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The way to absolutely DESTROY the jews Anonymous 10/26/2021 (Tue) 22:53:42 Id: 000000 No. 12343
I always get indignated lurking here. And it makes me feel so powerless. So I keep thinking of ways to DO SOMETHING. The idea I had was related to one technique of Trump's campaign. He sent his propaganda through social media and message apps. I think we should do something similar: -- WE MUST DO IT ONLY FOR THE JQ, at least for now. Trying to bring race etc will take the focus away from the goal. First we do something about the ROOT. -- This is also a surgical strike targetting critical demographics, CUCKSERVATIVES/QFAGS/CHRISTIANS/LIBERTARIANS/WHITE CENTRISTS. NOT something just to troll libs. -- The strategy is to just plant the JQ seeds in their heads. NOT TO BOTHER PERSUADING THEM AT THE MOMENT but to CREATE DOUBT and give them DIRECTIONS to satisfy their CURIOSITY later on. The TRUTH doesn't need to be hammered. Once it takes root, it grows STRONG. -- We already have the tools. We must do it all in a SUDDEN BLOW. How and when exactly must be a SURPRISE, ORGANIC and DECENTRALIZED. I am sure you know what I mean. -- Use terms like DOG OF THE JEWS or JEWISH SUPREMACIST to SHAME enemies for being the little bitches of the kikes they are (DON'T ARGUE WITH KIKES) -- Also remember to PRESERVE YOUR ANONYMITY. Because they WILL surely get scared by this.
>We already have the tools. We must do it all in a SUDDEN BLOW. How and when exactly must be a SURPRISE, ORGANIC and DECENTRALIZED. I am sure you know what I mean. what the fuck are you talking about
>>12347 You are supposed to know if you aren't a newfag Also have you really read all of my post
>>12343 >I always get indignated lurking here. And it makes me feel so powerless. So I keep thinking of ways to DO SOMETHING. So go act in the physical world, glowstick. Fun fact: you won't. >The idea I had was related to one technique of Trump's campaign. He sent his propaganda through social media and message apps. I think we should do something similar: 1. Trump is a jewish asset. He was never against the jews or anything they desire, in any facet of existence. He was supported by the establishment. He is the establishment. 2. You will be instantly banned from any social media site or message application by posting truth. You cannot do what he did. >-- WE MUST DO IT ONLY FOR THE JQ, at least for now. You will be instantly banned or shadowbanned and your content deleted. >Trying to bring race etc will take the focus away from the goal. Jews are a race. They're a subspecies of Homo europeansis. They're not white. But they're a race. Judaism is genetic. >This is also a surgical strike targetting critical demographics, CUCKSERVATIVES/QFAGS/CHRISTIANS/LIBERTARIANS/WHITE CENTRISTS. They literally worship jews. You can't target them without retraining them on what the New Testament says.
>>12364 Calm down schizo. >So go act in the physical world, glowstick. Suggestions? I am sure you will glow even more if you give any >1. Trump is a jewish asset. I know that >You will be instantly banned from any social media site or message application by posting truth. That's some actual useful feedback, the question is can we flood enough so enough people read the redpills? >You will be instantly banned or shadowbanned and your content deleted. >Lets beat around the bush while jews rape children and try to genocide us >They literally worship jews. You can't target them without retraining them on what the New Testament says. Christians hated jews for centuries, like I said it's just a matter of exposing people to enough truth. The truth has an advantage over lies because it's consistent with reality. It rings many bells Because you saged I am supposing you are a shill. Thanks bring up discussion on stuff so maybe I clarify better whoever reads the thread
>>12366 >Suggestions? I am sure you will glow even more if you give any Build a white / Europid / Nordid off-grid community to provide security, independence, and a means whereby to defend yourself and the ones you love. //STRONGHOLD// Start by learning how to network regionally, learn how to subtly drop crucial principles in conversations so others will listen and live by those principles so others can follow. Allow interdependence. Cooperate. Work with others. Your influence in the physical world can and will be significant. Become the key figure in your own narrative. Envision the future you wish to live in. Start building it, ASAP, bit by bit. Work on your hard skills, learn to survive without depending on the system. Keep working on new strategies as you're physically implementing the ones you planned out earlier. >That's some actual useful feedback, the question is can we flood enough so enough people read the redpills? only with centralized organisation. And since you're suggesting a decentralized approach in general, I'd say no. There will not be a flood big enough to leak through censorship.
