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Block 19 /k/ommando 07/17/2021 (Sat) 02:41:07 No. 324
The latest one off design to butthurt mothers against drunk design.
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I had to trade my gun for a washing machine but if I ever started collecting, I 100% would want tons of childish and cutesy guns. Literally no better aesthetic than cutesy and lethal.
>>339 Like a pink derringer, or like a pistol shaped like rainbowdash?
>>340 If the person getting shot feels more pain from the shame than from the wound, that's the right gun. But ponies are homosexual. I want butterlfy stickers, glitter, adn hearts on it.
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>>341 I got just the thing. California compliant handle, and magazine. Anon that alone will create spasms of rage as they bleed out. And hello kitty is very gay.
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>>324 That doesn't look very fun to shoot with that aggressive literal lego texture and I don't think the sights or fake red dot would stay on well during recoil. >>327 Pls buy our LEGENDARY 44 anon. >gets dabbed on by Ruger who then goes to dab on FN as well >>339 >I 100% would want tons of childish and cutesy guns. You should consider getting a Heritage bird head rough rider with pink grips then. They're cheap fun plinkers, can take magnum cylinders, and it's hard to imagine them being illegal even in Commiefornia land. I'm actually considering getting one myself since I've always wanted an SAA but don't really care what caliber it comes in or if it's SUPER TRADITIONAL.
>>343 Yeah everytime I go to the LGS I look at the heritage rough riders. For a hundred bucks it looks fun as hell. Plus cowboy larp.
>>343 Yeah imagine legos digging into your palm. Ugh terrible grip.
>>344 >Plus cowboy larp. Do the larp, every town needs a Texas ranger even if said ranger's iron isn't necessarily the biggest. Personally I'm interested in this one in particular but I'm not to picky so long as it's not their bootlocker thin blue line model which thankfully it appears they've discontinued. Not to say I inherent hate cops as a whole there's plenty of good ones out there but a lot of them especially in the inner cities are more than happy to abuse your rights be it stop and frisk shit or enforcing bullshit laws passed by wannabe autocrats and Mob boss personalities mayors like Bloomborg. But I'm probably just preaching to the choir now. But I'd be fine with the cute pink barkeep too, my penis is slightly above average so I don't feel 'less masculine' for binding little guns neat, I did after all shoot a Ruger LCP once and thought it was pretty dope.
>>376 Fucking A. Goddamn I'm gonna buy me two. At the price they sell em for why not.
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With just a little bit of paint you too can piss off the world. Well that and a glock. Have a free hello kitty rifle
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>/k/ute >pink >reliable >better trigger compared to Kel-tec's mouse gun >very concealable >actually a viable self defense gun Has Ruger every made a product that wasn't good and budget friendly?
>>415 Heh I like it. How is the trigger? And not that I can recall. They make a nice reliable gun.
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>>421 >How is the trigger? Note I've one put a couple hundred rounds through a rental LCP BUT... About what you'd expect for a pocket pistol, it's pretty stiff and heavy but predictable, crisp, and the reset is alright, for a pocket pistol. If your thinking about getting one then I say go for it especially if you live in a free state that doesn't require a cuck license because you'll consistency carry it. Just watch out if you've got big hands, a buddy of mine tried it with his meaty claws and got bit. I never had that problem though but I'm a skinny dude with 'girly hands'.
>>434 Yeah me too. All the backstraps for my glock19 stay in the box. Yeah it's open carry here, but I want a backup.
>>435 Well if for some reason an LCP isn't small enough for you as a back up you could always get an NAA revolver but I doubt you'll have a problem with concealing the former. Good luck
>>342 >Remembered there was some idiot who not only had the gun featureless for a CA build, but for some reason, also maglocked it as well. For those who don't know, a "featureless" rifle retains a standard mag release & usage of standard cap mags 30 & up rounders as long as you have no telescoping/folding stock, no flash hider (comps/muzzle brakes are ok), no forward & rear pistol grip hence the faggot fins whereas another (((legal))) route is a maglocked rifle that retains most ergonomic controls just can't activate a standard mag release & you can only use a 10-cap mag. I FUCKING HATE MY STATE
>>438 Eesh CA sucks bro. Sorry.
