; it has as much power changing the current state of things as adding a Facebook photo filter to stop another mudslime terrorist attack. I'm not, blackpilling, rather I'm saying you should put time and effort into doing anything else instead of hoping someone else is going to fix the problem for you and make things go back to normal, because the time for that has well and truly passed.
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>>5525 I guess it might be going the way specified in the attached. Even though these GOP electors are not the "official" electors of the states, them going to DC and submitting their votes will result in confusion that might get the entire state's electoral votes thrown out. Of course, that is provided they aren't barred from putting in their votes or meeting some unfortunate and purely coincidental end.
>>5534 https://archive.is/gwycN TL;DR the Vice President is the one who counts the electoral votes, and it would be completely within Pence's power to pick which electoral votes to count and which to toss, either giving Trump the victory outright or sending it to a contingent election.
>>5536 Did Biden count the votes in 2016? Why didn't the Democrats try to play this same scenario back then?
>>5527 Go bitch at the leftist I edited this from.
>>5453 >My life is more important than everyone else's lives. Right, just like everyone else's is to them, much as you'd like to be you're not special, so yeah whatever you do your pointless noismaking thing.
What MAGAtards think will happen: >Military, Secret Service simply let Trump stay in the White House >Biden doesn't get an inauguration What will actually happen: >Trump leaves the White House without swinging >Angry Twitter rants all throughout Biden's inauguration >Biden sworn-in, massive butthurt and exaggerating every single one of Biden's actions just like the left did for Trump's >Next President, be it Democrat or Republican >Rinse and repeat
Are we ready to taking women's voting right away yet? We can make all of this communism stop right now. Just say "No, get back in the kitchen."
>>5541 >Next President, be it Democrat or Republican >Rinse and repeat You are retarded. We have a single-party system now, after the last "election". That was the last one. That was the last federal election of the USA and it wasn't even a real election. Yes Biden is going to serve his 2 years and 1 day, then make way for A 2 year + 2 term stretch with Harris. 10 years. A decade. The USA will tern into New York City; every single corner of our USA. Then it will turn into UK, then finally into a real communist shithole complete with hyper-inflation and The Starving Times. At no point in any of this will Republicans do anything, ever. Throughout all of this our women will deliver an ultimatum: either become men, stand up, and take womens' rights away or they will import patriarchal men to do it instead, while they genocide the white race. Either be a man or your women will end you.
>>5538 Then change the judges head to a glow nigger or something. This looks like the their both republicans (hence the elephant) and that the left one is making up the charges and the right one denying it despite being same party and implicitly appointed by Trump.
>>5537 It would screw up Biden's chances of getting elected.
>>5541 >Rinse and repeat It's going to be much worse than simply rinsing and repeating. Trump had the sense to at least give the middle finger to various international groups like the UN, World Economic Forum, and the like. You now replace that with the child-sniff whose campaign slogan, "Build Back Letter", is the same as being used by the World Economic Forum's "Great Reset" plan, which basically an eco-marxist agenda to make a One World Government. Biden/Harris, like other world leaders, is going to accept the plan with open arms and enforce it on the population, many of whom are all to eager to eat all the shit up, whilst the rest are going to forced into line by a pincer movement of hard power from the government, and soft power from corporations and big tech. They might not take your guns away, but they can censor anything you say online, even put a black mark against your name so that financial vendors and banks withhold business from you. If you can think you can just use the guns, ask the question as to whether you're going to be able to organize a group big enough to stand up to the government. Voting will become permanently blue because those illegals are going to become legal under Biden, and, if the Republican Party doesn't want to become irrelevant, it is going to throw white people under the bus to try and accommodate the browning of America. I don't know about you, but this doesn't seem like rinsing and repeating, but rather the killing blow. If there is no fight or pushback at all, white people in America will be done.
>>5541 >simply let We haven't even arrived at the deadline of the 2018 election interference EO and he still has sole discretion to use the insurrection act nuke.
>>5543 Half a term filling in for a president still counts towards term limits.
>>5550 The Vice President can run twice if they fill in exactly a day after the first half of the sitting presidents term is over. 25th amendment.
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>Arizona Senate Judiciary Chair Is Seizing Voting Machines for Forensic Audit >“The outcome of this hearing was a call by Chairman Eddie Farnsworth to issue subpoena’s to seize the machines. A forensic audit is the likely next step. This is a huge development, and moves Arizona in the right direction to account for the many irregularities.” https://archive.is/jZYUi >Pro-Trump town DEFIES Covid lockdown orders by refusing masks, keeping stores open and packing people into bars >Organizer Joey Gibson said: "The enemy is the government, the people at the top, who are literally trying to put their boots on our necks." >"The governor has over-stepped his powers and has no right to shut down our livelihoods," he continued. https://archive.is/D9Lus
>>5543 >Either be a man or your women will end you. Even more reason to end women instead. And then replace them with artificial wombs.