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>>12366 >OY VEY YOU’RE INSANE BECAUSE YOU DON’T WORSHIP MY JEWISH NARRATIVE Every single time. Literally reading from a fucking script. >Suggestions? Yes, I have some. >I am sure you will glow even more if you give any <LOL U A FED CUZ U SAY DO THING AND U A FED CUZ U SAY NO DO THING I WIN NOOOOOOOOOOW Reported. > the question is can we flood enough so enough people read the redpills? No. You know fucking nothing whatsoever about how these sites work. You know fucking nothing about automated moderation. You know fucking nothing about human psychology. REDPILLS DON’T WORK ANYMORE. Everyone who CAN be redpilled has already BEEN redpilled. We have our numbers. And we do nothing, because of (((people))) like you who demand we still “compromise” and refuse to fight back. >The truth has an advantage over lies because it's consistent with reality. It rings many bells Explain why, after decades of the Internet allowing such information to disperse, we have only LOST power and not gained any. >you’re a shill because you don’t agree with my already disproven theory Yeah, commit suicide. Sage again solely because it triggers your autistic leftist retardation.
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>>12456 >Yes, I have some. ... >You know fucking nothing whatsoever about how these sites work. You know fucking nothing about automated moderation. You know fucking nothing about human psychology. That's why I am posting here first. To get feedback retard >Everyone who CAN be redpilled has already BEEN redpilled. >because of (((people))) like you who demand we still “compromise” and refuse to fight back. That's an old jewish tactic. You come in attacking whatever you are against with D&C and concern trolling and people have to get busy defending themselves and arguments and get nowhere. Get a new IP faggot because this is my last reply >Explain why, after decades of the Internet allowing such information to disperse, we have only LOST power and not gained any. You confuse advantage with guaranteed win. Otherwise scammers wouldn't even exist. Also it's so easy to lie when you kikes control the media and the money, isn't it? >I am literally defending promoting the JQ to normalfags >Calls me autistic leftist retardation. Pic related
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The Jews are already hated by everyone. All you really need to do is to break the group think dynamic by stating your opposition to Jewish inclusion, Jewish privilege, Jewish eternal victim status, etc.. The way group think works is that people are disinclined to contradict someone that spoke their opinion before them. Among the Left you call them Zionists. Among the Right you call them Jews. Regardless of where you are you call them Israeli foreign agents and push back whenever they try to shame you by accusing them of working for Israel, because they are. To be a Jew is to be a member of the nation of Judea (Israel). Jewish influence is mostly a matter of showing up, infiltrating every group, and being the first to speak and the loudest to use the group think dynamic in their group’s favor. But you can be there too. If one person says otherwise, others are more likely to state their true position. Most of the time, when you point out that someone is an Israeli you can just walk away at that point because the mere acknowledgment of their membership in that nation will put them at odds with everyone else. There is no group the Israelis haven’t harmed in some way. There’s a story of their sabotaging other groups for their own interests for every group of people because that is how the Jewish religion teaches Jews to conduct themselves. If they can’t infiltrate, if they can’t pretend they’re on everyone’s side anymore, then they’re done. If you’re on the Left, tell them the Israelis finance the Right. If you’re on the Right, tell them the Israelis finance the Left. Both statements are true, and both statements will turn all political tribalism against the Israelis when mentioned. /watch?v=ds3-ljxTRvo
>>12343 That's kinda written like a fed with inferior intellect trying to bait people on this board to buy into your extremist and incoherent views to justify more funding, smear campaigns and raids against the community of 8chan.
