/mahodou/ - MAHO堂

Discuss Harukaze Doremi, and her many anime series', created by the great animation collective, Izumi Todo.

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Majo Minarai o Sagashite hanapi_chocobi Board owner 04/22/2021 (Thu) 16:25:51 No. 9
The movie is finally translated! And to think, this movie was the reason why /mahodou/ was conceived on 8ch.net in the first place. Thank Doremi-Fansubs for translating this movie, those guys are awesome. Here's the whole enchilada, make sure to seed nyaa.si/view/1375816
This is a beautiful day, and you're a beautiful friend!
My file is here but my heart isn't ready...
>>9 >this movie was the reason why /mahodou/ was conceived on 8ch.net in the first place I wonder if everyone from there is on here now? It felt like there were only about 5 people using that board.
>>24 >I wonder if everyone from there is on here now? Unlikely, there were more than 5 peeps. I believe in the board, we just need to promote it more.
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So... did you guys watch the movie already?
>>51 I finally watched the movie. How I felt about it is complicated. It's not really about Doremi, it's about a bunch of dreary real life stuff instead. Drunk old women and their love lives and careers. I wonder if the movie would have been better off inventing a show-within-a-show in place of the Doremi series. And if it's supposed to be this realistic story set in the real world, why do the three women talk about Doremi so much and take stuff from the show so seriously, adults don't do that. I didn't understand the plot point with the guy who liked Onpu, why does he post that stuff on his facebook, why is it supposed to be a big deal that he does it or that there's (completely offscreen) negative posts from others about it, why were he and Sora so neurotic about the possibility of being a couple, just give it a shot and stop worrying about all this stuff that doesn't matter. To the movie's credit: if it can affect me emotionally like this, it's doing something right. I watched Doremi not even three years ago and all this stuff is capable of making me feel nostalgic, sometimes even nostalgic for a past I didn't even have. I liked Reika, genki baka types are a bit of a gimme for me. Each woman's favourite character was different to the Ojamajo she acted most like. Sora's favourite is Doremi but she was like Hazuki when it comes to expressing her feelings. Mire's favourite is Hazuki but she's most like Aiko with how she bluntly says stuff and how she has a bit of an accent. Reika's favourite is Aiko but she's dopey and falls in love easily like Doremi. She missed out on eating the steak too. I was happy for the women in the end since they managed to get started on their dreams. It was elegant how each character's ambitions were furthered by the same thing, the Maho-dou Cafe, in some way.
>>187 What gets me is how this movie is basically geared toward older Japanese women who watched the show as a kid. I've never heard of a western cartoon doing such a thing.
>>51 I liked it. Part of me is glad this movie happens from a real world perspective and that they didn't just find some random excuse to give the girls magic again. The light novels already do that, so if anything I hope we'll get an adaptation of those in the future. Maybe part of the reason I liked it is also because I used to watch some Doremi on TV back when I was younger so the movie made me think back about those days and brough back some nice memories. It did feel a little too short to properly explore the protagonists backstories, some parts definitely felt rushed. But I still think it was a neat idea.
>>51 I did just before New Year's Eve and I loved it. I was skeptical because I thought it'd be some self-insert fantasy for a lack of a better word, but I was pleased at how well it was handled, the setting taking place in our world instead. I got into Doremi in 2019 and the movie was a nice way to kinda close the book on the series for me, though I have the comedy theaters and the new OVA's to look at alongside the LN's. A great movie overall. It even touched on some heavier elements like the situation with Aiko thinking her mother started a new family, only here, that was the reality and it hits like a truck. Even the initial finale got mirrored and was handled perfectly; your own insecurities can hinder you just as much as others can, a fitting way of showing how blunt Doremi could be at times. Not a bad film at all, I give it a 8.5/10.
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>>187 >It's not really about Doremi they make a cameo, and doremi is about magic, and those girls reeally needed some magic >if it's supposed to be this realistic story set in the real world, why do the three women talk about Doremi so much and take stuff from the show so seriously, adults don't do that. yeah, what kind of adults would spend time talking about doremi? thank god we're all pretty little girls here... >I didn't understand the plot point with the guy who liked Onpu they know about us onpufags... >why does he post that stuff on his facebook yeah, why a beautiful princesscon adult fan of doremi would post about it? >why is it supposed to be a big deal that he does it or that there's (completely offscreen) negative posts from others about it? gee, i wonder...

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