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our /ck/ thread Peasant 10/20/2021 (Wed) 07:06:22 No. 3232 [Reply]
Discuss /ck/ related to /monarchy/. Talk about what royalty would eat. How they would eat. Historical feasts / banquets. >Dining in public was an important aspect of royal display and a way of offering access to the sovereign. Important members of the court were given the honour of serving the king, carving his meat and pouring his wine in front of a crowd of spectators >Public dining was a frequent practice in the reign of James I (1566–1625), who liked elaborate spectacle and lavish entertainment. Following the Restoration of the monarchy in 1660, the custom was revived by Charles II (1630–85) with great splendour and ritual. While breakfast and supper were private, the king's dinner, eaten in the mid-afternoon, was held at least once a week in the Presence Chamber of the state apartments or in the Banqueting House at Whitehall. >Each member of the household in attendance had a specific role in serving the meal. Three officers attended: a carver, server and a cup bearer who each presented the king with dishes while on bended knee. A procession of liveried servants would then bring the food to the king's table. The king would choose from the food offered and his attendants would carve and taste each portion before placing it before him. Spectators were allowed to revel in the ritual feasting from behind a balustrade or a rail.
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>The gathering of the Knights of the Garter has traditionally been accompanied by a feast. This etching illustrates one of Charles II's banquets for the Garter Knights, held in St George's Hall at Windsor Castle. At the dinner 145 dishes were served during the first course and the Knights were offered 16 barrels of oysters, 2,150 poultry, 1,500 crayfish, 6,000 stalks of asparagus and 22 gallons of strawberries. The tradition of the Garter feast continues today, albeit on a more modest scale, with an annual luncheon held at Windsor. https://www.lovefood.com/gallerylist/82308/the-most-amazing-royal-banquets-in-history https://www.rct.uk/collection/themes/trails/public-dining-in-the-reign-of-charles-ii-1630-1685
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>>3232 This was a dessert at Versailles.
Good meals during /icup/.

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alpha chan general Peasant 05/03/2022 (Tue) 07:05:11 No. 4006 [Reply]
& for discussion on Russia / Ukraine.
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What does anon think of the Mladorossi?
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>>4505 Its not Cirno.
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Peasant 05/06/2022 (Fri) 16:49:04 No. 4034 [Reply] [Last]
I could get behind this monarchy stuff tbh, but how do you explain how The Greatest Leader in Human History was elected as President of a Republic?
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>>4081 Commiecats have diseases. Don't let them get their germs on you.
>>4121 What diseases? All commiecats would be inspected for contamination before sale, and infected commiecats would be incinerated.
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>>4034 hey look at me im on topic cause I pretend to pay lip service to monarchism

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Telegram Group Telegram Group 06/14/2021 (Mon) 03:36:30 No. 2692 [Reply]
There is already a Telegram group for we can talk? i only knows this group, but it is on spanish https://t.me/joinchat/gmn3MTCeYtNmOTAx
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>>4369 hey fellow spam. I feel right at home. ahdbrhdbsjsjfbrjjsbajsjrbrbeqhwj

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Grace OC Thread Peasant 05/01/2020 (Fri) 01:12:54 No. 20 [Reply] [Last]

It's not legitimate without Grace chan!
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>>46 >>47 >>48 >>49 How many of those games could Grace even realistically play on that slim form factor Lenovo Thinkpad or whatever without it getting to hot to touch and dropping frame rates by about half due to thermal throttling? Yeah I know laptop CPU's have greatly improved over the years but still that by no means looks like a gaymer PC to say the least. It's debatable if it even has a discreet graphics card. Also that makes me wonder would Grace be team Red or team Blue in regards to the CPU market? Or is she autistic enough to run something with an M1 chip? And that's assuming she's tech savvy to begin with. Honestly I'd expect her to more likely game off a Nintendo Switch lite and just have the Thinkpad for work related tasks, I hope I'm wrong though.

