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Loli games Anonymous 02/27/2022 (Sun) 04:45:55 No. 3392
Anyone know of any loli games out there? or games just in general with loli related content, I know there really isn't too much but still would like to see what's out there in terms of games or something playable?
Fapforfun.net Lost Life
>>3392 Huge amount (1000s) on DLSite (get from nyaa or F95), though if we're limiting it to being good and translated then that number becomes much smaller. Some translated recommendations: RJ128212 (and everything else from that developer), RJ181109, RJ223237 (and the rest of the series), RJ146143, RJ303960, RJ149669 and 封呪姫 (not from DLSite)
>>3392 you should try LoliSim
Flatcheez is a great game, ENG translated too.
is lolimon still getting developed?
>>3542 Can't seem to find any references to a game by that name. Got a link to some info, or an RJ#?
>>3944 LoliSim was an /hgdg/ project. You might find someone with more info and a copy of the game on PLW's /hgg/.
>>3941 What game is that?
>>3967 He just said its name, you dip.
There's a nice looking new loli metroidvania on dlsite.
>>3967 its a custom pokemon game getting developed on ATF. I don't have an account so I don't know if it is still getting developed. maybe someone with an account could check please
>>3976 It was abandoned by the original creator, now is being remade in unity at snail pace.
>>3976 >>3980 >Pokemon >lolimon OH shit, didn't paid attention and though you were talking about Simloli, forget what I said!
>>3975 What's it called you faggot sperg.
>>4037 Read the filename, you faggot sperg.
>>3542 It's called simloli though. >>3392 Well lost life is one. There is one called Lillia's blooming season but is in japanese, don't know if it has been translated, there is other called youmaen but has the same problem than the previous mention, imouto life monochrome and sister seifuku fantasy are from the same developer, seed bed wars, that girl quest back alley angel, degrees of lewdity
>>4071 >Lillia's blooming season According to ATF the game is somewhat translated. I say somewhat because it's 60% MTL and 40% proper English. Have yet to check if the latter got boosted to 100% proper English.
>>3394 How safe is it to download from that site?
>>4853 Reasonably safe. It's where I dig through garbage for half decent h-games. Just make sure you have antivirus and always check the comments to see if anyone says the game gave them AIDS. You'd be better off asking this question on PLW's /hgg/ board.
>>3394 Dumb question but how legal is lost life and other Loli games?
>>4953 That is a dumb question. It depends entirely on where you live.
>>4958 Alright I assume it’s illegal in the west then
I don't suppose anybody knows of a translation for Youmaen: The Magic Academy of Loli Succubi ?
>>4963 I'm waiting for it too. Last I heard years ago there was only a partial translation. If it's ever done, it will probably show up on nyaa or fapforfun.
>>4962 >the west then "The west" isn't a single country. Hell, it can vary by state in the USA.
>>4973 Is there a list of countries where Loli games are legal anywhere?
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>>3392 Flatcheez is nice but mostly softcore. Flowerwitch has been good as far as I've played, but try not to jump into the rose-less vines, it's the only bit of guro I've found and it's odd that it's tacked-on. If you expand your idea of loli then Lufuclad and labyrinth of estras are great for a fap each. If you're at the bottom of the barrel then swfchan and other sites have some flash loli games archived.
>>5696 >Flatcheez 3 never ever >Black Souls 3 never ever >Monster Girl Quest: Paradox Part 3 never ever Jap eroge devs can't count to three.
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Been trying to find this game. Anyone know the name?
>>5699 Looks like hummingbird, but I don't know if it's from a public build or not. Don't remember a ginger girl. Should be on all the fallen.
I tried to get SimLoli working but consistently got the errror: Error (Uncaught exception occured: invalid map<K, T> key) on line number 25 in file std::cerr) long shot, but since it's not being developed any more might as well ask here if anyone knows why it's crashing.
>>5766 SimLoli is dead? Damn. Using math to calculate a realistic pee puddle size may have given him autism credit, but it's that kind of autism that slows projects to halt until you lose interest in working on them.
>>5835 Oh fuck, it actually fucking happened. Back in April? I could have sworn I had checked on Anda less than three months ago. >Game description says this also ends on a cliff hanger and the story will be concluded in Part 4 FUCK.
