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Anonymous 05/09/2020 (Sat) 00:51:55 Id: 01521d No. 100
she dissapointed
>>100 she was never real. it was just the flu
https://www.afp.com/en/news/15/sweden-admits-failure-protect-elderly-care-homes-doc-1r88vm2 Sweden admits failure to protect elderly in care homes 10 May 2020 >Sweden has reported 3,220 deaths from the virus as of Saturday. >The country said early on that shielding those 70 and older was its top priority. >Yet 90 percent of those who had died as of April 28 were over the age of 70. Half were nursing home residents, and another quarter were receiving care at home, statistics from the Swedish Board of Health and Welfare show.
>>107 >jewish news, so convincing big difference between dying from the flu, and dying with it. most people that are being labeled as "dying from covid" had pre-existing conditions such as heart disease, cancer, and obesity. it is common for elderly people with these conditions to die from the flu during flu season.
>>108 >swedong globalists sacrificing elderly to boost stonks >jew news pol is retarded
>>109 >pol is retarded i love hearing this because it means that you've conceded. don't get mad at me that death stats are being manipulated to push a false narrative, not my fault
>>110 500 Yuan has been deposited to your account. Praise Xi.
>>109 >pol
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>>100 >second wave
Can I get a general lowdown on this Corona stuff? (((Mainstream media))) has been throwing fits about it for a while and it apparently cost people jobs, but I haven't noticed much else. And this was started because some guy ate bat soup in china? How'd it spread across the planet so fast?
>>243 Let me give you the short version: >UwU-flu does exist >Origin is from Chinks sprayed on with bat urine in a lab (All of whom who have disappeared) >Isn't nearly as dastardly as people made it out to be >At most fucks up your lungs, at least may make you sterile >Can easily be combatted with drugs with drugs that cam out earlier this decade, and the hot sun and humidity >However the virus isn't contained at all and they do not even have the full sequence of the virus (Primarily because China has burned all evidence, so everything has to start from scratch, and the most info they have is from a partial structure map that does jack shit except make half of everything in the world test positive for the virus, including fruit and animals) >Globalists using this as a chance to force eugenics and population tracking >Politicians using this as a power grab >All the tinfoil hats, discredited nutjobs, and accelerations using this as a chance to proclaim how correct they are (Even if they directly contradict each other) What did I leave out?
>>230 >propaganda
>>246 See you in fall.
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>>264 yeah you will, i'll be here laughing at you for believing jewish/freemason lies and you wont be responding because you'll be regretting the way your acting now
COVID-19 was a massive psyop and it's sad that there are people still trying to push it on /pol/ of all places. I was rightfully cautious at first and stocked up, but as more and more data came out and it was clear that this was merely a means for ZOG to exert infinite power, I became aware of the truth.
>>100 So it was a big fat nothing burger after all? topkek
>>296 basically
>>286 and what data supports that?
>>317 >spoonfeed me Look it up, fag
>>318 Pls leave.
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>>317 nice try nigger
>>286 You nu/pol/ kikes keep saying this because you don't want to admit your precious pozzed chinkland isn't going to stop degeneracy considering China already has an LGBT organization and reconsidering gay marriage acceptance. Anyone who supports chinkland is either a fed or a kike the chinks aren't fascist nor NS that's a Jewish Marxist lie.
>>363 >if you think the Coronavirus was overblown and a psyop that means that you love China Top kek. China is as much ZOG as is America and the EU.
>>363 >Anyone who supports chinkland is either a fed or a kike the chinks aren't fascist nor NS that's a Jewish Marxist lie. wrong. they are not NS but they are racial nationalists, therefore they are worth supporting. any nation that is an enemy of globalism is worth supporting >>365 >China is as much ZOG as is America and the EU. wrong. communism is definitely jewish by design, as we all know, but the chinks are not zionist. yes, their political structure was created by marxists but there is a big difference between marxism and zionism. if they were ZOG, ZOG wouldn't be attempting regime change in chinkland via proxies in hong kong to establish a zionist gov.
>>367 >they are worth supporting The REAL Chinese government is currently in exile in Taiwan. The fags parading themselves in Beijing are anarchists brought into power thanks to the USSR. And, they're only reason why they still exist is because they're becoming Israel's greatest ally: http://archive.vn/jx6Zu >Unlikely partners? China and Israel deepening trade ties http://archive.vn/lw4HM >Israel will soon have to choose between China and the US http://archive.vn/u8Pfh >Israel’s relations with China are creating a storm >enemy of globalism >China Oh, never mind. You're retarded, thanks for letting me know.
