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How to deal a nice blow on ZOG Anonymous 09/06/2021 (Mon) 18:58:42 Id: 000000 No. 11546
I always get indignation with new information or news I get from chans and unkosher media. And it just angers me how powerless I feel. So I keep thinking of ways to do something about it. The idea I had was related to how Trump got elected. Part of it at least. He had people send his propaganda through social media and instant message apps and it spread like wildfire. I think we should do something similar but with the JQ. And only the JQ, at least for now. Trying to bring race for example will give too much room for D&C. Think it that way, first we try to do something about the root of the problem. Later on we can think about economics and other stuff because if we were successful we would get just so much more room to maneuver. The focus is to try to redpill mainly the cuckservatives on it. Because it would be much easier and one of the main goals is to take antisemitism out of the underground. For it not to be so taboo anymore. But any non jew is a potential candidate. How do we do that? The strategy would be to just plant a bunch of seeds in their heads. Not to bother persuading them at the moment of the interaction but to created doubt and give them directions for where they can satisfy their curiosity later on. Because we are dealing with the truth and the truth doesn't need to be hammered. Once it takes root, it grows strong. Because it just makes sense. We already have the tools with the memes we keep making here. We just need to organize to expose the greatest number possible of the most susceptible possible people to them before we get shut down. All in a sudden blow. How exactly must be a surprise it must be organic and decentralized. I am sure you know what I mean. Just remember to preserve your anonymity anons. Because if it works well they will get scared and they will come after us . What do you anons think? Of the plan? The writing? Shills who post on this thread will have their hands fall off. Jews will also lose they genital organs so they can't rape goy children.
Dont bump after only a few hours, that's just retarded on such a quiet board. And I'll just say briefly that one guy it being indicted for posting memes during Trumps first campaign, Ricky Vaughn, read about that on dailystormer.su first before you start talking about memeing. To be honest probably cuckchan would be best for this kind of operation, if it could even work. One thing that would help is more prominent people broaching the JQ. I wonder if Rogan has the balls, he has been bucking the vax narrative a little bit. Nah, probably not, I reckon. Just rattling off my first thoughts, not a considered response.
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>>11550 >first before you start talking about memeing For now this is just a brainstorming. I want to get feedback such as yours to see if it's worth the effort and get tips >To be honest probably cuckchan would be best for this kind of operation Sure cuckchan has the numbers for that. >One thing that would help is more prominent people broaching the JQ. People who have what to lose don't touch the subject because they are afraid of being canceled obviously. We need to reach a critical mass before that where enough people would offer support and pressure against canceling. Though the jews will certainly start to lash out at this point. There is no way to predict it. What I have in mind is more insidious. Set up first a group of like minded JQ aware but not necessarily organized people (preferably well armed republicans with ingrained family values). And with enough numbers. It's like having the nazis ready even before a Hitler comes along. Probably even without the need of someone so exceptional to organize everything.
>>11546 There's a Rothschild living in most every country in the west. Make a dent in their numbers. Send a message. Who knows, it might even inspire others to act similarly.
>>11552 >resist canceling >ANTI SEMITISM. HATE SPEECH. BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. You know that's what would happen.
I don't know dear. Bill still told me those last two mass shooting are unrelated to the other sets. and those messages he got from them were unrelated to the first times around. Target anomalies just because. And you meant the Jesuit queen's Reich? Whatever. I'm just using rusa hacks and recruiting pop stars from canada to represent them. bc still has like billion.5 in btc. whatever targets to surrender. ZOW
Oh I was also going to work on patching the holes i made with the fbi fire spyware and ser migrations tables with conficker. I don't know man. I was only given like 80 million dollars. and I don't even get paid to pay myself anymore so you're making me vote socialist or something as french droga???
So I had a training project started at github because their newest analyst was bored and idle. I basically told him to convert webpages to php to host as a completed internet. but it requires more resources to dictate the offset bitches in the hood. Got them jews scrambling their navy like murdochs comanions. Sorry I shota da jews. marauders.
I suppose if you run those pages that I've been converting to php into an r code translater it might extract those statistics for you. because the internet is not exactly like the government tells you it is... I'm part of 38 mafias and most of them are indeed jew and italian. But I'm 4th reich somehow. so... Whatever, my bad that red head called me a terrorist and arrested the royal jihadists..
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>>11552 the fucking image you uploaded made me laugh so hard kekekekek
Jews love Cheese Pizza. It is the most popular kind in Israel.

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