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How can I inflitrate properly jewish instituitions? Anonymous 07/23/2021 (Fri) 20:51:28 Id: 000000 No. 10320
I want to know how to properly wear the mask of a good goy. So I need books and resources to learn that. What did obama read for example?
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>>10331 Is that you in the picture?
You could convert to Judaisim. Think about it. If you go to a synagoge it is literally a whole house filled of Jews. Then you can observe Jews but also ask Jews or even the Rabbi, the Head Jew about it (Jewish institutions).
>>10367 Germany as always showing us the way.
Some posters are glowing like a New Year's eve celebration.
>>10320 You are not the first to have had this idea. But in the end you will work for them and you will change your mind because they will make you very privileged, very rich and will cover you with money. And if you disobey them they will destroy you socially and take back all your money, you will become again the fugly incel hobo that you have always been. So to keep from losing everything, you will become their white slave who obey them because you will love this life of wealth too much to want to lose it. There is something that you don't understand, certainly because you are too stupid to understand it: the greatest enemy of the white man is not the jew, the greatest enemy of the white man is the white man. It's for this reason that we are completely doomed. You think the jews managed to take control of our white countries without any help? Hahaha of course not. They were helped by WHITES. Because the explanation is simple: the white race is the most treacherous race of all time (when i say "white race" i'm not talking about the caucasian race i'm talking about white peoples/ethnicities originating in Europe). Since the existence of mankind, the white race is by far the race with the most traitors, very largely. Some will answer me: "there are also traitors among blacks, jews, arabs..." and yes that's true, but there are some much less in their peoples than in our white peoples. In other races, traitors are 10% or maximum 15% of their populations. With us they are 70% or 80%. Since my childhood when i look at the whites of western europe, the whites of north america, the whites of oceania... i see a large majority of traitors. Only eastern europeans are a little less like that, otherwise all other whites are overwhelmingly traitors. White traitors submissive to the jews who work for jews and suck their dicks, white traitors submissive to the sandniggers who work for sandniggers and suck their dicks, white traitors submissive to the niggers who work for niggers and suck their dicks... that's what i've always seen, that's the WHITE RACE, a bunch of traitors and whores. My own race completely disgusts me, it's a race of dirty rats and traitors who absolutely don't deserve to be saved. Now cry and say i'm a jew or a "shill" i don't care. I'm totally white (native french) and my message is a truth which hurts you and which you cannot accept, because you are unable to make a self-criticism on the white race.
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>>10403 Well also, the hierarchy will try to excise any threat from within if it starts noticably damaging the structure. So if you are bleeding them dry in regards to money, they will cut off your supply regardless if they know you are doing it intentionally or not. They don't need to consider you an infiltrator, although being a goy, they most definitely will. A self-propagating system will defend itself in any means it knows how. Freemasons, which are simply a Jewish organisation for the goyim that operates in the open, have endless oaths about how members will be drowned, bled, tortured, butchered, cut into pieces and turned to ash for revealing even the slightest secrets: they are anticipating that you will try to infiltrate them. Even the very first level has such an oath and every single additional level has you have additional oaths. And so when you are infiltrating, you do their dirty work for them and then get thrown away if and when you start losing your usefulness. So you can imagine how many oaths of secrecy and rituals a 33rd degree Freemason takes and how much dirty work needs to be done simply to get there. Not even to do anything pivotal or to get to learn of the most damning stuff. Just to simply reach that level. And you might think "oh, well I'll just convert then, they won't be expecting that" but really that is where they are the most suspicious of you. Your beliefs may be different but your mind is not and converting hasn't altered your genetics: you are still cattle, just docile cattle. Much like how Jews are distinguishable from their characteristic noses, you are distinguishable from your lack of one. And let's say they believe you legitimately want to become Jewish. Is your Judaism the type that they peddle to the goyim so that they don't get too uppity about their activities or it is their own brand that they keep secret? As with any cattle, you might freak out and turn to oppose them if you were to find out the finer intricacies that were previously denied to you. That makes you a threat even if they legitimately believe your "good" will. It's not a club you can actually join. Their own texts say it as such by stating that even the best of gentiles are to be killed. >It's for this reason that we are completely doomed. Then lead by example. Nobody needs a retard that eternally sulks to himself about how everything is lost and that it's not even worth trying. Not whites, not blacks, not dogeaters and not even the kikes themselves.
