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Give me a quick redpill on the vax Anonymous 08/04/2021 (Wed) 15:00:38 Id: 000000 No. 10659
I am redpilled about the jews and all that but I don't see the problem with the jab. Pandemics happen like the spanish flu and the way to end them is through vaccination. Some pharmaceutical will sure try to (((profit))) but that's it. Am I missing something? Or it just paranoia from the right? Also why is it such a pain to make a fucking thread here?
Covid allegedly killed 4 million people in 1.5 years, so roughly 2.7 million a year. World population is between 7.5 and 8 billion. Let's be generous and say covid kills 3 million a year and global pop. is 7.5 billion. That's 0.04% of the world dying, according to our jewish governments and media, from covid every year. So every year you have roughly a 99.96% chance of not dying of covid. It was never a pandemic. And the choice is not between the vax and no vax. We have vit C, D, zinc, niacin, HCQ, Ivermectin, Fluvoxamine, which all reduce deaths and hospitalizations significantly and are literally orders of magnitude safer than the vaccines; see e.g. https://c19early*com/ but keep in mind these studies examine one drug at a time, and most physicians use them as part of a larger protocol, and some of these studies were designed to fail. Dr Shankara Chetty has cured every single one of his 4'000 covid patients using a HCQ protocol, and none have reported 'long covid'. The normal death rate for hospitalized covid patients is roughly 20% so if his patients had gone to an ordinary hospital, 800 would have died from medical neglect. Search for a thread that @Covid19Crusher did on him on twitter; lots of other info there like the fact the Mexico City had negative excess deaths, i.e. reduced mortality, by using Ivermectin in conjunction with other drugs. It was literally all a jewish scam from the beginning, it should be blindingly obvious. All of the jewish media and jewish politicians saying the same thing. There was literally a Rockefeller paper from like 2010 saying exactly what would happen, operation Lock Step; Harry Vox broke this story. It's classic problem-reaction-solution: hype-up a flu-like virus with your media, politicians and fake scientists, react with brutal lockdowns, business closure, masks causing hypoxia, fear campaign through the media, house arrest of healthy people, contact tracing and isolation, etc., and present the solution; your poison jab as the way out of it. The vaccine, ironically, is the jew's final solution for us. Huge numbers of adverse events are just not being reported, huge numbers of deaths, all written off as unrelated. When people wind up in hospital or dead because of the jab, they just blame it on variants and the unvaxxed, giving them the excuse to tighten the noose around those with enough sense not to get this poison. Chris Sky predicted everything exactly as it unfolded early on.
>>10665 true
>>10659 > Pandemics happen like the spanish flu and the way to end them is through vaccination No what they called the "spanish" flu was caused by vaccines. You're just repeating the lies that pharma planted in your head, in all our heads, including our doctors when they were in med school memorizing things to pass tests. Look into it. They are all the same
vaccines are talmudic blood voodoo
Bechamp was right
>>10659 rert4576
>>10697 Wait, now germ theory is a jewish trick as well? That's one I've never heard before. It's pretty easy to see germs with microscopes and understand how they work.
>>10702 That's right. Because Rockefeller took over our medical industry so all we ever heard about was the wonders of the vaccines saving everyone from viruses. Well take a critical look at these pandemics and you will see for yourself. Here is a good article specifically about the "Spanish" "Flu" (really a bacterial infection originating with experimental military vaccine in Kansas) https://fort-russ(Please use archive.today)/2020/05/did-psychopath-rockefeller-create-the-spanish-flu-pandemic-of-1918/
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>>10702 > germs and microscopes I'm talking specifically about the alleged viral infections. Did you know we cannot observe these so-called viruses while they are alive? No they say the electron microscope kills them instantly so we can only study their remains and speculate. The debate germ vs terrain theory goes back to the beginning of virology, and the two sides were voiced by Pasteur and Bechamp. Bechamp promoted healthy living to prevent disease, where Pasteur's theory enticed profiteers to market treatments of symptoms which is where we are now and why you have never heard of Bechamp
>>10696 Fraudci wrote a paper showing most of them died of bacterial pneumonia. And what do you think wearing a mask several hours a day is going to do?
>>10706 The Final Refutation of Virology by Dr Stefan Lanka: bitchute [dot] com/video/Dxa1B39cLewh/ (too large to upload)
>>10706 The reason normalfags know about Pasteur in the first place is pasteurization which has a tangible effect and greatly influenced the food industry though not always for the better. And if germ theory is a complete fabrication, why do antibiotics cure bacterial diseases? Why can viral diseases spread between people? It's one matter to put effort into maintaining your good health, but quite another to believe that all diseases are caused solely by internal factors. >>10710 That video is a bunch of semantic bullshitting. The video claims external factors other than viruses are involved and then never looks into those factors. Do you seriously think people around the world developed the same disease, with the same symptoms despite living in the same conditions for years with no ill effects? It says the virus wasn't isolated because the established standard methods for doing so had no control experiment performed along with the virus test. Then it quote mines a page from a paper where the very next sentence seems to contradict the conclusion of the video. Fixed in that context could very well mean the addition of antibiotics and antifungals, but the video obviously doesn't address this. Then it conflates viruses with nucleic acid, as though that's all viruses are made of. Then it claims viruses are exosomes because they look the same, despite the pictures shown having visible differences. I stopped at about the halfway point because I don't think the bullshitting will get any better
>>10713 > pasteurization kills everything good in the milk, and is not necessary if your livestock arent in squalor https://www.realmilk(Please use archive.today)/ > if germ theory is a complete fabrication not completely, but it was subverted > why do antibiotics cure bacterial diseases They dont. They kill bacteria--good and bad. But bacteria is part of the healing process, which these drugs interrupt while the root cause (the source or reason for the infection) remains in many cases > Why can viral diseases spread between people? can they? name a viral disease, and cite the study that shows it being transmitted > all diseases are caused solely by internal factors not quite--more like if the terrain is susceptible to external toxins/irritants, or if your "remedy" actually exacerbates the issue by interrupting the body's response, then this is how a chronic condition develops What they are calling "virus" are in fact exosomes, part of our natural response system. In none of the "viral pandemics" has a virus been isolated and placed into a healthy creature and seen to cause disease. No they always take some sample then mix it in a witch's brew of toxins, then claim some tissue damage was caused by the "virus".
If you've got a half hour to invest in a different perspective on the events of current year, in this video Dr Kaufman describes the problems with the claims of "isolation" commonly made, explains Koch's Postulates (which is the process virologists came up with to show an organism causes disease), and how the process has not been followed in any case https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today) /watch?v=z7ibaXq3iUA
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>>10713 >Do you seriously think people around the world developed the same disease, with the same symptoms despite living in the same conditions for years with no ill effects?
>>10716 >kills everything good in the milk Hence why I said not always, raw milk is great. And canned food loses some nutrients and is full of BPA, but that's another can of worms. >They kill bacteria--good and bad. But bacteria is part of the healing process, which these drugs interrupt while the root cause (the source or reason for the infection) remains in many cases What is bad bacteria a part of then? And if the root cause remains, why doesn't the disease resume after no more antibiotics are taken? While I believe antibiotics should only be used after careful consideration (and newer studies show getting off antibiotics as early as possible helps prevent the creation of resistant strains) they're far from useless. >can they? name a viral disease, and cite the study that shows it being transmitted Does the term "pox party" ring a bell? How about you cite the lot of studies supporting your points first? >not quite--more like if the terrain is susceptible to external toxins/irritants Being susceptible to getting sick=/=getting sick. What are the irritants and toxins that cause specific diseases then? Which ones cause which specific diseases? >if your "remedy" actually exacerbates the issue by interrupting the body's response, then this is how a chronic condition develops Death is a chronic condition that can also be caused by letting a deadly disease run its course without interfering. >What they are calling "virus" are in fact exosomes >part of our natural response system Do you have a single fact to back that up? >In none of the "viral pandemics" has a virus been isolated and placed into a healthy creature and seen to cause disease. No they always take some sample then mix it in a witch's brew of toxins, then claim some tissue damage was caused by the "virus". That may or may not be the case, but how does your interpretation explain the fact that viral diseases spread? The original smallpox vaccine pretty much involved spreading lymph from pustules that developed during the onset of cowpox and injecting it into someone else. After the disease ran its course the infected were immune to cowpox and smallpox. How is any of this compatible with terrain theory? The fact that immune systems work at different strengths and their function can be actively improved doesn't contradict germ theory at all. >>10718 >half an hour That's not the same video as the bitchute one, is it? Maybe I'll watch it later. >>10719 >triple posting >soyjak >no counterargument kill yourself, cuck/pol/ cancer
>>10716 There is no independent evidence to say there ever was anything other than a bad flu season, which happens occasionally and no one notices it. And te things they're calling "covid" are either no symptoms but a positive PCR test, which is meaningless, or they've widened th symptoms of covid to include just about everything, like fatigue, as if that couldn't possibly have been cause by lockdowns, house arrest, quarantine, 24/7 ZOGvision propaganda, masks, etc.
