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Junk Anonymous 10/19/2024 (Sat) 22:30:46 No. 7112
Junk thread. Consider this the /b/ of /loli/. Some threads may be merged here if they're garbage, but don't warrant deletion as they aren't in violation of any rules.
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eggs fertilized?
>>212 Please type like a human.
>>217 a loli moans a human complains
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some kawai cuties
>>3019 get canceled normie
>>217 kys eop
I was chating with someone on discord about such things, and one or both of us got banned. I cannot remember their user name, but we shared pics back and forth. I was "divascocksleeve" We talked about our fantasies, and I want to continue to talk. So if you're out there, let me know. This is my new Username "dvascocksleeve" Please reach out to me
We were also both in a Loli disc server. It's pfp was of anya (spyxfamily) sucking cock. If anyone knows something about that server plz lmk
>DIcksword You get what you deserve.
lol, guess you're right, but I have this, so it isn't that bad
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There are a lot of places that are safe to discuss teh loli but Discord aint one of em
Do tell. I would love for some chat
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>>6204 You're either a fed, or someone with really bad opsec who's eager to put genuine lolicons at risk.
I'm just fucking clueless. (also, what's opsec)
>>6206 > opsec If you're too clueless to use a search engine, then get off the internet, you're underage.
Not sure what you want here...
>>5294 >normie Normalfag spotted.
i need it
The ATF chat is so fucking shit. You get in trouble for hornyposting about lolis. On a fucking chatroom for a loli site. Just fucking kill me at this point
>>7767 Well you're free to shitpost and hornypost about lolis here.

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