>>10403 We don't need to work at their lap. We just need to get institutions which can influence enough people past the turning point. While it's a bad idea to be a rothschild lap dog and fuck children on tape we can be the CEO of a tech company for example >my message is a truth which hurts you and which you cannot accept, because you are unable to make a self-criticism on the white race. More like cynicism and defeatism and what you are calling treacherousness is actually the trait that made whites successful. We aren't so prone to kin loyalty and this that enabled the complex civilization we live in. But the jews exploited the morality mechanisms of this system by making us see whites as evil and so feel the need to punish whites. It's in the culture of critique by kevin mcdonald and better explained than this. >>10405 Well this thread made me see that infiltrating the jews themselves or their shabbo goyim clubs might be a bad idea unless you are a cold blooded lizard. Then I guess we could ask ourselves. How do we infiltrate the institutions that are supposed to be white like the colleges? How hard is to get inside a professor in an american college for example? How many we need to start pushing out jews? How will the backlash for that be?
>>10403 Your despair really makes me think we need a new Hitler. If everyone else is so demoralized it's gonna be hard to act decentralized.
>>10407 >How do we infiltrate the institutions that are supposed to be white like the colleges? Well firstly get yourself organised locally, this goes for both networking and for activism. As romantic and noble it may be for a single person to stand against the entire world, it's also not the wisest of choices. Nor is it the most productive. And don't give me any bullshit about how the place you live in is a shithole where nobody ever does anything good, even in the darkest of places there is some form of resistance you can scrounge up. And the more of a shithole it is, the more fervent you are likely to find people to be. Secondly, understand that this is about you expelling parasites, not engaging in open conflict with a feral beast. As fun as smashing things may be, your activities will still largely be either non-violent or unrelated to violence. You can still engage in violence if you so desire, but very little of your time will ever go into that. Even at a time of war soldiers don't spend most of their time shooting at the enemy and dodging bullets. Starving the parasite of resources and manpower will hurt them a lot more than you think. And thirdly, a machine is just a machine. If it's corrupted beyond repair, don't bother trying to keep it on life support in the hopes of trying to salvage it, just root it out entirely and build anew. They infiltrate specifically because they are incapable of creating. You on the other hand can invent, build, rebuild and reinvent. You are subverting those institutions with the intention of converting individuals, the machine itself can rot and wither away for all you care. If an institution is corrupted, you burn it to the ground. Metephorically speaking, of course. Destroy their reputation, occupy their manpower with chasing phantoms and bleed them dry of their funding: force them into a situation where they either swim or drown. And finally, self-improvement should always be on your mind. If you aren't self-improving, it is nigh time to find something to improve on. Doesn't matter if you're 80 years old or 200, as long as your mind and body continue to function there is some way you can grow. The weeding out of cults is a very long and strenuous process. Their strength is in the fact that they operate in plain sight without detection. Observe them, expose their activities and make their presence heard. The larger a organisation expands, the larger their attack surface. What they most fear is open conflict but at the same time as long as they remain unseen open conflict will accomplish very little. Once they are seen and once they are known, they are helpless as any aggressive action on their part will burn them just as much as it does you if not more so. >How hard is to get inside a professor in an american college for example? Professorship takes a long-ass time. Long enough that even if you are immune to being dethroned as many professors are, you will not want to risk that one-in-a-million chance of you getting fucked in the ass. Professors are very well shielded from getting deplatformed simply because they are incredibly difficult to replace, but bankers and politicians have an easy time getting done what others cannot.
>>10369 >I spam every board on the site with this bullshit K, reported. >>10358 >oy vey violence doesn't work never fight back Spam thread confirmed.
>>10442 The glownigger shill posts with an IP and then uses it as evidence of the thread being shit with other IP as soon as a good answer appears >>10423 >Professors are very well shielded from getting deplatformed simply because they are incredibly difficult to replace, So that's good like for the guys who wrote the bell curve and jordan peterson?>>10423
>>10481 Oh, I understand now. Unless you're calling me a shill, in which case commit suicide.