>>12936 But OP said nothing about violence. Just about spreading knowledge.
>>12343 >The way to absolutely DESTROY the jews the way is only one: destroy Khazarian Khaganate - ukraine, russia, belarus, part of poland, part of hungary, bulgaria, part of czech, slovakia and slovenia - they are the world distributors of khazarian DNA called "jews". pic is typical khazarian, Kozak, russian minister of some shit, born in ukraine sure (certified khazarian).
>>12364 >They're a subspecies of Homo europeansis with heavy neanderthal admixture(well, as heavy as such a thing can be in this age)
>>12343 >He sent his propaganda >propaganda YOU are CLEARLY a GLOWKIKE
>>12922 And that's kind written by a discord kike tranny hoping the goyim act passive cattle >>12965 Thanks for bumping it glowshill
>>12343 >The way to absolutely DESTROY the jews It's easier to get rid of bedbugs.
Yeah man
>>13113 This was clickbait for the post anon
There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.
>>12476 >That's why I am posting here first. To get feedback You got it. Your plan sucks. It won't work. By design. Go back to the drawing board. >That's an old jewish tactic. <you’re a jew because I can’t read your posts <you’re a jew because you posted truth that I can’t refute <you’re a jew because truth hurts my feelings <you’re a jew because I have no argument against what you said <you’re a jew because I have no refutation for what you said <you’re a jew because I don’t like what you said <you’re a jew because everything you said is against jews <you’re a jew because you want every jew on earth exterminated <you’re a jew because you say things jews are forbidden from saying <you’re a jew because I am too weak and cowardly to accept reality Thanks, have an actual argument? >You come in attacking whatever you are against with D&C and concern trolling Said the guy D&C concern trolling us. >and people have to get busy defending themselves and arguments So defend yourself and your argument. >Get a new IP faggot because this is my last reply Translation: "I have no refutation to anything you said and you're wrong because i say so and it hurt my feelings." >You confuse advantage with guaranteed win. No one said this but yuo. >Also it's so easy to lie when you kikes control the media and the money, isn't it? <you're a jew because you proved me wrong <no i won't bother answering your question You already failed. >I am literally defending promoting the JQ to normalfags Not in any usable or meaningful way, you're not. Enjoy continuing to fail completely at everything you do, including tricking white nationalists into wasting our time doing what you say.
It is not the "ordinary" Jews that must be exterminated, but the Zionist ideology that governs Israel, personally that whichever is Jewish I do not care
You must deal with the sympathy issue in whites before the jq can be answered.
Also you're a kike or a nigger.
OP is a nigger.
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>DON'T ARGUE WITH KIKES Sorry, pal, but you look like one of (((them))) that trying to make us look silly in the eyes of npc. I may be wrong that, but in any case that sort of advice can greatly harm our reputation. We need to provide reasoning even if npc wouldn't listen, because logic and properly done polemics is what our society lacks in the recent days (for example, (((politicians))) are not even bother with refutation, instead adressing to the distorted and heavily mutiliated ethics like remembering some irrelevant conflict of the past thats hovewer seen by npcs as important argument because npcs are lazy bastard that cling to the first politician they see
>>12343 >jewtube I was trying to call out a pedophile but youtube have insane filter built around that word: Saying pedophile will get you a temporary shadowban. ). I spent 1 HOUR to find way around filter - You cant say pedophile even in diactric -saying child sniffer is also autofilter I settle with just calling him wanting balloon chest (oppai loli) (saying any of " breast chest tits b00b" will autodelete your comment (at least from youtube android app)
>>14579 Putin prevent nato from advancing into his country. If nato and usa can (and still) bombing countries beyond their border in MENA region, then moreso if Ukraine became nato member To prevent more casualty of possible ww3. Abandonig Ukraine is equivalent of approving death penalty: let 1 die so other may live.
>>14579 >look silly As opposed to liberals who look like fucking clowns? Fucking globohomo supporting Ukuckrain faggot

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