https://archive.ph/oHKdh https://twitter.com/YossiGestetner/status/1423758644143869965 It's officially Marek's disease category. >Vaccine doesn't prevent person from having corona >Vaccine doesn't prevent person from spreading corona >Vaccine just lower corona's effect <What is Marek's disease? Related thread >>9873
the illegitimate Biden regime and the (((CDC))) are pushing the vax so hard because it will interfere with the coming flu season. they recently admitted that their PCR test couldn't distinguish between coronavirus infection and flu. they needed to previous inflate the numbers for fear porn to up adoption of the clot shot. however, similar to how in 2019 it was reported that the flu shot shifted immunity away from coronaviruses, the reason (((they))) need a high rate of shots in the general population so soon is because they are banking on the influenza this year having everyone's immune system weakened to it with their clot shot/vax strategy. you know how they aren't testing or mandating vaccines for the illegals flooding across the Southern U.S. border right now? when all the vaxxed population dies off from the flu this year, they will have their slave class primed and ready to take over the country. that's the ultimate objective at this point to install the NWO.
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>Give me a quick redpill on the vax It's very simple. You take it, you die a slow and painful death. >>10734 Marek's disease is not applicable, since you aren't injecting the original disease. You are injecting either genetic code or a viral vector that contains that very same genetic code. They do not contain the original pathogen, nor to they create a copy of the original pathogen. And it doesn't lower corona's effect either, since you're injecting something that causes those very same effects in the first place. It's like stabbing someone three times and then saying "at least the first stab only hurt half as much as the other two did". The spike proteins are incapable of reproducing, the vaccinated simply shed them constantly and as such cause people around them to experience those symptoms. By killing off the vaccinated, you no longer have the people around them experiencing symptoms since they aren't spreading the pathogen due to not having received one in the first place. Marek's disease requires a pathogen that is capable of reproducing. The vaccinated do not have a pathogen that is capable of reproducing due to not having had one to begin with. So even before you can go into the game theory bullshit about being pidgeon-holed by the lethality of a copy of the pathogen spread by the vaccinated, even before that you have failed to meet the conditions necessary for it to apply.
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> I am redpilled I am reptilled
>>10784 I was just clarifying I wasn't a newfag. No need to go schizo
>>10798 who cares here, schizo?
I would rather drink bat-soup that take the vax.
>>10805 Found the schizo
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>>10849 This website says it has the links to the research: https://archive.vn/qTcOD
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Just caught a glimpse of fox news and according to Fauci: >The booster shot is for immunocompromised people who did not have an adequate response to the previous two shots. I want to know what exactly he considers an adequate response, because wouldn't a healthy immune system mean that you would not experience a strong reaction to a viral infection? As in, your immune system fights off infection before it spreads through the body and thus you do not experience symptoms as has been the case forever and that's why you dont get sick from being exposed to say, tetanus, because your body deals with it immediately? Many people who got the shot had severe reaction after the second dose especially if the first dose provoked a strong response, and their explanation was that the stronger the response the better, but isn't that completely illogical based on how all traditional vaccines prep the body's immune system for disease?
>>10849 >the reason you can't do this is that it can't be done Convincing argument doctor man.
>>10659 >Pandemics happen like the spanish flu and the way to end them is through vaccination. True, if it actually happened like that. What killed the majority of people in the pandemic was bacterial pneumonia, as co-authored by Fauci himself: https://archive.is/BQ7Nd >Some pharmaceutical will sure try to (((profit))) but that's it. Am I missing something? The thing that you are missing is that the vaccinations themselves are an extremely imperfect solution. Whether through ignorance or malice, the vaccine screws with a person's immune system to the extent that the unfortunate patient will have to take booster shots for the rest of their life. Recently, researchers from the Francis Crick institute found that the number of neutralizing antibodies, the baseline immunity of a person, was 5 to 6 times lower in patients who had taken the Pfizer vaccine than those who were unvaccinated (see video). There is increasing evidence that the vaccines are leaky (one example here: https://archive.is/kN6Xh), meaning that, after the initial antibody response wears off, if you were to catch the Coof, you would actually have even worse symptoms than if you were unvaccinated (see increasing cases in the US and the large majority of severe cases in Israel who were vaccinated). Big pharma's solution? Just keep taking booster shots for the rest of your life. Hence the fast-track for FDA approval before they have a disaster of unmitigated proportions on their hands. Of course, one could also talk about the fact that mass vaccination programs are causing the virus to mutate even quicker. It's for the same reason that superbugs exist and antibiotics are going to be useless in the near future; evolutionary pressure to survive. Mass vaccination programs force the virus to evolve, which is why the emergence of multiple strains have coincided with the rollout of vaccines. The vaccines are bad news and I'm not touching them with a ten foot pole.
>He believes in the Spanish Jew Ngmi
>>10898 OP here. You are almost convincing me. I need some info like articles and studies that goes beyond 'trust me bro' mainly on the negative effects. Because I live surrounded in poz and need to keep appearances at least until I am done with college. Basically I have what to loose. So not taking the vaccine implies a huge cost to me.
>>10938 Watch the clips, read this: https://archive.vn/fWTtq Understand that you are at basically zero risk from covid. <So I should get vaccinated to protect others! Anyone who takes the vax should know it doesn't stop you contracting covid and it doesn't stop you passing it on, the head of the CDC admitted the vax has zero effect on transmission. They're also stating now that the vax cannot help us achieve herd immunity (last pic). So what's the point of the vax? For you personally there's nothing to gain. There's no benefit to anyone else if you get the vax. So all you're left with is the potential side effects from the vax. Understand, once you take the vax, there's no going back. Because the vax can never bring about herd immunity, you'll have to take a 'booster shot' every 6 months for the rest of your short life. There is no up side to getting the vax, it's all negatives.
>>10941 Ok, I'm blocked from posting the clips, see: https://www.bitchute(Please use archive.today)/video/794EtgyIMyC9/ https://www.bitchute(Please use archive.today)/video/Sjl0KqNIdNO2/ https://www.bitchute(Please use archive.today)/video/dspL1bwDszTN/
>>10938 According to the CDC's VAERS, more deaths have been attributed to the COVID vaccine than with all other vaccines in the last 30 years combined. You can verify it with OpenVAERS(Please use archive.today), which translates the official CDC data into a more easily-digestible form >https://www.openvaers(Please use archive.today)/covid-data This article by Virginia Stoner is also a good primer on the dangers of the jab. There are a lot of primary sources used from the CDC in order to prove her claims. Also, the mass censorship and shaming of anyone who questions the jab should tell you all that you need to know.
