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Polmatch General Anonymous 01/19/2022 (Wed) 00:24:12 Id: 7c8363 No. 13647
Hello I am a developer for polmatch(Please use archive.today), a new social networking platform currently in development. It's purpose is to allow like-minded people to organize into groups and communities. Profiles are designed to include lots of information so that you can see quickly who would be compatible with you. The platform is currently in early beta but it could have a huge impact on our situation in the future. Please review the questionnaire form from the "personal" profile section and share your thoughts/ideas etc. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated, we still are building questionnaires after all so add your ideas to it. Look for bugs or any other issues, share your concerns and any feedback. >>Muh honeypot Explain exactly what you think is compromising in our questionnaire or the platform in general, if you are just a random anon one of many and while you not doing anything illegal on our platform. If you provide a valid reason we will fix it as well Share any feedback/ideas in general +pic very related https://polmatch(Please use archive.today)/ I will post an update after few days if you provide some good ideas ppl (or if we apply any fixes).
>>13647 just to clarify the link its a polmatch (Please use archive.today)
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>>13648 >>13648 >>13647 Some people may know it as Polstrat Community Hub ( address on the screencap)
>>13647 Is there an onion url? Tell me when there is one plz.
this group was debunked, defaced and doxxed for being donation thieving kikes 2 years ago
Why is there no git? On Halfchan you literally wrote that your servers got hacked. How is anyone supposed to prevent this if the servercode is closed source? Where are the servers? Do you own the servers? How many users do you have and what's the male female ratio? How many non-English users do you have?
>>13647 >>13795 since this, I will shill as well. I've made a secret telegram group a few days ago and it was only revealed to a handfull of boards - https://t.me/politics_news_debates. Feel free to join and say nigger shit, I don't really care about optics that much so I am not going to be a cuck faggot about it if you say something violent.

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