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Russia Anonymous 09/13/2021 (Mon) 02:26:43 Id: 000000 No. 11673
- No war for israel - No (((Blacked culture))) - No (((LGBT Parades))) - No (((Hollywood degeneracy))) - Europeans - Blocked (((porn sites))) - Asked people to have babies - China backed - New space program - CRISPR - Christian - Nukes - No jewmocracy - No (((nigger ads))) everywhere - No (((Globalism))) - Freed the US from Killary Jewton The downside is (((Putin))) --- NNNNNHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Ната́лья Влади́мировна Покло́нская (в девичестве Дубровская; род. 18 марта 1980, Алексеевка, Ворошиловградская область, Украинская ССР, СССР) — российский политический деятель, юрист. Депутат Государственной думы Федерального Собрания Российской Федерации VII созыва, заместитель председателя комитета Государственной Думы по международным делам, член комиссии ГД по рассмотрению расходов федерального бюджета, направленных на обеспечение национальной обороны, национальной безопасности и правоохранительной деятельности с 18 сентября 2016 года. Член фракции «Единая Россия»
>falling for this
> No (((Blacked culture))) snowniggers with their gopnik culture > No (((LGBT Parades))) Putin - pederast. Volodin - pederast. Patrushev - pederast. Ivanov - pederast. Naryshkin - pederast. Hinshtein - pederast. > Europeans on the pic > Blocked (((porn sites))) what? Government sponsored Telegram is full of all kind of porno > China backed yeah, Siberia initially was Chinese territory and China sure has plan to return it back. > New space program man, stop it :) > CRISPR how is it related to Russia? > Christian no. > Nukes The Soviet Union was famously described as "Upper Volta with rockets", a catchphrase that was updated by the geographically precise to become "Burkina Faso with rockets" > No jewmocracy Putincracy (Putin is a jew, Medvedev is a jew, most friends-oligarches of Putin are jews) > No (((Globalism))) offshore. Most children of Russian officials live in Europe and USA, some of em even don't know Russian language, they love money, cocaine and hate Russia with its Russian people > Freed the US from Killary Jewton OK, what the hell is that?
>>11687 LOL, looks like a rat or a gypsy
>>11691 7686
>>11688 >> Blocked (((porn sites))) >what? Government sponsored Telegram is full of all kind of porno Also i can access all famous porn sites from russian vpns, so yeah it's there
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>>11673 They also do the right thing to women. They beat, jail and kill them.
>>11847 not only women. In Mazarussia any policeman, FSB-fag, a deputy or just a secret agent of FSB or similar shit - is a God and can do everything with you. Rapes, murders, seizure of property, raider seizure of companies, business, houses, etc - a lot of. The prisons are full in Mazarussia.
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>>11886 Prisons are so full that the military and public education are turned into a prison as well to accomodate. With it being fairly common that conscripts are beaten, raped and sodomised by their higher-ups. All males, of course, Russian military understands very well that raping women is wrong. And if they try to reach even higher up to report it in hopes of protection, the military just push it under the rug and pretend it never existed while they get raped even harder for being a snitch. Much like how there are school shootings in the US, there are military base shootings in Russia whenever conscripts can no longer it anymore and snap. But I guess that is how you become a man: getting AIDS from being anally raped by homosexuals every three days and then immediately getting ganged up by ten different people if you in the slightest retalliate or express discontent.
>>11887 America has school shootings Russia has military base shootings What type of shootings does China have?
>>11888 China has child stabbings. Not by children to each other but by rather by adults against the children of those they want revenge against. And it's not to cause emotional distress, although that would be the cherry on top. It's because children are effectively a retirement plan: the kids grow up and then support their parents when they can no longer work. Grandkids mean a potential additional resource. If the kid dies, all the time and money spent on them goes to waste, with the time lost being time-money equivalent lost from their retirement plan. Since there is no such thing as a 401k or tax-funded retirement in China. And you might think that this is a bit far-fetched but it is legitimately how chinks think, money is all they can think about, even when they think about revenge.
>>11889 >Using the children of your enemies as a proxy for lifestyle vengeance With logic like that they might give the jews a run for their money.
>>11890 When you consider China's one-child policy (which is now the two-child policy), I think you can imagine how that would affect both their demographic trends and how much that would take away from their retirement plan idea. China is absolutely desperate to get birth rates up now, since their population pyramid is inverted from that big-brain decision. Maybe they'll recover, maybe the pyramid collapses, either way commies are mentally deficient. Personally I don't think they will have a demographic collapse, at least not a demographic collapse alone, but them being very close to one will definitely make them more vulnerable.
Also Putin is for peace and does not support attacks on domestic political system of independent states, yep
>>12026 Absolutely never, only the imperialistic West would ever do such a thing.
>>11887 >Russian military understands very well that raping women is wrong >MILITARY Even many civilians dont understand it lmao
Let me get this straight ... > USA leftists want open borders > No more borders, no countries, united world > EXCEPT Ukraine! They have to maintain their nationality! > Protect Ukraine's borders! Maintain sovereignty
>>13721 Russians merely have too many people and too low resources, as Ukraine wants to join the EU they should show the world how worthy they are and give Russians a helping hand by welcoming them into their country. It's only fair
>>11673 that girl is fucking sexy
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>>11673 Finish the job, Putin.
russians are turco-mongol mutts lmfao
>>11673 More like >Palestine solidarity >No Capitalist for-profit degeneracy >Asked people to become Socialist and to strive for the Socialist system >No Dictatorship of the Capitalists >No Capitalist Globalism >Destabilizes the US and ruins it, effectively harming global Capital >Nukes and space programs, China-backed because they are of superior intelligence to Amerilards (they all have HFCS infection) >Socialists >Helped proles beat Capital in 1975 >Proles are the one who BTFO'd Adolf Workers of the world, unite
>>13721 yeah it's based. the NPCs have finally been conditioned to rally for the sovereignty of an independent nation, which is nice
>>16443 can't tell if this leaf faggot is being sarcastic or is trolling
>>11673 Literally, Russia is perfect.
