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Anonymous 07/10/2020 (Fri) 23:33:58 Id: 1cb852 No. 1060
Can we finally admit that this retard is not only a Zionist, but has never done anything good for white people?
Can we be a bunch of 80 IQ wiggers who have to reduce everything to binaries? Yes. Yes we can. Just tell me which eceleb told you to say this and I'll go consume his bullshit uncritically.
>>1060 Why aren't you calling me a ((((((JEW)))))) yet?
>>1060 >Can we hang yourself redditor
>>1060 A good place to start is this place https://christiansfortruthPlease use archive.today/jews-are-leading-the-alt-right-white-nationalist-movements/
>>1296 >christcuckery Folkish lel. You're even gayer than the alt-kike.
It has been a considerable amount of time since I've looked into Spencer. I have heard he's shifted his views somewhat, which generally means said views have improved unless he's cucked out. I thought he was pretty alright before the whole "faggotry is a-ok" shpeel, that you've adroitly pointed out in your opening statement.
>>1060 If you are pro-Aryan, the LGBT crowd should be the least of your worries. In fact, you should be trying to win them over rather than leaving them in the control of the Satanists nya~
>>1361 >LGBT crowd >win them over >Lesbians <Misandrists from the get-go, which is why they're carpetmunchers in the first place (Yuri is only a fantasy) >Gays <Single biggest spread of AIDs and reproduce through molesting children >Bisexuals <The spot reserved for those who want to feel special or feel like they belong with a group of nutcases >Trannies <LITERAL MENTAL PATIENTS
>>1362 Well, you've made your bias clear. Regardless, separating pro-Aryan politics from anti-Freedom/anti-LGBT politics is a good idea. I for one am interested in the former, butt not the later. If I was going to lead a pro-Aryan party it would specifically be about defending racial interests (border control and eugenics), not attacking freedom nya~
>>1363 You DO realize that one of the contributing factors that lead the to the rise of Nazism in Germany was an extreme detest for the Weimar Republic's degeneracy, right: https://invidious.snopyta.org/watch?v=rqvy7uxSHfM In fact, the only organized "book burning" actually arranged by the Nazi government was when they raided the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, grabbed everything that wasn't nailed to the floor, and burned it in the Berlin square: https://archive.vn/wDJ7t https://archive.vn/DKZc8
>>1362 >>Bisexuals <The spot reserved for those who want to feel special or feel like they belong with a group of nutcases Uh, there was no concept of someone exclusively attracted to the same sex ("homosexuals") in Greece and Rome. You fucking moron. It's time to pull your head out of your ass.
>>1364 Friend that wasnt organized, students came with the idea.
>>1363 >anti-Freedom/anti-LGBT >trying to make different ideas seem connected How is a mother cutting off her sons dick increasing the freedom of the son?
>>1364 The picture on the page showing the book reads The overpopulation question and the third gender Newest sexual-pedagogical revelations by August Fleischmann (probably a kike) Isn't that the EXACT same problem we have now???
>>1296 > Not found bring it back anon
>>1363 >duginism >pro-freedom politics In your dreams, fag.
>>4300 christiansfortruth(Please use archive.today)
>>4368 .com Keep forgetting that that's filtered
>>4358 Contrats you've falling for the sexual D/C

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