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Anonymous 05/11/2020 (Mon) 18:45:26 Id: 01883e No. 119
I've been digging on the spread of info surrounding the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat covid-19 and it seems to begin with an israeli intelligence operation. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/04/24/rise-fall-trumps-obsession-with-hydroxychloroquine/ I started with this article and began to dig further. >March 16: Tesla CEO Elon Musk tweets a link to a March 13 paper suggesting that the anti-malarial drug chloroquine might be effective at treating covid-19. >That evening, Gregory Rigano, one of the authors of the paper Musk linked, appears on Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show. He says that hydroxychloroquine can “just get rid of [the virus] completely." https://twitter.com/RiganoESQ If you go back to Rigano's tweets before the pandemic you will see that he mostly tweets about Tesla which is likely how Elon Musk is aware of him. He also tweets heavily about cryptocurrency which connects him to the next person that I will mention. >Rigano, though, is an attorney, not a doctor. He'd written the paper with the help of James Todaro, an ophthalmologist and tech investor. It was identified as having been written “in consultation with Stanford University School of Medicine” — but Stanford publicly denied any link. The document linked by Musk was later removed from Google Docs for violating the company's terms of service. https://twitter.com/JamesTodaroMD James Todaro is a managing partner of Blocktown Capital. Blocktown Capital is a cryptocurrency hedge fund with connections to Black Cube. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Cube Black Cube is an israeli intelligence agency that specializes in asset tracing.
>>119 >March 18: Rigano appears on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show. Ingraham touts the Raoult study. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/israeli-drug-company-donating-6-million-doses-of-malaria-drug-to-us-to-combat-coronavirus March 19: Israel announces that it is sending SIX MILLION doses of hydroxychloroquine to the United States. Then later that day... >March 19: Trump for the first time mentions the drugs during a daily briefing on the pandemic.
>>119 damn, you kikes really want to demonize Musk for calling you out for running the media, huh? lol hasbara OP shills eternally BTFO
>>122 im not demonizing musk im just saying that it seems that an israeli intelligence outfit seems to have produced the paper that he tweeted about. musk likely only became aware of it through rigano who tweets a lot about tesla.
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>>123 >it seems keep your OPs objective, not subjective. you're a fag >musk=unaware of kikes hes not 1488 but see pic. he knows >tucker carlson is a zionist gatekeeper that works for ((pragerU))) hahaha fuck off boomer. you lose. next time, archive your links you fucking nigger. i aint clicking on that shit so kikes can monetize my time
>>124 of course tucker would help promote the israeli intelligence operation along with the rest of fox. where did I even imply that he wasn't pushing the kike operation?
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>>122 this sure has aged well

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