>>10938 You should ask yourself why it's so important that everyone gets vaccinated. Initially, as of a month or so ago, it was to stop the spread of the disease; if enough people become vaccinated, there's no more Coof and life can go back to normal. Fast forward to today where the vaccinated are falling ill and are dying too (see article). It is not outside the realm of possibility that you will still have lockdowns even with everyone vaccinated to mitigate the spread of new variants. A lot of colleges forced students to vaccinate in order to attend lectures and tutorials in person, only to then cancel it and force everyone back to remote learning. So why the call for vaccine passports? The vaccinated can spread the disease as much as the unvaccinated. They then tell you it's so that you don't wind up in an ICU, which then makes it a personal choice; it's not about protecting your loved ones, it's about protecting yourself. Do you see how they keep coming up with new excuses to force the vaccine on you? They couple this with bribery: Do what they want and maybe they'll give you a treat. If the vaccine's efficacy was so readily apparent to people, they would not have to bribe you or use celebrities such as the Queen of England to advertise getting this jab. With logic alone you can convince yourself that there is something that doesn't add up with the vaccines.
>>10957 >picrel >"Omfg imagine how much worse it would have been if he didn't get vaccinated!" Fuck this meme. Fuck this moral panic.
>>10957 >The condition of the father could have been worse if he was not vaccinated Yeah, he would of had to suffer on this shitty earth longer but now he gets the sweet release of death. Thanks big pharma!
>>10959 >>10849 Spoken like a true siiir of the people. Hear, hear, good man hear hear.
>>10942 <I hate the process of being redpilled, it's always the same thing what about the inactive virus vaccines? Any tips on pretending you took it to get the documents?
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>>10972 They're still injecting you with graphene oxide regardless if it's an RNA vaccine or not. >Any tips on pretending you took it to get the documents? The whole point to it is to inject you with something that would mark you and as such would allow your status to be determined without consulting your papers. If you try to forge your documentation, you are at best simply making yourself look like a complete and utter retard. At worst you are agreeing to a contract integrating you into the electronic system thinking you were somehow gaming the system by getting only the paperwork.
>>10989 >graphene oxide Why? >If you try to forge your documentation, you are at best simply making yourself look like a complete and utter retard. You sound either schizo or at best confusing. Wouldn't the papers allow me to move about like I am vaccinated or they already have some laser bean that detects the vaccine in your blood and are using it without nobody noticing it. It might be true but it sounds too much like a schizo mark of the beast kind of thing. That or they are actually shilling anti vax on the right to mark the people who could oppose them for elimination. Because why would they kill the most people that obey them?
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>>10957 Australia is currently aiming to become the world's biggest exporter of clown world memes.
>>11066 One of the endless propaganda techniques the kikes use, write something scary but not outright false in the headline because you know many won't read further. The flu is more deadly for young people
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>>10849 He's right about animal reservoirs. Human -> mink -> human outbreaks have already happened.
>>10957 >If the vaccine's efficacy was so readily apparent to people, they would not have to bribe you or use celebrities This should really be the only redpill necessary to understand why the corona vaccine is bullshit. If something works you do not need to aggressively push for it, it promotes itself. Yet with corona its the exact inverse where the positive effects are perpetually in question and the reasons for getting it keep changing almost monthly. Even if I cannot tell you for sure what "their" intentions are I can, based on the methods used to push the vaccine, that its nothing good for you or anyone else.
>>11097 It was never about pushing a "vaccine", it's just about control. Using a tragedy as an opportunity to strengthen a system where you can order a citizen to do literally anything.
>>11122 Why do you communist faggots always use this "example" as though it's valid? Fuck your projectionism.
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>>10957 If you want further evidence that the vaccines do fuck all stopping the spread of the Covid, then read this sobering news from Israel which is considered a vaccine test-bench because of their early program adoption and 78% vaccination rate: https://archive.is/1udMv Some choice quotes: >Israel has among the world’s highest levels of vaccination for COVID-19, with 78% of those 12 and older fully vaccinated, the vast majority with the Pfizer vaccine. Yet the country is now logging one of the world’s highest infection rates, with nearly 650 new cases daily per million people. More than half are in fully vaccinated people, underscoring the extraordinary transmissibility of the Delta variant and stoking concerns that the benefits of vaccination ebb over time. >What is clear is that “breakthrough” cases are not the rare events the term implies. As of 15 August, 514 Israelis were hospitalized with severe or critical COVID-19, a 31% increase from just 4 days earlier. Of the 514, 59% were fully vaccinated. Of the vaccinated, 87% were 60 or older. “There are so many breakthrough infections that they dominate and most of the hospitalized patients are actually vaccinated,” says Uri Shalit, a bioinformatician at the Israel Institute of Technology (Technion) who has consulted on COVID-19 for the government. >Yet boosters are unlikely to tame a Delta surge on their own, says Dvir Aran, a biomedical data scientist at Technion. In Israel, the current surge is so steep that “even if you get two-thirds of those 60-plus [boosted], it’s just gonna give us another week, maybe 2 weeks until our hospitals are flooded.” >Aran’s message for the United States and other wealthier nations considering boosters is stark: “Do not think that the boosters are the solution.” tl;dr: The Jews got outjewed by Big Pharma.
>>10665 3 million is still a fuck ton of people for a 99.96% chance of death rat, it could be you or someone you know that hits that low percentage but anyways i got my vaxx because its free and if there a chance that i do get by being next to a mouth breathing retard i would come out of the hospital with like a million dollar bill because fuck that shit. And besides the covid after effects are what worries me the most, i'd just rather die.
>>11129 > 3 million is still a fuck ton of people for a 99.96% chance of death How does that compare to the seasonal cold and flu? Or self-inflicted illnesses like diabetes?
>>11022 >Why? Because that is what it contains and no small amount either. The spike protein that the mRNA forces your body to produce alters the blood-brain barrier to allow graphene to pass through. The graphene is there to affect your brain functions remotely. Might not let someone steer you with a videogame controller or to magically beam false memories inside your head, but it would let them fuck you up pretty badly and allow you to be tracked. People get tracked all the time but you can always just leave your phone at home and simply obscure your identity, being injected with something like this would let you be tracked regardless of what you do. >or they already have some laser bean that detects the vaccine in your blood and are using it without nobody noticing it The graphene within the vaccine is in sufficient quantities that simply measuring EMF readings will let you tell the vaccinated from the unvaccinated apart without them even realising that you did anything, since being injected with a conductive material will inevitably alter your electrical field. There's also the fact that the vaccinated are not just unusually magnetic, but also that people with old unupdated phones are able to detect the vaccinated as unidentified networks using Bluetooth. So you wouldn't even need to buy some super fancy electronics, you can just use the thing people carry around with them everywhere they go. So far I have only heard talks of airports catching people out after they have forged their vaccination status not by contacting the respective companies/governments but by measuring the person themselves. I can imagine the government has the same tools, just that they haven't come out in the open about it, since delaying their response would allow to catch even more people that would be willing to forge documentation and that would side with their people against the government. And this isn't even going into the issue of smart dust. >You sound either schizo or at best confusing No, you simply haven't been on /polarchive/.
>>11133 Holy shit you don't understand electromagnetism and biology and sound like a total schizo. Unfortunately I can't trust your word. Go look for a psychiatrist (hint: the jewish shit is called psychoanalysis) >>11130 Here in my country there were many hospitals overwhelmed. It helps that there are plenty of niggers but still this is no normal disease. It will probably pass given enough time tho
>>11133 >There's also the fact that the vaccinated are not just unusually magnetic, but also that people with old unupdated phones are able to detect the vaccinated as unidentified networks using Bluetooth. Can you elaborate or provide proof? It seems highly unlikely that the addition of graphene into the bloodstream could cause a human to emit sophisticated enough short-wavelength UHF radio waves to be mistaken as a broadcasted SSID.