>>438 Yeah why even bother botching up a nice AR or even budget AR for that matter with gay Cali shit when you can just own one of these ARES SCR Rifles or a nice lever action instead? Cucking a proper AR should be a criminal offense or a least a misdemeanor punishable with a small fine. Look on the bright side at least anon, could be a lot worse. Imagine living in NYC for example. Speaking of lever actions when is Ruger/Marlin gonna start pumping out new lever gats?
>>448 Yeah for real. Rugers been saying end of 2021 but its late august already, and I haven't seen any yet.
>>448 Last I heard, Ruger got the machining tools roughly a month or so ago and I think they're just doing some last checks for QC, materials, and distribution before they get those Marlins out the door, I'm betting they'll ship the 336 first to test the waters since Henry, Rossi, & Uberti has taken a fair share of customers. I'm really hoping to grab an 1895 when they relaunch since I want a 45-70G and paying 1800-2000 for a Henry is a little much for me though I hear they are extremely nice in fit & finish.
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>>450 Yeah I wonder if Ruger will make anything weird like a 5.7 lever gat, probably at some point down the line once they get their basic 45/70's and 357's on the market first. Henry's do indeed have a good repetition of being built like tanks, but I'm wary of giving shekels to them for their weird Masonic and Boy scouts ties or endorsements at least with certain rifles they make. Don't get me wrong, I like the boy scouts as a concept but all the rape scandals have put me off. As for Masons they're weird lads, interesting and I'm sure the larping is fun but I'm not sure how I feel about them at large. Maybe I should research them more.
>>453 yeah the Masons are probably evil, and seeing that rifle disturbs me.
>>454 I think that's just the higher up leaders not the low level larpers, much like many organized religions. inb4 fedora tipper, I'm fine with people having spiritual beliefs. I just hate televangelists hacks and violent cultists. Hence the 'violent' part because cults that mind their own business and peacefully keep to themselves are fine too.
>>479 These are good points. Plus robes look very comfortable, if I could walk around in black robes I totally would, cultists probably have it going on. That's what's wrong with modern religions. No cool clothes. I mean you think Hitler would have gotten anywhere wearing jeans? The most you get now is a white collar on the black shirt thing priests do. Lame. Or at the most ostentatious a pope hat. Which looks ridiculous.
>>342 Its an ar-15 But the hello kitty decal is holding an AK
>>485 That's still probably more comfortable to shoot than pic related.
>>487 Christ what even is that abomination?
>>491 Apparently a 2 shot derringer with a shit handle. Apparently it holds two more in the handle but no ejector so not really an in the moment thing possibly. They also offer it in a .45 I wonder if thats any better. Probably not.
>>485 >But the hello kitty decal is holding an AK No, it's holding an AR.
>>558 Shit, you're right.
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>>688 >behold a pale horse
Hi, I'm new on darkweb. Can you recommend safe sites to buy weapons? tahk'a a lot
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>>851 Sure thing anon, here you go.... >www.TotallyNotAFedHoneyPot/keltec's.catalog/page5.onion Why not just make your own? There's thousands of schematics out there and they take very little effort to find, Odysee comes to mind since they host more than just videos there. >>449 Well Covid and the worlds response did fuck the entire chain of trade real quick so Ruger/Marlin is probably just struggling to get the raw resources needed. Over time that supply chain stress will mitigate itself though so I see no reason to worry long term we'll all have new lever actions eventually.
>>324 You could almost leave that laying around the house, maybe with something hiding the trigger, and it would be hidden in plain sight.
>>972 Tactical Lego espionage action

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