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2020 United States Presidential Election Anonymous 08/12/2020 (Wed) 23:00:34 Id: bebaa2 No. 1391
So, now that all the players are announced, let's see how the next three months unfold. Streams to watch the election results: https://watch.8ch.moe/view/26985367-f948-4c5a-8da9-bc85a4cdb21d/ https://cytu.be/r/vchgameawards https://invidio.us/watch?v=9qd2aMTFkDE https://invidio.us/watch?v=2k8VFRjbsi4
Edited last time by Shellen on 11/04/2020 (Wed) 02:02:12.
Goddamn, Trumps win means Biden goes to jail and his associates and massive saltmines from the left https://www.(Webm, use an alternative platform, or use https://instances.invidio.us/)(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=XJJfUs8d_vc
>>6113 So Trump is confirmed to have won then? Biden's getting tossed for sure?
>>6113 >>6115 Video is literally nothing, just pics of Trump rallies set to music.
>>6087 >>6089 Fascism is kosher because there's only one person you need to bribe. What a bargain!
>>6118 Better than having women and other subhumans allowed rights.
>>6121 spotted the jew
>>6113 jesus christ that link filter is disgusting
>>6127 Spoted the leftard.
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seems like same shit happened on georgia
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So the motherfuckers are busting into buildings and this place is still dead. Stream for those wanting to see shit: dlive.tv/austinzone >Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth! https://archive.is/jCmfK
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>>6146 doesn't seem like they're doing anything though
>>6147 Give them time to work themselves up, they are not niggerlives matter so they don't jump right to burn, loot, murder.
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>>6147 >Not breaking or running around wild in the building smashing everything in sight is not doing anything They are respecting the building, art,history, and the dead white men who built it and resided in it when it was used for better purposes. They are not niggers or antifags. so give them some slack.
>>6148 >>6157 fair enough
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>They’re in the chamber. One is up on the dais yelling “Trump won that election!” This is insane https://archive.is/0sqzC
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>UPDATE - The Pentagon has denied the request to deploy National Guard to the US Capitol. Holy shit. Also archive is slow as fuck atm. /disclosetv/status/1346909037728833542
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>>6171 HOLY FUCK
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>Radio traffic coming in now for an officier in need of ‘Immediate assistance’ /zachculpeper/status/1346912687385497606
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>Georgia and Kansas capitol buildings have been stormed by protesters.
>>6146 >Trump/Pence split That's it then, barring a Biden offing.
>>6214 you're right, that s it, the end of the GOP, the end of the leftist marxist hold on america, and the rise of the new right.
>>6214 face it, if we get violent, we win. violence was the secret of our victory all along. if we win, we will remember this forever, how voting didnt work, protesting didnt work, boycotts didnt work, free speech didnt work, rallies didnt work, but following the example of he successful activities of the leftists, that worked: burning worked, looting worked, .fighting and killing worked, when we just stopped using our words and started using our violence, we saved the country from suffering a fate that we will see the rest of the world look to us to save them from. and we will whisper "no", if they insist, we will be more clear "we have already done all we need to save you, we've shown you what you must do to save yourselves, if your country is to be free, it must be you, and not us, who frees it, at best we can sell you some of our older guns with a bit of a discount, but expect little more, if we do have to come over there and free you, will will take your land as our own, through your complacency and tolerance of tyranny, you will have demonstrated that you are not worthy to have a country of your own"
>>6127 >muh hating women is jewish Hating and killing women is as natural for human beings (that is, men) as breathing. All women are evil.
>>6138 >>6337 says the fascist jew
>>6191 Hopefully, lots of women and leftards are killed. Those are the enablers of the jews.
https://archive.vn/yemYO https://archive.vn/S9tGJ DC police are storming hotels and stomping on American flags.
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Unless something changes, the election "officially" over. Trump has conceded, and Biden is to be the next president of the U.S.: https://archive.vn/wAoww Unless something happens, I'll be unpinning this thread and turning off cyclical posting.
>>6342 >muh hating women is jewish All simps get the bullet.

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