>>11140 But Anon, why should I pay money to talk to a kike if I talk to one for free by conversing with you instead? >>11161 I don't think it's the graphene itself that is emitting it but from what people keep saying, something is. There are nanotechnologies that allow for this type of shit such as smart dust, which is capable of emitting a GPS signal for the purposes of marking enemy combattants on a battlefield (which in this case is the civilian population). GPS isn't quite the same frequency as Bluetooth, but with censorship being the way it is, you have to take what information you can get and speculate. It really wouldn't be crazy talk to think that someone could add other functions as well. There's not much room inside a nanoparticle, but it does at least have some that can be used. You could get lucky and have a researcher willing to flush his career down the drain and risk being suicided by looking into this and publishing their findings, but generally you're not going to have anyone wanting to risk throwing away their livelihoods. Or whatever is left of them with these lockdowns. Certainly not much left to lose, but still some left nonetheless. It is known that they are putting this type of nanotechnology in test swabs so them putting it in the vaccine is not really something magically out of this world. And with graphene being inside vaccines where there should be none, we're not talking about how things have usually gone up to this point.
>>11169 which part is the vaccine?
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>>11171 Probably not iPhone or milzis. It's the ones with the long string of characters. At least that's what it seems to be, since it's not really my image and as such I can't really verify if it's actually the case.
>>10659 >>10898 >>11125 We're now seeing a narrative shift on vaccines with more and more evidence coming out that the vaccines themselves are leaky (i.e. vaccinated are more susceptible to serious illness than the unvaccinated). RIP if you got a vaccine as you are basically an experimental guinea pig. https://web.archive(Please use archive.today)/web/20210821005235/https://www.bbc(Please use archive.today)/news/health-58270098 https://archive.is/MwdK8
>>11225 They're trying to gaslight as fast as possible on this since they spent so much time and money on advertising how "the only way to beat the virus, stop the spread, and get back to normal is to vaccinate! protect your loved ones, your community, and yourself, get vaccinated today!" >w-well no vaccine is one HUNDRED percent effective! >uuh the point wasn't to STOP transmission! it was to keep you out of the ICU! >THE VACCINE IS WORKING CAN'T YOU SEE?! IT'S JUST THE VARIANT IS SO INFECTIOUS THE VACCINE DOESN'T PREVENT INFECTION >B-BUT IT'S STILL NOT A PERSONAL CHOICE, YOU HAVE TO VACCINATE OR ELSE YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR FELLOW GOYS MAN, YOU WANT TO PROTECT YOUR COMMUNITY DON'T YOU? >JUST GET VACCINATED YOU DUMB FUCKS it's like when you fuck around to piss off indian scam callers and they get progressively demanding and angry with you because you're not falling into their bullshit
>>11225 >seasonal vaccine isn't as effective as non-seasonal vaccines <you're a guinea pig and all going to die The flu vaccine for decades has only been effective at marginally decreasing severity but we don't get conspiracies about how they're going to kill you and turn you into a lizard. Some vaccines not being very effective is not some unique scenario, it's painfully common. It's one thing to mock the fact the vaccine was sold on promises it couldn't deliver on. It's another to bundle that together with all of your inane theories about it putting a microchip into your brain with a soy switch. Though I'm not sure why I expected anons to be any less histrionic than your average facebook boomer.
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>>11227 >It's another to bundle that together with all of your inane theories about it putting a microchip into your brain with a soy switch. Insane theories like mass vaccination directly leading to mutated strains of the virus? That the vaccinated are just as likely to catch the disease and develop severe illness not only to the actual disease the vaccine was designed to prevent but others because it lowers your baseline immunity? I'll state again because you seem to be an illiterate nigger: The vaccinated are no different from guinea pigs because nobody knows what the real world efficacy of the vaccine (it's nowhere near as promising as what the phase 1/2 trials would suggest) and what are going to be the long term effects of it. You better find out what antibody dependent enhancement is because you're going to hear about it a lot as more vaccinated become infected and develop serious symptoms because of that very immunological mechanism.
>>11227 Wipe the shit from your mouth and read this: https://archive.vn/fWTtq
>>11227 Oh I guess those guys who only worked at pfizer who tried to prevent governments from allowing the administering of the experimental drug were just alex jones tier conspiracy theorists, because why would their credentials mean they have any idea what they're talking about when they say corona virus vaccines tested on animals resulted in deadly immune response to wild corona viruses, and they're just pulling it out of their ass when they say that trying to vaccinate against the spike protien would lead to infertility because it's identical to the protien used in the production of placenta and those doctors claiming the spike protien is a toxin to endothelial cells that will cause clotting throughout the cardiovascular system must have just been q-tards oh and let's not forget that crazy quack doctor who said PCR was never meant to identify viruses in the body, I mean so what if he created PCR? he clearly doesn't know what he's talking about or maybe you're just a fag who conflates baseless claims with actual fact
>vax it would never pass FDA approval under any reasonable circumstance. Even if you love vaccines these aren't good ones.
>>11240 https://www.cureus(Please use archive.today)/articles/68051-toxic-epidermal-necrolysis-post-covid-19-vaccination---first-reported-case >" This case demonstrates an extremely rare complication to the COVID-19 vaccine. The benefits of receiving the COVID-19 outweigh the potential risk."
>>11241 >really not that bad >could have had a cold for 2 days and taken ivermectin instead >this is fine Better that 100 people die from the vaccine than one unvaccinated person dies! Good risk and benefit analysis. Take the magic "vaccine" that doesn't work and kills young people at 10x the rate the disease.
>>11240 >It would never pass FDA approval I envy your faith in a government institution, I remember when I was a naive newfaggot with such a gleam in my eye.
>>11165 >But Anon, why should I pay money to talk to a kike if I talk to one for free by conversing with you instead? I can't you give recipes for schizo medicine and I won't listen about your feelings >>11228 Look at the anon I replied to above saying you can connect your phone bluetooth to the vaccine >>11233 >Oh I guess those guys who only worked at pfizer who tried to prevent governments from allowing the administering of the experimental drug were just alex jones tier conspiracy theorists, because why would their credentials mean they have any idea what they're talking about when they say corona virus vaccines tested on animals resulted in deadly immune response to wild corona viruses, and they're just pulling it out of their ass when they say that trying to vaccinate against the spike protien would lead to infertility because it's identical to the protien used in the production of placenta and those doctors claiming the spike protien is a toxin to endothelial cells that will cause clotting throughout the cardiovascular system must have just been q-tards >oh and let's not forget that crazy quack doctor who said PCR was never meant to identify viruses in the body, I mean so what if he created PCR? he clearly doesn't know what he's talking about >or maybe you're just a fag who conflates baseless claims with actual fact That's what I am looking for
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>>11249 Life under the NWO
>>11227 >but we don't get conspiracies about how they're going to kill you and turn you into a lizard People have for ages stated however that you're destroying your own immunity by getting them and that injecting newborns with mercury compounds is a retarded idea. And in this case it's not just a harmful component being injected as with something like the flu vaccine, in this case it's genetic code being added to the mix as well that globohomo promises is temporary in its effects and completely safe to use.
>>11270 fucking glownigger shut your kikehole
>>11129 >>11140 Sweden had few restrictions, and last year the all-cause mortality was..(Please use archive.today)pletely normal: https://archive.fo/u2uTo <But covid caused excess deaths elsewhere! Government policy caused excess deaths. Denying people early treatment; putting people on ventilators, which killed them; giving people Remdesivir, Midazolam and god knows what else; "end of life path care"; only treating "covid" patients and turning away people with other ailments; using the faulty PCR test to reduce the workforce in hospitals and clinics; the systematic reduction of bed capacity; poverty, lockdowns, depression, increased obesity, increased inactivity, increased smoking, drinking, drug addiction, crime, suicide... Governments have been killing people, not coldflu-19
>>11335 Covid kills overwhelmingly the over 65s, but the largest increase in deaths was in the under 65c, according to the CDC's own data; logical conclusion: government policy caused most of the excess deaths; and by extension most of the excess over 65 deaths too. So taking into account the fact that gov policy killed more people, and more younger people, and covid killed mainly older people, the age-adjusted impact is enormously higher for government policy. Covid cry-babies should just hide in their mother's basement and stop using daddy shlomo's government to wreak death and destruction on everyone else.