Anywhere to find content for VAM X?
>>5835 I beat it in one sitting. The filesize is only slightly large than part 2, and the game is definitely shorter, unless you count shard grinding to see a naked lady, which I cheated at because it was horrid. There's an event completion list, but only two events are mutually exclusive. However, the title page completions checks all saves, so you can get 100% there, but never in-game. I need more Sayaka damnit.
I just played secret special site in Flatcheez 2 and I don't know how to feel. Having an attachment to the character makes it feel so much more real. I've built this character up in my mind and it feels like they really are being abused. I am sad.
I really like PinkTea games. Not particularly loli but you should try it https://pinktea-games.itch.io/pinktea-flash-games-bundle
>>5894 >and it feels like they really are being abused. That's not how I interpreted it. It felt more like she was lewd and got paid for it. Sayaka's too bright and cheery, and even said she liked the lewd parts. I agree with the interviewer, that upon that comment, she transcended from angel to goddess.
Surprised no one mentioned Degrees of Lewdity. Granted, the gameplay is mostly clicking and reading text, but it has intricate gameplay mechanics and it has images and animations.
>>6011 Well its a bit gay isnt it?
>>6012 If you want to, i guess. That's one of the cool things about this game, you can be anyone (of loli age) and you can have so many things happen. And when you start your game, you can customize it so that everyone is gay, or make it so men literally don't exist, or 10 % of the population is futa, or that every npc generated has tiny dicks...
>>6016 >you can be anyone (of loli age) Uh, no you can't. All characters are 18 and all animals are people in costumes! :^)
>>6011 The bigger world mod is pretty great for that game as well
Guys i just downloaded a game called Lost Life, if someone has a walkthrough because everytime i do something i get her to be angry
>>6099 Just have patience, nigger.
>>6099 Assuming you have the 1.52 version: Wait until night, then eat her out until she likes you. Also you can repair cracks in her heart by head-patting her during the bj scene.
>>5699 hummingbird, however the version of pic is donor only
>>6186 A gentleman on /tot/ just uploaded the most recent VIP release in their games thread
I always liked Mou sugu Natsuyasumi and Yagai Gakushuu, published by Complets. Kudos to the artist Mame (wish there was more info on other lolishota stuff like this made by him/her/them). The uncensored patches had thinner labia (not posting the thicks), but here's a sampling, including some decent decensoring on some.
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Would anyone know the name of game in pic?
Bumping for post above me
>>6550 secret horse files by DaiLevy
>>4963 >>4972 Just in case any of you people with fine tastes missed it: https://fapforfun.net/archives/44394 It has finally been translated.
>>7398 Fuck yes.
No Hizashi no Naka no Riaru mentioned? You guys totally miss out.
Mind posting a description and/or pics? All I see on nyaa is two old dead torrents with no pictures and who give insecure or suspicious links in their descriptions.
>>3415 >RJ128212 I tried this and damn was I dissappointed that she only preys on the shotas and doesn't get any adult dick. There were even adult men in that park. Lame.
>>6011 Probably because dev started catering to discord/normalfag fanbase and changed the entire premise of the game. Use to be about a primary school orphan getting abused and raped ("trauma simulator"). Now it's about university student engaging in "totally consensual" bdsm/rapeplay. All the dialogue got re-written to reflect this.
>>7398 Also available from the F95 translation thread and 4chans hgg bin, for those that don't like downloading from blatantly suspicious websites.
>>7677 >4chan >Not blatantly suspicious >Fag95 Wew lad.
There is "Raising A Happy NEET" or "NEET-Chan". Pretty simple. Build up relationship, acquire "skills" through life points, fuck her. There's even multiple endings. Nothing huge though. It's both on PC and mobile. Mobile version is more up to date, though kind of badly translated.
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What is this game?
A game called "She Will Punish Them" on PC has a mod called MegaMorphs that adds a slider to make them "childish". The game let's you customize a succubus and fight hordes of undead, orcs and other stuff. The adult scenes come in scenes of maturation and a free pose mode. There's cheats to unlock the furniture you need to see those.
opinions on badtraining? is the developer kill?
Anyone got a download link for Izumi Gakuen / Miko-chan's Training full and english?
dlsite nuked all loli content for non-japanese IPs thanks visa
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