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Peasant 06/28/2021 (Mon) 00:20:58 No. 2698 [Reply] [Last]
ok lets establish some basics. moanrchy: arose from tribalistic europe, basically modern and large scale chief cult. read tacitus. >"it is customary for states to make voluntary and individual contributions of cattle or agricultural produce to the leaders these are accepted as a token of honour." >"on the field of battle it is a disgrace to the leader to be surpassed in valour by his companions, to the companions not to equal the valour of their leader. to outlive ones leader by withdrawing from battle brings life long infamy and shame" >"to defend and protect him, to attribute to his glory ones own brave deeds, that is the crux of their oath of allegiance: the leaders fight for victory, the companions fight for their leader" basically, the chief (king) is meant to be a role model, protector, and provider. the lads fight for the chief it is honourable to give your all for him AS LONG AS THE KING IS TRUE. >Culture culture is important. problem is, good times-weak men, and all that. its bad cause the good cultures have produced times so good that their sons become weak. good morals produced by a good culture are far better than any laws. laws can be good, but they are easily corrupted. what needs to happen is the creation of a good culture that is different in that it is self sustaining, self replicating, immune to bad change (immediet or eventual), and dug in. basically every facet of society, biology, and psychology must be taken into account and optomised to ensure the survival of good culture and good men. a point to consider. >artificial struggle. create artificial struggle, do not be a greedy dog for your children that wants the world for them, as your grandchildren will lack far more than the grandparent. but also like working out. you could "struggle for a year, get gains and slack off, create measures to call out and negate complacency. monarchs are not meant to take advantage of their people. the peoples adoration and loyalty is a fucking privilege for services rendered. the trick is installing a new monarch, since most revolutions end up in the installation of a democracy which his even worse than a selfish monarch. bloodlines are good but dry up. once this happens and you get th inevitable limp dicked crones that are now Britains monarchy, their line ran its course, throw them out and find another hero. next up: spirituality/religion
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1. Once you have their money, never give it back 2. You can't cheat an honest customer, but it never hurts to try 3. Never spend more for an acquisition than you have to 4. Sex and profit are the two things that never last long enough 5. If you can't break a contract, bend it 6. Never let family stand in the way of opportunity 7. Always keep you ears open 8. Keep count of your change 9. Instinct plus opportunity equals profit 10. A dead customer can't buy as much as a live one 11. Latinum isn't the only thing that shines 12. Anything worth selling is worth selling twice 13. Anything worth doing is worth doing for money 14. Anything stolen is pure profit 15. Acting stupid is often smart 16. A deal is a deal ... until a better one comes along 17. A bargain usually isn't

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Esoteric atheist nihilism Esoteric Optimistic-Nihilistic Atheism. What you will discover within: The strength to go on, or apathy inducing despair Quantum immortality, and other mechanics. Better than magic?! Creating vs becoming God: which is "better" morally? Morality? Well yes but actually yes. A list of frameworks that are closest to correct, and why "this" correct is correct The consumer pig (false) atheist and his esoteric superior. Atheism is correct, religion is necessary. How optimism can fit with nihilism

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Phillip IV of France Peasant 05/09/2020 (Sat) 07:40:42 No. 275 [Reply]

Did he and his puppet church in Avignon really do anything wrong respecting the templars? It's said a lot that he only really exterminate them because of the debts he had with them and in order to get to his treasure. But. It doesn't rob you the wrong way that a christian monastic order got to get that rich because of
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>Every meme I don't like is CIA.
Leaving that aside, for my knowledge the templars did they charge interests and I may be biased but I simply find the modern concept of banking very flawed so I'm beware of whatever thing associated with it.
I don't have any clear proof that they are related with masonshit or whatever crappy secret society, it's only that it bugs me how (((modern media))) always portray them as "dindu nuffin" who were tricked and framed by "evul" Philip IV and the church. And we know how the kikes in movies and series today like to portray anything pre-French Revolution as bad and barbaric, so that they made that exemption with the Templars raise my eyes.
Both of those correctly called out Jews, I don't see the issue. They quite literally echo throughout history.
>>297 I search the internet for mentions of my glorious dead board of wizards and I just wanted to say hi.

Monarchy, Colonies, and Empire Peasant 08/10/2020 (Mon) 01:55:35 No. 1575 [Reply]
Which colonial projects under kingly direction went the best, do you think? What could've been done better?
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>>2857 Go back to /pol/.
>>3383 Why not?

