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what was something from your childhood that wouldn't fly today Anonymous 09/23/2021 (Thu) 14:31:08 Id: a1e675 No. 11875
I remember going to Finland when I was a teen in the mid-2000's and one thing I remember seeing in the shops was this
>>11875 When I was in highschool, we had two entire years of history class exclusively dedicated to WWII/lolocaust indoctrination. It was extremely hamfisted, so everyone just found it funny and played the game of "catch the jew" during breaks. One guy is the "jew" and must run away, a couple others are the chasers who yell things like "Heil Hitler" while running and also encourage bystanders to "hold the Jew". If the jew gets caught, he gets a light beating. It's quite fun, I can only recommend it to anyone who has a chance to play. Now, keep in mind, we didn't invent this. It came from upperclassmen, who got it from their upperclassmen, etc. Must've been a thing for years. I somewhat doubt it's still happening nowadays, or it'd have made the news. Oh, it was also thought perfectly acceptable to circulate sexy pics of female students if they send them to you among the male student body. Because knowing who's a slut is valuable information. That'd be double to triple crime today: Revenge porn, child porn (even if it's among mid-teens exclusively), and of course spreading porn without consent.
>>11875 Going out for a walk (as demonstrated by the Aussies the other day).
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back in my day, jam had a nigger looking back at you
>>11875 they used to have something similar to those lemon lakrits in Greece, i don't know if they are still around. Also i remember around 2000 when i was in kindergarten we had colourbooks full of things like the second pic and there was the famous 10 little nigger boys song.
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>>11875 (((marketeer))) thread.

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