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GuP / Girls und Panzer Anonymous 01/01/2022 (Sat) 10:49:51 No. 3287 [Reply]
All things related to cute GuP loli's driving tanks and tankettes. Lewds and non lewds are all welcome.
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Slave Loli Anonymous 10/20/2023 (Fri) 08:32:57 No. 6044 [Reply]
Lolis in chains being bought, sold, and bartered!
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>>6044 A lot of these say "sample". A word of advice. Make sure when you grab images from a booru that you select "see full size image", or "original image" so you aren't saving smaller, artifacted, degraded versions.

Vidya lolis Anonymous 10/08/2023 (Sun) 13:19:06 No. 6019 [Reply]
How is there not a thread?

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What are some really good teacher and student loli doujins you guys like? Peachy 12/31/2022 (Sat) 12:38:57 No. 4386 [Reply]
Sauce is #296335
>>4386 >296335 On what site? Nobody searches these by content IDs you know. I recognize the artist though. And why are you namefagging?
>>4386 Oh yeah, that's Masuda. Read it already, gave it five stars. I was once really spooked about him because I heard an artist with a similar name died, and thought it was him. I can't recall the artist, but I do know that he had an unfinished "to be continued" story.
Absolutely wonderful doujin that

Fellatio Anonymous 06/23/2020 (Tue) 22:09:34 No. 180 [Reply] [Last]
sucky sucky
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god said sex with mouth is a sin, I hope he changed his mind after this thread

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Anonymous 05/02/2020 (Sat) 07:19:57 No. 1 [Reply]
>no posts But loli is allowed right?
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In hospital, saw a grandma in denim miniskirt . from back i thought she is 14 Literally lolibaba >>243 If anti-anime hear this they would make accusation that Im Heinous for looking at petite body of a grandma >2020 damn this place is dead
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>>5309 There's a dedicated thread, you know. >>4000 I like the style that makes them look like figurines. Didn't know AI could do that, as it's a style I rarely see in the first place. The only time I recall it is these Etna pics. You need to clean up the deformities though. Look for advice on that in the AI thread.

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Kantai Loli/loli romance Anonymous 04/11/2023 (Tue) 01:16:30 No. 4896 [Reply]
I want to dump some absolutely amazing Futa Nagato on Inazuma/Ikazuchi commissions some based guy on pixiv has been getting, but I figure I'll run out of content pretty quickly. So after I do that, I guess we can make this into a general thread for loli romance- true love and lovemaking between a loli and her lolicon. That's what Nagato would have wanted, after all.
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>>5085 Oh I love these anon!
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>>5122 Man I wanna suck inazuma's little asshole like you wouldn't believe

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bunnysuit Anonymous 03/27/2021 (Sat) 04:30:44 No. 1803 [Reply]
Lolis in bunnysuits.
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>>1803 holy mother of god jesus fuck. oh my god that pose really emphASSizes that ASS holy fuuuUUck
Op invite lolicon >>1816 Chole expose normie

Oppai loli Anonymous 02/25/2021 (Thu) 01:31:52 No. 1416 [Reply] [Last]
Oppai lolis/big-breasted lolis.
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>>4784 You disgust me.
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Kissing Anonymous 01/12/2021 (Tue) 04:01:33 No. 1002 [Reply]
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>>1483 There are many variations of the picture of the man and loli kissing next to a heart shaped box of chocolate. See the artist's posts: https://baraag.net/@crumbs/106473460222062025 https://baraag.net/@crumbs/106473453973923939 and https://baraag.net/@crumbs/105734177977856766
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threesome Anonymous 01/10/2021 (Sun) 03:28:02 No. 978 [Reply]
ffm/mmf threesome
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>>981 artist?

cheerleader thread Anonymous 03/18/2021 (Thu) 06:48:07 No. 1671 [Reply]
loli cheerleaders
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>>4776 But what if you really really hate some spineless faggot MC and want to see his girl fucked by you self-inserting as a fat bastard while he suffers?
>>4776 >like that one hentai anime about the ice cream guy. Shoujo Ramune, and I'm really annoyed how he got in the way of them more than he encouraged their bonding because it's hot. My best case scenario is he holds off the yuri lolis until he can convince them to lose their virginity together with his cock.
>>4778 >tfw i would be the faggot MC

Lewd/Erotic manga screenshots Anonymous 06/07/2022 (Tue) 03:52:11 No. 3651 [Reply]
Post some lewd and or erotic screencaps of lolis from a manga. Stuff like panty shots, butt shot, belly, chest and the like.
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>>3652 >He died drawing this

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