>>5553 It's good to see more people waking up to how corrupt the government and he media are. Just like Bundy Ranch, people need to understand that they have the numbers and arms to say no. The Army isn't going to crack down on them, because that would be suicidal.
>>5548 Yeah, more of the killing blow. There will never be another real federal election. We are in a single party system now. So just more free gibs more white hate more intrusive government. No brakes on this now. We are going to hit full speed.
>>5543 US is already worse than the UK with all the niggers, kikes and mystery meat.
>>5554 I'd suggest you learn to spell a bit more accurately before you go 'manipulating documents' lest you give yourself away.
>>5537 Hillary conceded so they wouldn't look into the voting systems or other fraud occuring. No point in doing what the GOP is doing now if the Dems gave up in the 2016 race.
>>5567 No need to. Atuo-correct does the job just fine, when I'm working on ruining people's lives.
>>5544 Good god you're an idiot, don't come back till you've learned how to read.
>>5553 >Arizona Senate Judiciary Chair Is Seizing Voting Machines for Forensic Audit Pic related >>5557 >people need to understand that they have the numbers What is this "people" you're referring to?
>>5580 I'm talking about initial response to the image. The average normie won't read before looking. The first impression of the subjects changes the impact of the image.
>>5580 >>5615 Plus he said he edited it, that means he can change the image more.
So, did Trump win yet?
>>5623 The current scenario is very much in favor of Biden. Biden has essentially paid off won every court case that's been thrown up. But here's the problem for Biden: Trump will not only not back down, but he's well known for doing batshit insane kooky actions to get motherfuckers to the negotiation table. He has the capabilities of flipping the advantage on their head and they know it. Wanna know the best part? Trump even knows the backstabbers- every motherfucker who didn't join the Texas lawsuit is on The List. He's also setting up the cards in his favor, Republicans have sent dueling electors, and proper reports are finally coming out about the voting machines. Jan 6th is the date to watch. Essentially, if Trump wins, it will be at the eleventh hour. Not because of "muh long shot" but because everything he's doing is going to eventually head to the Democrats pulling him into a backroom and saying "Please play ball I beg you!" Trump will look at them and go one step more. That's just how he is. There was that CIA nigger who false flagged 4cuck or whatever awhile back about Trump winning and taking the Dems to the backrooms. It's obviously fake and gay shitposting like every other nut that comes out on 4/pol/ trying to get attention after a happening but now you shouldn't discount that happening. Congress gave Trump too much power, and the Establishment know they went too far. Until then, the Media will have you believe Trump lost. All media. If a media site is gloomposting, that's how you know whose who. Even Fox risked gloomposting for their (((benefactors))) and now they're dying again. Remember a Plan B (for muh World Government) if Biden doesn't win is to pull the dams holding back Antifa funding and funnel the country into a civil war: If Biden loses they're going to want chaos, and what better way than to go "Oops! Trump won after all!" the day before inauguration.
>>5626 I don't think the president will be changed. Doing so would question the system itself. And it would be bad for you because all this magatard shit would start again. And I hope everyone will be disappointed else nothing will happen and the frog (Americans) will be fried chicken in a niggers mouth in no time.
>>5615 Whatever nigger.
>>5615 >normie
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another News for you anons >SUPREME COURT: The KRAKEN Has Hit SCOTUS DOCKET https://archive.is/uIPaD always remember to ignore blackpill faggots
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>>5634 >inb4 thrown out like the Texas lawsuit on "grounds" rather than "merit". The evidence is there, the question is whether anything is going to be done about it. I still think that the reason why the fraud was so blatant was because they know they can get away with it, just like the Epstein "suicide"; the average citizen will mindlessly believe whatever story they are told.
>>5626 >funnel the country into a civil war Mild problem with this. The country already in embroiled in a civil war, its just that is has to yet go hot. Its a cold civil war, antifa, BLM and leftists in general have been openly attacking and intimidating people for moths. Just because they did not officially announced their plan to take over the country does not mean they are not planning to. And honestly it does not matter. If Trump were to win 100% legally the left would never accept his win, even if he won on election night/month they would still refuse to accept him. Just like they refused to accept 2016, they would refuse to accept 2020. On the other hand Trump knows that its either him or them. After all the shit he started its highly improbable that they would just let him leave, retire and spend his days playing golf. Best case scenario he is looking at legal and financial ruination, worst case scenario he is looking down the barrel of a gun. For him even a all out civil war is a better option than just conceding. Besides even if the war were to break out it would be a short-lived one. Even with all the fraud its obvious the majority of the country is on Trumps side and those few big cities that are not cannot really sustain themselves long term in this sort of conflict.
