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So what do the jews are hiding from the goyim? Anonymous 09/14/2021 (Tue) 01:17:46 Id: 000000 No. 11698
It's written here in THE MYSTERY of the SERPENT by B. F. JACKSON Who are the jews? >The people we know as jews are the kingdom of the Devil and he has always been their king! Since time immemorial they have been known in Asia as the Serpent race! There are three branches of this race: the ashkenazim-khazar and sepharic jews in Christendom and the black zhuzhus in Asia! >In the very first paragraph of protocol No. 3 the leaders of jewry admit jewry is the serpent race of Satan. We first observe that Reptilian race in the third chapter of Genesis in our Bible. In the Hindu Scriptures he is called Shesha, which is pronounced Shaitan (Satan). He is symbolized as being a 12-headed cobra. Actually the heads are 12 high-degree B'nai B'rith jews as the Cabinet of the King of the Jews. Are the jews responsible for all the wars? >In all ages they have been the sponsors and financiers of all wars! Why he jews are waging war against Russia? >this final struggle of World War III as Armageddon into which jewry in America, working as one with the jews in the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, have plunged us in order to annihilate Christianity and the White race or perish in the attempt. Are the The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion authenic? >the leaders of jewry in America on the night of 5 Feb. 1949 bragged to what they supposed to have been an all-jewish audience in the Shriners Auditorium, Los Angeles, California, that, the Protocols are authentically the blue-print of world conquest by the serpent race of jews-the Protocols are jewry's own property-and the conspiracy against God and man in them is an accomplished fact, except to collapse America's economy and finances then seize the government and destroy the independence of this Nation. Yet, they declared that would be accomplished before the end of 1953. Why the jews want to destroy the White Race? >prevent as far as possible the truth being published about the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic, Scandinavian and Nordic people being the House of Israel as God's Kingdom in the material plane. Why the jews are promoting race-mixing? >God put in man a certain genealogical power to cause the marrow of the bones to generate blood for the life of flesh (Lev. 17:11). jewry lacks that power. He steals it from man, however, in mongrelization. The Satanic dead vampire is manifest in what we have believed was jewry's white blood corpuscles. In man, they are round, yet shaped differently for each race. That is one reason God established the Divine Law for the various races not to mongrelize. In jewry, however, the "white blood" corpuscles are long and stringy, and Divine Law forbids all humanity to mongrelize with the Devil's Serpent race, because the children will in turn be vampire and totally cut off from God. >Mongrelization with man is essential so jewry can renew the depleted life force. Extensive mongrelization can change the outward appearance so much that the jewish characteristics are difficult, if not impossible, to perceive. When that occurs and Satan is about to transform himself into a human automatically possessing the Life Force of God, Divine Law intervenes and the next generation reverts back with all the physical characteristics known as jewish and that line of Satan is entirely sterile. Why the jews are promoting atheism? >The vampire condition is in three categories and they are spiritual and material. The first phase is as above. Secondly, the instinctive craving to murder man spiritually. It is accomplished by subtil suggestions which causes man to think erroneously which generates a destructive electro-cosmic field of oscillatory disequilibrium in his brain cavity which thrusts him out of conscious contact with God and spiritually-kills him. That field can be measured with electronic instruments, and scientists know it is directly the presence of that field which makes man's body deteoriate and eventually die of old age. jewry is greedy to shed man's blood in murder and wars (John 8:44; Matt. 23 :35). Why the jews are deceivers? >The third phase of the vampire condition is the stealthy approach unto man on his Snake belly of sham worship of God and being the chosen people of God. Drawing near an intended victim amidst the darkness of misrepresented brotherhood, liberalism, equality and fraternity he hypnotizes the victim with a flickering spiritually-black forked tongue of exaggerated friendliness and humane feeling, and by time he is in striking distance the victim is mentally-paralized in respect to jew chicanery. Then, without any resistance the Serpent swallows the victim by first marrying into his family then absorbs it in mongrelization in efforts to steal the Life Force put in it by God.
Or maybe jews just are tribalistic, insidious and work to corrupt the goyim any way they can while acting cohesively. It's simple
Christianity is a Jewish creation to trick you into worshipping their god. Sage!
>>11766 >I am paid by jews to post lies here Bump.
Our overlords don't even have a good reason for the nanny police state anymore. Toothpicks must be outlawed to protect the environment. Rope must be banned for safety. Baseball hats must be outlawed because they are ugly. Insurance must be mandatory to protect the insurance industry. Flagpoles must be banned to protect property values. Why not just put Americans in prison when they're born?
>>11766 Fuck off rabbi, You are implying the White Race was created by the jews.
>>18881 >Christianity and the White Race are synonyms
>>11766 It's to trick you into worshipping jews. The god is just a tool to that end.
>>18958 Jew by definition is who denies Christ as God. Christ said to obey the will of the father in heaven. The attempt to paint jews as the original believers is againt the very clear "who denies the Son denies the Father".
>>18976 >Jew by definition is who denies Christ as God. Behold, I've brought you a jew!
>>18958 >It's to trick you into worshipping jews. The god is just a tool to that end. Even jews don't worship their own god, they worship themselves

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