>>11335 Gay website won't even allow us to use ellipsis in writting. Should read: >all-cause mortality was . . . [this is called ellipsis you turd-packers] completely normal
we haven't reached half world population eliminated, so it's still nothing actually. current casualties has no impact yet.
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>>11343 Imagine thinking that they'd care about that when they got everything they wanted with literally zero deaths and got to keep all of their slaves.
>>11353 It appears nearly everyone in the medical system is a psychopath. They all know nothing happened last year, there was no pandemic. And now they're jabbing people and they are literally dropping like flies immediately after--that doesn't happen with any other vaccine; but not only do these medical workers act like it's all normal and browbeat the rest of us into getting this poison-jab, they circle the wagons and try to stop the public from knowing what's going on. Why? I can only think they're literal psychopaths.
>>11412 >but not only do these medical workers act like it's all normal and browbeat the rest of us into getting this poison-jab They can only browbeat you if you let them, Anon. They have no power unless you give in to them and not giving into them pisses them off and that is incentive enough to stay away from this kike poison.
>>11416 They're planning on rolling out the military to impose martial law to enforce the covid tyranny: https://www.bitchute(Please use archive.today)/video/9vwGi5vCc04W/ That's the real reason they brought the troops back. Even if you're not a burger, globohomo's plans have been the same in every country. When it happens, which it will, then what?
>>11448 >When it happens, which it will, then what? Then you be a fucking man and fight and if you die, at least you died fighting like a man in the same way many of our forefathers and ancestors did when faced with tyranny.
I'm going to shill vaccinations, but hear me out. The kikes are coming for you. Let me explain. Marek's disease. In case you don't know, Marek's disease is a disease of chickens. It causes tumors, which generally kill the chicken. Back in 1970, they developed a vaccine for Marek's disease. Actually, it didn't prevent Marek's disease, it prevented the tumors. As a result of the "vaccine" allowing the disease to still be caught and spread, the most virulent, deadly forms of the disease spread like wildfire. Today, a chicken is vaccinated in the egg, because to not do so means that it WILL get Marek's disease and it WILL die. Marek's disease vaccine sound familiar? A vaccine that allows the vaccinated to still get sick? A vaccine that promotes the spread of deadly variants of its disease, so that the unvaccinated die? Sound like a certain bat flu vaccine? Look, no matter how harmful the vaccines are to you, you have to play their game now. Because any day now one of your "fellow Americans" is going to bring back something even deadlier than this so-called Delta variant (I think we should call it the George Soros variant). Call this new monster the Bill Gates variant. And you will catch the Bill Gates variant, and it will kill you, and Stalinist America will blame you for your death, because you didn't get their vaccine. They won't blame themselves for bringing it back from Goatfuckistan, and spreading it to everyone they met because "they felt fine". No, everyone that they make sick is that person's fault, for not prostrating themselves before the lord and savior Dr. Fauci. Wait, didn't I say something about kikes? Look at the Zionists that run Israel. Already pushing a booster shot for real Israelis. You know, so they can finish what their ancestors failed at and finally get rid of the shitskins in their desert. Who isn't vaccinated in Israel? The Palestinians. This is intentional. The Israelis know that any day now one of their people is going to bring home a variant of this virus that wipes those fuckers out. And all of the bitch-nigger Stalinists in the rest of the world who would usually wag their finger are going to say "it serves those unvaccinated scum right." We are already in a biological war. No one has really realized it yet, though, except the kikes, and they're playing to win. And if you don't play their game and get your poison shot, you're going to end up part of the final solution to the Palestinian question. Get yourself vaccinated. Get your kids vaccinated, because one of these variants are going to start killing children. And look at the bright side: you'll be part of wiping out niggers and spics while their owners cheer.
>>11466 >Marek's disease Opinion discarded.
Based bong bangs covid bobby for chatting shit.
>>11466 Except the covid shots don't prevent disease you faggot. In israel they're condemning booster shots because there are now more israelis in the hospital and dying who are fully vaccinated than those who are not. According to the cdc's own numbers, this was no different than an annual flu, and now there's enough people getting sick and dying post-vaccination to present two possibilities: best case scenario) the virus isn't stopped at all and the shots actually lead to ADE like prior respiratory virus vaccines and your immune system explodes when exposed to even common pathogens, leaving your immune system compromised middle ground) this was monumental fuckup like the h1n1 vaccination campaign but rather than cutting it short after a handful of adverse events they doubled down again and again in order to push product and make money worst case scenario) the shots were never meant to stop anything, and everything about the rockefellers/bilderberg group and their plans to control population through randomized death/sterility through mass vaccination was the goal all along, that's why in spite of all the adverse events seen in healthy people they still had to specifically target pregnant women and now children it doesn't matter than the shot doesn't have 100% lethality or cause sterility 100%, as long as it is random enough they could get away with it without monumental backlash, hell they got away with the damage they caused with the h1n1 vaccine and that was hardly a handful of cases compared to now
basically, do some more research. absolute best case scenario (extremely improbable): the vax can not hurt you. the vax slightly reduces the chances of getting COVID. the government's push for mandating the vax is still unethical and downright criminal. the government's means of incentivizing people to get the vax in exchange for food, money, trucks, guns should be even more worrisome to anyone paying attention. I don't particularly believe in the "best case scenario" but there you have it. it's all worse from that point.
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>>11169 Dumb ass this literally doesn't do anything.
>>11470 Or it's all of their mobile phones with BT left one...
>>10659 Here's the guy you're going to get your kike juice from: https://odysee(Please use archive.today)/@HolocaustLiesExposed:0/Holohoax-Tales-with-Pfizer-CEO-Albert-Bourla:8
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Long but educational.
>>10659 >Vaccine comes out >Pharma CEO sells all his stock >Pharma company seeks legal protection against future lawsuits over potential side effects >shots or not, you still have to wear the mask and stay locked up because the shot won't prevent infection >i see politicians and celebrities not practicing what they preach >everyone who has been proven beyond all reasonable doubt to not be even a slightly bit trustworthy is pushing muh vaccine meme >pro-vaccine arguments cannot thrive without heavy censorship and moderation >doctors can't agree with each other, so journos and silicon valley shitheads think they are smart enough to filter what opinions i should or should not hear >governments are literally trying to use force to coerce detractors to take the shot, even after months of preaching the "my body. my choice" mantra >been listening to gloom and doom news reports for 2 years now, but i barely see the mayhem cause by this viral apocalypse the tv keeps trying to persuade me is happening >new strains pop up every weekend, making the shots irrelevant just use logical thinking skills anon a lot of dishonest people are trying to use violence to force me to drink a "medicine" that clearly doesn't work as intended
>vets begin using antibiotics on healthy animals to keep them healthy >where could all these new super antibiotic resistant germs have possibly come from? >docs begin using antivirals on healthy humans to keep them healthy >where could all these new super antiviral resistant strains have possibly come from? >why does facebook ban doctors who ask the second question, but not veterinaries who ask the first?
>>11472 >jews poisoning themselves do jews really need population control within pissrael?, i thought Netayu was in the Abe club of trying to MKultraing his population into fucking like rabbits it's not often you see Jews taking the same poisons they peddle to others
>> 11466 Fuck off shill. Never taking it, not for any reason
>>11448 >thinking troops that got BTFOed by goat fuckers stand the slightest chance against armed to the teeth conspiranoid mutt preppers it will only take one small scale battle before you start seeing zogbots deserting in droves they bleed and died for 2 decades and got nothing but scars and graves to show for it, now the very same government that shat all over them and their sacrifices are sending them in to shoot their own civilians just imagine how different Merika would be now if only one of the mutts who stormed the capitol building had at least 1/10th of the balls the faggiest Talivan that marched into Kabul had
>>11683 Lol, the Taliban stood off as the US army retreated. They're weren't defeated militarily, you didn't read, they were pulled out so they could be used to enforce martial law back in the US.