Otto the great Peasant 11/04/2021 (Thu) 11:37:24 No. 3394 [Reply]
Otto "the great" was king of Germany, he represssed countless nobles' revolts, conquered loraine in 939, stopped the hungarian invasions in 955, conquered Italy in two campaigns in 951 - 955, and on febrary 3rd 963 ultimately became emperor of what will be later known as "Holy Roman Empire" that would last until 1806 when Napoleon abolished it.
If he knew what autism he was about to unleash he would have packed it in before he would have even tried.

Opinion on Race 09/29/2021 (Wed) 07:12:03 No. 2924 [Reply]
I am curious what is peoples opinion on here about race. Do you believe in it? Do you believe in something like an ethnostate as well as a monarchy?
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I think race is real and there are some minor differences but I really don’t care that much. It’s not the sole determinant
Even if race is real, the way that it is used is just leftist shitflinging where "class" is replaced by "race". Jews are the burgeoise, whites are the ploretariat etc. This is enough for me to hate the concept.
>>2924 To be a king you have to be the best of a people, if you're foreign you're an emperor. So since monarchy can't be against the idea of kings, it also can't be of ethnostates. >>3059 This is literally only because we live in a multiracial/ethnic state.

Peasant 04/10/2021 (Sat) 19:54:58 No. 2602 [Reply]
>this ungrateful little worm has to crawl back home to attend his grandfather's funeral What punishment does he deserve, /monarchy/?
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>>2655 You know they are eventually going to strike back.
>>2602 Punch him right between his beady little eyes.
>>2654 /abdl/ is akin to heaven on earth! We need punishment!

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Any Reading about Islamo-monarchism of Islamic Monarchies Peasant 08/09/2021 (Mon) 15:09:18 No. 2796 [Reply]
I'm looking for a different perspective on monarchy, and am wondering if there's any monarchy philosophy or literature surrounding muslim monarchs
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>>2800 It would be a bit of fresh hair, since the only thread constantly being posted on is the grace-chan thread.
>>2801 4ch /his/ & /pol/ monarchy generals. If you want active hotspots, go there. This board is terminally invalid.
>>2801 >>2803 don't expect an easy welcome though most of it is defeatism porn and paid shilling but still I like the challenge

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July 4th Peasant 07/04/2021 (Sun) 06:42:47 No. 2728 [Reply]
Do you feel like you're winning, americans? Are you enjoying your "freedom"? Was it ever worth it?
>>2728 Yes. Yea. And yes. Go suck your queens dick queencuck.
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>>2728 Oi you got a loicense to talk shit?
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>>2729 > yes, yes and yes

On Bahrain Peasant 12/06/2020 (Sun) 20:12:19 No. 2316 [Reply]
King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa is the monarch of a constitutional monarcy. The government has a national assembly divided into the Council of Representatives and the Consultative Council. Members of the council of representatives are voted on. The King wields a wide array of executive power, such as the appointment of prime ministers, command of the army, and appointing members of the consultative council. Obviously a mix between republicanism and monarchy, but I was wondering what you guys think.
>>2316 I think all the gulf countries should use this system. Its a good mix while still being a proper monarchy, unlike modern-day european monarchies which are practically just life-long celebrities at this point.

Our Condolences to HM the Queen Peasant 04/09/2021 (Fri) 19:09:15 No. 2592 [Reply]
/monarchy/ pays its respect & remembers the life of Prince Philip. "He has, quite simply, been my strength and stay all these years, and I, and his whole family, and this and many other countries, owe him a debt greater than he would ever claim, or we shall ever know." The Queen's Golden Wedding Anniversary speech, November 1997
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I don't visit here often but I'm just posting here to pay my condolences.
Memory Eternal.
>>2592 The present Monarchs have presided over the fall of the British Empire and the British people becoming the minority in London. I have no respect for such false 'royals.' >>>/vox xe/

Bhutan Peasant 11/10/2020 (Tue) 16:09:56 No. 2227 [Reply]
Even to the corrupted senses of republicans, the happiest country in the world is a monarchy led by ancient spirituality. Yet they refuse to admit, perhaps they are wrong in trying to fashion false utopia on Earth. Now the worst of them, the godless, communist Chinese, threaten to destroy this immortal, benevolent society. We should esteem this rare example of traditional glory because these expressions will fade with ever increasing rapidity as the seasons pass.
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>>2397 well, that's good to know
Muh Nepalis

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