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From yesterday, but I missed it: >This photo was taken moments ago by a poll watcher at the Congress Center in GA for the “signature audit” >This is his vantage point. He cannot see anything and they are being kept corralled behind these barriers. >As soon as he took his phone out they came up to him and demanded he put his phone away and asked if he took any pictures. He said no. >He’s now being told he has to leave the area if he takes his phone out at all. https://archive.is/HtlyS >CBS correspondent Catherine Herridge reported Wednesday that DNI John Ratcliffe told CBS “that there was foreign election interference by China, Iran, and Russia in November of this year.” https://archive.is/BbB1C
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Of all the times for the supreme court to actually do its job, they cuck out for such a stupid reason. Apparently the Constitution (which this nation is built upon) don't mean shit anymore if you just refuse to even listen to any arguments. How can they intervene in the 2000s election but can't even give just an ear to the mountains of evidence of fraud in the 2020 elections? If states are allowed to break the laws of the constitution with states that follow the constitution without recourse of punishment, then there is no laws anymore. Just send in as many electors as you want since it don't matter. Also, if the rumors of John Roberts crying in fear of riots is true, then he better be prepared for an even bigger riot if he doesn't take this case. The integrity of the constitution is on the line and if he plays these stupid games like the rest on the supreme court, then civil war will break out! We may already be crossing the Rubicon at this point and there is no turning back.
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>Congressman Paul Gosar (R-AZ) of Arizona’s 4th District took to his personal Twitter account on Thursday to raise the alarm. The State of Arizona had 700k STOLEN Votes https://archive.is/i5M1f >Around 20 House GOP members are asking the leaders of Congress, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), to provide hearings on election fraud ahead of the Joint Session of Congress in January when members read the Electoral College votes https://archive.is/qwTTJ >Gateway Pundit Requests 3:30 AM TCF Center Footage of Detroit’s Biden Ballot Dump >In Wayne County, the election night counting of absentees was happening at the TCF Center, formerly known as Cobo Hall. This is the site where Detroit City Officials put cardboard over the windows to prevent the GOP from seeing in, where poll workers were militantly hostile to the GOP, and where hundreds of affidavits claim they witnessed voter fraud >The TCF Center tried to quote us over $22,000 for one day’s worth of video. >We have requested two hours of video. We will get the video https://archive.is/4LusN
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Doesn't matter which clown "rules" USA, they are fugged anyway. The next clown-in-cheef will start a war with the Brics and that will be it. Enjoy your real life fallout game because that's whats coming for your zionist shithole
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>>5655 >We may already be crossing the Rubicon at this point and there is no turning back. shit I want him to cross it at this point as soon as possible. I just want this to end, it's all so tiresome. I want to see communists and traitors locked up in guantanamo bay.
>>5661 see, like clockwork China WILL nuke DC / NY. already set kek https://www.zerohedge(Please use archive.today)/geopolitical/bullying-attitude-china-us-trade-blame-breakdown-military-military-talks
>>5665 >a chink nuke doing anything but falling in the ocean on the way cos it's copy/pasted tech China can't build a decent knock off ipad. They won't need to nuke Murrica anyway it'll dissolve and fracture like a water table under a fracking chute if it keeps on in the same vein much longer. Brazilification is looking more and more likely.
>>5667 Hell, the yanks have already legions of people in shanty/tent cities right next to richfags houses, rampant drug dependencies and gun crime *and* they're even sporting bigger asses than the Hue's. Barring the demographics and severity they're well on the way to the same pardo pit.
>>5626 >pull the dams holding back Antifa funding Antifa's broke. Trump's been eliminating all the bullshit desk jobs that funnel tax money to them, and now lockdown is finishing them off by raising their expenses on goy chow. (((POOR FINANCIAL PLANNING))) >funnel the country into civil war Wishful thinking Ignatz. It's not a civil war, because you're not a part of this country. It's a revolution against alien usurpers. It's fucking impressive that you managed to get faggots, bikers, furries and Karens are all united against you. Keep up the good work! >>5627 >>5628 >nigger Nice scapegoat there, Schlomo. (((RACISM))) >>5655 >Roberts crying in fear of riots Wishful thinking Herschel. SCOTUS knows that Trump is going to win. They serve for life, and therefore don't want the stigma of being some brainwashed Trump stooge hanging over them. But the fact that they anticipate having a career at all without having period blood smeared on them or dying of a "heart attack" with no autopsy means they aren't afraid of the Jew agenda. >>5665 >>5667 >>5668 WELCOME TO THE JIDF DAMAGE CONTROL CENTER. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: ☑ Losing was part of my plan all along ☑ My opponent is secretly on my side ☑ I lost on purpose, therefore I win ✅ You didn't win by my rules, therefore you lose ☑ There must be a loophole that will let me win after all ✅ Watch out, I know Krav Maga ☑ (Unintelligible gibberish)
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>>5661 That bunked does look comfy indeed.