>>15978 No archives = 100% fake.
>>16437 I, Niggerpill unleashed an UNSPEAKABLE blackpilling.
>>16437 A-l-l l-e-f-t-a-r-d-s w-i-l-l b-e k-i-l-l-e-d.
>>16522 except antisemitism and nazism are illegal in russia and the russian public is fine with it lmao
>>16437 unite? They should be "uniting locally" Uniting globally means the uniter (some wef council) will be their controller! This is so retarded
Russians are eternal serfs. LMAO
What is going on in Russia? Every time I see Putin on the news shows, Putin looks like a badly pixelated cgi body double? What is this I don't even-.
>>18769 I subscribe to the multiple body doubles hypothesis. Every once in a while there's a really funky looking putin and his characteristic body language is off. The rest of them are so close it's hard to tell how much of it is just the real putin but at varying stages of plastic surgery. Or maybe he's usually in elaborate makeup and perhaps sometimes they don't put it on quite right or cobble together backup pieces.
when will ukraine build the aniki statue?
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Putin still looks CGI. You are getting better at CGI though, globalists.
>>11887 >Russian military understands very well that raping women is wrong https://yewtu.be/watch?v=XvDiDrUO78U
STILL looks like a CGI Putin. Is the real Putin dead? This all feels like globo manipulation now. They want the population to go down by 2030, by war, disease, however they can manage it. Globos and their CGI Putin suck ass.
>>18969 Putin is an Orthodox Christian. Putin does not drink vodka. Putin is the savior of the white race.
>>19061 >Putin is an Orthodox Christian. Putin does not drink vodka. That could just be propaganda. Putin doesn't livestream 24/7, he could easily drink vodka and worship Satan without us knowing.
>>19063 I'm pretty sure it's a colloquialism indicating he doesn't bang down vodka like a stereotypical russian drunk. I doubt he's a teetotaler. Other people from that era used to say things like "I don't drink" to mean that they just stick to the occasional coctail, wine with dinner, or whatever other sensible thing.
>>19067 Even still, it could just be propaganda. Putin could drink himself to sleep every night, how would we find out? Just because he has more discretion than Hunter Biden doesn't prove anything, really. I'm not saying I think he is an alcoholic, I'm just saying we don't really know anything.
>>19067 And the sobriety is less important in my opnion than the Christianity. There is huge political incentive for Putin to larp as an Orthobro. Again, not saying I know for a fact he's a fraud. Just that we don't really know. The motive to lie is there.
>>19071 Oh definitely. Socially, popular politics, and maintaining an alignment with the Russian Orthodox church and all of its own shady dealings the way large powerful religious organizations invariably get in to (bearing especially in mind that extents of the Eastern half of the Roman Empire, Russia being one of them by way of northward expansion of the Byzantine Empire - one of the threads felt by the Khazars who eventually mass converted to bablyonian talmudism to stand in opposition to both the that and the expanding caliphate to the south.) You would no sooner expect a president of the US to not pander to a Christian base (even if the red party has much more of a lock on the big fat juicy evangelical part of that pie), or to upset the zionists too far or to squander what is (whether we like it or not) at the very least a valuable strategic alliance with pissrael. And of course Putin was the star student of soviet spymaster Yuri Andropov, and former head of the KGB. Watching how carefully he presents himself is transparently funny imo, but he knows what he's doing trying to project something of a traditional russian strong man persona, both to pander to a power base in the process of being treatened by multiculturalism, and as a counterbalance to the liberashka crowd and constant US attempts to do cultural subversion 2.0 as they had done previously as part of the effort to topple the USSR. I just think it's funny, from a US perspective, how our own leadership has become so generally derelict that it makes it easy for Putin to play the same silly cold war games, but arguably more effectively most of the time. If nothing else I have to respect the Kremlin's track record for being able to counterbalance American overreach (this debacle in the ukraine being an obvious exception).
Putin still looks CGI on television. Is this all a globalist plot?
>>19085 I'm pretty sure they've used body doubles for him in the past. Either that or it's like plastic surgery of the week. It wouldn't surprise me at all if they've got at least a filter on him, if not a full blown fake from him or one of his doubles (perhaps one that does a better immitation but doesn't quite look the part, for instance). He's always been big on visual presentation, body language, mannerisms, etc. So regardless of whether or not the western media's inclination to suggest he's quite ill and perhaps mentally incapacitated is true (it could well be), there would still be an interest in maintaining the varnished look of the powerful and benevolent tsar in control.
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So, Tucker Carlson will apparently be interviewing Putin: https://archive.ph/qdmvi https://twnitter.cz/TuckerCarlson/status/1754939251257475555
>>20056 Holy shit, that's almost too ridiculous to believe.
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>>20056 Spent the past 16 hours getting this two hour long interview to be under 32 MB. Here's the original video: https://nitter.cz/TuckerCarlson/status/1755734526678925682#m Hope it was worth it.
>>20074 impressive.

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