I began looking up information on "tissue salts" which is something a biochemist named Schuessler proposed is essential to proper health, and so far all I can find are a bunch of hollistic websites that co-opt his findings for vegan living. Schussler's theory is that tissue salts are various inorganic minerals that maintain healthy function of cells, like 3 forms of potassium salts (sulphate, chloride, phosphate), as well as salts of magnesium, silica, and some others. Most websites that come up from a cursory search list foods that contain these elements but it's all vegan, fruits, nuts, veg, but not so much as one mention of meat, dairy, or even eggs. However, trying to find more information about his theory brought me to something else as I was trying to find information on virus theory (which I can find nothing on since everything now results in fucking covid articles). I should start by saying that there seems to be a major lacking of evidence to support the claim that viruses make people sick at all, and even the father of vaccination is not a good argument that it works because of the biased conditions of the experiment. >observe that milk maids get sores on hands from milking cows with a pox >inject pus from sores into healthy boy >healthy boy gets sick but eventually gets better >conclude the boy will not get smallpox now The obvious flaw is not knowing whether the boy would have come down with smallpox in the first place, so to conclude that him not getting sick is the result of being injected with pus from a cow is as scientifically sound as leeches sucking out the bad humors of an otherwise healthy person. So far, it is assumed that viruses are these maybe-living/maybe-not packets of RNA that actively seek to infect a healthy cell to replicate, but have never been observed to do so, and have as mysterious an origin as the universe itself and are presumed to have always been present. The idea that viruses are the cause of disease is based on just one observation: >where you find a sick person, you can find viruses Which fails to explain why a person can supposedly have a virus or be exposed to a virus from a sick person and not get sick themselves. This lead me to "terrain theory", which was originally proposed by one physiologist but later expanded upon by Antione Bechamp, who said "The germ is nothing, the terrain is everything", meaning "the germ is no more the cause of disease than maggots are the cause of the rotten flesh they consume", further expanding that if the terrain of the body is imbalanced, that is the cause of disease, nothing is sterile in natuer, we have microbes within us and around us all the time and this is how it has always been, but our cells become diseased from the imbalance of our body and germs are merely scavanging the already dead and sick cells. This would be the most credible explanation as to why you can be around sick people all the time and never become sick yourself. So then the question is, if the terrain is more important than the germ, why did the boy get sick from the cow pus? The secretions from boils and sores, pus and mucus are the result of the body excreting toxins, as the body heals it has to get rid of the bile, dead cells, and toxins excreted from bacteria preying on our sick cells, so injecting that into someone is no different than injecting poison into an otherwise healthy body. The widely accepted theory however is germ theory, which was popularized by Louie Pasteur, whose solution to fight disease is to identify and kill every individual microbe to keep the body sterile. The science of vaccines is based entirely on superstition, the belief that healthy people will stay healthy because they injected toxic cellular excreta into their body before they could become unhealthy, much like a baseball player would stroke a rabbit's foot on a keychain to ensure he plays a good game, and then be assured that it was rubbing the rabbit's foot and not his years of discipline that allowed him to hit a home run. After it's over, there's no way to prove you would have gotten sick without it. Everything points me back to the old philosophy: >Food be thy medicine.
>>11534 >>11533 Devices have default names generally such as the name of the phone model or just the brand/company name, as do they generally have people setting up names for them. Since playing around in settings is among the first things people do when they get their phones. The device named "iPhone" is one example of a default name, my phone for example had the default name "Nokia" and then the two numbers signifying the model that I had bought. I didn't set that name for it, I simply changed it to something else, but that is the name it came with. "Smart" TVs have the same sort of thing, they come with a default name set for them, as do other smart devices. You generally don't see the actual Bluetooth addresses themselves because companies usually set up certain default settings in advance for the device they are selling: whether that is the vendor or the manufacturer, either one of those selling it to you will set a default name that isn't the Bluetooth address before it reaches your hands. In this case it shows Bluetooth addresses because these are devices that are intended to be connected to but not intended to be connected to manually.
>>11702 Ok so is the video legit or not?
>>11322 I am not a glownigger. I just have problems sticking to decisions. Though right today I am starting leaning towards anti-vax. It's getting suspicious above any tolerance I have for it.
>>11678 >>11679 My favorite part is how blatantly they have to lie about everything surrounding these supposedly "safe and tested vaccines". Just to my knowledge merriam webster have gone back to edit their "definitions" of what is a vaccine and herd immunity to keep the narrative going. Or how they keep spinning this nonsense about vaccines reducing the chance of transmission which is quite frankly impossible. As that would imply that somehow the vaccine is altering the amount of shed sk(Hello, I just arrived from Leddit, please bully me)ls or the amount of particles released when we inhale and exhale. It would have to drastically impede our biological functions to do anything close to a 75% reduction or 95% reduction when in contact with a fellow vaxxer. Besides in this context any reduction bellow 99,99% is effectively equal to 0 as when contact with anyone you roll the transmission dice not once but a couple hundred times. So if in a group for any prolonged period of time you will transmit it no matter what, best case scenario is that you will not catch it on Tuesday but on Wednesday.
>>10659 6767
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>>11701 For health, I just look to Paracelsus. So far, it works. Tinctures are good. Bit of pain to make, but they do work. And then there's the more complicated preparations. Not able to make them yet, but considering the simple stuff works as advertised...
I had just done a search for an article on some heresay from someone about a celebrity who warned about someone getting swollen testicles and becoming impotent after the jab and found this article on health dot com: https://archive.is/7KPJU The article has "doctors" debunking the claim and then stating that covid-19 can cause erectile dysfunction while referencing two studies, these really struck me because the first one mentions how a study of 100 people had 25 people testing covid positive and 75 people testing negative, of the people who tested positive, 28% had ED, while of the other group only 9% had ED >28% of 25 is 7 >9% of 75 is 6.75 So there was only a 0.25% increase in the chance of someone having ED if they tested positive for covid? They go on to quote another study where two men who "Had a history of covid-19" were getting surgery for ED and they found traces of sars-cov-2 in samples of their penile tissue. This again is jumping to the conclusion that because they find a "virus" in diseased tissue that this is the CAUSE and not the EFFECT of disease.
>>11743 I don't know. It's simply something that many people have claimed and some people have tried out. The claim is that you need to have phones that are fairly old in terms of updates to see it, which for testing would also require you to have someone that is vaccinated not with saline but with the real thing. Maybe something more will come of it, maybe nothing will.
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Chimps. Lot of you.
>>11802 back to facebook boomer
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>>10659 54645
>>11811 Jews aren't the chosen peopleTM how they like themselves to be portrayed but they aren't simply retarded. They defeated Hitler for fuck sake. You need to face the enemy for what it really is. And they are a formidable enemy. With weaknesses though,,,
>>11820 they themselves are not formidable, but their vector of conquest allows them to wield formidable power. they are parasites. they lie their way into the halls of power of their host nations and use their ill-gotten influence over real power to their own destructive and evil ends. they are only as formidable as their unfortunate hosts which is particularly terrifying because they currently basically control all 4 of the world's current superpowers.
>>11811 Didn't really like the track choice and replaced it with the only thing that came to mind at the moment. Thematically not entirely fitting but you can still get the point and I would consider it an improvement.
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UK funeral director blows the whistle on vaccine deaths: https://www.bitchute(Please use archive.today)/video/gigUyK3yLtMU/ Everyone should watch this.
At least some Germans are starting to wake up. Could get spicy if normalfags start cracking under the strain and go full ackbar regularly. Alternatively, cangaroo-land riots everywhere. https://archive.is/jbGqp
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>>11852 Is there any place where you can find a collection of these videos? I know that the original poster was taken down a fair amount of time ago, but is there any place where you can still find most of them?