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>Former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn on Thursday said that President Trump could deploy the military to "rerun" the 2020 election. https://archive.is/SMREK >Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller ordered the Pentagon to cancel meetings with the Biden transition team, Axios reported Friday, revealing that a Pentagon official said that staff involved in the transition felt "overwhelmed." >A defense official said that the Pentagon and the Biden transition team agreed to a break and that the canceled transition meetings are being rescheduled for after the holidays >The Biden transition team, however, said it did not agree to any break, adding that they have encountered some "resistance" in the Pentagon and were "concerned" by the "abrupt halt" to transition meetings https://archive.is/0ys4G
>>5655 >there is no laws anymore This has been the case for at least the end of jew war II, your retard. No country in the whole west has any laws. What exist is jewish money and jewish control. The jews order something, and the western leaders will obey, regardless of any words that are written in a piece of paper called "the law" or "the constitution". Only a complete delusional and brainwashed retard would believe that any law or any constitution matters in any country in the west. Either people unite to kille the jews and their goons, or people will be forever enslaved. There was never any law or any order. There were only jews bribing leaders to obey them.
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>>5684 >Trump could deploy the military to "rerun" the 2020 election. >ordered the Pentagon to cancel meetings with the Biden transition team holy shit is it finally happening?
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>>5688 (Heil'd) >holy shit is it finally happening? I fucking hope so, man i am sick and tired of this shit.
>>5677 Whatever kike.
>>5651 Yes, a "hot" civil war would be over in 2-3 weeks. It won't be state vs state, it will be red regions vs blue cities. Rural areas can simply blockade cities to cut off food and supplies, and let them tear themselves apart, then take Silicon Valley. War over.
>>5684 >>5703 I really hate to see pro-Chink Biden win but I don't think kicking the entire country into war is a truly good choice in the meantime. >Rural areas can simply blockade cities to cut off food and supplies, and let them tear themselves apart, then take Silicon Valley. War over. What about the blue cities on the coastlines, and those with access to ports? Couldn't they just import supplies from other countries instead? What I fear from this scenario is that Communist China could just walk in interrupted to blue cities, demanding legal political control in exchange for food. No starving communities will refuse such deal.
>>5705 >What about the blue cities on the coastlines, and those with access to ports? Couldn't they just import supplies from other countries instead? Trump could call upon his allies in foriegn governments to help blockade the coasts. Just on the West, you have Australia, Japan, India, and Taiwan.
>>5677 >the 'everyone is jew' Lazy
>>5705 >What I fear from this scenario is that Communist China could just walk in interrupted to blue cities, This is already happening. They could try to run tanks into red areas, but then they would be sending a bunch of incompetent, malnourished chinks into territory owned by crazy, armed rednecks and miltary vets who know the woods like they back of their hands. This is all without accounting for the lads who will take down the poorly maintained utility grids.
>>5705 A war is by far the best choice, the longer it is delayed the worse it will be. Put your beanie back on Tim.
>>5705 >What about the blue cities on the coastlines, and those with access to ports? Ships can be attacked from land, you know. Also, I hope they are planning on bringing *a lot* of diesel and generators.
The niggers that make up the left suddenly care about and believe in possible election fraud: >BUSTED? Why the numbers behind Mitch McConnell's re-election don't add up >Even as Republicans across the country still insist that the election was rife with fraudulent Democratic votes, no one's asking how McConnell managed one of the most lopsided landslides of the Nov. 3 election. They should. An investigation of Kentucky voting results by DCReport raises significant questions about the vote tallies in McConnell's state >When Trump says “look over here" at Dominion voting machines, maybe we should look at ES&S machines instead. When Republicans spout unfounded claims that Democrats stole the election, maybe we should be looking at Republican vote totals instead. And when Trump calls this the most fraudulent election in our history, maybe he knows of what he speaks https://archive.is/1zO7q >"There's Going to Be Evidence that Comes Forward in Next Few Days what Will Drastically Change the Playing Field" -- Security Expert Behind Antrim County Audit Says Something Big Is Coming
>>5718 That’s because if this passes the system will be used against them in the future using the precedents they set to make the fraud happen. And the ones who put it into place opened a can of worms they can’t close if they actually win. They recognize that a trump win would be better for them in the long run, because the current politic is anti-human rather then simply anti-conservative or pro-left.
>>5705 War isn’t a choice, it’s an outcome.
>>5721 That's putting too much thought into it. You know damn well they are just hypocrites with double standards and no self awareness.
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>>5718 Not surprising. You should be familiar with the phrase, "The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you" by now. Anyway, any actual teeth to this accusation? It would not surprise me if neocons that were pissy at Trump for not taking it in the ass are also guilty of voter fraud.