>>10481 The guys who wrote the Bell Curve got a lot of shit for it, but yes that is one example of one that couldn't be dethroned. Peterson on the other hand is controlled opposition, I don't think they would want to dethrone him even if they could, so that isn't really a good example. But even if we pretend Peterson isn't controlled opposition, his "I can't do it" response to being asked the Jewish question should tell you more than enough. Someone in the position of a professor would be incredibly useful and they would be immune to most attempts at deplatforming, but at the same time you're going to have a hard time getting people to agree to potentially risk the years they have invested into the getting the position. Getting thrown out isn't the end of the world of course, you can still get a position elsewhere and if all options fall flat then you still have a shitload of options outside of educational institutions due to this career, but it does have a considerable impact. The immunity professorship grants is why commies try to take up as much of those type of positions as they can, but these commies also have powerful backers on top of this immunity. So although you get immunity from a fair amount of attacks noone else could, you don't get to be as openly confrontational as they do. You can't and probably don't need to go the sort of path they do where they brazenly proclaim that all whites need to be massacred and that there are no whites that should be left unmassacred, just know that you don't get to be as liberal in your choice of words as they do.
>>10495 Any thoughts on going into a business. Climbing up the ladder. Using your money and influence inside the business to further the cause secretly?
>>10521 Independence should be a prime goal. Saving a sinking ship requires firstly the strength to save yourself and only after that the strength to save others. As a subordinate you may be doing good or bad depending on where you go into and which master you have depending on how management changes, but you still remain a subordinate. Ideal would be running your own business or working self-employed as a matter of personal freedom. It's not always advisable or even always possible, but that is what I would say the general trend out to be. Freelancers are still employed under someone, but they are also much more free to sever their ties from them, as such it should also be an option along the other two. Being able to sever ties ensures you can cut off parasitism before it takes root, since although you may get paid enormous sums, there is a reason you are being such an enormous amount. You're not bleeding them dry by accepting money from them, you are providing something that they are willing to pay that amount for. Influence within a business arises not from climbing the hierarchy, it arises from networking. You don't really get much control out of going from stacking boxes to playing around with Excel spreadsheets. Getting a management position does provide some degree of power, but, unless you are very close to the top, you will see that fairly little of your actions are actually decisions you yourself initiated. You will see that you will have directives from higher-ups that you have to follow and that your decision-making process will simply be the means by which you accomplish them. The bigger the company, the greater the power a higher-up position grants, but at the same time the longer and harder it is to get that position. And on your way up you get shit on by a larger number of higher-ups. As such you should aim to work for yourself, not for others: it cuts out middlemen and as such ensures you minimise the amount of support you give to these power structures. And really the main reason why you are climbing a ladder in the first place is because you want the independence it gives. You are serving someone else in return for safety, since if the company you are climbing dies then you can just apply for a similar position elsewhere. If your own business dies, maybe you can apply for a management position due to the experience or just try again, but it certainly isn't going to be easy. Of course, this does not dismiss climbing the ladder entirely: we need people everywhere and the corporate ladder is no exception. So this shouldn't be treated a complete dismissal of the strategy. If that works best for you then do exactly that. It is simply what I perceive to be the state of affairs. And from my perspective, although useful, climbing the ladder should be seen as shareholder slavery since even the CEO has masters in the form of investors, which in many cases results in his hands being tied despite such a high position.
>>10527 Also regarding power being from networking: networking will provide both influence and will help you climb the ladder. So although you can climb the ladder pretty far by simply doing a good job and picking up skills that would let you hop into a different position, you will reach a ceiling at some point and will be forced to network and engage in the internal politics. Not just with people above you but also people alongside you on that same level, likely also with others in parallel but largely disconnected lines. And the higher you climb, the more everyone else sucks up to their masters and the more backstabbing takes place. High-ranking positions may come and go but whatever networks you establish will persist. Think of it both as a safety net and a jumping board. In a corporate environment you will have networks that are useful, but those networks won't be very general, meaning they lose their purpose the moment you climb higher than the person you are networked with. Networking with the local population where you live on the other hand will not necessarily give you very clear-cut benefits, but it will continue to remain useful as long as you remain overall in the general area. So although sprouting roots won't necessarily result in financial benefit or really any immediate power in contrast to simply getting a different nametag at an office building, it will definitely help you.