>>370 >The REAL Chinese government Might makes right. This is eternal natural law. The CCP is the real Chinese government, just how Indians have no claim to American soil. Seethe
>>371 >Might makes right. So, the U.S. was justified for their actions in WWII since they were the "winners". And, anyone able to kill you did nothing wrong because they had a greater might than you. After all: >This is eternal natural law.
>>372 >So, the U.S. was justified for their actions in WWII since they were the "winners". It's a descriptive claim. The strong triumph, the weak are subjugated. Life is struggle. Either become stronger than your enemies or perish. Otherwise you're left whining and seething about how you have been subjugated, and how unfair against "muh morality" this is. >anyone able to kill you did nothing wrong because they had a greater might than you Yes, just like in nature.
>>370 literal shill media is your source? hahah and you think i'm retarded? fucking rofl my man! >The REAL Chinese government is currently in exile in Taiwan. haha ok shill, lets send some White men overseas to die so we can change that real quick! hahahahahahahah
you mom disappointed too.
>>374 >communists having a claim over anything
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https://archive.vn/jrirt Barton @Barton_options 1/ A friend's adventure from LAX to PEK last Sunday Total cost $6300: $4900 *one-way* *economy* class ticket on Air China $1400 hotel/food for the 14-day mandatory quarantine in designated hotels 6/ Plane landed in SJW after 14 hrs. All international flights into PEK now land in neighboring provinces for quarantine. 26 ambulances ready to deplane passengers with fevers. I was told that most passengers did not eat/drink/use bathroom to avoid getting infected. >chinese fleeing merica and not looking back COMMENCING CORONA-CHAN PHASE 2
>>101 >she was never real Never stopped me from fapping to a waifu and hoping I could tulpa her b4
>>286 Yeah. It's funny, too, because early on there were these webms being passed around on 8kun/pol showing the supposed state of china under spooky music. "It'll rot your balls off! Look at these chinks twitching in the street! They're downplaying the real numbers! People are being rounded up into hastily-constructed death-camp hospitals!" Who did this propaganda end up benefiting? Maybe we should ask Mr. Metokur.
>>941 So why was the propaganda machine saying it was nothing in the beginning?
>>944 Could be that the kayfabe of modern politics is literally as fake and orchestrated as pro wrestling, and they wanted to flip-flop for drama. Could be that they wanted to promote laxity to cause a massive outbreak to justify the idiotic "social distancing" hysteria we're now being forced to put up with. But of course, there wasn't really an outbreak in most places, so they just had to pretend there was. Could be that they literally just did whatever "fuck whitey, yay foreigners" narrative that came most easily to hand without actually thinking about it at all. I've half a mind to start asking newskikes, because I'd really like a fucking answer.
>>670 theguardianPlease use archive.today/world/2020/jun/30/new-swine-flu-with-pandemic-potential-identified-by-china-researchers >New swine flu with pandemic potential identified by China researchers >G4 strain has already infected 10% of industry’s workers in China but no evidence yet that it can be passed from human to human <10% of industry’s workers in China <no evidence yet that it can be passed from human to human <no evidence >The tests also showed that as many as 4.4% of the general population also appeared to have been exposed. <4.4% of c h i n a >Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian told a daily news conference on Tuesday that China was closely following developments. “We will take all necessary measures to prevent the spread and outbreak of any virus,” he said. <all necessary measures to prevent the spread and outbreak of any virus
So, what the fuck will the Corona-chan repellent even do? I've heard everything from it being absolutely useless to claims as fantastical that it's going to start giving people super-human possibilities that are straight out of 90's science fiction.
>>100 Bruh, we all flood chan now, 3 gorges dam destroyed farmland.
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>>100 She got him.
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>>1737 He's faking it.
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>>941 >>944 >>947 My take is that they originally thought the plague would be confined to China, and therefore its existence should be suppressed along with all the other fucked-up shit China does. After it spread to other populations, suppression wasn't feasible any more, so they changed their tactics to exaggerate its severity and infect more people. Now it's being used as a global bogeyman much like nuclear weapons, global warming, microplastics, and job automation. "See, this is why we need one world currency and government with Jerusalem as the capital"
>>1737 jacked off to Coronachan. fuck yeah.
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