>>5712 This. Bureaucracy and acting only by what the law dictates is the jewish way. Ignoring everything and bulldozing everyone until the jew oligarchs and their handlers and families are all killed is what will fix America and the world.
>>5699 Saying "kike" is kosher because it implies there's a worse insult than "Jew". >>5708 Great comeback, your mother would be so proud. (((SEMI-LITERATE CULTURE))) >>5705 >What about the blue cities on the coastlines, and those with access to ports? This is where NY Post readers come into play. Also this >>5717 >>5733 It's not enough to get rid of Jews. You need to change the environment so that being a parasite is not an option. Otherwise other races will evolve to fill the niche, as happened with Quakers and Huguenots. >>5721 >They recognize that a trump win would be better for them in the long run WELCOME TO THE JIDF DAMAGE CONTROL CENTER. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: ✅ Losing was part of my plan all along ☑ My opponent is secretly on my side ☑ I lost on purpose, therefore I win ☑ You didn't win by my rules, therefore you lose ☑ There must be a loophole that will let me win after all ☑ Watch out, I know Krav Maga ☑ (Unintelligible gibberish)
>>5735 >spelling jew with a capital j You the jew here, jewboy.
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>>5718 They're using the "audit" to rig McConnell's election.
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>>5741 Using appeals to emotion?
>President Trump Delivers Remarks On 2020 Election Fraud https://www DOT oann(Please use archive.today)/president-trump-delivers-remarks-on-election-fraud/ more of the same as trump said before
>>5805 >shit link https://www.oann DOT com/president-trump-delivers-remarks-on-election-fraud/
Positive news: Wisconsin judge rules 200K votes illegitimate https://archive.fo/mSmuA
>>5705 >What I fear from this scenario is that Communist China could just walk in interrupted to blue cities, demanding legal political control in exchange for food. No starving communities will refuse such deal. Regardless of who does it or if these screen caps are even from real war games it is rather logical that 3rd parties would try to win something for themselves through various means
>>5825 > it is rather logical that 3rd parties would try to win something for themselves through various means No third party actor has the logistical backbone necessary to supply an invasion force in the US, or a blue-water navy big enough to protect their sea lanes following the vacuum that the US navy leaving would cause though. So, America will largely be by itself in the civil war, with the only foreigners representing their governments being a handful of advisors to whichever side they want to support... If they can even get their advisers here at all.
>>5848 Everyone want to control America due to it’s influence as well, along with its trade and weapons, so a civil war would essentially be a shadow world war with America as the proxy state.
https://lbry.tv/@davidpakman:7/fox-host-bizarrely-debunks-his-own:2 Someone give me your take on this, mine is that the guys is simply lying his ass off, and Dobbs was forced to put this on.
>>5851 Its a leftist that believes Biden won despite the huge amount of fraud that even freshmen statistics students can spot. Who cares what he thinks, the majority of the country is not on his side.
>>5848 It doesn't matter if they can. They want to. So, they will try to, no matter if they fail in the end. And them trying is what will make everything even worse. There is no good side on all of this. The only thing close to a "win" will be to make everyone lose, so not a single of America's enemies (including the damn jews) win. If you can't win a game, burn down the whole house, so nobody wins and everyone playing it dies. It is better than losing to them.
>>5872 >It doesn't matter if they can. They want to. So, they will try to, no matter if they fail in the end. Are you seriously suggesting that multiple countries like China will be willing to send a force that will be starving and quickly consume all the supplies they bring with them and lose them all to the last man for little to no gain at all? Which would destabilize their own countries as entire units of their men are thrown into situations where there is no possibility of victory or even survival?
>>5883 Yes.
>>5884 We can only hope that our enemies are so stupid as you think they are.
>>5883 It doesn't have to be raw divisions. Suspicious weapon crates, suspicious arrivals of extremely cheap mercenaries, suspicious extreme jump in possession of utilities, in exchange for a refusal to point fingers toward them, or to focus their efforts on any other hostile poles in the new world order still existing. China has won a incredible amount of times in the European and Asian theater through the correct application of soft power, and one need only look at the way Hunter Biden was covered up to see how it can adapt its methods and improve them. Why stop now?
>>5885 They are smarter than you, at least, since you are too dumb to think on the perspective of an alien mind. If oyu can only think based upon your mindset, and can't try to comprehend the minds of bugmen, you are as dumb as a door. Bugmen would literally burn their whole country down for a chance of bragging about it on social media, for instance. Their leaders will try to directly attack America just so they can brag about doing it, you retard. They aren't operating on just optimization. Bragging about something "big" is their main motivator, to the point of almost insane acts drive purely by a deranged sense of pride. No wonder you are losing the battle. You always think that your enemies will act on the same mindset as you.
