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Anonymous 08/06/2021 (Fri) 17:13:16 Id: 4723cf No. 10721
Eternal Anglo cult. Recruiting for Anglo supremacists only, might be admin positions depending on sub count(dm me in the descript). In the future we hope to be building diy garage ufos and cern time leaper microwaves. T.me/MitraThret
as if angloscum aren't the problem.
I am 1/8 anglo. Can I join?
>>10736 Do you ever wonder why the jew spent hundreds of years subverting the empire instead of backwards snow-fucking mainland europe? It's Because, despite subhuman aryan dogs and their fantasies, Anglo is the master race. Anglo was the one to conquer the world while you fucked pre teen girls and what in each other's mouths. It was the Anglo that made it so that the entire world was forced to learn a white tongue. Anglo is the most powerful, the most fair and brilliant people. This is why the jew subverted them. Even in ww2 as a rotting carcass of an empire they fucking destroyed you german dogs. Fucking oath Dresden and war crimes. This is what happens when you play around with "total war", you immature subhuman child. Once the Anglo wakes up there will be no stopping him. No tribe on this earth will stop his righteous colonisation of the universe. You may seeth you may cope but you will always know that the peak of your aryan society lasted naught 40 years and barely licked the scum off the Anglo 1000 year Imperium boot. We had an actual 1000 year Empire, you german animal. You will be destroyed by niggers while the Anglo yet again rise above and enforces divine white rule.
>>11007 <DO YOU 'AVE A LOICENSE FOH THAT, MATE? lol j/k, VikingCelt here, truly we are supreme and have the hottest women. Most of our people don't even realize the kikes are occupying us because we are so good at thriving they don't realize there is a problem.
(85.73 KB 853x480 eternal kraut.jpg)

I geniuently believe that England did literally nothing wrong during WW2. Maybe that they were too nice to the eternal kraut and didn't fuck them over sooner. Should have rolled in and cut their bullshit sooner instead of following an appeasement policy. My country got fucked over in the war, but I understand that by this point it was damage control.
>>11172 Yeah, if you look at The Anglo-American Empire by Caroll Quigley, you can kind of see how there was a noble venture trying to placate Hitler as long as he didn't get out of bounds. But he did get out of bounds, so somebody had to put a stop to it. I just wish he really had holocausted all the jews, and that the US hadn't got dragged in to another stupid war that was NOT ITS PROBLEM.
>>11174 >I just wish he really had holocausted all the jews He did try to even if the numbers might be bullcrap 6 gorrilion was supposed to be an estimate of how many jews died in the war in general, but it still seems overly high but we have direct advancements in medicine that were caused by nazi experimentation on jews and other prisoners of war. If it didn't happen at least to some extent, we wouldn't have many advancements in medicine that we have today.
>>11176 > we have direct advancements in medicine that were caused by nazi experimentation on jews and other prisoners of war IIRC, that's not quite true because the Japanese had Unit 731, which the US and Russia bought wholesale when it came to their medical records as the Nips were something else entirely when it came to their experiments.
>>11176 >he did try to Is that why he made agreements to let Jews transfer their wealth to Israel in exchange for them leaving willingly? Or why he was shipping the ones not leaving willingly to Madagascar? Seems like a lot of unnecessary work for something that would be done more quickly and a lot cheaper by simply digging a hole and shooting them in the back of the neck.
>>11177 We still have a wealth of knowledge from Nazi experiments, iirc transplants are a legacy of nazi party experimentation and would have never have developed as quickly if not for them. >>11178 It's actually quite consistent with the policy of Nazi Germany though. Usually the nazi party took wealth from jews when they started running out of money to finance its public spending, and believed that removing them from the economy will allow them to create a well oiled economy it did not because they still focused too much on public spending. The more their economy was failing, the more extreme measures they took. Hell it is consistent with Hitler's ideas of autarky as well as why they went to war so early to begin with alongside with what caused the invasion of Russia seeing as the main goal was to overcome fuel shortages and economic collapse. At the end of the war, Nazi economy was in shambles from the extravagant public spending they were conducting and the reason why they even lost the war. At first you might try to keep the appearances, but as your economy becomes worse... well you have to resort to more extreme measures like slave labor, taking things from others whether that be jews or other nations. I remember that Nazi Germany had notices that worked as money in occupied France, but were actually increasing french inflation while not increasing the inflation of Nazi Germany, but I forget their name right now. You could exchange them for franks, but seeing as it was effectively forcibly exporting goods to Germany from France with fake money that the German government printed, it was actively decreasing the value of the frank.
>>10721 >>11007 TRUTH, you ever see the old photos and videos of imperialism "human zoo's" they would have niggers ,muslims, mexicans, indians, all in a cage for England's (Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan, please bully me)s to see. People would bring their children to throw rocks and shit at the black beasts and see first hand how strange the savages were. for prosperity and progress of the future , "fuck their rights" was a noble way of moving the human experience forward not backwards... Holocaust was not even a word with meaning until WWII when the jews started their bullIhit crying. displacement is how we got here . I do not see Africa Or Aboriginals building MagLev bullet trains anytime soon.

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