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How are you gentlemen! Anonymous 07/14/2020 (Tue) 20:51:51 Id: d62a47 No. 1096
Kanye seems set to split the democrat vote, ensuring another glorious four years of israeli expansionism and IMMIGRATION LIKE NEVER BEFORE. This frankly seems more like a deciding factor than months of unchecked racial pogroms, which the democrats would in theory have to own, but in practice (ie, in the minds of the electorate) probably don't. Does anyone actually care about the election at this point? Have you checked out to live innawoods raising chickens?
Coons ate all my chickens...
Still waiting for some guy to pop out all like, "it's all a lie, you're on tv!" But deep down I knew it is all real, so every day, all day I dream about suicide.
>>1097 I bet they weren't even kentucky-fried, neither... >>1100 Because of mask laws in your jurisdiction? I was going to post something flippant because I hate how demoralized people get just from hearing about shit, and from being told by some fucking eceleb that they need to be really upset all the time. But if you're being forced to choose between being a starving shut-in and wearing the muzzle because of a pretend epidemic, I guess I can understand wanting to kill yourself.
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>>1097 Now when you say coons ate your chickens...
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>>1096 >care about elections Just waiting on the mail in voting to drive everyone in the country insane when the results make zero sense.
It's a sad state of affairs when a miscegenating black rapper is unironically a better candidate than what the two main parties are putting up.
>>1124 Thank the Gods that trolls are out there showing how full of shit every normalfag is.
>>1142 I bet you he could actually win if all those people who won't vote for him because they think he can't win would vote for him.

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