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>President Donald Trump is urging supporters to amass in Washington on January 6 for a last-ditch rally to pressure Congress to not certify Joe Biden's election victory. >Trump tweeted twice this weekend urging supporters to attend, labelling the election "the biggest SCAM in our nation's history." >"See you in Washington, DC, on January 6th. Don't miss it," he wrote Sunday. >On January 6 Vice President Mike Pence is to lead Congress in certifying the Electoral College votes submitted by each state, which represent the results of the popular vote. https://archive.is/4Nkbf >D.C. hotel, bar to close during pro-Trump rallies next week >Both establishments have been popular with supporters of the president during demonstrations in Washington this year, but the hotel announced Monday that it will be closed Jan. 4-6. >“We greatly appreciate the trust our guests have placed in Hotel Harrington over the years and we wish to continue to earn that trust,” the hotel said in a press release. “While we cannot control what happens outside of the hotel, we are taking additional steps to protect the safety of our visitors and employees.” >Refunds reportedly will be given to people who made reservations for those days. >The decision to close came the day after The Washington Post published an article about the hotel headlined “For D.C. protests, Proud Boys settle in at city’s oldest hotel and its bar.” >“The Washington Post for some reason believed that one of the many hotels we frequent was newsworthy. Because of this the hotel decided to close for 3 days,” Mr. Tarrio said. “We had already stopped using that hotel as a hub 3 months ago.” https://archive.is/ASDoA Despite all of the media shitting on Trump constantly, the man still beat king nigger: >Gallup Poll: President Trump And Michelle Obama Most Admired Man And Woman In America >Last year, Trump tied with former President Obama, who was named most-admired the past 12 consecutive years. But the president managed to pull away this year with 18%, 3% ahead of Obama https://archive.is/wdfxD
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>Republican legislators sue Mike Pence to try to undo election results >A group of Republican legislators led by U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) is suing Vice President Mike Pence, hoping that it will end up allowing Pence to choose which electoral votes should count from states in which President Donald Trump lost >The lawsuit, which was filed Monday in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, is challenging Pence’s role in the session, which largely is ceremonial, the Dallas Morning News reports. Supporters want a judge to toss out the 1887 federal law known as the Electoral Count Act, saying it’s unconstitutional, KHOU Channel 11 reports https://archive.is/4e3qS >PA Republican lawmakers: Analysis finds presidential election numbers don’t add up >The group of lawmakers who performed an extensive analysis of election data revealed the discrepancies between the numbers of total votes counted and the total number of voters who voted in the 2020 General Election. The analysis results have called into question how the results of the presidential election could have been certified by Secretary of the Commonwealth Kathy Boockvar and Governor Tom Wolf >The difference of 202,377 more votes cast than voters voting, together with the 31,547 over- and under-votes in the presidential race, adds up to an alarming discrepancy of 170,830 votes, which is more than twice the reported statewide difference between the two major candidates for President of the United States. >On November 24, 2020, Boockvar certified election results, and Wolf issued a certificate of ascertainment of presidential electors, stating that Vice President Joe Biden received 80,555 more votes than President Donald Trump >“We were already concerned with the actions of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, the Executive branch, and election officials in certain counties contravening and undermining the Pennsylvania Election Code by eliminating signature verification, postmarks, and due dates while allowing the proliferation of drop boxes with questionable security measures and the unauthorized curing of ballots, as well as the questionable treatment of poll watchers, all of which created wholesale opportunities for irregularities in the 2020 presidential election.” >“However, we are now seeing discrepancies on the retail level, which raise even more troubling questions regarding irregularities in the election returns. These findings call into question the accuracy of the SURE system, consistency in the application of the Pennsylvania Election Code from county to county, and the competency of those charged with oversight of elections in our Commonwealth >“These numbers just don’t add up, and the alleged certification of Pennsylvania’s presidential election results was absolutely premature, unconfirmed, and in error.” https://archive.is/ua6UA
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>GOP senator to object to Electoral College results, forcing Congress to vote on overturning Biden's win >Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., announced Wednesday that he would object to the certification of some states' Electoral College results on Jan. 6, a move that will force his fellow Republicans to vote to choose between rejecting President Donald Trump's unsubstantiated claims of massive voter fraud in this year's election or disenfranchising millions of voters >“I cannot vote to certify the Electoral College results on January 6 without raising the fact that some states, particularly Pennsylvania, failed to follow their own state election laws," Hawley said in a statement, echoing a claim made repeatedly by the president and rejected repeatedly by state and federal courts https://archive.is/w1TKQ >The official and verified account of Walmart replied to a Hawley tweet that announced his controversial plans to object to the Senate certification of the Electoral College results on January 6th. The now-deleted tweet, captured by The Daily Beast’s political savant Lachlan Markay, read, “Go ahead. Get your 2 hour debate. #soreloser” https://archive.is/VqypG >A former aide to Vice President Pence who has since become a vocal critic of the Trump administration warned Monday that she feared violence could erupt in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6, when Congress will formally certify President-elect Joe Biden's Electoral College victory >"This is what he does. He tweets, he incites it, and he gets followers and supporters to behave in this manner, and they believe they are being patriots because they're supporting the president," she added https://archive.is/zE8YK >The Trump campaign legal team used the Georgia election fraud hearing to show that the machines currently being used in the Georgia State Senate runoff were not only connected to the Internet, they were hackable >The Trump team did this by hacking the voting machines in real time, to the astonishment of the Georgia Senate Election Fraud Hearing >“We are in. At this very moment at a polling location in the county, not only do we now have access through the devices to the poll pad, to the system, but WE ARE IN. It’s giving 2 way WiFi communication. That’s not supposed to happen. It’s connected to the Internet. That’s not supposed to happen.” https://archive.is/qnUc2
>>5966 >>The Trump campaign legal team used the Georgia election fraud hearing to show that the machines currently being used in the Georgia State Senate runoff were not only connected to the Internet, they were hackable >The Trump team did this by hacking the voting machines in real time, to the astonishment of the Georgia Senate Election Fraud Hearing Holy shit.