>>11865 I remember a guy uploading most of them on Bitchute, but the question is if it still exists. Failing that, I have the full archive, I'll drop it in a torrent tomorrow.
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>>11865 Actually, scratch that. It's on Muwire. Start up, let it sit for half an hour or so, then just search DeutschesVaterland and wait a bit. Click on the name that appears and down below you see the file, click on it and click download.
>Vaccines currently are the primary mitigation strategy to combat COVID-19 around the world. For instance, the narrative related to the ongoing surge of new cases in the United States (US) is argued to be driven by areas with low vaccination rates [1]. A similar narrative also has been observed in countries, such as Germany and the United Kingdom [2]. At the same time, Israel that was hailed for its swift and high rates of vaccination has also seen a substantial resurgence in COVID-19 cases [3]. We investigate the relationship between the percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases across 68 countries and across 2947 counties in the US. >At the country-level, there appears to be no discernable relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days (Fig. 1). In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people. Notably, Israel with over 60% of their population fully vaccinated had the highest COVID-19 cases per 1 million people in the last 7 days. The lack of a meaningful association between percentage population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases is further exemplified, for instance, by comparison of Iceland and Portugal. Both countries have over 75% of their population fully vaccinated and have more COVID-19 cases per 1 million people than countries such as Vietnam and South Africa that have around 10% of their population fully vaccinated.
Global warming and this virus can do anything the elites want.
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>>12265 some don't
The elites don't necessarily agree with the issues they support. The reason the globalists push smoking bans, homosexuality, feminism, wars, debt, slavery reparations, tyranny, illegal immigration, abortion, global warming, vaccines, and the minimum wage is that the ruling class wants to divide and distract the 99%. Once the ruling powers have turned the US into a Communist country, the useful idiots who supported the elites will be lined up in front of a wall and shot.
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Hey anon, I'll try to explain why in my (fairly well educated opinion) the vaccines (particularly mRNA, AZ and others aiming to produce spike proteins) I'll try to explain this visually and without any Jargon. When you are infected with covid, it will mass produce itself, which involves assembly of the virus, into its little ball, with all its little proteins (spike proteins included) sticking out of its surface. you can think of this as like a little packet of pins. Your immune system has evolved for millenia to detect and clean up these packets of pins, and generally it does it quite efficiently. On the other hand, most of these vaccines instruct your body to mass produce *just* the spike protein. In effect, what is happening here is opening up this packet of pins, dumping it all over the floor, and having to clean it up. Its a bit more of a complicated process. Failure to clean up excess/inflammatory proteins is actually integral to many diseases, particularly neurodegenerative ones. Right now, we have no idea how well these spike proteins will be metabolised, where they could end up in our body, and how long for. What we do know, is that they can lodge themselves into capillar/artery walls, and tear apart your red blood cells as they pass by. AFAIK this is the premise for the blood clotting disorders triggered by the vaccines In short, our immune systems are a lot more acclimatised to cleaning up the mess of a virus than they are these spike proteins, and accumulation of proteins is the basis for a lot of diseases. We don't know how long these spike proteins will last in our systems , and that could have significant long term consequences.
17 pages researched content, 31 pages references (550pcs) The Spartacus Letter: https://files.catbox.moe/9z0c9r.pdf I promise you. It's worth the read.
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Vaccine regret social media dump. For countering "unvaccinated 400 pound lard begs for vaccine on deathbed" shills.
>>12353 >Damn you to hell. You will not destroy America and the Free World, and you will not have your New World Order. We will make certain of that. Translation: "We will never do anything, ever, at any time, for any reason, and you have absolutely nothing to fear from our existence."
>>12365 Not everyone is as pathetic as you. You have no clue.
I have information about pfizer corruption but my computer is monitored. more info 720 4 99 73 64
>>10665 >99.96% chance of surviving, anually >(0.9996)^40 = 98.4% chance of surviving the next 40 years >basically you have a 1.5% chance of dying from covid in your life >this is the minimum estimate since it was derived from a time where the majority of the global population has been quarantining and taking unprecedented anti-transmission measures There is basically no other single thing in the western world that I have 1.5% chance of dying from. If you don't think covid has an alarming risk, from your own numbers, you might be retarded and may need to check yourself into your nearby retard hostel
>>12388 Your calculation is missing the very important fact that every virus evolves to be more infectious and less deadly as a consequence. Short of Covid evolving into that ant mindcontrol virus for humans, it's going to be a mild cough in a decade. Also, it's really not that bad. I've had it twice now, I'm obese and have high blood pressure. First time, it was like a bad flu and I was in bed for a week straight. Now, I'm a bit more tired and I've got a mild headache. It's really not a big deal when you aren't a hundred years old. It's already gone down hugely in severity.
>>12388 >99.96% chance of surviving, anually >(0.9996)^40 = 98.4% chance of surviving the next 40 years >basically you have a 1.5% chance of dying from covid in your life No, because surviving once is usually enough for lifelong immunity. If that fails, surviving a second time should do it. If not, your immune system is shit and you're going to die of something else, anyway.
>>12396 The vaccines for COVID-19 are not sterilizing and do not prevent infection or transmission. They are “leaky” vaccines. This means they remove the evolutionary pressure on the virus to become less lethal. It also means that the vaccinated are perfect carriers. In other words, those who are vaccinated are a threat to the unvaccinated, not the other way around.
A vaccine on a cornavirus is a retarded idea because it will keep mutating, meaning you will never be able to wipe out the virus like polio. These new MRNA vaccines are untested and no one knows what the long term effects are from it. Avoid it. All of the deaths you are seeing from the vaccine currently are the unfortunate people who had the needle injected into one of their blood vessels instead of their muscle. What that would cause is the contents of the vaccine are now in your blood stream, and if it gets to your heart or brain it can be lethal. They did a test with mice showing what happens: https://academic.oup(Please use archive.today)/cid/advance-article/doi/10.1093/cid/ciab707/6353927. It is easy for the doctor to check whether he is hitting a vessel or not but alot of them either dont care or are too lazy to check as they are getting paid either way.
>>12442 I dont know why this website fucked up my link, just replace the bracketted area with "(Please use archive.today)"
Have you taken your fourth shot yet?
>>12448 I haven't even taken a first one. I assume that if it's super ultra contagious as claimed then I surely have already caught it and now have natural immunity.
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>>12448 Haven't even taken the first shot yet. Fuck you, Bill Gates and Obama.
>>12448 >>12459 >>12464 Haven't even taken a single test, least of all any dose of the shot.
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There is no "redpill" beyond stop trusting the kikes you fucking negative infinity IQ bantu nigger.
>>12472 God isn't a nigger in Hollywood.
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>>12531 me chinese, me pray joke me put jerrybean in me peepee-hole thank u 4 chu-sing 2 get euthanized
>>12531 >1.00 bluepill
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>>12603 >implying socialist and communist countries aren't doing the same thing
>>12603 and fascists. Like the pic
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>>12613 >fascists >from soviet KGB Are you dolboeb?
