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QTDDTOT Strelok 02/06/2023 (Mon) 06:32:04 No. 6843
Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread Previous thread: >>21645 Old one is bump locked and dead.
>>7202 >know a therapist in town licensed to use them. If you can, have someone with experience to supervise/guide you (and make sure you're consuming the right mushrooms). +1 what >>7204 said it's a double edge sword as is most medicine, don't look at it as a 'cheat code' or an escape hatch. If you're not comfortable being in your head and alone with your thoughts for a while (meditating) amping that up to 11 with substances is ill advised.
>>7207 You will want a wood furniture, obviously. The pro is that any carpenter you ask will be able to make it.
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There was a German soldier during the Franco-Prussian War I believe whose regiment had trouble taking a fortress so he runs up to the gate with a satchel charge and exclaims that now he has become the key to the gate and blows himself up, leading his fellow soldiers to storm inside and conquer it. I asked this before and no one knew what I was talking about despite me reading it back on the 8chan board years ago.
>>7197 I wonder what modern Japanese firearms would look like. I'ld imagine there would be a lot of initial plagerization of foreign designs before a Nippon tailored design based within the scope of their military's geopolitical aims.
>>7207 Why was it called A-5 instead of B-5 when its ONLY mission was literally shitting a retarded nuke from its ass?
>>7212 Because it is light and fast and A is designation for CAS / light bombers ?
>>7212 It's a weird side effect of the USN designation system at the time. In 1946 they decided to get rid of the "torpedo bomber" and "dive bomber" designations since the two had become basically interchangeable, so all carrier-capable bombers from then on would be designated as attack planes. At the time this seemed reasonable, the Doolittle raid proved that carrier-capable strategic bombers were a horrible idea that no sane military should ever pursue. Then along came Truman the nuke-fetishist.
>>7214 So they wanted a carrierborne borderline strategic bomber but they did not want to label it as a carrierborne borderline strategic bomber because a carrierborne borderline strategic bomber would be objectively a retarded idea?
>>7214 Should have made nuclear seaplanes.
>>7215 Basically, yes. >>7216 We almost did. The first squadron was reportedly just a few days away from being declared operational when the USN suddenly and for no reason shut down the entire program and had all of them scrapped.
Okay advertising like this is not well received. At least tell us who is hal turner and how it is related to this board?
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Why was the MiG-25 or at least MiG-31 (after learning from the previous' shortcomings) made with a variable geometry or at least delta wing when agility and weight were obviously not prioritized and when both alternative wing designs would offer more wing area and leading edge sweep for the same wingspan (FCS area) that would be overall advantageous for high altitude high speed missile truck like was trhe case with its western equivalents (F-106, Avro Arrow, F-111 in its original concept)?
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>>7219 >variable geometry Mo parts - mo problems, simple as that. We don't see it in modern designs either, my theory is variable geometry was sort of a 'cheat code' designers relied on for a while, supersonic flows are stupid hard and so unintuitive but modern computer modeling enabled overcoming that so the extra mechanical complexity is not worth it. >or at least delta wing If you ignore the two massive engines breaking up the outline they're just cropped delta wings with tail configuration, is it not? >that would be overall advantageous That's a highly speculative statement. Interesting to note the Ye-150 series of prototypes that preceded the MiG-25 had a true triangular delta wing shape but those used a single engine, so they've obviously tried it and decided to evolve it for reasons. Perhaps the sweptback trailing edge and multiple angles on leading edge (a 'compound delta' is it?) were needed to accommodate the dual engine profile. The entire platform in a nutshell is: the two engines with a radar and meatbag container strapped on and just enough airfoils to keep it all moving in a straight line lol
>>7219 Both of those were designed as Air Defence Forces interceptors. MiG-31 explicitly as a counter to cruising missiles. So the time in air patrol mattered. Once refueling in air was worked out well enough (early MiG-31 did not have this feature, it was added in MiG-31B), fuel efficiency at cruising speed could be de-prioritized. Thus requirement was dropped only after MiG-31B. IMHO.
>>7221 >So the time in air patrol mattered. A full delta would provide more fuel space though. Movable tails are kind of waste of wing surface for an interceptor that actively avoids close quarter combat.
How to put p0n!z in V@Go0?
/k/, have you ever been in an Escape and Evasion situation?
>>7224 Not really in the wild unless you consider urban mexican environments as wilderness Being calm and collected will always be priority, in most activities it should be i think
>>7224 No. Hopefully i'll never have to though I think the best way for this to happen is to live in an inhospitable hole of bumfuckistan, inna woods, in a small shed. Afterwards I guess everything else is a matter of slowly building up resources for food and water that allows you to achieve homeostasis with your new environment.