>>5966 >Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee Passes Motion to Audit Fulton County Absentee Ballots >On Wednesday, the Georgia State Senate Judiciary Subcommittee unanimously passed a motion to audit the absentee ballots in Fulton County >Fulton County is the county seat of Atlanta and Georgia’s most populous county with a population of just over 1 million https://archive.is/C49Zt
>>5967 >The Trump team did this by hacking the voting machines in real time, to the astonishment of the Georgia Senate Election Fraud Hearing Wait, wouldn't Trump team make themselves suspicious by hacking those devices? Have they proven before that they were tampering the devices just for the sole purpose of proving a flaw in the election?
>>5989 >Wait, wouldn't Trump team make themselves suspicious by hacking those devices? No. >Have they proven before that they were tampering the devices just for the sole purpose of proving a flaw in the election? This is the first time I'm aware of.
>>5989 Trump knows he can’t run for a third term so he hacked the machines to rig the race for Biden only to show that the machines can be hacked to justify using martial law and installing himself as dictator indefinitely.
>>5991 >this is what Q-LARPers actually believe Die.
>>5966 >forcing congress to vote Democrats control the house. The vote won’t be going through. >she feared violence could erupt There will be no violence on the 6th or any other day.
>>5998 Pandemics cause violence. This has been shown throughout the entirety of human history time and again. https://archive.vn/KpjWR https://archive.vn/Ke4F8 https://blogs.imf.org/2020/12/11/when-inequality-is-high-pandemics-can-fuel-social-unrest/ Heck, your own post here >>5997 shows your own desire to violence. Now that America is the most heavily armed society in the history of human civilization, following a pandemic and a cheated election, you are still dumb enough to cling to the idea that blood will not be spilled? You are an absolute lunatic. Violence is coming, the only way to avoid it is if the left, our enemy, unconditionally surrenders now.
Considering the number of guns and cranks over there I'm constantly amazed there's not more legit attempts on president's lives, the last decent go I saw was Reagan getting skimmed. I'd have thought some burnout soyfag might have had a pop at Trump but they've lived up to their all mouth no spine reputation. Of course if someone does try their hand with Biden they'd need to get another in Harris pretty quick to not make shit even worse, perhaps a grenade lobbed at the inauguration pulpit as Zombie Joe forgets his lines would do the trick. Best of luck. I wonder who'll be feeding Biden lines though his perma-presidential earpiece for however long he lasts.
>>6006 The secret service has gotten a lot better since Reagan.
>>6008 I guess sniping long range then? Or perhaps the ultimate irony of a civilian drone attack.
>>6016 They can cover long range or overhead. they calculate and surveil for every angle. You need something that can overwhelm multiple area in a short time before they are able to signal everyone else what's going on and get the important people covered. In order to even overwhelm those areas you would have to account for those area redundancies which rotate on some timescale that is secret. You would need a missile but those would be shot down. If you somehow made it not emit any radio to track it, it still has to emit some kind of trace due to the nature of such a body going through the air and that would have to be missed by all the military infrastructure monitoring for things like that around the world and in space. The amount of eyes on any one individual close up to the speech as well as the amount of redundancy around would restrict concealed surprises that passed security screening and any overwhelming force that would disrupt scanning close to the people of interest. An inside job is needed for such a task.
>>5991 Good. All leftards must be killed.
>>6038 >tard The suffix of a Qboomer
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So who wants to bet that something or nothing happens on January 6th?
