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Leftists are hypocritical DeepL.com/Translator 08/30/2022 (Tue) 15:11:46 Id: b67685 No. 1838
I find the way history is written is very hypocritical. When Westerners take control of a place or move to a new land, they are called "colonized" "colonizers" "plundering resources", "stealing land " etc. When non-Western countries invade and colonize a place, they are called "migrants", "in-migrants", "expansion" and "redistributing land " When the West renders insurgent forces harmless, the left usually calls it "massacre innocent people". When the same thing happens in a non-Western country, the way to describe the event becomes "conflict outbreak", "quelling the rebellion", "XX people were killed in the conflict"
>>1850 You clearly don't know what left or right and third position is.
>>1854 I'm not going there, it's going to be even worse then when it was on 16chan, full of cuckchanners.
>>1859 >Left wing = equality is ideal and leads to better societies >Right wing = hierarchy is ideal and leads to better societies >Third position = ᛏᛟᛟᚲᛟᛟᛚᚠᛟᚱᛊᚲᛟᛟᛚ Only 2 of these positions think it's a good idea for peasants to have babykilling semi-fully-auto machine rifles.
>>1861 >babykilling What?
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>>1861 You're right. I might not like the John Brown Gun Club, but at least the leftists are getting back to their roots of respecting firearm ownership leaving only the authoritarian third positionist Keynesian Socialist LARPers to sit around stewing about "muh baby-killers."
>>1863 >"muh baby-killers." What are you talking about retard? I guess /k/ is really cuc/k/
>>1862 >>1864 Fuck off, newfag.
>>1865 no.
>>1849 Sounds based. Too bad he apparently did not ban turkish IPs too.
>>1850 >/k/ is a leftist board >/k/ is a board affiliated with the pro-gun ban ideologues
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>>1855 >administration = community Go Todd yourself, faggotroid. >>1857 >You clearly aren't from here and you don't even give a fuck about weapons I've been on 4/k/, 8/k/, and this place and witnessed the glownigger BO getting das boot and trying to DDoS this site longer than you have including the rise and fall of OPchan, sonny jim. I think it's you who needs to lurk a bit wee moar. >Take your astroturf, let a dog shit on it and roll around in it like the subhuman you are. If you want to be a spineless coward that throws away his principles to cower at Daddy Government's feet at the slightest inconvenience then that's your business, but don't project that onto everyone else, least of all on a barely legal chat site for gun nuts. I can't tell if this is projection or mere butthurt but man oh man, you must be absolutely shitter shattered of you're gonna type all that in a fit of impotent rage. >I'm not a commie >uses lingo commonly used by lefties doubt.jpeg >civilians should have guns which is a left-wing stance since it is based on and leads to equality, while gun control -being based on cronyism and privilege- is a hard right stance. >owning guns is a left-wing stance >openly admitting you are this retarded Funny how no leftist regime has ever allowed civilian gun ownership.
>>1863 >leftists >respecting firearms ownership Thank you /trannypol/, very cool.
Did the BO just fuck off entirely? Why is this thread still up?
>>1871 A few weeks ago. You live under a rock?
>>1872 I rarely visit this shithole anymore and every time I do I'm somehow even more disappointed than the last time. Who the fuck are you people? None of you are like the people I was posting with on 8/k/.
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>>1869 You've been to Cuckchan and Reddit, and you've seen the rise and fall of my dick in your mouth. >U MAD BRO? U MAD BRO? You're pathetic. >no leftist regime has ever allowed civilian gun ownership. Pic related.
>>1874 >Pic related. Lmao
>>1875 You are fucking retard lmao
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>>1874 >immediately starts projecting his closet homosexual behaviour after his initial buzzword-filled sperging Given your woman-tier response, I'd say you do sound pretty mad. Thanks for low-key admitting it though, little fella. I guess its pretty evident also that you certainly weren't on /k/ during the GWOT period when it was mostly veterans talking about their deployment, you redguard-tier nignog. And before you further get your panties in a twist, this was on 4um before the Cuckening >Betsy Ross Era United States >Leftist Oh... you're just terminally retarded. Figures.