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Wouldn't it make more sense to arm honour guards with shotguns that have tube magazines? You can put a bayonet on those too, and normally load them with various nonlethal projectiles, but also give the guards some fancy lethal ones designed to stop cars and people wearing body armour. They could still have rifles ready to go in armouries, but if they really need those then they also need backup anyway. And now imagine all the fun videos if they could shoot uppity tourists with bean bags.
>>7227 Their hiring practices have since built up a cohort of 5 foot 0 diverse multiculti pinkhairs underneath their bearskins. They all live in want for trigger discipline. If you give them anything other than the nuclear option that they're afraid to press, then they will quickly be using it with gay LGBTQQ+BBQ abandon. They'll take their frustration towards wogkandaland out on the first no-Dad whitey who steps into their direction. You can still blind or deafen people with an empty explosion or slower moving projectile.
>>7228 >Their hiring practices have since built up a cohort of 5 foot 0 diverse multiculti pinkhairs underneath their bearskins. I was not aware of that, although I only used them as an example because they are most famous one. >You can still blind or deafen people with an empty explosion or slower moving projectile. True, although my idea for a standard non-lethal shell would be filled with teargas, similar to those teargas guns that are so popular in parts of Europe. Although a hapless guard might still blind himself if he fires it in a strong breeze, but normally it would be just a significantly scarier alternative to a pepper spray.
To keep ones dependance on the "system" to a minimum what resources are good to buy now while we're still in peace time, what resources are good to continually buy (such as gas, food, ammunition, etc.) and what is best purchased on occassion?
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How many Pave Claws can we fit on an A-10? >>7172 lol dead kikes
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How would one go abkut important Russian optics, firearms, gear and other legal to own militaria safely into the States? I know there are certain businesses that act as surrogates to ship items not commonly mass marketed only from other countries, but technically couldn't you get around certain arms import restrictions if it ships from another country that allows russian goods with their import marking?
>>6987 Field Fortifications Subcourse EN0065-U. S. ARMY ENGINEER SCHOOL teaches how to build "nutcracker" — an improvised beach mine with tilt rod fuse. This raises the questions: why they had to improvise this? What factory made beach mines were built, other than these Soviet series and their Bulgarian variants ( https://military-history.fandom.com/wiki/PDM_series_of_amphibious_mines )? In NATO countries or others.
>>7233 I'm just wildly speculating here, but maybe that document has large sections from older texts, and it was made a department that has nothing to do with the development and procurement of mines. E.g. they throw in a 1940s book about improvised explosives that had the nutcracker, meanwhile the department responsible for mines never even considered a potential need for beach mines. Who knows, maybe even the writers of the book didn't give it much thought, and just included it because it might be handy.
Flight of the Valkyries is peak war-themed music.
>>7169 Bump.
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Where's the best comparison between red dot/reflex sights and holographic sights? I want the most detailed comparison of all the nuances and weird edge cases and niche advantages/disadvantages, like what it looks like through glasses and magnifiers and in the dark and in the rain and with night vision and whether an opponent would see something in the darkness etc. All I get are braindead comparisons that say holo is bigger and uses more battery and has more restrictive mounting. I want to know the differences in the housing and reticles and looking through the sight itself. Just an explanation is enough, but pictures/videos would be ideal.
>>7237 Hop and Assfacts have documented enough footage of their own experiences with both sight systems that i'ld check them out if you really need a 30minute long video explaining how most of those nuances matter moreso when shooting under NVGs. Otherwise you should find your nearest sporting goods store and try then first hand to see whats good for your specific use case. Make sure to keep your receipts, obviously.
What is /k/'s advice on acquiring gas masks for the purpose of protecting against tear gas and lethal ones? How do you even test if a given mask offers legit protection?
>>12049 >How do you even test if a given mask offers legit protection? 1. Put on mask 2. Gas yourself For starters, wear it to the bathroom while dropping a deuce. Stick your head into thick campfire smoke. Shaving/cutting long hair helps the mask seal to your face.
I want to go hunting and do something similar in fishing where you use fresh caught smaller game to catch a bigger one. For fun. I rather not needlessly hunt it for it not to attract a bigger catch. How can I quickly put it asleep temporarily with some strong mixture to feed it or shoot it with like trank or dart? any tips or suggestions?
Is .22 caliber as useless as it is memed, or is it good for eliminating an immediate threat in a self-defense situation?
>>12083 Yes. Low power + inherently unreliable rimfire priming = better than harsh language, but only just. If some 300lb kaffir-in-America is sitting on your chest trying to twist your head off in a parking garage at 2am, useful tools start at 9mm.

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