>>10531 That sounds a bit, not entirely, like what jews would do. Since they got kicked out everytime they sucked the blood of some baby and got caught, they needed professions that they could start over somewhere else like Doctor and jeweler. You can take the tools but can't take the knowledge of how to make a ring or diagnose a goy by tasting his piss.
>>10563 Well they occupy positions that grant them the most power and money >occupy positions as judges in order to allow their own to get away with a mere slap on the wrist, while punishing goyim and shaping laws they don't like into ones that are more suited to their cause by influencing case law >occupy positions as lawyers and prosecutors to be able to determine which goyim succeed and which by sheer cohencidence don't, while giving the illusion of the outcome being the simple result of justice being blind and that any injustice is "just how these things somehow turn out" >occupy positions as doctors in order to be able to profit off of people's desperation and declining health, poisoning and crippling their enemies and in turn getting paid to do it further >occupy positions within educational institutions such as universities to shape curriculum and push a political bias in fields that were apolitical in the first place >occupy positions within media to shape what people think and feel, with entertainment shaping their emotions by giving them memories that, although the viewer admits are not real, still affect their perception and with news organisations warping facts or simply outright fabricating them out of thin air >occupy positions within non-profit organisations or simply start their own in order to use tax-exempt status to launder money, get paid to continue their activities under the veil of charity, grant themselves immense salaries and to have "official" organisations supporting their causes They don't go into most trades, nor do they go self-employed. Many trades don't need shitloads of tools or simply have them be really easy to get and they don't go into those. Being self-employed means you are independent and dependence goes both ways: you are both free from them and they are free from you. They might not be impacted by your death as you may be by theirs, but with any dependence there is a certain two-way connection. As such they will always build their webs within establishments, whether it is the current one or the next, since no matter how you look at it a relationship requires both to be dependent on one another even if it is a parasitic relationship. Which is why you generally see larger colonial powers get turned brown faster than the rest: France is as black/brown as you see today due to the fact that the colonies they have bring their own demands on top of the resources they provide. In theory they could have done without a single non-frog being let into their midst, but in practice it inevitably results in citizenship being granted as appeasement in order for the flow of resources to go more smoothly.
>>10609 By self-employed in this case I mean self-employed and not employing anyone else.
>>10403 >You are not the first to have had this idea. But in the end you will work for them and you will change your mind because they will make you very privileged, very rich and will cover you with money. And if you disobey them they will destroy you socially and take back all your money, you will become again the fugly (Hello, I just arrived from Leddit, please bully me) hobo that you have always been. So to keep from losing everything, you will become their white slave who obey them because you will love this life of wealth too much to want to lose it >You think the jews managed to take control of our white countries without any help? Hahaha of course not. They were helped by WHITES This is a point that tends to get overlooked. I'm mostly drawing on experience with entertainment industries like vidya and cartoons, but more often than not those who set out or overtly claim to be "against" leftist culture are those who are most pressured into (and every often do) cucking out and towing the line, simply because it starts costing you access to money supply, steady employment, opportunity, etc. Assuming, of course, they weren't grifting off the counter-culture for a quick buck and only had loyalty to shekels to begin with. The biggest threat to fighting off the Jew is the fact our ancestors have given them complete control over our finances. It's very important to find away to avoid being seduced/cowed into complacency by the threat of economic uncertainty -- else any effort to infiltrate those same (((moneylenders))) is doomed from the start.
>>10495 Tenure isn't really safe; they still managed to force out Dr Dolores Cahill for example. Understand our enemy controls every institution, if they really need to that can manufacture fake charges against anyone; meth lab, CP, doctored financial transactions, etc. There's no point trying to fight the system from within.
>>10609 >occupy positions as doctors in order to be able to profit off of people's desperation and declining health, poisoning and crippling their enemies and in turn getting paid to do it further This, I went to a jewish psychiatrist once and had a terrible reaction to a more "modern" medicine he persuaded me to use. He basically used me as a guinea pig. Wish I wasn't so naive back then. The other one one I went from who was trusted by family was so much better
>>10612 Thread answers erased because mods didn't like them. No rules violated. Board worthless. Thread clearly honeypot. Sage.

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