>>1873 You were posting with me on 8/k/ but I've grown tired of dealing with astroturfing niggers so I won't even humor them these days whereas I used to humor them in the past in the name of PPH. I don't want a community any more if it's full of people who are more interested in politics than in weapons/war but I still post for shits and giggles sometimes.
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>>1877 >tee hee I know you are you said you are but what am I? >you're so~ mad lol What is this? Fucking kindergarten? Up your trash-talking game, little boy. Look, how about I throw you a bone and give you the benefit of the doubt that you are indeed an oldfag: You're still a drooling retard for thinking that cafechan doesn't have sage, you're still a cuck for turning bootlicker and you're still a shill and a coward for trying to project that shit onto everybody else. >Betsy Ross Era United States >not Leftist They wanted civilians to have a right to keep and bear firearms did they not? That's a leftist policy, ergo they were leftist. Also, you can tell me to go "back" to /leftypol/ all you want, but that's not going to make me leave any more than me telling the piss-coloured actual newfag to go back to where he came from will make him stop staining the board with his juvenile, double-digit IQ posts and ammonia smell. When I first saw /leftypol/ on 8chan I thought it was pretty cool that there was a board for relatively sane classical marxists to offer their own perspective on things. Needless to say I was rather sad when they turned out to be no better than twitteroids.
>>1879 >predictably banned from his authoritarian circlejerk for wrongthink >goes to liberally bitch about it in a "fascist" board Poetic.
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>>1879 >more inane buzzwords >more projection >still continues to be booty blasted >finally admits he's from /trannypol/ with proofs What HRT does to a motherfucker. The memes write themselves. >They wanted civilians to have a right to keep and bear firearms did they not? That's a leftist policy, ergo they were leftist. They were not, you subversive little kike dipshit. Maybe try picking up a history book instead of reciting commie copeaganda. >n...newfag! topkek m8 That's (You) >>1880 They truly have no sense of any actual self-awareness at all.
>>1881 >That pic No, no... NO!
>>1881 If they had they would not be leftists itf. Cognitive dissonance is the only reason the left can exist.
>>1880 >cries >shits pants >cums Pottery. >>1881 >butthurt drivel >more bland kindergarten-tier shit talk >complete lack of literacy and self-awareness >admits to being a furry Where can I buy one of your pendants and how did you get out of prison, Chris? >WAAAAAH! THEY WERE NOT YOU MEANIE! They didn't like guns? Is that what you are saying?
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>>1884 >n...no u!
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>>1885 >I c-can't tell if this is pruh-projection or... or m-mere butthurt
>>1886 You may be a retarded commie faggot, but I've been looking for that gif for a long while, so uh, thanks for that you triple-nigger.
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>>1886 >he's doubling down now and further sperging out >i..i'm totes not m..mad, o..okay?! Holy moly, just take the L and stop further embarrassing yourself, Karl.
>>1888 >n-no you're mad Keep crying, bitch. At this rate you might actually drown me! >>1887 You may be illiterate, but you're welcome you double-jew.
>>40384 I wonder, why isn't this already banned.
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>can't stop replying >proves he has no sense of actual self-awareness >the best he can do is to deliver another emotionally fueled woman-tier no u response >10 posts by his own id >somehow its everyone else that is mad/illiterate/[insert buzzword] Gentlemen, I present to you your "sane" marxist One massive oxymoron indeed
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>>1878 >I don't want a community any more if it's full of people who are more interested in politics than in weapons/war....
>>1879 >90 year ban kek. >>1891 (checked, \o heil) >the best he can do is to deliver another emotionally fueled woman-tier no u response well anon the estrogen has stripped him of his ability to reason or functionally convey the thoughts in his troonshine saturated mess of a brain.
Better to be hypocritical and do than to be hypocritical and not do. Right-wingers who can't even start a revolution are equally garbage.

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