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The problem with the leftist half-wits is that they don't understand and don't know what Chekism and Stalinism are. They don't understand, how is it that leftists on the other side of the globe are more conservative? Then they are fascists! They build churches? They are retrogrades! They are against outside migrants and gays??? They are absolutely, positively fascists! Meanwhile, none of this contradicts Stalinism. Lots of churches and Christians? The ROC is entirely Stalin's creation, he restored communion with the church during the war by taking the initiative from the Nazis who restored the Orthodox churches, he put Chekists in the priesthood and now the church is completely pro-Communist, Patriarch Kirill used to make no secret of his collaboration with the KGB. Stalin relocated entire nations, he did it with the Chechens, he literally created other nations, no Uzbeks and Ukrainians existed before his national policy. Stalin shot gays, Yagoda and Yezhov are prime examples. The roots of your Marxism are in Trotskyism, the roots of Chinese and Russian Marxism are in Stalinism. You can argue with me, but what about Lenin? Leninist Marxism was shot along with the Leninists, such are the laws of the nomenklatura class. Lenin literally failed at the transitional stage of the practical implementation of the Soviet project, the Russians did not want to be thrown into the furnace of the world revolution and staged the Kronstadt Rebellion, this is what forced Lenin to introduce the NEP, he literally arranged market socialism late in life, unable to abandon the concept of the impossibility of building socialism in a single country, and what did Stalin do? He refused. He pretended to have no ambition, but he only pretended. You have a conflict of Marxist worldviews and you are idiots. Until the Marxists in the West understand that Putin is only pretending, they will consider him a fascist, a conservative, an imperial clown, whatever. Putin is a Chekist and a Stalinist, a member of the nomenklatura class who got there from the bottom of the class. You will never understand his motivations without understanding these facts. He can pretend in public to condemn Stalinism, put up monuments to the Russian Tsars, quote Ilyin, but he does other things - he declares the Memorial which covers the crimes of Stalinism as foreign agents, in the Stalinist tradition, he kills nationalists in prisons, pays 20 million to Africa to buy the loyalty of small countries, all in the tradition of Soviet foreign policy, RT will broadcast one thing in America and another in Russia, this is an old Soviet propaganda method. As long as you don't realize all this, you're morons.
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But you are even more of a moron if you think there is any independent policy within countries right now. This virus has proved the existence of a kind of common policy within all states, elites can argue and quarrel among themselves, but there are a number of actions that despite disagreements they cannot refuse to carry out.
>>12614 >from soviet KGB Is this the guy who betrayed the oath? And helped to destroy USSR? And worked in St Petersburg gangs? And robbed the people? Together with fucking KGB and gangs controlled by KGB? Then I have a vid especially for you. One of them is you.
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>>12617 >Is this the guy who betrayed the oath? Nope. He didn't even give up his party card, as he said in the interview. >And helped to destroy USSR? Nope. And you have idealistic garbage in your head. The USSR is not destroyed, the nomenklatura class just changed the signboard, the functionaries are still the same, all went through the Soviet school and were members of the CPSU, they just threw out the tried and tested ideology so it would not interfere with robbery and exploitation, but without the ideological problems as in the USSR. The nomenclature class didn't go anywhere, there was no decimation. You don't even seem to understand who Yeltsin and Gorbachev were. > And worked in St Petersburg gangs? Yes. And it was necessary to control the gangsterism born in the 1970s under Brezhnev. Stalin was also a bandit and robber. >And robbed the people? Yes, like Stalin. >Together with fucking KGB and gangs controlled by KGB? Yes. What's the matter with you moron? Don't you know who the Bolsheviks were? How many bandits were there in their ranks? Have you forgotten the slogan "plunder the loot"? A thief in the USSR was a respected person from a special caste of socially close people, unlike those who were imprisoned under political articles, a thief could be shot, but then who would crush political prisoners in the barracks? Wohra? It's too dirty a job for them. Thieves tattooed Lenin on one breast, Stalin on the other, is that just for fun according to you? I'm telling you, you idiots. For you, the USSR is some idealistic paradise of justice where everything is free, but it is a dictatorship of the nomenklatura class over the proletariat class. And look at it now - violence in prisons, mass torture have resurfaced, but the zones are no longer black, they are red, do you know what a red zone is? It's a zone without thieves and their laws, where everyone cooperates with the administration. Everyone. To achieve such a result you have to know the environment from the inside and Putin knows it. And forcing prisoners to torture each other for refusing to cooperate with the administration is a glorious tradition of Stalin's camps. >video I haven't looked.
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I cannot understand Russians (Prigozhin's trolls) that supports Fascism in Russia and Russian Fascist Putin. Guys, you wanna get a mop in your anuses? You think a mop in the ass still is not Fascism? What do you want more? To kill WHOLE RUSSIAN PEOPLE? Everyone? Prigozhin will not save you and your anuses, HE IS LITERALLY A PETUH, he can try only to save own anus, not yours. You lost self-preservation instinct, self-respect, honor, dignity. You literally supports FASCISM and trolls here for fucking scum and fascist putin. Modern Russia is 100% classical Fascism by Mussolini's definition. You work for $630-$650 and build own prison - for yourself and own nation, for all Russian people. Today everyone hate the fucking Fascistic regime but you continue to troll for them. You are digging your own grave, not ours.
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>>12635 >You think a mop in the ass still is not Fascism? It's pure Stalinism, look up Danzig Baldaev's book Drawings from the Gulag, you dumbass. >To kill WHOLE RUSSIAN PEOPLE? Yes. That's what they've always wanted, Stalin and Lenin literally wanted it, there's plenty of evidence of that, and Putin wants the same thing. >Modern Russia is 100% classical Fascism by Mussolini's definition. Nope. There is no basic attribute - the defense of nationalism and Russians. Friendship of peoples is declared. Chechen, Uzbek, Dagestanian, Azerbaijani, Armenian are more important than Russian. Is it possible to imagine such a thing in fascist Italy? No. And in the Stalinist USSR? Easily. In the Stalinist USSR Georgia was a prosperous region with high wages and benefits. In Putin's RF it is Dagestan and Chechnya. >You work for $630-$650 and build own prison - for yourself and own nation, for all Russian people Like in USSR! Wow!
>>12635 Hey! Dolboeb! Look this. Still think mop in the ass is not Stalinism???
>>12635 Doooolboeeeeb! Where have you been hiding?
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>>12647 >The primary function of vaccines is to prevent illness and death They're still trying to rewrite history. The primary function of a vaccine is to provide immunity. It's been that ever since the cowpox vaccine was discovered and vaccines became a thing.
15 years ago, Max Brooks World War Z on dealing with a pandemic outbreak. FDA, media, Rockefeller and using FEAR.
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Never drop your soap around Pfizer Science.
>>12640 It is no secret your ass belongs to the motherland!
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>>11133 >people with old unupdated phones are able to detect the vaccinated as unidentified networks using Bluetooth Lad no, that's a fib you've been told.
Austria will make vaccines mandatory come February, before the full lock down they now imposed they had one just for the unvaccinated, Romania made the vaccine mandatory if you wanted to work, lets see if more countries do the same, I'd guessed it would reach this point just wasn't sure they would have the audacity to do it, guess I was wrong.
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Put simply, the vaccine - amongst most things that kikes pull - is a ploy for extra cash. The goals of the vaccine are as follows: >1. Create large amounts of wealth for jewish-controlled pharmaceutical companies through mandatory vaccination. >2. Divide the goyim through making a hardline set-in-stone "Us Vs. Them" mentality. This is inherent to the vaccination, as it uses MRNA gene sequencing, which means the vaccinated are genetically mutated. >3. Test potential gene editing technology. The implications of this are - as per usual when you deal with jewish people - fucking horrifying. The idea that it's "population control" or whatever is straight from the glownigger's mouth. You see that guy on facebook saying it's population control? Yeah, he's calling the media saying "EVERYONE WHO THINKS THE VACCINE IS BAD IS A SCHIZO AND THINKS THAT ALIEN REPTILIANS CONTROL THE WORLD!" So if you believe that clearly false statement, which makes no fucking sense because that means the vaccine is killing the most loyal servants of the NWO/jews/Whateverthefuck, then you're helping to contribute this culture where any ideas that don't fit the jewish narrative is a "wild wacky schizophrenic!"
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>>12388 You're the retard, flu has the same IFR as covid, 0.15%, run your calculation again and come back to use, moron.
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The Bio Terror Bible Exposing The Coming Bio Terror Pandemic.pdf https://archive(Please use archive.today)/details/the-bio-terror-bible-exposing-the-coming-bio-terror-pandemic The document summarizes the claims which alleges that the US government is planning and preparing for a staged bio-terror attack and pandemic that will kill millions.
>>20304 Merged
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>>20311 Can you give the board to someone better?
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>a quick redpill on the vax If you haven't figured it out yet, kys

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