>>6052 Pence is a establishment politician. He won't choose the other electoral votes. But, if Pence does choose the other votes, it will be utterly hilarious. We'll see how the 6th run offs go.
>>6040 t. buttmad (and soon to be killed) leftard.
>GOP Senators Coordinate Electoral Objection >On Saturday, President Trump reportedly joined a call with 50 Congress members to discuss their objection to the disputed 2020 election. https://archive.is/EfpVb
>>6072 full recording: https://www.nbcnews(Please use archive.today)/politics/donald-trump/listen-full-audio-trump-s-phone-call-georgia-secretary-state-n1252696 https://archive.vn/wip/oEn4U (video won't play) transcript: https://archive.vn/w1rDy
>>6072 >>6083 Heads up, it gets less retarded and more constructive at the end.
>>6084 (copied from kun's president thread) They set a meeting to go over why Trump team's assertion of 24,149 illegally counted votes (which they allege to be vetted by several credentialed people) could be incorrect. The contention is due to secretary of state not being legally authorized (at least plainly) to send internal data numbers, but the trump team were insisting secretary of state's team to figure it out with them to get those numbers confidentially. The previous hour of content seems to be a waste, though.
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>>6084 >>6083 fucking hell this is so tiresome
>>6087 >That quote Ironic that he should say that when Italy (Out of the Socialist trifecta of the time) was the ONLY country where it's citizens actually voted to end Fascism.
Goddamn, Trumps win means Biden goes to jail and his associates and massive saltmines from the left https://www.(Webm, use an alternative platform, or use https://instances.invidio.us/)(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=XJJfUs8d_vc
>>6113 So Trump is confirmed to have won then? Biden's getting tossed for sure?
>>6113 >>6115 Video is literally nothing, just pics of Trump rallies set to music.
>>6087 >>6089 Fascism is kosher because there's only one person you need to bribe. What a bargain!
>>6118 Better than having women and other subhumans allowed rights.
>>6121 spotted the jew
>>6113 jesus christ that link filter is disgusting
>>6127 Spoted the leftard.
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seems like same shit happened on georgia
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So the motherfuckers are busting into buildings and this place is still dead. Stream for those wanting to see shit: dlive.tv/austinzone >Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth! https://archive.is/jCmfK
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>>6146 doesn't seem like they're doing anything though
>>6147 Give them time to work themselves up, they are not niggerlives matter so they don't jump right to burn, loot, murder.
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>>6147 >Not breaking or running around wild in the building smashing everything in sight is not doing anything They are respecting the building, art,history, and the dead white men who built it and resided in it when it was used for better purposes. They are not niggers or antifags. so give them some slack.
>>6148 >>6157 fair enough
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>They’re in the chamber. One is up on the dais yelling “Trump won that election!” This is insane https://archive.is/0sqzC
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>UPDATE - The Pentagon has denied the request to deploy National Guard to the US Capitol. Holy shit. Also archive is slow as fuck atm. /disclosetv/status/1346909037728833542
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>>6171 HOLY FUCK
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>Radio traffic coming in now for an officier in need of ‘Immediate assistance’ /zachculpeper/status/1346912687385497606
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>Georgia and Kansas capitol buildings have been stormed by protesters.
>>6146 >Trump/Pence split That's it then, barring a Biden offing.
>>6214 you're right, that s it, the end of the GOP, the end of the leftist marxist hold on america, and the rise of the new right.
>>6214 face it, if we get violent, we win. violence was the secret of our victory all along. if we win, we will remember this forever, how voting didnt work, protesting didnt work, boycotts didnt work, free speech didnt work, rallies didnt work, but following the example of he successful activities of the leftists, that worked: burning worked, looting worked, .fighting and killing worked, when we just stopped using our words and started using our violence, we saved the country from suffering a fate that we will see the rest of the world look to us to save them from. and we will whisper "no", if they insist, we will be more clear "we have already done all we need to save you, we've shown you what you must do to save yourselves, if your country is to be free, it must be you, and not us, who frees it, at best we can sell you some of our older guns with a bit of a discount, but expect little more, if we do have to come over there and free you, will will take your land as our own, through your complacency and tolerance of tyranny, you will have demonstrated that you are not worthy to have a country of your own"
>>6127 >muh hating women is jewish Hating and killing women is as natural for human beings (that is, men) as breathing. All women are evil.
>>6138 >>6337 says the fascist jew
>>6191 Hopefully, lots of women and leftards are killed. Those are the enablers of the jews.
https://archive.vn/yemYO https://archive.vn/S9tGJ DC police are storming hotels and stomping on American flags.
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Unless something changes, the election "officially" over. Trump has conceded, and Biden is to be the next president of the U.S.: https://archive.vn/wAoww Unless something happens, I'll be unpinning this thread and turning off cyclical posting.
>>6342 >muh hating women is jewish All simps get the bullet.

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